Grey Skies and Blue Eyes

By cjackson1701

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I am transferring this story from my account to here. Please be patient while I update and pub... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eight

69 5 0
By cjackson1701

Evie's POV

Note: Italics inside quotations are Evie's thoughts. Underlined italics inside quotations are also her thoughts, and I know that's confusing, but hopefully you will understand.

She would like to say that she had a fairly large amount of self-control, but she would be lying… When it came to the blonde vampire sitting next to her in the car, she had almost no self-control. Example: currently she was struggling with holding her hand back (with her other hand, oddly enough) from reaching out and holding Carlisle's hand that was dangling over the console in between them. She really hoped that the vampire was off his game today, otherwise she would probably die of embarrassment. Her thoughts were interrupted by the low chuckle coming from Carlisle. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he brought his right hand to her left hand, gently prying away the fingers of her right hand, and entwined their fingers. Saying that Evie's face was red was the understatement of the year.

"Don't feel embarrassed, Evelyn. It's just as hard for me to control myself around you, as it is for you." He told her.

'Well, yeah. But that's because you want my blood,' she thought, childishly. Another voice took her from her musings, however.

'Maybe it's because he likes you too,' Evie had to control her facial expression, not wanting to alarm the vampire next to her.

'Conscience? Is that you?'

'No, I'm still you… You're just insane,' Evie couldn't help rolling her eyes slightly. She was definitely going crazy… Here she was, holding hands with a vampire, and talking to herself. Evie sighed, if that wasn't enough to get her a one-way ticket to the loony bin, then she didn't know what was.

"Care to share what's going through that mind of yours?" Carlisle asked. Evie blushed, again. It seemed like that was all she was doing lately.

"No way. My goal isn't to scare you away," she told him, letting out a laugh. He smiled at her, his gold eyes bright. If he continued to smile at her like that, she would probably faint. Evie glanced away from his mesmerizing eyes just in time to see the car pulling into the driveway. Reluctantly, Evie dropped Carlisle's hand and made to move to open the door, but at the exact moment she heard his door close, he was outside of hers and opening it. With a small smile, she took his proffered hand and led him to the front door. Silently cursing at the fact that her belongings were still at the school, 'Hopefully Bella grabs them', Evie glared at the top of the door, where the extra key was hidden. Letting out a sigh, she stood on her tip toes and reached for the key, but she was about a foot too short. Feeling a cool body pushed up against the back of her, Evie didn't dare to move. She watched as a pale hand reached up to the top of the doorway and grabbed the extra key, before placing it in her palm. Evie gave him a small glare, "Don't even think about calling me short."

"The thought never even crossed my mind," he told her, letting the corner of his mouth turn up a little. Evie shook herself from the daze she was in, being this close to Carlisle, before turning back to the door and unlocking it. With a sheepish look, she turned to Carlisle, holding the key out once more. He chuckled at her, took the key, and placed it above the door where it belonged. Once both individuals had made it inside the entryway, Evie closed the door, and led him to the living room. Taking a seat on the grey, slightly beat up looking, couch, Evie watched as Carlisle walked around the room, looking at the pictures of Bella, Charlie, and Evie. There were even a few of Evie and Renee when Evie was a few weeks old, but most of those had been packed away in boxes in the basement.

When Carlisle had finished his examination of the living room, he turned to Evie, giving her a small smile. "What would you like to do while you're stuck here with me?" Evie asked him. He moved to the couch, sitting next to Evie.

"I don't believe that is the word I would use, but I will do whatever you'd like." Evie smiled at him, before looking around the room. Her eyes landing on the DVD rack, she looked back at Carlisle, her smile turning into a smirk.

"Have you ever seen Doctor Who?" She asked him. Carlisle let out a chuckle before shaking his head. "Well then you're in luck, because I happen to own seasons 1-7. And that's not including Classic Who." (A/N: I know that the Twilight series takes place in 2005 and, technically, only season 1 would be out, but I don't care… I mean, it's Doctor Who!) Jumping up, Evie managed to make her way to the DVD rack without stumbling. Taking a moment to figure out which doctor she wanted to watch, 'Beautiful eyes, sexy hair, or cool bow tie', before settling on the 11th Doctor. Turning to Carlisle, she was struck with a sudden thought. "Do you know the basics about the show?"

"I've heard of it, briefly. A few of my former co-workers were taken by the show, but other than that, I know nothing." Evie nodded, before placing the 5th season disc back on the DVD rack, and grabbed the 1st season. She wanted him to at least understand what was going on, so she figured she would start from the beginning. For the next two hours, Evie sat with Carlisle and watched a few episodes with the 9th Doctor. Carlisle seemed to at least follow the storyline, but Evie couldn't tell if he actually liked the show or not. Mostly because he seemed to be watching her more than the television. Occasionally he would ask a question about the show, like why he made a screwdriver sonic, but mostly he would just draw patterns on the back of Evie's hand.

After watching four shows, Evie felt her eyes start drooping slightly, a yawn pulling itself from her lips. Carlisle chuckled at her, before shaking her slightly to pull her from dreamland. "You can't sleep, Evelyn. Not for another few hours, at least." Evie gave him a half-hearted glare, hoping he would take the hint and let her sleep, but the blonde vampire had other things in mind. Letting her hand fall from his, he stood, reached for her hands again, and pulled her to a standing position. Unprepared for the sudden change in position, Evie stumbled into Carlisle, letting her weight rest against his cool body. She couldn't hold back the groan that escaped her lips, the blood rushing to her feet again made her head start pounding. Carlisle looked at her in worry, before she pulled away and carefully made her way upstairs. He followed, curious and worried, as she went into the bathroom and to the medicine cabinet. Pulling out some Tylenol, she popped a few in her mouth and swallowed them. Carlisle gave her an apologetic smile, know understanding, and moved forward to her.

When he was close enough, he gently placed his hands on either side of her face against her temples, letting the cold of his skin help her headache. They stood like that for a few moments before Evie's stomach made itself known. Grimacing at the loud growling that came from her stomach, Evie and Carlisle made their way downstairs and into the kitchen. It was slightly odd watching pure perfection sit at her family's old, rickety table. Evie managed to turn her attention to her growling stomach, instead of staring at the blonde god sitting in her kitchen. Rummaging through the cabinets, Evie decided to make grilled cheese. It only took a few minutes to finish making the sandwich, before grabbing the ketchup and sitting at the table. Allowing herself one last glance at Carlisle, Evie ate her food in silence.

"What's your favorite color?" She asked him. He smiled at her, before leaning closer, resting his elbows on the table.

"I would have to say blue, but I do appreciate green as well." Evie nodded at him. "Yours?"

"I like yellow, or lime green. Any kind of happy color, really."

"What music do you listen too?" He asked her.

"I'll listen to anything, really. It depends on my mood, I guess." Evie told him, before frowning slightly. "Except rap music. I can't stand rap." Carlisle laughed at her words. "What about you?"

"I prefer classical. Most of the modern music these days is slightly," he paused, as if searching for the right word, "odd." Evie couldn't hold back the laugh that escaped. He laughed with her, finding the humor in his words.

"Says the three-hundred and sixty something year old vampire." Carlisle smiled at the dark haired girl, that foreign look back in his eyes. Evie swallowed, looking away from his mesmerizing eyes, and focusing on something else entirely. After a few minutes of Evie avoiding his gaze, Carlisle sighed and stood. Evie looked at him, confused, before following him out to the entryway.

"I can hear the truck coming up the road," he told her. Evie frowned, not wanting him to leave her just yet. Carlisle smiled at her, before leaning in close.

"Unlock your bedroom window, later. I'll stop by before you go to sleep, I promise." Lifting his right hand slightly, he caressed her cheek, before dropping his lips to her forehead. Evie let herself get lost in the feeling of his lips on her, even if they were just on her forehead, and couldn't hold back the shy grin that took over her face. Carlisle gave her one last smile, before removing his hand and walking out the front door and to his car, just as Bella got home. He smiled at the younger Swan, then climbed into the Mercedes and pulled away. Evie couldn't help the sad sigh that left her lips, but she managed to hide it while greeting her sister.

"Hey Bells, how was the rest of the day?" Bella shrugged, her gaze slightly concerned.

"It was okay. I kept getting questioned on your wellbeing, but other than that, they left me alone. How are you feeling?" Bella asked her. Evie mimicked her sister's actions, shrugging, before going back to the couch to sit.

"I feel fine. A slight headache, but Carlisle helped me." Bella nodded, before setting Evie's backpack on the couch next to her.

"I got all your homework from your teachers. Your English teacher said that they are starting a project and that you need to look over the instructions before next class. She also said that they already picked partners, but Angela said she'd be your partner when you came back. She said you could call her anytime to discuss when it would be a good time to meet up, too." Evie smiled at the friendly gesture from Angela. "How was it with Dr. Cullen?" Bella asked her. Evie tried to hold back the blush that threatened to take over, but she knew Bella could see it anyways.

"It was okay. We talked, mostly. I made him watch Doctor Who," Bella laughed at this, knowing her sisters obsession for the show, "and he kept me awake. Nothing too spectacular." Evie hoped her sister wouldn't question her further, trying to avoid letting her sister know more than she needed too. Evie spent a few more minutes with her sister, before claiming she was going to get a head start on her homework, and making her way to her room. The rest of the afternoon was spent working on the homework her teachers had given her, and doing a bit of writing in her journal.

Evie had kept a journal with her since the day she learned to write. This particular journal was about two years old, with paper falling out, random news articles stuffed inside, and being held together by a thin rubber band. She knew she needed a new one, but she hated breaking new journals in. The pages of her journal held a myriad of different topics. Some pages were filled with parts of a story she had written, others were random thoughts she had, or memories that stuck with her. Occasionally a news article would strike her fancy, and Evie would write her thoughts on the article. Bella had always thought that her hobby was odd, and old fashioned, but she knew her sister liked it, so she had bought Evie her last journal.

Evie was lost in her writing when Bella made her way downstairs, a plate of food in her hand. "Charlie called and said he would be home late. Apparently there has been a string of murders going on around the area, and he needs to stay at the office a bit longer," Evie nodded at her sister. "I made some meatloaf for dinner. I figured you would want to actually sleep tonight, so maybe we have our sleepover tomorrow night instead."

"I'd like that, Isa." After her sister left, Evie felt slightly guilty about not telling her the whole story. While sleep sounded nice, she was more interested in talking with Carlisle some more. Evie sat on her bed for a little while longer, before looking at the clock. Sighing at the time, 9:15 PM, Evie stood and made her way to her bedroom window, unlocking it and opening it a fraction. After she did that, she grabbed her empty dinner plate and brought it upstairs, washing it off, and setting it in the drying rack. Going into the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and popped a few more Tylenol, then went back to her room. Not even glancing up as she walked into her room, she closed the door and turned, almost letting out a scream at the sight before her. Carlisle was laying on her bed, her journal in his hands, and a smirk on his face at the dark haired girl clutching her chest.

"I apologize for scaring you, Evelyn." Evie let out a breathless laugh.

"Why do you call me that?" She asked him. He frowned slightly.

"Why do I call you Evelyn?" Evie nodded at him.

"Everyone calls me Evie, everyone except you."

"Would you rather I called you Evie?" Evie frowned at him. Did she want him to call her Evie? It wasn't like it was derogatory, but it was casual. Evelyn sounded more formal, and Carlisle was definitely a formal kind of person.

"You can call me whatever you'd like, I guess. I was just curious," he smiled at her.

"As you wish." Evie snapped her head to his, a smile lighting up her face.

"No way…" At his laugh, she let out a small squeal. "That's my favorite movie!" He smiled at the girl before him, her smile making him feel ecstatic.

"I know, I've read the five pages dedicated to how "amazing and beautiful" that movie is." Evie blushed at his words. "What is this?" He held up her journal slightly.

"I like writing everything down. Memories, thoughts, and stories. If it's had an impact on me, then it's in there." He nodded.

"How many of these do you have?" Evie gave him a sheepish smile, before going to her desk and opening the bottom drawer. Carlisle stood and made his way to her, looking in the drawer at the two stacks of five. Chuckling, he handed Evie the journal in his hands, then made his way back to her bed. Sitting down, he patted the space beside him. Evie smiled at him, placed her journal on the desk, and made to sit next to him. Being in his presence made her feel almost complete, like she belonged near him; with him.

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