I Love You to the Moon and Ba...

By Dingo121

15.5K 252 269

The revolution is over, and the famed Rampion Crew won freedom for the whole world. But, will they gain that... More

After the Engagement
Before the Engagement
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six, Wedding Day
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven (Time Skip to May 23rd, 128, T.E.)
Chapter Twenty Eight (Wedding #2)
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four (Time Skip to August)
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three (Time Skip Abt. Four Years)
Chapter Forty Four (Time Skip to December)
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Seven (Time Skip Five Years)
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Forty Six (Time Skip Six Months)

185 4 14
By Dingo121

Selene looked at Jade, who was sleeping next to her brother. Jade was looking a lot like Selene, with the frizzy brown hair. Selene also noticed why they named her Jade. Jade was getting her grandmother on her dad's side's, green eyes. They were a stunning color of green, that she inherited from Kai's mom. The color was nearly unnatural, but it was beautiful.

Rikan, however, had Kai's black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin, unlike Jade, who had pale skin, like her sister. Rikan, was a spitting image of his dad, looking more like him every day. The soft features would surly make him the royal heartthrob, following in the footsteps of his father.

The twins had started to crawl, unlike their sister, who went straight to walking. Though they enjoyed crawling, Selene preferred they sit somewhere where they won't get run over by someone, like their sister, and her crazy band of friends. The less amount of stress the better.

Kai, had adapted well to having two kids in the house. He often stayed up late with Selene, while she fed and played with the kids. Up until the twins were born, Kai forgot how much fun it was to have a baby in the house. He could make any excuse to get away from a meeting.

Which, was what he was doing right now. The global leaders were talking about putting a statue of a Rampion in each capital city. Kai didn't like the idea, because Selene wouldn't. Jasmine did not yet know about the past, and erecting a giant statue of it wouldn't help.

Kai walked along, unable to hide his gratitude for getting out of the meeting. No offense to the leaders, but the meetings were sometimes useless. And, he got to spend time with his favorite wife. 

He stopped by the closet with the roses, and picked out the best bundle. From the next closet, he grabbed a box of chocolates, and headed to the house.

When he opened the door, he yelled, "Surprise!" But stopped when he saw what was taking place. Some guy was over kissing Selene. He stopped dead in his tracks, and stayed open mouthed, until Selene noticed him standing their.

She shoved the guy she was kissing off of her, mumbling inaudible profanities, rushing to Kai apologizing. He shoved her off, and fled down the corridor. She tried chasing after him, but he went faster.

Finally, he got to his destination, the garden. He ran his hand through his hair, and then he pursued to comm Konn Torin, telling him to meet him there. Konn Torin met him with Selene in tow. Her guy friend wasn't with her, and she was looking more apologetic then before. Kai looked at her sadly, before turning away.

All of the sudden, Selene started laughing with Konn Torin. Kai turned around, giving them both the death glare. That made them both laugh harder. Selene tried telling him what was going on, but she was having enough trouble breathing.

Finally, after they both settled down, Kai looked like he was about to kill both of them. He didn't think his wife cheating was a laughing matter. He was the only one not laughing, and he didn't like it.

Selene started. "Kai. I'm so sorry. Oh stars, I can't do this. Konn Torin, can you tell him what is going on?" Konn Torin nodded his head, but when he started, he couldn't continue either. So, another fit of laughter ensued, until both calmed down.

Selene took a deep breath, and said, "Kai, what is today's date?" Kai looked at her like she was crazy, but looked anyway. When he was done, he was still confused. Selene then said again, "Kai, the date?" He was still confused, so Konn Torin piped up.

"Your Majesty. Today is April Fools day. You, have been pranked. Courtesy, of Her Majesty," Konn Torin said. Kai stared at Selene dumbfounded, so she explained.

"When I realized today was coming up, I asked Konn Torin what your biggest fear was. He responded, saying it was losing me. So, I got the global leaders to discuss a boring matter, so you would come home early. When you walked through the door, you would see me kissing someone else. That guy was a glamour by the way," Selene said.

After the prank was explained, Kai kept a tight hold on Selene the rest of the day.  She almost gave him a heart attack, so he wasn't to thrilled, and he didn't want to be scared like that again.

When night rolled around, the crew was enlightened and entertained with that story. With each word, Kai's blush grew deeper and deeper. The crew laughed at the end of the story, teasing Kai along the way.

When the crew was asked to go home, Selene laid the kids to bed. She read Jasmine a bedtime story, and filled it with suspense and heroism. Jasmine clung on every detail, gasping when the brave princess, finally makes the mean dragon nice.

When Jasmine fell asleep, Selene kissed her goodnight, and closed the door softly. She moved to the twin's room, turning on some soft music to help them sleep. She exited the room, keeping the door open, in case of Rikan having a nightly coughing fit.

Finally, Selene and Kai were alone, falling asleep to the nightly newsfeeds. One was talking about Selene's prank. She couldn't help but smile as they went through the step by step process.

Soon, however, Selene fell asleep, moving every once and awhile. Kai, feeling sleep overcome him, decided to call it a night. He carried Selene up to their room, laying her softly on the bed.

Soon, after going through his nightly routine, he climbed into bed next to Selene. He looked at her peaceful, sleeping self, and thought about how lucky he was to have her.

He turned out the light, wrapping his arm around her. He spoke, in a barely audible voice, saying. "I love you, no matter how many pranks you pull."

After saying this, he fell asleep. Selene heard what he said, and she said. "Even when you don't know it's a prank? Well, I love you to."

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