The Empirical Law | ✓

By AnneeSparrow

176K 7.4K 3.1K

A young woman struggles in the modern world when she has to finish university, handle life and take care of h... More

Cast & Playlist
1: The Coffee Incident
2: Little More Coffee
3: The Vela Charm
5: The Unexpected Visit
6: Finn Jackson's Homecoming
7: Seal The Deal
8: Noah Watson's Lover
9: Drunk On Kisses
10: A Lovers Tiff
11: Little White Lies
12: Regina's Care Centre
13: Pent Up Anger
14: Three Simple Words
15: Rest Of History
16: The Birthday Surprise
17: The Wedding Invitation
18: The Late Talk
19: Little Family Complications
20: The Other Secret
21: Take It Slow
22: Here's To New Beginnings
Epilogue: Unconditionally
(i) bonus : A Broken Heart
(ii) bonus : The Nudge Theory

4: The Lunch Date

9.3K 389 133
By AnneeSparrow

A/N: we just hit 1K reads, lovelies! Thank you guys so much for your support :)  

Please do keep an open mind when reading this book because there are different sides of charterers that will come into light. In this chapter you'll see more to the relationship Noah and Madilyn share and you get more of Bruce Vela's charm ;) 

Do hit me up on anha101 

| dedicated to Just_Jae for being one of my first friends on this site and for sticking with me this long | 


I stormed into the Golden Quaff, hot-headed and ready for a brawl. I headed into the back, trespassing through the counter which was immediately blocked by a familiar blonde haired boy. I stared at him as angrily as I was and he visibly flinched, stepping backwards but still keeping and arm across the kitchen door.

"I'm sorry, ma'am—"

"Thank you for apologising, dear boy, but I need to kill Noah."

The boy's eyes widened. "I—I can't let you pass, ma'am."

"Jake, is it?" I said looking at his tag. "Look, if I don't tear Noah's head from his body in the next five minutes I am going to be an even more pissed off woman. Would you like to deal with that?"

"Oh God, Mads," came a familiar voice and I stared at Noah who appeared in an apron with a tired expression. "You have to stop beating my employees up."

"Do you see bruises on them?" I asked him seriously.

"Maddie," Noah said sternly. "Is there something you want because I'm busy?"

"You have some explaining to do, mister," I shot back heatedly.

Noah sighed before he turned to the boy. "Jake, go inside and tell Landon to take care of the order while I deal with this...thing."

"Thing?" I exclaimed, not catching the ounce of humour the Noah was trying to inject into the conversation. "I'm a thing now."

"Maddie, you caught me in the wrong time and I swear—"

"What are you going to do? Throw me out?"

Rolling his eyes, Noah grabbed me by the upper arm and dragged me to the side, a few steps away from the kitchen door, where there were stairs leading up to his office. We both went up the stairs with me yelling obscene words and cursing his ungentlemanly behaviour.

"What is your problem, Mads?" Noah asked tiredly, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"You!" I shouted. "You are my problem."

"Care to add on to that?" he asked in a mocking tone.

"You're such an arse to Bruce."

This seemed to stun him for he was silent for a few seconds, blinking as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You're angry with me because I'm an arse to Bruce?" he echoed.

"What? Are you deaf now?" I snapped.

"I'm not an arse to Bruce—" he began stubbornly only to be cut off by my piping hot temper.

"You are! Don't even try to deny it again. I just want to know why you're treating him like this, staring down at him, acting friendly around me but so cold hearted to him. Am I going to get an answer or are you going to stand there thinking of ways to defend your behaviour?"

"You're exaggerating, Mads," he said, his voice now soft and low; defeated.

"My point still remains," I said.

Noah sighed as he plopped down on his chair by the office table, surrendering as he held up his hands, palms towards me. "What do you want me to tell you? That I like the guy?" Noah bit out.

"No, but would it kill you to be nice? You're always around when I come here but ever since I met Bruce last Monday you barely come around. And Bruce and I have only met for five days at the café and it's not like you're mean or rude to him but you're not nice either."

Noah's next words were so soft and so fast that I would have missed it if I wasn't giving him my undivided attention. "What if he hurts you, Madilyn?"

I stopped, my next attack that was readied at the tip of my tongue fell away and I just stood there staring at him while he was hunched over, refusing to look me in the eye. My heart softened at the sight of him and immediately my anger dissipated leaving pangs in its wake. I approached him, draped an arm on his shoulder and knelt before him, my face level with his, and yet he refused to look at me.

"Noah," I said softly.

"You don't come back crying to me when he hurts you," Noah said sharply, his voice thick and hoarse.

His words hurt me but I knew Noah and I knew what he was feeling and when Noah was like this he said things without thinking them through.

"I won't," I said.

Noah lifted his head to meet my eyes this time. "Is he worth it?"

"I don't know," I told him truthfully. "All I know is that after knowing Bruce for a week I have a crush on him. I like him. And Riley likes him—"

"Riley likes him? You like him because Riley likes him?"

"No. I like him however Riley feels about him but the fact that Riley likes him too makes him all the more desirable. I thought you would know by now that Riley and I are a given package and if Riley didn't approve of the man then I wouldn't be standing here, asking you to do what friends do."

"But we're not just friends, are we?"

Everything stopped for a second and anger flared up once again. I pushed back from him and stood up. "Yeah?" I said, raising my voice, "Whose fault is that?"

"Maddie..." he said.

"No, don't you dare give me this shit now."

"No, Mads, you don't get it."

"I don't get it? Explain then."

"When you came to my doorstep, nineteen years old, fragile and hurt, I took you in. You were pregnant. You were driven by hormones and you wanted me. But you knew that I liked someone else, my other best friend—"

"Yes, but it's been almost seven years since and you haven't made a move on Veronica!"

"Will you let me finish my sentences?"

"Fine," I huffed out angrily.

"Good. After your pregnancy all you could think about was Riley. After Riley came all you could think about was him—what was best for him, what he deserved, everything. And because I was there for you through every step of the way, because I was around Riley as much as a father should be, you wanted me to marry you. Riley liked me and that was good enough for you. You told yourself you could learn to like me too."

All traces of anger had disappeared and I stared down at Noah, wide eyed and surprised, even a little wounded. "How did you know?"

"You're my best friend, Mads. I know you."

I stared at him, swallowing the lump in my throat. "That doesn't explain your issue with Bruce."

"It does."


"Riley likes Bruce and I'm not certain this time around but what if you're telling yourself that you could learn to like Bruce because Riley likes him?"

"Wow," I said, breathing in hard. "I never thought about it that way."

"Maybe you should."

"But would it explain why I look forward to having coffee with him in the morning or if I don't see him in the morning then I actually drag Riley here with me so I can see him and have coffee with him while Rye gets a milkshake in the evenings? Would it explain why my heart jumps every time I see him, which hasn't happened since Finn? Would it explain why, I, out all people, would get nervous talking to a man or asking him out on a date?"

"I guess not," Noah resigned.

"I like Bruce whether Rye likes him or not. At first I kept Bruce at a distance because I was afraid he'd turn out to be another Finn—he'd lead me along and I'd find out that he wasn't mature enough for me or his life was a mess or that I don't fit where he fits. I'm honestly not sure if this Bruce thing will last in the long run given issues, but without Riley's push I wouldn't be willing to put my heart out on the line again."

Noah nodded, looking from me to his hands which he clasped together. "I get it."

"But?" I softly prodded.

"But...Riley's always been like a son to me and it's disturbing and sort of frightening to know that Bruce might one day feel that way about Riley...that Riley will feel the same way about Bruce and not me anymore. I'm not jealous that you have Bruce, Mads. I'm jealous that Bruce might have Riley too."

"Oh, honey," I whispered, approaching Noah and crouching down again, putting my hand on his cheek and pulling his face so that I could see him. "I don't know about the long run but if it does come to that then Riley would still have you and you him. Nothing's ever going to change that. What you have that Bruce doesn't is six childhood years."

Noah smiled and at that sight I pulled back and pumped my fist into the air. "I just made Mr. Grumpy smile. I think this earns me a free coffee."

Noah laughed, shaking his head in mirth before he stood up. "Thanks, Mads. I'll try to be more civil to Bruce."

"That's all I'm asking for," I grinned before my smile softened and I said, "Noah, can you do me one more favour?"

"Depends on what it is."

"I know you're afraid. I know how it feels but please, for the love of God, ask Veronica on a date."


"Uh-uh," I shook my head, waving my index finger, "don't give me that crap. I've had enough of it. You're going to ask her on a date. It's a date, Noah. A trial run. She's not going to be your girlfriend on this date. It's simply a date and if it works out then more dates and then bam! She's your girlfriend."

"And if she says no?"

"Is she worth putting your heart out on the line?" I questioned.


"That what sort of idiotic question is that?" I said and smacked him on the back of his head.

Noah winced, rubbing the back of his head. Rolling his eyes at me, he asked, "Don't you have class?"

"I decided not to go for today's lecture since you and I needed to yell at each other," I said, my face a mask of seriousness. "Plus it's a Monday. I don't think I can deal with Mr. Hallman at ten in the morning."


"No but's," I said, opening his office door. "Now chop-chop. Get me my coffee so I can run home and get changed for my date with Bruce."

* * * * *

Bruce texted me the address of the restaurant that we would be having lunch at. From the outside it looked small but welcoming and on the inside it looked homey and comfortable. The circular tables were all placed in the middle while the rectangular tables, no doubt for bigger families, was placed along the walls. The air buzzed with excitement and joy while the atmosphere smelt of garlic bread, spices and delicious food that I couldn't place my finger on. I was glad I didn't decide to dress up for this lunch—though I did give a lot of thought into my jeans and sweater this morning before heading to classes then taking a detour through Noah's. This place felt homey and not too fancy.

"Looks like someone is already in love."

I turned to Bruce. "Let's see if the food is actually up to standard," I said with a sugar sweet smile on my lips.

"Do you doubt my taste in food?" he gasped dramatically and I held in my laugh.

"Yes, I do," I said, winking at him before turning around and facing the mass of tables that were each decorated with a simple floral centrepiece.

I heard his laugh from behind me before I felt a hand at the small of my back. I instantly tensed looking sideways at him. His smile was soft and encouraging and I felt myself loosen up, feeling the heat from his hand travel up and down my body, his closeness sending waves of warmth to the pit of my stomach. I smiled, nodding, silently telling him that it was okay, and his smile widened.

"Good. I, unfortunately, have a very limited amount of time with you so we better get eating or Bruce is going to starve."

I laughed at the reference to himself in the third person. "Looks like I'm rubbing off on you," I teased, letting him lead me as I tried my best to ignore the sensations that were running through my body with his hand on the small of my back.

"What can I say?" he effused, his chocolate brown eyes dancing with amusement. "You're absolutely influential."

I giggled as I looked down at the table. "This is the table you want to sit at?"

"Why? Does this table not look as good as the other one by the corner?"

"Oh well, it'll do," I sighed exaggeratingly.

Bruce pulled out a chair for me. "For you, my lady."

"Such a gentleman," I cooed, fanning myself.

We both laughed as we got settled into our places. Bruce looked at me over the floral centrepiece and smiled that flirty smile of his and his eyes twinkled with that mischievous look of his. "You're a hard lady to please," he said.

"I'm high maintenance," I said airily.

"It's refreshing to meet a lady who at least knows she's high maintenance," he said, leaning his elbows on the table.

I smiled and then a frightening thought plagued me. What if he actually did think I was high maintenance and that I wasn't joking around all this time? My smile fell as nervousness rumbled in my stomach. "I'm not actually high maintenance," I quickly assured him.

"I know," he said softly, his smile now reassuring and his chocolate brown eyes solely focusing on me, his gaze boring through mine.

For a second I forgot how to breathe. "Good," I said breathlessly and I cursed myself for sounding like that but I honestly couldn't control the frantic beating of my heart and how it picked up when those eyes darted from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes again.

His eyes darkened. "Great," he said in an almost-whisper.

The clearing of a throat brought us both up from the deep stare that stirred something within me. We both looked at the waiter. A blush rose to my cheeks even though Bruce and I weren't even caught doing anything intimate.

"Here are your menus," the waiter said like he came across people staring at each other in that manner every day. "You can have a few minutes to see what you'd like to order and I'll come back to take your order."

"Thank you," Bruce said, smiling at the waiter.

The waiter nodded at him before turning around and walking away.

"So..." I drawled.

"So, we should order."

"Right, of course," I said, opening the menu and pulling it up so that it was covering my face. Embarrassment was sure to taint my cheeks and I silently berated myself. I quickly looked through the menu and settled for a submarine and some chips. When I put down my menu I found Bruce looking at me.

"What?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious as I pulled on the sleeve of my sweater.

He shook his head. "You just seemed to take a lot of time in looking for what you want when this is probably the smallest and simplest menu you've ever seen."

"I was going through my options thoroughly," I said defensively.

He held up his hands, backing away. "Yes, ma'am. I didn't say anything."

"You were thinking it," I accused, narrowing my eyes into slits.

His eyebrows raised in amusement. "Yeah? What was I thinking?"

"You know what you were thinking," I said flippantly.

"Yes, I do," he agreed. "But you seem to be very offended by it so I'd like you to use your psychic powers one last time and tell me what it is that I'm thinking."

"That Hottie Maddie is indeed very hot," I replied, a smile threatening to break through my lips.

"I never said otherwise," he said smoothly and again, just like that I felt the atmosphere turn. I crossed my legs, trying to ignore the sensations caused by his deep stare on me.

Relief filled me when I saw our waiter heading towards us. "Are you ready to order?" he asked politely, looking from me to Bruce.

"Yes, we are," Bruce said, ripping his gaze from me. We placed our order and when the waiter left the same tension that was there a few minutes ago returned full swing and so fast that I thought it hadn't truly disappeared but kept itself hidden when the waiter was here. Now, however, it was apparent as daylight.

"So, uh," he said, "I should look over that paper of yours before you submit it tomorrow."

I raised my eyebrows in question. "Why?"

"Because this, as you've made clear last night, is not a date. You just wanted me to look over your paper before you handed it to Mr. Hallman tomorrow," Bruce said, his voice holding the hint of a smile.

"Oh, right," I said, embarrassment clouding my face for the second time of the day. Oh God, what was happening to me? It wasn't like me to get flustered, nervous and embarrassed in the presence of a guy but with all the flirtatious comments that caused strange sensations I hadn't felt since Finn wriggle about within me, I couldn't help but wonder what it was about Bruce that made me like him so instantly. I mean, it was only a week that I knew Bruce and feeling like this already was bound to go wrong. Right?

"I'm sure the assignment is okay though. You helped me out a lot," I said.

"You're welcome," he said, bowing his head with a small smile on his lips. "What happened to you wanting me to look over your paper?"

"I changed my mind after the call," I replied.

"Right," he said, nodding and pretending like I made complete sense. "So this is not a date at all?"

"It's not!" I exclaimed. "We're merely two friends who are getting to know each other better."

At this statement his eyes softened. I expected him to say something that would push me more to come up with a gazillion other reasons but instead I was surprised when he said, "We're friends?"

"Yes, we are," I confirmed, then raising my eyebrows, I asked, "What did you think we were?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "You and Noah seem like friends because of your closeness but you and me..."

"What?" I asked, curious to know what exactly it was that he thought so I could ready myself to fire back a defensive comment.

"It's just..."

"What, Bruce? What?"

"Well, you're very protective and withdrawn and—"

"I'm withdrawn?"

"It's coming out all wrong," he said and for once he was the one looking flustered. "You're outgoing yes. You're friendly and you're funny and you're sarcastic but what I meant by you being withdrawn is that you don't want me fully in your life. God, I'm sounding like a complete idiot."

I tried to not let his words bother me as I said teasingly, and a bit distractingly, "That's because you are an idiot."

"See," Bruce pointed out. "You're funny and you make light of situations which is great."

"But?" I prodded.

"But every time Riley comes up, or his name is somehow involved in the subject that we happen to talk about, you withdraw. You keep to yourself. You don't want to mention him. You become this overprotective mother and it makes me wonder if you're afraid of letting people in because letting people in would entail that you expose them to your son and you think that anything that hurts him is the only thing now that can hurt you. And I genuinely like you, Madilyn, but if this...friendship is going to be a one way thing then I don't know if I'm wholeheartedly up for it."

I stared at him as the seconds passed by, my mouth opening but no coherent response leaving my lips. Finally, as I gathered a semblance of myself, I said, "When did you become a psychologist?"

Bruce smiled but I noticed this time that it didn't reach his eyes. "Is humour always going to be your defence mechanism, Madilyn?"

I looked down and didn't answer. I couldn't. What was I going to tell him? That he was absolutely right but I didn't want to tell him so because that would make me such an open book that was easy to read? I stared down at my hands and I didn't know how long the silence stretched between us but when I looked up the waiter was approaching us, two meals on either of his hands, balanced with expert practice.

The waiter placed down our meals, oblivious to the strained tension that plagued the air, and when Bruce and I said our thanks, the waiter turned and left.

Bruce didn't say anything. He just ate his meal. He didn't even look at me. I peered through my lashes, eating my sub-sandwich with a side of chips, thinking of all the excuses I could tell him.

I sighed loudly, put down my almost finished sub and looked at Bruce fully. "I'm sorry," I said.

"For what?" Bruce asked, still not looking at me as he picked up his coke and sipped on it through the straw. "You didn't do anything to me."

"I hurt you."

"You didn't."

"I'm afraid you'll turn out to be just like Finn," I blurted.

The words had escaped my mouth before I could capture them and keep them locked in but the words were already out in the air, hanging heavily above our heads and there was nothing I could do but accept the reality that Bruce had heard me loud and clear and that was the reason he was looking at me, his anger demeanour dissipating as his features softened.

"I don't want to be Finn," he said earnestly and I was certain that my surprise was written across my face clearly because the next thing he said was, "I'm sorry I pushed you. I do want to know more but you'll tell me at your own pace. Whoever Finn was screwed things up and while Finn and I may have one thing in common, and that's being absolute arses, I don't want you to think I'm another Finn. I'm Bruce Vela. There's only one of me, sweetheart." He ended his statement with a smile that I knew was meant to lift the mood.

"Thanks, Mystery Man," I whispered.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't you think it's the other way around now? You're more of a mystery than I am...Mystery Woman," he said, ending with one of his flirtatious winks.

I laughed, feeling this serene emotion wash over me as my heart thrummed with joy. "Well," I started, leaning forward. Bruce raised his eyebrows, encouraging me to continue as he shifted in his seat and leaned closer over the table. "We have plenty of time to unravel each other's mysteries."

Bruce eye's darkened and even though we were in broad daylight, I felt like at that moment no one could actually see us—that those very words I had whispered created a small world where we magically transported ourselves to for a few moments to ravish in the few moments of privacy that world had allowed us to have.

"It's a deal," he whispered.

There was something about the promise that kept me up at night, making my stomach squeeze with excitement of the adventure Bruce would bring into my life. When midnight rolled by and I still couldn't fall asleep because excitement rode through me restlessly I got up from bed and made my way down the hallway before I peeked into Riley's room.

"Psst," I whispered loudly and when the reply was his snores I crept into the room, sat next to Riley before I lay myself down and spooned Riley into my arms. He groaned and stirred slightly before he turned into my arms and buried his head in my shoulder, his snores echoing through the room once again. I held onto him, careful enough not to wake him up, and stared down at my son, smiling because of how utterly beautiful he looked asleep.

Sometime in the midst of holding my son and thinking about the promise between Bruce and I, sleep came like a tidal wave and took me deep into the ocean. 

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