I'm Here As A Friend

By Cstorm26

8K 223 59

Based off the CW show Supergirl, Kara and Clark interview Lena Luthor about the Venture attack and whether or... More

The Adventures Of Supergirl
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Girl Friend?
I'm Not Like Them
Those Eyes
I Didn't Know
Medusa Part 1
Medusa Part 2
The Real Me
Falling For You
Second Sun

Meeting Ms. Luthor

628 18 27
By Cstorm26

"Luthor Corp? You mean Lex Luthor?" Kara wondered as she peeked closer at the logo. Alex shook her head. "As we all know, Lex is in jail. However, his adoptive sister has moved to National City in order to take over the company as CEO." Kara nodded, flicking her cape in the air ready to take off to Luthor Corp. Alex noticed and quickly reached for Kara's hand.

"Wait, don't go as Supergirl. Since you are now a reporter, perhaps you could go and make an inquiry to Luthor Corp as your first assessment." Kara smiled giddily and sped over to Kal in the other room, whispering for him to join her as his other persona, Clark Kent. He sighed, knowing full well that he was going to have to deal with his past demons once more. "Of course Kara, we will head over there now."

Kara and Clark calmly strolled up to the front of Luthor Corp. Clark turned his head to Kara, "I've learned the hard way never to trust a Luthor. I don't see this ending any differently." Kara furrowed her eyebrows unsure of whether to believe him or not. Kara had always judged people and aliens based off their own merits; she was not going to change that because of a difficult past. Though she wanted to say how she felt about the situation, she knew that the best thing for Clark was to nod. Her cousin was just as stubborn- if not more, than her older sister.

As the pair passed the glass door entrance, they headed over to the receptionist who gave Clark a plastic Luthor Corp card, in order to access the steel elevator ten metres from the desk. Kara nodded in thanks behind Clark before they stood still in the elevator, listening to the soft music playing in the background. Kara sighed hoping that this Luthor wouldn't be the same as Lex; she did not want Kal to have deal with the girl-version of the most infamous alien-hater of all time.

The elevator doors opened revealing a long hallway with a large, silver Luthor Corp sign foreshadowing the majority of the left wall. The atmosphere reeked of an evil presence that both Kara and Clark could sense. Clark felt a tingle in the back of his throat making him become slightly suspicious. "I don't like this Kara; something doesn't feel right." Kara nodded as they reached the Luthor's assistant Jess. The young woman had dark black hair, olive skin and what seemed like kind brown eyes. Kara smiled at the woman as she introduced herself and Clark.

"Hi, my name is Kara Danvers. I'm with CatCo Magazine." She pointed towards Clark, "and I'm sure you know of-" Jess's eyes bugged out as she locked eyes with the male Kryptonian. "Clark Kent, yes I know you; reporter at the Daily Planet." She reached for her card. "I-I'm Jess, Ms. Luthor is waiting for you in her office. Here's my number, I would love to know more about what you do Mr. Kent." Clark laughed quietly but shook his head. "I'm sorry but during business hours, I don't mix personal life with work life. Plus, I have a girlfriend back in Metropolis. Perhaps in another lifetime, we may meet again." He winked at the assistant and stepped towards the big brown office doors. Kara followed suit and the two entered inside, Clark in front and Kara close behind him.

Ms. Luthor's room was all white, with her curved desk facing towards the two reporters. A glass window faced towards the city and the view was absolutely stunning. Ms. Luthor heard Clark cough quietly to catch her attention and she turned around in her chair to face the Kryptonian pair. A small smirk appeared on the young Luthor's face as Kara shuffled her feet a step forward to stand symmetrically next to her cousin.

"Ms. Luthor." Clark spoke sharply, getting right into the interview. Ms Luthor huffed and glanced towards the blonde reporter. "Who are you exactly?" Kara looked up at the CEO, unsure if she was talking to her or not. "I- me?" Ms Luthor nodded as she raised her eyebrow. "Oh um, I- I'm Kara Danvers. I'm with CatCo Magazine a- as a reporter." Ms Luthor laughed quietly to herself. "Well they sure aren't known for their hard-hitting journalism."

"We are here to talk to you about the Venture." Clark budged in, causing the CEO to stare coldy at the male reporter. "You wouldn't be asking me about the Venture if my last name was Smith."

"Well it's not. It's Luthor." Clark replied with a stern look on his face. Ms. Luthor stared up at the man with some respect in her eyes. "Some steel under that Kansas wheat." She elegantly pushed herself up and walked towards her safe. "I know that my company had built the part of the Venture that had exploded. As you should be aware I was not running the company at the time, but here." She handed Clark a small thumb drive. "This drive contains everything you will want to know regarding the Venture."

Clark nodded and carefully took the drive out of the CEO's hand. Kara stood back quietly watching the two people in front of her exchanging strange looks to one another. Clark muttered a quiet goodbye before exiting the room. Ms. Luthor sighed to herself thinking Kara couldn't hear her, but with Kara's super hearing, she immediately noticed. "Excuse me Ms. Luthor-"

"Lena, Ms. Luthor is my mother." Lena spoke with distaste, although she smiled as she walked up to the blonde reporter. Kara couldn't help but stare at the beautiful woman before her. She never really noticed how incredibly stunning Ms- Lena was. She was wearing an oh so short black skirt and a deep red blouse, covered with a matching black women's suit jacket.

Kara's trance was pushed aside when Lena smirked at her raising her eyebrow, causing Kara's legs to almost give way. Why is she making me feel so weak?

"Well Ms. Danvers take a picture, it'll last longer." Kara's eyes widened and she fidgeted with her glasses, staring at the ground. "Oh um I-," Clark burst back inside the office when he noticed Kara didn't follow him. "Kara! Let's go. Excuse us Ms. Luthor." Lena had no time to respond as Clark gripped Kara's arm and pulled her out of the office. As Kara was exiting the door, she quickly waved behind her to Lena who watched with a small smile.

"What the hell Kara?" Clark whisper-yelled at his "younger" cousin as they re-entered the elevator. Kara did not speak a word as they descended back down to the bottom floor. Clark constantly nagged about her strange behaviour as they flew back to the DEO to hand over the thumb drive.


At The DEO:

"Here you are Winn, this drive should contain all we need to know to arrest Lex's kid sister," Clark muttered to the cute hobbit man although Kara could easily hear him. She elbowed his side out of slight frustration whilst Winn sat there unable to say a word to Superman himself. "I-I- Yes! Of course, I will get right on that."

Winn furiously began searching through the tech, attempting to find anything wrong with the part. He found nothing that would state that Luthor Corp was to blame. However, he did find that the part was located under a specific seat, and it turned out that the person who was supposed to be seated there declined at the last moment.

"Oh my god! Han- J'o- SIR!" J'onn marched over to Winn as he began to panic. "What is it Mr. Schott?"

Winn moved the information from the computer onto the main screen, displaying the dimension and layout of both the engine part and rocket itself. Winn stood up and pointed towards seat 22A. "This seat was damaged to a complete pulp and at first it made no sense since in the manifest onboard, no one was sitting there. However, I did manage to find an earlier manifest of both the customers and cabin crew." Winn popped the manifest onto the screen and circled the name around seat 22A.

"Lena Luthor." Both Winn and J'onn said at the same time. J'onn thought for a moment before looking back at Alex (who had moved beside him during Winn's speech). "Lena wasn't the attacker-"

"She was the target."


Okay that's chapter 2, I will go back and fix heaps of things but yeah let me know if it is okay. Great thanks BYE!

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