Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El

By HisPrincess6996

83.1K 1.6K 682

*BEING REWRITTEN- DO NOT READ IT WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE* The girls are going on the first tour, and are super e... More

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El
Chapter One ~ Ha, The Zit Fairy Came Last Night.
Chapter Two ~ But at what cost?
Chapter Three ~ I can't believe I just did that.
Chapter Four ~ You're an idiot.
Chapter Five ~ Come Out Of The Bathroom
Chapter Six ~ Better Than I Thought.
Chapter Seven ~ Can't Even Look At A Picture Of Him
Chapter Eight ~ And That Scares Me The Most
Chapter Nine ~ The Four Girls
Chapter Ten ~ The Music Video
Chapter Eleven ~ I'm Going To Regret This
Chapter Twelve ~ Fuck You Styles, fuck you.
Chapter Thirteen ~ How Could I Ever Learn To Trust Him Again?
Chapter Fourteen ~ Psh, I Know I'm Right
Chapter Fifteen ~ Okay Caitlin, Don't Drool
Chapter Sixteen ~ You're Too Pretty To Cry
Chapter Seventeen ~ Who is Cindy Rose?
Chapter Eighteen ~ Guess What? Chicken Butt
Chapter Nineteen ~ Opening Act
Chapter Twenty ~ Maybe Niall's Making A Choice
Chapter Twenty One ~ What? It Was Just A Question!
Chapter Twenty Two ~ The Life Drained From Me
Chapter Twenty Three ~ I Am Jealous
Chapter Twenty Four ~ Just... Leave
Chapter Twenty Five ~ You Could Be My Motivation
Chapter Twenty Six ~ I Love You Too, Liz
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ I Promise, You Won't Regret This
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ She Looks Happy
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ I Don't Want To Get Up
Chapter Thirty ~ Make Their Day
Chapter Thirty One ~ Lucky Butts
Chapter Thirty Two ~ You
Chapter Thirty Three ~ It's Got To Suck
Chapter Thirty Four ~ How Hard Is It To Send One Text?
Chapter Thirty Five ~ What Year Do They Think This Is?
Chapter Thirty Six ~ All Nice And Wet
Chapter Turdy Seven ~ I Can't Wait
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Hell Yeah
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ What Are You Doing?
Chapter Forty ~ Do I?
Chapter Forty One ~ Sing Me A Song
Chapter Forty Two ~ Tattoo
Chapter Forty Three ~ That's Different
Chapter Forty Four ~ What Do You Want To Do
Chapter Forty Five ~ For Real
Chapter Forty Six ~ Say Cheese
Chapter Forty Seven ~ I Really Am
Chapter Forty Eight ~ I Am Super Hungry
Chapter Forty Nine ~ You're The Worst
Chapter Fifty ~ Red As A Tomato
Chapter Fifty One ~ I'm The Better Twin
Chapter Fifty Two ~ Just Thinking
Chapter Fifty Three ~ Argue Him On That
Chapter Fifty Four ~ Photos Niall Sent To Me
Chapter Fifty Five ~ Love You, Baby
Chapter Fifty Six ~ Blueberry Pancakes
Chapter Fifty Eight ~ Stop Being So Whipped
Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Credit Cards and Worries
Chapter Sixty ~ Got To Keep It A Secret
Chapter Sixty One ~ They Are Amazing
Chapter Sixty Two ~ I'm In Fricken Love
Chapter Sixty Three ~ Thank You And I Love You All
Chapter Sixty Four ~ Ready Or Not
Chapter Sixty Five ~ Crowds and Men Old Men
Chapter Sixty Six ~ Why Don't We Go Have Some Fun
Chapter Sixty Seven ~ Keep Yourselves Grounded
Chapter Sixty Eight ~ Johnny Parkenson
Chapter Sixty Nine ~ One Word. Two Syllables.
Chapter Seventy ~ For Caitlin's Sake
Chapter Seventy One ~ It Would Mean A Lot To Us
Chapter Seventy Two ~ The Interview Type Show
Chapter Seventy Three ~ Two Things
Chapter Seventy Four ~ I Hope It's All Good
Chapter Seventy Five ~ You All Suck
Chapter Seventy Six ~ Get The Door
Chapter Seventy Seven ~ Once And For All
Chapter Seventy Eight ~ Tension
Chapter Seventy Nine ~ Consider It
Chapter Eighty ~ Melt Your Guy Into A Puddle
Chapter Eighty One ~ Stop Thinking About Harry
Chapter Eighty Two ~ Roll Right Out
Chapter Eighty Three ~ Go Fuck Off, I'm Tired
Chapter Eighty Four ~ Sisterly Love
Chapter Eighty Five ~ Monkey's Ass
Chapter Eighty Six ~ A Surprise For You All
Chapter Eighty Seven ~ Who Cares?
Chapter Eighty Eight ~ Damn, Did It Feel Great
Chapter Eighty Nine ~ Does It Fit
Chapter Ninety ~ The Last Chapter :'(

Chapter Fifty Seven ~ Blogs and Best Days

826 17 8
By HisPrincess6996

Here  is the next chapter!



Liz's P.O.V

                I stood with my mouth open, my eyes on Niall. He overheard me? He knows that I had a blog about him? I haven't updated it since before I met him though! Well, okay maybe once or twice when I was on the X Factor. And maybe a few times on the Take Me Home Tour.But that doesn't mean anything. Well, no that's a lie. The last time I updated was when I went to get Niall back and then claimed to have a headache. He had almost caught me that day but I was able to hide it. Shit, not anymore.

                Niall still had a smile on his face as he walked over to me. I was still practically in shock. I don't like hiding things from him, I hate it actually. I have always been an open person, but this was way too open. I didn't want him knowing this for a reason. It's so goddamn embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks heating up as it is. Niall saw my face and laughed, coming even closer.

"So... do I get to see this blog?" Niall teased, sitting down next to me.

                I shook my head and pulled my legs up, then burying my head in my hands on my knees. Confusing way of sitting, but eh... it was comfortable. Niall laughed again and wrapped his arms around my waist. I groaned and looked up, meeting his blue eyes. He couldn't help but laugh again.

"Niall, shut up. It's not funny. And no, you can't see it." I said, then adding in too late, "If there was anything for you to say."

                That made Niall laugh again to which I rolled my eyes to. I sighed and grabbed my phone. I guess I could show him, it'll be embarrassing as fuck but I won't ever hear the end of this if I don't show him. I leaned over and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I had left it there last night I guess.

                I held a finger up to Niall, telling him to give me a minute. I could practically feel his excitement growing. Jeez, he gets so happy about such little things. I can't blame him though, I'm the same way. I clicked on my Tumblr app and went to my blog. God, here we go. This is going to be modifying. I handed over my phone, saying.

"Don't judge me."

                Niall laughed and took my phone, rolling his eyes in the process. He leaned back against his head board and looked down at my phone. I wonder what picture he's at... I crawled over to him and climbed onto his lap, leaning against his chest. His arm, the one that wasn't connected to his hand that was holding my phone, wrapped around my waist and pulled me a little closer.

                I looked down at the phone and saw that these were the pictures I had posted within the last year. I cringed and looked up at Niall, who was laughing a little. I sighed and wrapped my arm around his neck, leaning into him even more than I already was. Hi kept scrolling through the pictures, laughing at some of the edits I've made. Also laughing at some of the captions and stuff. Just you know... me fangirling.

                Pretty soon we had passed all the recent ones and gotten to the ones of him in like... 2011 or early 2012. Even a few from his X Factor days. He finally got down to the end, which was actually I picture I had put up of myself, when I was about sixteen or so. That's when I took my phone away, saying that was enough.

"You must have been some Niall Girl." Niall said, wrapping his other arm around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm still a Niall Girl." I said, laughing a little.

"Nah, you're not." Niall said, shaking his head.

"And what exactly am I?" I asked, looking down at him.

                I was obviously confused by his words. How would I not still be a Niall Girl. He's always been my soft spot, and his voice has always been my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I love all the guys voices but there was something about Niall's voice that you couldn't get anywhere else. I guess you have to be a Niall Girl to fully understand it.

"You're Niall's girl. There's a difference, babe."


                I laughed and took a sip of the water bottle Greg had handed me a few minutes ago. We had just finished dinner, which was some sort of chicken dish that was so good. Like omigod, I need that recipe from her. Obviously I'm not going to go up and ask, but I really want it. Maybe within time I could get it from her. Oh and I could give her my mother's recipe for fondue. I was never a fan of that stuff, but my mom makes it like nobody else.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny but it hurt pretty badly." Greg said, laughing a little.

                He was just finishing the story he had been telling me. I was with his whole family, but they had all heard the story I guess. Not that they didn't laugh, because trust me. They did. Especially Niall. But now I know where he gets it from.

                The conversation shifted to some soccer, excuse me... 'football' game. And yes, that's in quotes because to me, football will always be big tough guys in tight pants throwing around a ball and scoring some touch downs.

"Do you watch football?" Bobby asked, looking over at me.

"Yeah, I watch soccer sometimes. But not as much as Niall, sometimes I have to kick him off the couch for being there all day." I said, nudging Niall's side.

                He laughed and nodded his head in agreement. Whenever there was a good game on, or even a repeat or something, Niall would watch it. Sometimes so much that I would have to kick him off the couch for something. Whether it be because he had to go to the studio, or to eat dinner, I had to do it sometimes.

"You're so American, it's so cool." Greg laughed, making me blush and laugh a little. I will curse my blushing cheeks till I die. I swear they have a mind of their own.

"Liz, love, I was thinking about having a girls day. Denise and I do it quite often, but with you here I think you should come. We could get our nails done and then maybe go for some lunch. This way all these men can do whatever they want." Maura asked.

                I looked between her and Denise - who was holding Theo on her lap. He was still so cute. Anyway I glanced at Niall quickly, seeing him smile and nod his head slightly. It's not like I need his permission to do that, because I don't. I just want to make sure he didn't have anything planned for us or something.

"I'd love too, when?" I asked.

"Uh... how about Thursday afternoon. I know you are leaving on Saturday to get back for the TCA's, so that's a good date. Right?" Maura asked.

                I nodded and leaned back against the couch, also leaning on Niall's side. His arm went around my waist and he kissed my temple, which made me blush. Especially after Greg laughed at us. The movie that we had put on before dinner, was still paused because of our talking. But we finally played it again and settled down to watch the movie.

Niall's P.O.V

{The Next Morning}

                I walked down the steps and into the kitchen. This was the second time I've woken up to Liz not in the bed and I don't like it. I miss waking up next to her. Especially because I haven't been able to do it enough with the two separate tours.

                When I got into the kitchen, I stopped at the sight. Denise and Greg were already here, I know that because I had heard them talking. Which in fact, was the thing that woke me up. But anyway, Liz was standing at the sink holding Theo. She was laughing at was he was mumbling out, while he was playing with her hair. It had gotten pretty long and Theo is still a baby, which is exactly why he's playing with her hair.

                I sent a lazy smile towards my brother and sister in law before walking over towards Liz and Theo. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her temple, before kissing Theo a kiss on the top of his head as well. Liz looked up at me and smiled, saying,

"Morning, you should have seen Theo. He literally got jam all over his face. I took care of it for Denise though." Liz said, smiling down at him.

"That's Theo for you, he probably got all his eating habits from me." I said, rubbing my thumb in small circles on her hip.

"Oh you don't have to say that again. Theo eats more and more every day, so thanks a lot Niall." Denise said, cutting into our conversation.

                I laughed and thanked her, sending a cocky smile towards her direction. Which of course made her roll her eyes. I laughed again and turned back to Liz and Theo. She was now making silly faces at him, which was making Theo laugh.

                She's really good with kids, it's not surprising though. She's got a younger set of fans as much as an older set, so she needs to be good with them. But she's especially good with younger babies. I wonder how long it'll be till Liz and I have a family. Obviously that thought scared me a lot especially because I'm only twenty. But I know that I want to eventually settle down, settle down, and then start a family. Liz is the person I want to do that with, so naturally I would think how long it'd be.

                I'm going to guess that it would be a while from now. The family part that is. It probably won't be for another good five or six years. I'd be almost twenty seven as well as her. That would be the best time I guess, I don't know. I'm so into the future with Liz though it scares me.

"Alright, I think he needs a diaper change." Denise said, standing up.

"I could do it, you should finish your tea." Liz offered.

                Denise agreed, relieved to have gotten off diaper duty for this one time. She told Liz where to find the stuff -which was in the living room - and then told her to have fun doing that. Liz laughed and said she was fine with it. After giving my cheek a kiss and telling me that she'd be back soon she was gone.

                I smiled to myself and walked over to the fridge. I was so hungry I feel like I could eat an entire cow. Wow, that's so weird. I'm picking up Liz's American terms. But she's picking up mine, which is even funnier. Especially when she gets mad at something and calls it a cunt. That's always funny.

"I got the tickets for tomorrow, just to let you know. Oh and by the way, I just think you should know that I think Liz is the best girlfriend you've ever had. Way better than Hannah." Greg said as I took out a box of frozen waffles.

"I know, she's perfect." I said, opening it up.

                In all honesty, I've never compared Liz with Hannah. Hannah ripped my heart out and then danced on it while Liz took care of me. And thought about me with ever decision she made. There was no competition because Liz was a million times better in a million different ways. Sure, I guess in some way I did love Hannah. But she wasn't... it's hard to explain. Nothing can ever beat the way I feel towards Liz. And hearing Liz say that she loves me is ten times better than winning any award or anything. She's pretty much the most important thing in my life.

                Obviously I have other important things in my life. Take the boys for example. I love 'em so much and their my brothers. And the fans. They fans are so important to me it's really not even expressible. They've been here for me, for One Direction, for so long. I love each and every one of them and I'm so grateful for everything they've done for us. My family is important to me as well. I wouldn't be anywhere without them either. After all, they brought me here and raised me to the man I am today.

                But Liz's has this hold on me. After everything with Hannah, and then on top of all that there was the hate. And I had to try and change my look for people to like me and accept me in the band. Just watching all those videos and extra cuts of Liz gave me... I don't even know. But I felt whole again. I felt like I could actually be myself and I wasn't numb anymore. When Liam got us into singing with them that was probably the best day of my life.

                Well, actually the best day of my life was when I met her. I was such an idiot for saying that I loved her right off the bat. But man, looking back on it now I find it quite amusing. Especially because she acted completely normal after that. Wait, no. The best day of my life was when I asked her to be my girlfriend. That was the best day.

                Actually that's not true... because the best day of my life will be on December 12.


There's the chapter! I hope you all liked it. It got a little long. Haha, but I'm sure you all like it like that. Hey! That's a song. Haha, I love that song.

Anyway, I'm going to test your memories.

The first person to guess what December 12 is gets the next dedication! So guess, guess guess. Haha

Shout out to @EmmaMalik208 for pushing me into that pole at school. Don't worry though, I am alright. I almost fell though... haha.

Oh and I want to thank a few of you Gummy Worms for sticking up for me with that hater that was going off on me. I won't mention any names, you know who you are. So thank you!!

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms! I love you all!

~Amanda<3 xXx

--Picture on the side is of my babe. Or in other words, Niall. Haha, everyone thought he cut it and I was like 'Nah bro, it's just down' LLN

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