I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 29

10.3K 204 66
By _beaniezayn

Ariana's POV:

Too many things are running through my mind as I stare at Zayn in disbelief. Is he serious? Why does everyone think that it's okay to go on and tell the world other people's business? Especially celebrities like us. It's not fair that our lives are always in the spotlight for the world to know. Don't get me wrong, I love people and I love letting them know things but not secrets or family issues. It's rude, I'm not apart of a soap opera or a reality tv show.

Anger rises within me. My fingers lock into a fist and my eyes glare out towards the wall. Why can't I get any peace around here? Most importantly, how the hell did someone find out(I know they've been putting the pieces together though)? They don't have any proof, they don't know their facts!

Zayn must've noticed the tension in me because he places his big hands over mine ane releases them from their fist position. Instead, he laces his fingers with mine. His eyes peer down at me and my body suddenly relaxes. Something in his eyes, behind the doubt, is a look of positivity- everything will (hopefully) be okay.

"How did they possibly find out?" I huffed. "I know we've been together a lot and you've been here but you told them we were friends."

Zayn nodded. "I told management that we are childhood friends and we were just catching up."

I sighed not knowing what to think or do. I have so much coming up- Sam and Cat starts being filmed in a little over a week, I have photo shoots,  interviews, conferences with management about possibilities of a mini tour. I'm overwhelmed and now that the world knows that Zayn's Delaney's dad, we can kiss the privacy goodbye. We aren't really private now- we go our on our own sometimes but now we are not going to be able to leave the house without an entire military base(exaggeration) let alone even look outside.

Zayn breaks me from my thoughts. "We have a meeting to go to. We need to be there soon so we should leave soon." I nodded. I guess we aren't getting body guards for the way there, huh?

"Okay, I will call down Delaney and give her the asthma medicine and then we can go." I replied, pulling out of Zayn's hands. "I would just lesve here here but my mom and brother are gone."

He nodded and pecked my cheek as I walked past him. A little smile takes over my lips as he did so. He always knows how to make me feel better even if it's just a little kiss.

When I'm at the staircase, I shout up to Delaney, "Come down now Delaney!" Not even 10 seconds later, I see her at the top of the staircase. I notice the reddening around her eyes and frown on her lips- she's been crying. "Come on babe."

She slowly walks down the stairs and holds on to the medal stair handle as she does so. When she finally makes it down, I take her hand, ignoring her stubborn protests to let go- because shes mad, and I take her into the kitchen.

She smacks my hand with her free hand and I've had enough. "Delaney Grace, cut it out now before I spank you!" I snapped, narrowing my eyes at the small 6 year old. She jumps back, finally freeing her hand and starts sobbing loudly. Angrily, I lift her up and sit her on the counter. "I have had it with you today, Delaney! You're going to your room for the rest of the night when we get home!"

She screams and sobs with anger and sadness. I ignore her as best as I can and grab the shot supplies from the medicine cabinet. When I've prepared the needle, I set it down and grab an alcohol wipe and lift the sleeve of her shirt. She continues to be obnoxious so I don't give her any time to spare after I've cleaned her skin. I press the needle in quickly and send the medicine through her veins.

"Mommy!" She cried but I continue to ignore her. I place a bandaid over the area and put all of the supplies away. I hadn't known Zayn was still in here until I see him leaning against the fridge, staring at us. He frowns at the scene of our misbehaved daughter. I shake my head in disbelief about her and turn around. She sits at the edge of the counter with her feet dangling so I walk over and put her down.

I bend down to her height and forcefully grab ahold of her chin. "Stop crying." I demanded. "If you do one more bad thing to Zayn, me, or anyone today, I will not hesitate to spank you. Do you hear me?"

She sobs but nodded. "Stop crying Delaney."

She doesn't listen but speaks through her sobs, "M-mommy, it h-hurts s-so bad!" It takes me a second to realize that shes talking about her arm where the shot was. I let go of her chin and pull her closer to me. I sighed- we do this every day. But usually it's not this bad. She's making it a lot worse than it actually is because she's upset with me.

"Go sit at the table and I will bring you your lunch. You need to eat quickly because we have to go somewhere." I instructed and she nods. I wipe her cheeks and kiss one before she walks over to the table and sits in a chair. I bring her plate that I already fixed to her and she starts eating.

"Are you hungry?" Zayn asked from behind me. I turn around to see that he's only inches away. I shake my head no. "Are you sure? It's noon and you didn't eat breakfast either."

"I can't eat when I'm stressed, Zayn." I sighed leaning against the counter. He frowns and steps closer to me.

"Promise me you'll eat later?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod. I lean into his chest and hug him tightly. His lips come into contact with my forehead and I relax. "I love you baby."

Mumbling, I replied, "I love you too." And I mean it every time I say it.


"Ariana?" Zayn broke the silence. I look over at him instead of staring out the car window. He keeps his eyes firm on the road but glances over at me for a second.


He sighed, "We need to talk about some things. . ." I scunch my eyebrows in confusion as I stare at him. I study his face and notice how tired he looks.

"Like what?" I asked nervously. When a boyfriend or girlfriend say we need to talk, it means one of two things. And I'm not too excited to hear what he has to say, honestly.

He fumbles but finally figures out what to say. "I think I should stop staying at your house. . ." What? I was not expecting that. His voice was low and I could sense how nervous he was.

"What? Why?" I asked quickly. "You're always welcome to stay there and there is way more than enough room for you and I re-"

He interrupted me, "Ariana, stop." He takes a breath. "I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. I just think it's best if we do this." I scoffed.

"Then why are you doing this? Is this your way of breaking up with me? After everything we've been through?!"

"Fuck no. God, Ariana I'm doing this for us!" He snapped and I shake my head and look out the window. "Look at me, Ariana."

I slowly turn my head towards him but before he can continue, I beat him to it. "I thought you couldn't stand to be away from me Zayn. For heavens sake we just got to be together yesterday evening and now you're wanting to be so distant? Make up your damn mind!"

"You didn't let me finish!" He growled and I slump back into my seat. We always fight and I'm tired of it. I let him finish because I don't need to be yelled at when I'm already going to be yelled at enough when we get to the meeting with management. "Let me explain, damn."

I nodded as he glanced at me. "I just think that if we have different places to stay at, that the spotlight might be taken off us a little bit, you know? Yeah the world will know we are dating and they know about Delaney. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I never thought of it that way. I guess my stupid insecurities decided to fight with me over something ridiculous. I really need to work on that for both Zayn and my sakes.

"I understand. Sorry for getting offended." I said quietly. I stare out the front window as he drives down a busy road and I suddenly feel his hand on my thigh. I look at him with a half-smile.

"You're absolutely, positively, insanely, indescribable, unbelievably, extremely," He pauses and I giggle causing him to smile. "Crazily, amazingly, greatly, blazingly,"

"Get on with it!" I giggle at each facial expression he makes with each word he says. He laughs and I continue to join him as well as Delaney in the back seat.

"Beautiful." He grinned. "You're absolutely, positively, insanely, indescribable, unbelievably, extremely, crazily, amazingly, greatly, and blazingly beautiful."

I smile, staring up at him. He always makes me happy and he is ace at lightening the darker moments. I am grateful for that because having a positive person in your life is important.

"And you're handsome." I commented causing him to snicker quietly.

"Wow, how detailed was that? I am impressed Ariana." He teased, his eyes glistening from the sunlight. I giggle and smack his arm slightly. "Stop it babe, you could cause an accident."

He continues to tease me and I continue to smack him repeatedly. Times like these I cherish because the little things matter. Sometimes, the little things are really big things but they're downgraded depending on who the person is. But I for one, am someone who remembers the little things and never, ever forgets them.


"Welcome, welcome. Take a seat wherever you'd like." We're greeted by several people whom I somewhat recognize and some I don't. I assume the ones I don't know are Zayn's management.

Cautiously, I walk over to three empty chairs and set Delaney in one and myself in another. Sit wherever you'd like basically means sit in these three seats we saved for you. Zayn briefly raises his eyebrows at me before he sits down. I watch him take in a large breath and blow it out, causing the hair he didn't style up to flow around.

"I'm Cheryl." A women stands in front of me and holds out her hand. I smile awkwardly and shake it briefly. I think I recall Zayn referring to Cheryl as apart of his management. She turns around and I watch her walk over to the desk which I assume is hers. "I'm the head of One Directions CEO management incorporated."

I stare at her curiously. She is their head of management? She has to be at least 60 years old. Shouldn't she be retiring or something other than being up all the guys' ass about everything?

"I'm Ariana. . . I-its nice to meet you." I acknowledged, trying to sound as casual as possible. She half-smiled and nods once. Stupid Ariana, she knows who you are, I thought to myself.

"Zayn." She greeted, glancing at him with her glasses on her nose. She's sitting in her chair with a pin in her hands. "So, let's get to business, shall we?"

I ignore her when I see my head management, Catherine. Scooter is my manager but he doesn't do all of that alone. He, himself has a manager which is the head. . .Catherine. I'm shocked to see him here too and when I make eye contact, he raises his eyebrows and I think I see him shake is head.

Why is everyone disgusted with the fact that Zayn and I are a thing and that Delaney is our child?

"So," Cheryl started. She sets her pin down and connects her hands together. "Let's discuss this. . . child of yours."

I shift uncomfortably when I see her stare at Delaney cautiously. I look down at her and notice her scooting farther and farther back into her chair. She's either intimidated by Cheryl or she's afraid. . . maybe both.

"Maybe Delaney shouldn't be in here for this." I announced,  glancing around. Cheryl stares at me for what seems like hours until she huffs and nods.

"I guess that would be okay." She said, biting the tip of the back of the pin. Scooter is already beside me when she announces that Delaney can leave.

"I'll take her. Theres a little daycare on floor 1 for workers children that I'll take her to, okay?" He stated and I nodded. He lifts Delaney who automatically shrieks in his arms.

"Put me down!" She protested, upset. I stand up and kiss her cheek swiftly before cooing to her.

"It's okay baby. I will see you soon, okay? Uncle Scooter is going to take you to play with toys." She still frowns at me but nods. "Thank you sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you too." She mumbled laying her head on Scooters shoulder. Zayn stands up and kisses her forehead and tells her he loves her too in which she responds the same. Scooter takes her out of the room and I sit back down. A feeling in my gut tells me I shouldn't have had Delaney leave because now she and the others have absolutely no excuse to go easy on us.


Zayn's POV:

I grow frustrated listening to Cheryl and Catherine scowl at us. Who the hell do they think they are for trying to tell us what and what not to do with our lives? They're basically saying they run our lives.

"This is a complete mess, Zayn and Ms. Grande. You have jeopardized you're careers because of some silly mistake." Cheryl scolded and I grow angrier.

"Are you saying our daughter was a mistake?" I snapped, angrily. I feel a hand connect with mine and I squeeze it. Ariana stares at me and sends me a weak half-smile.

"No, I'm not." Cheryl continued. "I'm saying that you guys shouldn't have been so foolish for not using protection ages ago. You guys are causing so much conflict because of everyone knowing shes your daughter too."

I feel Ariana tense and I glance at her face to see a hard expression along with harsh words that fall from her perfect lips. "What we did 6 years ago was not and is not any of your business. That was before either of us were famous, Cheryl. You have no right to say complete shit about us and Delaney because it's starting drama. We didn't tell anyone about us and Delaney. Although they did see us together a lot, we didn't confirm us. No one knew for sure that Delaney was Zayn's too until somehow someone found out. I don't need you to sit here and try to run our lives. This is our business, not yours. Stay the fuck out!"

I'm stunned by her speech. She said everything flawlessly and I can't help but feel that she planned that all out but I know she didn't. She's excellent at sticking up for herself and family. I'm so proud of her because of that. She used to be the complete opposite but now that she's blossomed, she is a more confident girl.

"Ariana!" Catherine snapped and Ariana slightly jumps but crosses her legs to make it seem like she hadn't. "I don't care how angry you are. You do not speak to a fellow CEO like that."

"This time, I'm not sorry Catherine." Ariana replied, confidently. I try to hide my smile but it doesn't work when it takes over my entire face.

"I'm so tired of being told what to do. I'm my own person and I can run my own life." I finally said. Cheryl slightly glares at me but I just roll my eyes. "What was the point of coming here?"

Cheryl takes off her glasses and rubs her temples. "I'm angry with you Zayn." She pauses. "I called you guys here to discuss what we're going to do about this. Tomorrow you guys are getting Interviewed by E-News and you're going to tell them the story."

Catherine continues for her, noticing the stresssd expression on her face. "You guys are not allowed to use twitter until we say so; we will run your accounts. You can't go anywhere for a week unless you're with a body guard until things cool down. Now Ariana,"

Ariana perks up, paying more attention at her name being announced. "Any plans for future tours are being either canceled or delayed. You are to still start filming Sam and Cat next week though."

Ariana's face is filled with shock. "Why are my possible tour plans canceled?!"

Catherine sighed. "It's a punishment and it's far too risky now that everyone knows about everything. Zayn is a part of the biggest boy band in the world and there are are too many crazy fans that could put your life at risk while on stage."

"That's not fair!" Ariana cried out, tears threatening to spill down her soft cheeks. I frown at the sight of her being emotionally hurt. She deserves to go on tour and get bigger as a star. "My dream is to go on a big tour around the world and you know it! You can't do this to me because of having a child with Zayn!"

"I'm sorry but this is my job, Ariana. This is how it's going to go for now. We are having another meeting in a week and I expect you both to be here." She stated. "We are done for today."

Tears pour down Ariana's cheeks and I can't take it anymore. I stand onto my feet and screamed, "Fuck you! You can't fucking do this to her! You guys are so fucking stupid and I hope you burn in hell! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

My throat burns and I don't think I've screamed that loud before. I pull Ariana to her feet and pull her into my chest as she sobs. I hold her close by the waist and place one hand on the back of her head. She snuggles her face in my face and sobs loudly. This is her dream and it's being ruined because of us as a family.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry, so sorry." I cooed into her ear. I kiss her neck slightly, not caring if people in the room are watching. "Baby,"

She pulls away and grabs her purse from the chair. She angrily stalks out of the room and slams the door before I can make it out. I chase after her but before I leave the room, I turn around and flip everyone off.

"Ariana!" I shouted, running after her. I make out of the room and into the elevator before it shuts with her in it. I frown and pull her by the waist to me. She looks up at me with red eyes and lets out a sob.

"She's destroying my d-dream." She rambled, holding onto my shirt. I push her up against the wall and press my lips to her forehead. "She and I planned this for months! A-and shes canceling them. She was about to start booking the dates for my tour in a month."

"I was supposed to go all over America and Europe!" She added, still crying her eyes out. I pull her into my chest and walk us out of the elevator because it dinged, signaling that we are on floor 1. I get stares from bystanders and workers but I just ignore them. I pull Ariana off my stomach and she cuddles against my side as we walk towards a mini play place where Delaney must be.

I spot Scooter with Delaney sitting at the table. I assume shes coloring when I see a marker in her left hand. I smile a little at her cuteness and then walk over there with Ariana attached to me. "Laney?"

She looks up curiously and smiles. I study her face when she looks at her mommy-concern and sadness fills in her eyes. "Mommy?" She stands up and walks in front of Ariana. I eye Scooter cautiously as he stares at Ariana in confusion.

"Yes, baby?"

Delaney frowns. "Why you cryin'?" The compassion in her voice warms my heart so much. I love this little girl and I'll ecstatic to call her my daughter.

"Mommy is sad." Ariana mumbled, letting go of my side. She sends Scooter a glare before lifting Delaney into her arms. I glance at Scooter for a second and while I'm at it, he speaks up.

"Ariana. . ." He said timidly. Annoyance is clearly filled in his voice and he holds a stern stare at her.

Ariana snapped, "You were apart of deciding to cancel my tour plans, weren't you?!" Scooters eyes widen and he immediately shakes his head no. "Don't fucking lie to me! You're apart of management, Scooter!"

"I did not!" He protested. "I didn't cancel your tour plans! I had thought that you guys were booking the dates soon!"

"Then why did Catherine cancel it?!" She shouted, causing other little kids and the caretaker to glance over. Ariana's eyes are puffy from crying and just below her nose is red too. She holds Delaney tightly and keeps a glare on Scooter.

"I have no idea!" He fired back. "I had nothing to do with this, Ariana!"

"I don't believe you!" Ariana argued, angrily.

"I think we should discuss this somewhere else." Scooter pointed out and I couldn't agree more. Before Ariana can protest, I grab her by the forearm and basically drag her out of the kids room. Once we're out, she places Delaney on her feet and stalks close to Scooter.

"Why did you do this to me?" She sobbed again. I grab Delaney's hand and pull her closer to me. Scooter frowns and pulls Ariana into his chest. To my surprise, she doesn't try to get away, she grasps onto him and sobs.

"I didn't do this Ariana. This wasn't my idea. I promise I will talk with them and deal with this!" He assured her, running his hands all over her back in a comforting manner.

Ariana sniffles and pulls away, "You mean that?"

Scooter smiles and nods. "Of course I do. I promise you I had nothing to do with this. All I was a part of was to have a discussion about what to do about the problematic issues due to Zayn being the father of Delaney."

He pauses. "By the way, that didn't really surprise me. She looks just like the both of you."

Ariana smiles sweetly and wipes her eyes. "I'm sorry. . ."

"It's all okay. Now go home and sleep. You look absolutely exhausted." He said to her, smiling. I didn't notice the dark bags under her eyes until he pointed her weakness out. I suddenly feel bad. "See you in a week, Ariana. Call me if you need to. I can't make it to the E-News interview tomorrow because Justin has a photo shoot."

She nodded and waved goodbye to him. Then she looks over at me and shrugs with a lazy half-smile. Before I know it, her lips are on mine and arms around my neck. "Thank you- for sticking up for me in there. I love you."

I peck her lips again. "I will always defend you. I love you more than anything."






Longggg chapter, you're welcome ;)

Guess what guys? My birthday was Wednesday! I'm 15 finally lol.

When's your birthday?


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Fan meeeee :)

I love y'all.


Check out my other stories!

-Mackenzie xoxo

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