
By Megan-Nicole

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All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween
Ending All The Pain
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Miam Or Payzer?
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
Plane Trip
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Family Reunion
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!


86 2 0
By Megan-Nicole


It's been a whole 3 weeks and 2 days since Megan. It's been really rough too. Harry finally came back after 2 days. He searched for her on the banks but didn't find her. He went out and drank to ease the pain. I tried that and it worked for a little while. It numbed my pain. But it just came right back. Lou hasn't been his crazy self lately. Niall doesn't eat as much. Maybe a small meal a day, if that. Zayn doesn't talk and always has a blank face. And me, I'm trying to hold us together. It hurts. A lot. I go in and out of reality and sometimes I still see her. I know its just my mind playing tricks but I still try and hold her. I have nightmares now. Sometimes I wake up not knowing if its reality or just another nightmare. Sometimes I wish it was a nightmare. I didn't get to tell her how much I love her. I didn't get to hold her as much as I could've. I didn't get to spend enough time with her.

"I'm going out." Harry says, bringing me out of my trance.

"Uhm Harry. Why don't you stay in tonight. Maybe we can do something. Like we use to." I suggest, pulling a smile. He silently walk over to the four of us, taking a seat between Lou and Zayn.

"Ya know Liam. Some of us are trying to get rid of the pain. Some of us are actually grieving. This is how I get rid of the pain of losing her." He says tightly.

"You think I don't miss her?! Harry, I loved her. No, I still love her. I have nightmares for Christ's sake. I'm just trying to keep us together. She wouldn't want us to just fade away to nothing. She would want us to continue being ourselves. You don't think I'm grieving? Harry, I still see her. I still try to hold her. You don't understand how much I miss her. Nobody does." I say, softly-spoken.

"You still see her too?" Zayn pips up. I think this is the first time he's talked throughout the whole thing.

"Yea. Usually it's outside." I say.

"Same here. It still feels like she's here. Like she never left." He says quietly.

"I know mate." I say understandingly.

"Remember the day we met her." Niall says, smiling. Though, it doesn't fully reach his eyes like it use to.

"I still don't understand how she beat me in Fifa." Lou whines.

"I remember when I met her in starbucks. She almost yelled my name out when my order was ready. I asked her why she wasn't a comedian. I remember her exact words. 'Just not my thing. If I was a comedian I'd offend way too many people and probably be arrested the first hour.' She was hilarious." Harry says, smiling at the ground.

"She was amazing." I say in thought.

"Except the fact that she ate my food. She never did get me my lucky charms." Niall laughs.

"See this is what she would want." I say, smiling at them. Hopefully we can go back to normal. Well, not normal, but as close to it as we can get.

*2 years later*

It's been exactly 2 years today since Megan. It's been hell since she left. We all miss her so much. I still think I see her sometimes. Sometimes I think I see her at the store or on the street. It kinda freaks me out. I just wish she was still here. Everything would be so much easier. Simon made me make up with Dani and date her for another year. A whole damn year! That was torture for me. If Megan was still here I would've been happy with her, but no Dani screwed that all up. I'm just tired. I'm tired of losing people.

"Hey mate. You ready?" Lou asks, placing his reassuring hand on my shoulder. Were backstage at our third show of the tour.

"Yea." I say, glumly. He smiles weakly at me and we grab our mics.

"You're on in five. Four. Three. Two. Go." The stage director counts down with his fingers. I start singing and we walk out onstage. All the girls start screaming. We sing some songs and now were at the twitter questions. I look up at the screen and read the next question.

Hey boys! Remember a couple years ago right before Liam started dating Dani, there was that mystery girl? I was wondering who she was? Do you see her anymore?

Love, Meg xx

Woah. Okay. I feel my eyes start to tear up and try to hide my face. I take a few deep breaths. Wait, from Meg? Well that's a bit ironic. I look at the others and I can see the confusion in their eyes. Maybe this is a sign?

"Uhm. Well the first thing you need to know is that her name was Megan. She liked to be called Meg or Megz." I say, clearing my throat.

"Second thing, she's gone. Far away now. It's been two years today since she was taken from us. We were all best friends with her. It doesn't matter how long we knew her for. She was still our best friend. Maybe it was because we all related to her in some way. She had a massive love for food. She was the craziest, funniest person I've met since Lou. She had a mature side like me. She always knew the right thing to say, she was the person to go to with a problem and she would help you through it. She always appreciated life no matter what it threw at you, like Zayn. She had this sexual humor side like Harry. She lived for the moment, but sometimes the moment wasn't so great for her, and that's what drew her over the edge. Yes, she took her own life. She had her troubles in life but we helped her as much as we could. I guess it wasn't enough though. We miss her a lot." I finish my speech. I look at the others and see they have glossy eyes. It's been really hard for us.

I look around the crowd and I stop when I see a girl about 4 rows from us. Our eyes lock and she looks panicked. She looks away and hides her face. It can't be. She's gone. Dead. But I swear that looked just like her. And It didn't seem like a hallucination. But then again, neither do all the other times. What if it was her? No, that's impossible. Right? But, Harry never did find her body. Nobody did. There was a funeral but they didn't bury anything. It was mostly for closure. It can't really be her. Can it?


Hey guys!

So, here I am again updating like a good person :) I'll most likely update again within the next couple days because I'm most likely going to get grounded monday...that's when report cards come home and I dont think I did very good...I tried I really did but my teachers aren't teaching us right! I swear!

Anyway, I hope you guys like it. Please please vote and comment I love when you guys comment...oh that reminds me.

SHOUTOUT to KidrauhlPayne for commenting so much :) even though it was only 3 or 4 it means a lot to me so go check her story out!

Bye my lovelys :*

Meg xxx

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