Delivered // Mavin

De MadQueenMogar

5.3K 249 77

[COMPLETED] [Sequel to 'Deleted // Mavin'!] Gavin: You're sleeping and you look so cute and I want to kiss yo... Mais

Author's Note
Author's Note #2
22 (BONUS)


248 14 1
De MadQueenMogar

Gavin woke up and carefully pushed himself off of Michael. He didn't want to wake him up yet, but it seemed like he already was. Michael pulled Gavin back down by his waist. "We've got to go to work," Gavin groaned, trying to wriggle himself free. "Five more minutes," Michael hummed. Gavin checked the time on his phone that laid on the nightstand. They were already late for work by a half hour. "Michael we're late c'mon," Gavin shook his partner. Michael groaned and let go of him, "How l- oh god." Michael let out a small chuckle making Gavin glare at him. "What? What is it?" Gavin patted his face as if something was on it. Michael pointed to Gavin's neck, "You might wanna cover that up." Gavin's eyes went wide and he rushed over to the mirror on his wall. Michael was still sat in the bed giggling to himself. "The guys are going to tease me!" Gavin whined. Michael shrugged, "Hey you were loving it." Gavin picked up the nearest thing, which happened to be a shirt on his dresser, and chucked it at Michael.

Michael smirked and tossed the shirt to the other side of the bed, "Just ask one of the girls for makeup when we get to work." Gavin frowned, "Well how am I going to hide it until then." Michael shrugged, "You could just wear it like a man." Gavin huffed and rolled his eyes, "How about I give you a hickey and see how you deal then?" "You wouldn't," Michael said most matter of factly. Gavin narrowed his eyes at Michael, "Oh I so would if we weren't already an hour late." "Like you really care about being this late," Michael rolled his eyes and started to get up. Gavin just sighed and started to pick out clothes to change into. "Michael could you step out so I can change?" Gavin said once he had his clean clothes. Michael didn't even hear him as he was already in the process of changing clothes. Gavin's face turned into a tomato when he got a glimpse of Michael's literal naked ass. He noticed Michael turning and quickly directed his vision the other way.

Gavin decided if Michael was okay with changing right there, then he would be to. So Gavin started to change rather quickly and turned around to see Michael standing there waiting. Gavin brought Michael into the kitchen and tossed him a breakfast bar while taking one for himself. Michael snuck a Red Bull (one of the one's Gavin specifically kept for him) from the fridge. Then they snuck out of the house and into Michael's car before heading to work. They arrived in short time, having finished their breakfast bars upon arrival, and waltzed into the office together. Apparently AHWU had just finished being filmed as Jeremy was holding a crossbow when they walked in. Michael stepped back, shielding Gavin with his arm as Jeremy shot it at a box against the wall. "Dude holy shit! That thing is fucking awesome," Michael chirped as he stepped over to Jeremy. Gavin sat down at his desk and filed through his computer and Xbox.

Surprisingly, they had filmed three videos without anyone noticing Gavin's neck, or Michael's subtle flirting with Gavin. Well, not no one. Jeremy noticed, but he decided not to say anything on camera. Then the office door opened and Geoff came in. He went up to shake Gavin to scare him, but poked his neck instead, "Gavin, what's with the hickey? Is the little Brit finally getting some action?" Gavin froze and glanced at Michael before looking at Geoff. Michael started laughing, "Yeah Gav. Tell us about it." Gavin was flustered beyond relief, "Shut up or I'll bite your tongue off." Michael held back his laughter by taking a sip of his Red Bull. Geoff chuckled, "Ohh getting snappy now, are we? Who's dick you been sucking? My money's on Michael." Michael choked on his drink and Gavin almost fell out of his chair. "Oh shit! It is Michael!" Geoff broke out in full laughter as he walked back to his desk. Michael was trying to recover from his coughing fit now. "Dude no way. I wouldn't suck Gavin's dick if you paid me all the money in the world for it," Michael said, a little bit out of breath now. Gavin glared at Michael, "That's not what you were getting at last night boi."

Michael's eyes went wide, "Hey I only said that to you to tease you! You're just being an ass and outing us." Gavin tossed his arms up, "Am I now? You're the one who left a bloody love bite on my neck!" The entire room had gone quiet apart from Gavin's slightly heavy breathing. Gavin and Michael were staring at each other with wide eyes coated in fear and confusion. Gavin took a deep breath and stood up, "I'm just going to go." "Woah, woah, woah. Don't you fucking dare," Michael glared at him. "Do you guys wanna step out and talk about somethings for a minute?" Jack spoke up. Everyone turned to him and his eyes widened. Michael just stood up and grabbed Gavin's arm, dragging him out of the office. Once the door was shut, Gavin pressed his head into Michael's shoulder, "I'm sorry boi. I'm just angry." Michael's hand made its way to Gavin's back and patted it, "I'm not mad Gav." Gavin stood up straight, "You're not? But I basically just screamed 'Mavin is real!'" Michael shrugged, "You're a fucking idiot. Gavin do you honestly think I'd leave a hickey on a visible part of your body and not expect people to notice?" Gavin furrowed his eyebrows, "You had this planned?"

"Yeah like a fucking mastermind. No of course not dude! But it's whatever now. We're already out so we might as well stay out," Michael reached for the doorknob. Gavin took a deep breath as they walked back into the office and sat down at their desks. The room was still quiet and the tension was so thick you couldn't even cut it with a knife. Then someone was clearing their throat and everyone was looking at Geoff. "Care to explain your little there boys?" Michael elbowed Gavin, accidentally knocking his wrist against the arm of the chair and making him wince. Gavin frowned at Michael and grabbed at his own arm. Michael sighed and turned around again, "Yeah I fucking left that hickey on him. We're dating now anyways. Taking it slow or whatever." Jeremy snorted at that last sentence, but shut up by a glare from Michael. Geoff and Jack both sighed. Ryan was heard snickering. Michael stood up so he could see them. Geoff had taken a twenty dollar bill from his wallet and slapped it into Ryan's palm. Jack had done the same. "You fuckers placed a bet on us!" Michael crossed his arms and fell back into his chair.

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