Mixed Up Life (Mixed Up Seri...

By gabbilove

254K 7.2K 204

Ariabelle Benson is the stepsister of the notorious Mafia leader Marco Mortellaro. She seems to be have a pre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Mathis
Chapter 18
Chapter 19-Mathis
Chapter 20-Mathis
Chapter 22 Blade
Chapter 23

Chapter 21-Blade

7.3K 236 14
By gabbilove

"Estella is refusing to check on our daughter? Why?" I say calmly trying not to raise my voice and get kicked out of the hospital.

"Estella disowned Ariabelle when she found out she was married to Mathis." Killer explained to me again. I still can't believe she would do this.

I never knew that Estella could be this childish. It's time I put a stop to this. I know I screwed up when I left but what was I supposed to do. Celica had just died and Estella didn't want to raise another woman's child, even if I did meet the woman before I married Estella. But this is our daughter how could she not pick up the phone or check on Ariabelle after she was kidnapped. What kind of mother is she for not checking on Ariabelle? And I'll put an end to this. I stood next to Ariabelle and kissed her forehead. Walking over to Marco I pulled him out into the hall.

"Take me to Estella now." I told him. Normally you couldn't know what Marco was feeling but after Estella refused to come to the hospital you could see him pissed off.

Marco looked in my eyes and nodded his head to follow him. When I looked back Gabriel was at the doorway and nodded his head as well. I might be well on my way to get my son and only daughter back. Aria just had to survive, so I could make it up to her. I won't ever forget that I put on hands on her when she was just trying to help. I will always make up for that mistake but will never forget it. When Marco and I got into the elevator and the door shut Marco turned towards me and knew he wanted to talk.

"Blade I may not like what you did but I understand it Killer needed to be around his father and knowing Estella she probably wouldn't have taken Killer in. Which is selfish if you ask me but we both know that Estella is known to be selfish. But do remember this if you ever and I mean ever put your hands on my sister in any way other than fatherly I will kill you. If you ever make her cry again I will kill you. If you ever do anything unfatherly to Gabriel I will kill you. If they ever come to me and tell me the awful things you've done to them I will kill you." With that said Marco turned to look at the front of the elevator.

When the doors open and I enter the lobby of the hospital only to see my mother and father coming this way. "Blade where the hell are you going? You should be upstairs being Ariabelle." My mother told me.

"Ma I will be right back. I've got to get Estella's head out of her ass. She refusing to come and check on Aria. Grim or Gabriel will tell you what the doctors say. And the doctor says the only person allowed to stay after visitor hours are up is Mathis. Let me deal with Estella please she need to hear some things."

"That's a good boy. Don't know how Estella could be so selfish."

With that said Marco and I head to his father and Estella's house. It was hard to believe that Aria was just at their house five days ago. And that's when everything went to shit for her. At least that why she probably got herself a beer that morning. And I haven't been making things good for her, she's dealing with all of this and I'm being pissed off and calling her names. What a terrible father I am. I will make this right for her, for Gabriel, and for me. I want to try to be their father again. I lost a lot when I didn't return home. I never expected Gabriel to join a gang or be second in command but more unexpected is this my little girl is able to shoot different types of guns and he involved with the mafia.

Marco pulls up to a white two story Victorian Manor. Estella probably pick it out, she did love these types of houses and I tried so hard to get it for her. But I wasn't the person to give it to her. A older gentleman steps out of the house looking like Marco. So this must be Alanzo, the same man who Ariabelle calls daddy. That hurt worse than anything but I know it's my own damn fault. But I will not let him stand in my way when it comes to talking to Estella. Getting out of the car I walk up the steps with Marco but Alanzo is blocking the way.

"Marco what the hell do you think you are doing? Bringing him here after what's happened?" Alanzo said.

I don't wait for Marco to respond, I shove past Alanzo and walked in the living room to see Estella reading Barbara Freethy. She always loved her, but I grew more pissed when I see her sitting in her fancy living room while our daughter is fighting for her life. "What the fucking hell do you think you are doing Estella? Our daughter is fighting for her life and you're sitting here reading? How fucking selfish can you be?"

"How selfish can I be? You left us, so don't act like you don't care." She countered back cold hearted.

"I left to take care of a son who I knew you wouldn't want in your house. Gods know I could never live Celica down even after you found out I had a kid with her before I met you. But this isn't about me leaving or Celica, this is about Ariabelle. Estella she is lying in a hospital bed unconscious from who knows what and you're just sitting here reading?"

"She knew what she was getting into when she married your club's third."

"She didn't have a choice and you know that Estella." Marco said from behind me. "If you want to blame someone for what happened to her then it should be Luca not Mathis. In fact he's at the hospital sitting by Aria's side. Hasn't left her since she was placed in her room, which is something I thought you would be doing."

"Estella our children were born into a dangerous life. Hell she got hurt while being in the mafia. I bet you didn't even know that Aria has been kidnapped by this psycho before, six weeks after I left while you were too busy to make sure our daughter was safe. So even when you weren't married into two dangerous lifestyles she was still hurt.

"Just because Aria married into the club doesn't mean you can disown her so you don't have to see me. But I always thought that if our children were hurt this badly you would be by their side but instead you're sitting on your ass doing nothing. I bet you don't even care what happened to Aria. Since she married Mathis she is no longer your child right? I always knew you were selfish but I didn't think you were selfish enough to ignore your daughter. I don't know what happened to you."

I turned to see Alanzo. "And you. How can you just sit here with this selfish bitch while the girl who calls you daddy is lying in a hospital bed. Just because Estella disowned and doesn't want to see Aria doesn't mean you have to do that as well. But all I'm seeing right here is a bitch. You're to scared to hurt Estella but what do you think Aria will be feeling when she finds out that you didn't visit her because mommy took your balls.

"I'm going back to my daughter and I don't give a shit if she's over eighteen but I'm putting my foot down on this. Until both of you get your priorities straight don't bother coming to see my daughter. And don't bother about Mathis and Ariabelle's wedding, Mathis called it off when you disowned her."

With that I walked out with Marco following me. We both were silent when we got into the car and when he started the car back to the hospital. I was completely zoned out after that talk with Estella. How could she become so cold hearted? At least I know Ariabelle still has feelings, even if she was pissed at me almost all the time I knew where her feelings stood. But with Estelle, I've never felt a person so cold not even in the club. I know I royally screwed up but at least I'm not turning my back on her or she in me. That's not what being a parent is about. No matter how much or bad your child screws up you always stand by them.

"Thank you for standing up for Aria and setting them straight. It means a lot." Marco said.

When I looked up we were at the hospital. We got out of the car and came side by side at the trunk. "No matter how badly I screwed up or how much I hurt her she will always still be my daughter. I forgot about those years with her because I was ashamed at what I did. I left my daughter in her birthday, I mean how could I not want to forget that. But I would never do what Estella and your father are doing even if you were in that hospital bed I would still come to sit at your bedside. It's because of you that we found Aria, if she hadn't told you about being kidnapped and hadn't wanted that tracker we would've been too late."

Marco nodded and stuck out his hand, I gave him my hand a we shook. Even if her mother won't come she still has her family with her. Mathis, Killer, Gabriel, Marco and I won't ever let anything happen to her again. We walk back into the hospital and into the elevator to the fourth floor and to my babygirl's room. I will not leave her side until she wakes up, I don't care what the doctor says. She's been alone for far too long. And her kidnapper is still out there probably waiting for her to alone to kidnap her again. I know Marco has every security camera and exits covered up I still can't help but worry.

Walking into her room I'm still speechless, I've never seen her look so pale and vulnerable. Even as a little girl. Nat sees me at the doorway and gives up her seat. Nat and Ariabelle used to be so close. When Ariabelle wasn't at home I could always find her at Nat's house with Nat's father looking over them protectively. The girls would always laugh when they saw Nat's dad. Nat's father would close shop early just to come home and watch the girls. I always snuck him money when he did that. Ariabelle was like another daughter to him. I know they both missed her.

Nat came close and grabbed my hand and pushed me into the chair. I pulled her down to my eye level and kissed her forehead, she had tears in her eyes that I knew she wouldn't let fall. Ariabelle and Nat were tough like that, the clubs tough little girls. We would always have to watch the two of them when they were together, they loved to cause mayhem and I didn't mind if I got to hear the girls laugh. I don't know why the club broke off from Ariabelle and Gabriel. Maybe it was because of me, and if it was I'll do anything to give the club back that connection to Ariabelle.

All they know about her now is that she's been a pain in the ass to the club but she wouldn't be my daughter if she wasn't a pain in the ass. Mathis is a good guy and is good for my daughter. She needs someone who will stand up for her when she doesn't even know she needs to be stood up for. No matter what happens with Estella my daughter will always have me, always have her brothers all three of them, and most importantly she'll always have Mathis. Knowing Ariabelle whether she had a choice or not she would have made an impression on Mathis for him to want to stay married to her. She had that ability, even when she was a child, she could make a stranger love her.

I know I love her. I always will, she's my only daughter. Mathis looks up at me and nods. I know I've lost the respect he had for me and I understand that. I've got a lot of work to do to get back the respect from my children that I lost. I don't mind the hard work I just want my children back.

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