Sibling Love (An Andy Biersac...

By _elayn_biersack_

9.9K 380 16

[Completed] Sibling love is the sweetest thing, but when one sibling feels a different kind of love for the o... More

"I will protect you."
"The Proposal"
"Our Secret"
"One Day"
"I'm Leaving"
"The Truth"
"The Perfect Couple"
"The Party"
"Little Rock Star"
"Rock Star Life"
"I'm Sorry"
"The Nightmare"
"The Rainy Day"
"Staying Alive"
"A Surprise"
"The Ring"
"Highschool Memories"
"The Past"
"American Satan"
"An Angel"
"The Argument"
"The Painting"
"The Call"
"The Album"
"The Tour"
"Rib Cage"
"The Plan"
'The Concert"
"Missed You"
"The Wedding (The End)"


260 11 0
By _elayn_biersack_

Elayn unwrapped her arms from Andy's neck and slowly slid her arms down to her side. "I will go talk to him." Jake said as he bolted up the stairs heading to Ashley's room. "Hey don't listen to him," Andy said as he pulled Elayn closer making her look into his eyes. "He's just an asshole and doesn't want you to be happy because he thinks he's the only one that can make you happy." Andy said in a soft tone trying to make Elayn feel better.

'Andy's right I shouldn't listen to him. After all he did cheat on me multiple times if I'm right....really the only person that truly makes me now is Andy....I will never go back to Ashley never." Elayn thought to herself as she hugged Andy and found comfort in his words.

Jake went up to Ashley's door and knocked on it. "Hey, its me, let me in." Jake said as he stood in front of the door waiting for it to open. Ashley opened the door and looked at Jake with disgust in his eyes. "What the hell is wrong with you? How could you talk to her like that?" Jake asked as he pushed his way into Ashley's room and stared at him. "How? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you not just see what they were doing? That's fucking disgusting they are brother and sister that's just wrong!" Ashley yelled at Jake with disgust and a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Jake slapped Ashley hard. "You fucking idiot they aren't related. Elayn is adopted!" Jake yelled to Ashley to catch his attention. Ashley placed his hand on his face and looked at Jake. "What the hell are you talking about?" Ashley asked as he looked at Jake rubbing his cheek. "Andy and Elayn barley found out that she was adopted today Amy and Chris told them today." Jake said as he looked at Ashley crossing his arms. Ashley's eyes widen as his hand dropped from his face. "So...they aren't....related? Then what they are doing isn't wrong?" Ashley questioned himself as he looked at Jake. "No they aren't and no it isn't they are two adults that want to be together and we should respect that." Jake said as he stared at Ashley for a brief second then turned to walk out the room.

'Holy fuck so all this time they weren't related? That means she left me for him...Andy is going to have some competition because I am not going to let Elayn go, not without a fight.' Ashley thought to himself as he walked out after Jake.

Jake walked downstairs up to Andy and Elayn and gave them a quick nod signalling everything was okay now. Andy pulled back from Elayn and smiled at her. "See its going to be okay no need to worry." Andy said with an ensuring smile. Elayn smiled and nodded her head 'okay' at Andy as Ashley walked downstairs. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier I didn't know that you two weren't related until now and I'm sorry." Ashley said as he walked over to Elayn and Andy and looked at Elayn with eyes filled with regret and sorrow. Elayn looked at Ashley and put on a fake smile. "Its okay you didn't know and I can't blame you for your reaction." Elayn said as she looked at Ashley and spoke with a soft tone. Ashley's heart skipped a beat at the tone of Elayn's voice. "Elayn's right we can't really blame you but the next time you talk to us like that no to Elayn like that I will beat your ass to no end." Andy said as he looked at Ashley with piercing eyes. Ashley nodded his head as he looked at Elayn with loving eyes. "What the hell is going on? I swear I can never sleep in this damn house." Jinxx said as he walked downstairs with a blanket draped over his shoulders. "Well I guess now is the perfect time to tell him." Cc said as he stood up from the couch and looked at Jake. Jake nodded his head and stood by Cc and walked next to him up to Jinxx. Jinxx looked at Cc and Jake half asleep. "What?" Jinxx asked as Jake sat him down at the table in the dinning room and told them the news. "Oh okay that's cool can I go back to sleep?" Jinxx asked as he stood up looking at Jake and Cc with saggy eyes. "Yeah you can." Jake said as he looked at Jinxx and laughed a bit. "Do you want to go to sleep, babe?" Andy asked Elayn as he looked at her with sleepy eyes. Elayn nodded her head and smiled at Andy. Andy smiled and picked up Elayn bridal style and walked upstairs with her in his arms. Jake and Cc smiled at Andy and Elayn as they disappeared up the stairs and in the hallway. Jinxx followed and walked upstairs to his room closing the door behind him.

'God damn it Andy you fucking stole Elayn from me I will get her back she is mine and only mine. I will fight you for her if I have to because Elayn belongs to me and only me forever.' Ashley thought to himself as he yawned and walked upstairs to his room.

"Hey I'm going to go hit the hay don't be so loud please." Jake said as he walked upstairs. Cc nodded his head and sat on the couch watching TV. Andy laid Elayn down on the bed and laid down next to her. Elayn smiled at Andy and snuggled up close to him as he wrapped the both of them in his blanket and wrapped his arm around Elayn holding her close. "I love you." Andy said as he kissed the top of Elayn's head. "I love you too." Elayn responded as she drifted off into sleep with a smile on her face. Andy smiled and looked at Elayn as he held her close to his chest to where she could hear his heart beat.

'Who would have thought that my own sister, well she isn't technically, could make me so happy and fall even more in love with her more than I have ever fallen in love with anyone. I truly do believe that she is my soulmate maybe she has always been and I was too blind to notice it at first but now my eyes are open to the truth and I see that all I want is her. I've fallen so far in love with her and I continue to fall in love everyday. Elayn I promise you that one day I will make you my wife and we will have a family a true family all for you my princess.' Andy thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep and held Elayn close in his arms.

The next morning Andy was the first awake and he woke up with a smile on his face as he looked down at Elayn and saw that she was still fast asleep. A smirk crept across Andy's face as an idea came to his mind on how to wake Elayn up. "Baby get up." Andy said as he began to kiss Elayn all over showering her in kisses. Elayn groaned and pulled the blanket over her head and tried to go back to sleep. "Nope come on we have to get up." Andy said as he removed the blanket from over Elayn and began to shower her in kisses again. Elayn smiled and looked at Andy. "Okay I'm up now stop." Elayn said with a giggle as she kissed Andy. "No, I don't want to." Andy said as he continued to smother Elayn in kisses. Elayn laughed and wrapped her arms around Andy and kissed him back. "What did you wake me up for, then?" Elayn asked with a slight chuckle. "Because today you and I will be going on our photoshoot and making the news about us public." Andy said with a smile as he looked at Elayn. "Sounds great." Elayn said with a smile as she sat up. Andy sat up and smiled at her. "Yeah it is." Andy said as he sat up and kissed Elayn once before getting up.

'So now the world will know that Andy and I aren't related now we can be together in public with being shunned or shamed upon by everyone I'm so damn happy I can finally show my love for Andy in public.' Elayn thought to herself as she stood up and kissed Andy.

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