Just A Play [Jimin X Reader]

By SevenWho

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You and Jimin? Not on very good terms. Terrible terms, actually. But life brings it so that he needs your hel... More

Chapter 1- Write Them A Song
Chapter 2- Teenage Love Stories
Chapter 3- Stupid Essay
Chapter 4- And It Had To Rain, Didn't It?
Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got Kicked
Chapter 6- Sleepover Vol1
Chapter 7- Sleepover Vol2
Chapter 8- Sleepover Vol3
Chapter 9- Where's da damn chocolate? (Sleepover vol4)
Chapter 10- He's Scared?
Chapter 11- Time To Finish That Essay
Chapter 12- Go To Sleep
Chapter 13- Freak Out
Chapter 14- Dance Studio
Chapter 15- I'm Ticklish There
Chapter 16- Revenge
Chapter 17- Backfire
Chapter 18- Ex?
Chapter 19- Let's just go.
Chapter 20- He Wants Ice Cream.
Chapter 21-Bad Luck
Chapter 22- The Word Is Out
Chapter 23- Do It Or Not Do It
Chapter 24- Cherry Flavored Syrup
Chapter 25- 12 Hour Long Sleep
Chapter 26- Cancel
Chapter 27- The Dress
Chapter 28- Get Out.
Chapter 29- The Party Vol1
Chapter 30- The Party Vol2
Chapter 31- The Party Vol3
Chapter 32- Balance
Chapter 33- Take Advantage Of Him?
Chapter 34- Sleep talking
Chapter 35- Bathrobe
Chapter 36- Phone
Chapter 37- Omma
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Elevator
Chapter 40- New Decisions?
Chapter 41- New Deal
Chapter 42- Bring Her Clothes
Chapter 43- Airport
Chapter 44- Pair Of Brown Eyes
Chapter 45- Karma's A Bitch
Chapter 46- Pink Dance Master
Chapter 47- Misunderstood
Chapter 48- The Truth
Chapter 49- I'm Not A Piranha
Chapter 50- Interrupted
Chapter 51- Locked Door
Chapter 52- About Time
Chapter 53- Come Back To Me
54- Let's Stop Fighting
Chapter 55- I'll Race You
Chapter 57- Worst Moment
Chapter 58- Talking Tree, Seagull And Horse
Chapter 59- Pack Your Bags
Chapter 60- Proud Father Jungkook
Chapter 61- Gift?
Chapter 62- I'll Call Lions On You
Chapter 63- Younger Brother
Chapter 64- Childhood Friend
Chapter 65- Suspicious?
Chapter 66- Dear Mom
Chapter 67- Your Love Life Is Dead
Chapter 68- The Mind Went There
Chapter 69- Backstory
Chapter 70- Corner Of The Sick
Chapter 71- Text Her Back
Chapter 72- Unknown Caller
Chapter 73- She Might Come
Chapter 74- Guests
Chapter 75- They Were Right
Chapter 76- Dying Of Laughter
Chapter 77- Sentimental
Chapter 78- Fireworks
Chapter 79- She's A Flirt
Chapter 80- Facebook Live
Chapter 81- Screenshots
Chapter 82- It's Over.
Chapter 83- Small Car
Chapter 84- Returning
Chapter 85- Friends...?
Chapter 86- Hair
Chapter 87- EunBi Is Gone
Chapter 88- Amusing Embarassment
Chapter 89- Hanging Out And Having Dinner
Chapter 90- Mr. Isleepshirtless
Chapter 91- Mornin'
Chapter 92- Have Mercy
Chapter 93- This Feeling Isn't Nice
Chapter 94- He's Overthinking
Chapter 95- What?

Chapter 56- What To Do?

5.9K 249 96
By SevenWho

As you and Jimin reach the house, you see the front door opening out come a bunch of people. First you notice a cheery Taehyung holding Eunbi's hand as he rushes down the two steps of the porch.

Soon, everyone else follows and last comes out ChaeRin, with a satisfying smile plastered on her face but soon it fades away once she sees you and Jimin walking side by side towards them.

He was looking for her?

ChaeRin thinks as she glares at you

Of course he was,ChaeRin, he's dating her.

Her subconscious throws at her.

She won't be for long, though, so she should just get a good taste of him before they break up.

She thinks and she walks down the steps with a smirk on her face.

"Aaaah! Finally! The lovebirds are back!" Jungkook says teasingly once you and Jimin reach them.

You purse your lips at Jungkook's comment and Jimin simply laughs, looking down.

"How come we're going at a Karaoke Center?" Jimin asks, completely changing the subject.

"It's my gift for Taehyung," ChaeRin pops into the conversation, "I realized that I came to the party but did not bring Taehyung a gift from me, I just brought EunTak's, so I thought why not go for a karaoke where we'll all have fun and I'll pay for it?" ChaeRin says and a few people - that do not belong in your circle of friends- cheer.

"O-oh...," Jimin says, "Y-Yeah, good thinking,"

And it just gets plain awkward for everyone there. And to think that it's a group of sixteen people; the seven boys, Eunbi, you, Mark, ChaeRin, and five friends of Taehyung from his courses.

"Jimin, go take your coat, you'll catch a cold otherwise," you say breaking the silence and Jimin nods his head and dashes inside the house before Jungkook has the time to lock the door.

"Aaah, be quick," Jungkook whines.

"Well, we'll start walking so catch up to us later, come on guys," NamJoon says and the group of people starts walking towards the direction of the Karaoke Center.

"We'll walk there?" You ask, not being aware of how close this center is from the boy's house.

"Yeah, it's just a ten-minute walk, and besides we'll have to use three cars to go there," Eunbi says and you nod in agreement.


Now, you get drowned in awkwardness.

Should you wait for Jimin?


Should you not?

Well, as friends, you're not that close to be obligated--by the unwritten rule between friends-- to wait for him.

Whoever, as his girlfriend that is viewed by everyone you'll have to show that you're caring and therefore wait for him and go with him to the center.

So, what do you do?

Aaaah, everything makes me feel so uncomfortable, really!!!

You think as you lower your head and mess your hair up as you let out a squichy sound of suffocation.

It's okay, Y/N, just hold on the awkwardness will fade away at some point. It just needs time. Time and patience.

You definitely have the time. You're not going anywhere any time soon. And you also keep saying that you're patient person, it's time to show it.

Show it to yourself, Y/N.

You try to encourage yourself and thankfully it works.

You look up and you see ChaeRin standing a few meters away from you, waiting for Jimin as well.

What the...?

Aaah, this girl, seriously! She grasps every chance that becomes visible to her... Tsk...

Just... Just let him be...

You think feeling annoyed towards ChaeRin for having Jimin go through all this, but yourself too, as this journey hasn't been easy for you either.

"Hyuuuuung, hurry up!" you hear Jungkook yell from the front door to Jimin inside.

Aah, thank goodness Jungkook is here as well... The tension will be less with him here as well...

You think, realizing that if Jungkook was not here then you, Jimin and ChaeRin would have to go to the center together... Meaning ten minutes of absolute tension and suffocation.

"I'm ready!" Jimin as he exits and he freezes once he sees ChaeRin waiting for him with a smile.

His eyes scan the street looking for you, hoping he won't have to walk all the way to the Center with ChaeRin and Jungkook alone.

Relief washes over him once he sees you and he purses his lips trying to hold a smile back.

"Finally, what took you so long?"Jungkook asks, irritation visible in his voice.

"I couldn't find my coat," Jimin says stuffing his hands in the black coat he's wearing.

Now, ChaeRin finds herself secretly smiling as Jimin realizes that ChaeRin probably hid his coat somewhere so he'll have to go and ask her for its location.

"Is that my coat?" Jungkook asks once he has locked the door and given a more careful look to Jimin noticing that the coat he's wearing is actually his.

"I told you I couldn't find my coat, so I burrowed yours," Jimin smiles at his dongseaeng and walks down the stars making his way to you.

"Hyuuung," Jungkook whines, "You know I don't like it when you take my clothes without asking!!"

"Sorry, Jungkook-ah, won't do it again, now come on let's go," Jimin says he motions his head to start walking.

You smile, not really recalling any other time you've been with Jimin at your presence and not having fought one bit, but actually enjoying each other's company, no matter the awkwardness that takes place from time to time but it is bound to go away at some point.

It definitely won't be there forever.

Now, the four of you have formed a line, you between Jimin and ChaeRin And Jungkook next to his Hyung. However no one dares to talk.

Jimin doesn't really want to start a conversation knowing that ChaeRin will definitely jump in and say anything that could do who-knows-what to him.

Jungkook is aware of the situation that is going on and he feels that tension, he also doesn't know if anyone wants to talk so he chooses the safe road and remains silent.

You can also feel the tension created by Chae-Rin's presence and you cannot be more annoyed by it. You would definitely rather waking only with Jungkook and Jimin and receiving some teasing  from the maknae, than walking with the two and ChaeRin next to you.

You don't have anything personal against the girl, she hasn't done anything bad directly to you therefore you don't have any personal reasons to dislike or hate her, however she is clearly doing unwanted things to Jimin who happens to have dragged you into the story with Chae-Rin. And now that both you and him are trying to be friendlier you can't just hate him and then hate Chae-Rin as well for being the reason you're dragged into this mess. Nonetheless, all this causes to have negative feelings for her as well as a bad image of her in your mind, whereas, Jimin is making the effort to come closer to you and he's no longer giving you reasons to think bad of him.

If the opportunity was given, though, you'd definitely not try to befriend her.

Now, ChaeRin is the only one out of the four of you that actually wants to begin a conversation. Anything will do as long as she can get more information on you and Jimin's relationship.

So, to get a rough idea on what type of stage the 'relationship' between you is she asks;

"Y/N-ssi, you had mentioned that your plans for the holidays got canceled, do you have anything else planned?" she asks and you can feel the goosebumps going down your spine.

What do you answer now?

That you have nothing planned. It should do.

But then another thing crawls up to your mind;

"Yes, I'm being very serious, and to prove that I am going to take you to Busan with me,"

His voice takes over your mind and you try to shake it away;

No, no, no, he was just joking back then.

You totally erasing the idea --to tell her that you'll go to Busan with Jimin for the holidays -- from your mind.

Yes, it may be a great way to make the shark lose the confidence it has but it's too risky.

First, because you don't know if Jimin really wants to show that your 'relationship' is on such level that you'll meet his parents and younger sibling.

Second and most important, Jimin might think that you actually believed his joke from before and will most likely make fun of you.

You don't really look forward for that kind of embarrassment.

So, yeah, you'll just say that you don't have anything in mind.

But, before you get the chance to speak what you battled so much to decide on, Jimin speaks catching everyone off-guard;

"Of course she does, she'll be coming with me to Busan," he says as soon you feel a hand wraps around yours and you know it's Jimin's.

What the heck is he doing?

Why is he saying this?

What is going on?

"Really, Hyung?" Jungkook asks, tilting to the front a bit so he can see both you and Jimin's face's.

"Yeah, I can't just leave her here celebrate the holidays alone while everyone else is home with their family," Jimin says, "And also there are tons of perverts around here, what if something happens and no one is here to help?"

Eeeh, now you'll wonder, does Jimin really mean what he is saying or is he saying it only to discourage ChaeRin?

Well, it's true that he's showing to be more caring than their true relationship status requires and that is, truly, because of ChaeRin. Nonetheless, it is true that he's planning to take you along and that you don't deserve to spend such happy days alone.

You on the other hand, being the stupid and insecure but also way down to earth person, who does not expect that much from Jimin so soon, still believe that he does not truly mean all this and that he is only saying it to discourage ChaeRin and continuing his joke.

But there is something that does not add up with the 'joke' theory, though. The moment that Jimin threw this sentence at you was totally not appropriate for a joke. In any mean, a joke would not fit at that situation, only plain honesty.

Yet again, your brain decides to be ignorant and not pay much attention to it.

"Aaaw, really?" ChaeRin gushes even though the pain and jealousy are taking over her little by little, "That's great! Have you met his family before?" ChaeRin asks you, not caring at all that she's invading.

You snap out of your thoughts and you give her a short answer, "No, I haven't."

"You'll love his mother! She's the sweetest person ever" she says clearly stating that she has met his family trying to make you feel uncomfortable by reminding you that she has dated Jimin before you and for a longer time as well.

Too bad that you don't give an actual shit, whether she has dated Jimin before or not. You don't have any romantic feelings for him to feel jealous, you're just starting to get to know of each other and you truly feel like he'll make a great friend but still no matter how much ChaeRin tries to make you feel jealous for having dated him before it just won't cut.

And let's face it, even if you truly where dating Jimin, still yoi don't believe you'd feel intimidated by her since the relationship with her died off but the one with you would still be blooming so--

Woah, woah, woah!!

Why am I suddenly thinking of relationships and stuff?

Y/N! Get your act together! It's too soon for anything like that.

You scold yourself and once again you are being cut off from your train of thoughts as Jimin speaks and you feel him hanging an arm around your shoulders--after letting go of your band-- bringing you closer to him;

"And my mother will love her as well because she is amazing," he says, now clearly stating this to make ChaeRin shut up since he clearly does not know enough about you to claim you amazing and know if you'll fit his mother's state.


You yell in your head, being drowned in more awkwardness, however you can do nothing about it so you just suck it up, and freely freak out in your mind where no one else but you can hear.

Now, this sentence that Jimin just said took a special toll on our dear ChaeRin...

You see, Mrs, Park and ChaeRin did not have the best off relationships... ChaeRin simply acted like the sweet girl she tried to look like, however his mother could look past that facade and clearly did not approve of the relationship, stating it right in front of ChaeRin.

And now, hearing Jimin state that his mom will love you, leaves actually a pretty good wound on her. But instead of making her sad it only makes her angry, growing the anger she has towards you even more.

"We're here," Jungkook says as now all of you are standing outside the karaoke center, all the others are inside, having a nice time except the for the four of you- for now.

"You guys go in I have a phone call to make," ChaeRin lies trying to buy sometime for herself.

"Okay," you say, "Take you time," you say as innocently as possible, but being obviously way more than just sarcastic, still under Jimin's arm as you guys go in.

ChaeRin waits until all the three of you are inside and then huffs out in anger;

"You are the main problem of this situation Y/N, I'll destroy you," she says and clenched her jaw,

"Just sit back and watch as I destroy your relationship piece by piece,"


How are you, fam?

I'm doing well :D

I'm really excited today *_*

I'll go to my friend's house so we can edit a video for YouTube (kpop related, yes)


Anyways, uuum,

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :D

ChaeRin is taking it on a personal level now, isn't she?

Eeeh, let her take it... It'll spice things up xD

Anyways, I gotta leave xD



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