Don't Break Me

By deadlykidrauhl

64.4K 3.5K 1.9K

Justin is broken. At only 17, he is a shell of what he use to be. He gets abused, insulted, laughed at, stare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 18

1.1K 66 17
By deadlykidrauhl

Jason's POV:

I was about to leave the fags house before I was stopped by the soothing voice of his mum. "Hey Jason is my baby okay?" She asked sending me a sweet smile. The sound of her voice and her smile made the anger inside of me cease. I felt less tense and at ease. I looked at her sending her a small smile.

"Hey," I started lowly, "Yeah he is fine. He has fallen asleep so I just let him be. I think you should let him have a rest, he seemed pretty tired." I lied through my teeth as convincingly at possible. I felt guilt begin to seep into me and I genuinely felt bad that I had just lied to her. Her expression dropped slightly but she smiled again looking into my eyes.

"Thanks Jason, you are a really good friend. Justin is lucky to have you. It was really nice to meet you." She spoke making my guilt flare up even more. I gave her a nod and exited the house. I really need to clear my head. I decided to go for a long drive to ease my mind. I feel so many mixed emotions right now and I just need to sort myself out. I pulled out of the driveway and sped off into the distance.

Justin's POV:

I woke up dazed and confused. Darkness filled the room as the sound of light rain outside filled my ears. I sat up as best I could and let my head adjust to the sudden movement. I let out a groan as I felt pain still shoot through my arm. Jason really hurt me good this time, both physically and mentally. I thought for a second that he would actually see me as a human being rather than a piece of meat. I rose to my feet and limped over to the light switch flicking it on. The bright light forced me to close my eyes, slowly adjusting to the change. I hobbled over to my bed to sit down. I looked back to where I had been laying to see blood stains marked into the carpet. I looked down to my arm and it was a mess. Cuts had been reopened and were still oozing droplets of blood. The colour of my arm had changed and was now covered in black and purple bruises. I tried to move my arm but again let out a groan. It felt like something had snapped inside. I should probably go get it looked out.

I spotted my backpack beside my bed and used my good arm to grab it. I struggled to unzip the bag one handed but managed. I heard the jiggling of my keys at the bottom of the bag and reached in to grab them. I pulled them out and dropped to my side. I reached back into my bag and pulled out my phone. I flipped it over and dropped my expression when I saw it smashed up beyond repair. Jason must have done it. A tear slipped my eye as I felt annoyed that he went through my things and showed no respect. But I guess he does whatever he wants. I threw my phone to the ground and reached back into my bag pulling out my school books. I immediately noticed crinkled pages and wetness in the books. Did he really out them in water? I felt even more annoyed since I would now have to get replacements. But I guess I deserve it for the pathetic life I live. I reached back into the bag in search of my own personal diary, the book where I write some of my most secretive and personal things. That book is something I treat as a way to express myself. I was shocked when I couldn't feel in. I emptied the contents of the bad, only to see my bunched up spare clothes.

"N-No h-he d-didn't," I spoke trying to fight back tears. If Jason got a hold of it my then he has access to everything about me. I couldn't begin to imagine what he would do with all of that information. I felt my heart sink and I had the urge to vomit, thankfully having nothing to throw up. The fact that he stole my diary and the thought of him reading through it made me feel so helpless. Tears fell more freely down my face. I looked back down to my arm and made the decision to go to the hospital, but by myself. No way would I tell or show my mother what Jason had done. I can't do that. It would break her and she deserves so much better than what I give her.

I opened my wardrobe and grabbed some fresh clothes to put on. It took me a long time to change due to only having one arm to use. I changed into a black long sleeved shirt, dark grey jeans and yellow supras. I grabbed my keys and head out of the room and to the front door. I prayed that I would not see my mother around but as fate would have it, I did. "Justin baby how are you feeling?" She asked with a concerned tone. I turned to look at her and sent her a fake smile.

"I-I'm g-good m-mum," I stuttered remembering that there is a chance Jason is still here. I looked at my surrounding to see if I could spot him but to no avail.

"That's good to hear sweetie," mum spoke walking towards me and embracing me into a hug. I did everything I could to not let any signs of pain slip from my body. I wrapped my good arm around her to hug her back.

"I l-love y-you m-mummy," I said trying to get her to not think anything was wrong. She released her hold of me and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you too baby boy," she said leaning in to kiss my forehead. "Oh by the way, your friend Jason left a few hours ago. He said you fell asleep." She said making me sigh in relief. She held her gaze with me and looked serious. "Justin he is a really good friend. I am happy for you to bring him over as much as you need sweetie. Please keep him close to you. He gives me a good vibe for you." She said, obviously not knowing he is the pure birth of Satan. I didn't even want to give that statement a response so I just smiled wide at her and turned walked out the front door.

"Where are you going sweetie, it's getting late?" She asked concerned again.

"F-for a d-drive," I said trying to not hold conversation.

"Where to at this hour?" She questioned with worry.

"T-to g-go and t-thank J-Jason," I lied to get her off my back. Thankfully it worked as no more words were said. I stepped outside and walking in the light rain to the driveway. I was confused for a few moments to see my car not parked there. I licked my lips and scratched the back of my neck. Suddenly I remembered that my car was still in the school car park from when Jason beat me down and took me to his. I rolled my eyes and sighed as now I would have to walk to the hospital. It about an hour away from my house on foot, but it needed to be down. My arm is in far too much pain. I walked out of the driveway and onto the footpath on the street.

I was about half way into my walk when my body began to feel tired. Each step I took made my body feel the beatings from Jason. The rain was getting heavier by the second and soon turned into a downpour. I didn't care about the fact I was wet and miserable. I deserve it. Minutes passed by and I was now soaking from the pouring rain. My body tiring with each step I took and my arm in tremendous pain. My walking turned into limping. I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes. I don't know how much longer I can continue on with this life. I tried to walk a little bit more but my legs weakened and I was forced to my knees. I could no longer fight away the tears that had been building up in my eyes.

I dropped my head down and let tears flow. My sobs became quite audible, even against the heavy down pour. This life needs to end. I can't do it anymore. I hate it. I've been pushed and pushed by so many people and they're winning. I am pathetic. I am worthless. I am fat. I am everything that they spit at me. I deserve it all. I am the problem. The sooner I die, the better off everyone will be. I was taken out of my thoughts by the ear piercing sound of a car horn right next to me. I opened my eyes and turned to barely see the vehicle through the rain. The car horn sounded again and the passenger window wound down a little. I heard the sound of someone talking but couldn't exactly make out who it was. The voice became louder and clearer to hear.

"Get in Justin." 


Heyooo :)

How are you all? 

Thank you to everyone who has voted, read and commented on this story. You are all amazing and I am very thankful.

Let me know what you think about this chapter and I'll be back soon with another update

Until next time <3

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