Hidden behind the Mask

By hellyeahghost

856 90 69

"So what's your power?" "What they didn't tell you?" I smirk, might as well have fun with this "I make thing... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 9

59 6 5
By hellyeahghost

"About Kent school-"

"You want to join? It's pretty nice, but a lot of competition" static explains looking up from my bed.

Let me explain, it's not what it seems. Three days have passed since the bank, and I haven't seen static since. Today he just appeared outside my window, and I thought "he'll leave in 5 minutes" but he's been here for the past 4 hours. Not that I mind, he's a great person that keeps conversation going, but I still have things to do.

"Yea, I want to go. Think I should?" I stop typing on my laptop and turn my attention towards him.

"Of course, I attend that school too." Static sits up and pulls out his phone. "all supers In California attend that school"

"I texted the number yesterday but they haven't said anything back" I groan, I have finally told them I want to join but of course I don't get an answer.

"Just show up, say your a new student."

"Easy for you, you're like the only young super in woodlake."

"Uh, not anymore." He puts a straight face "you appeared"

I laugh, he smiles and throws himself back into my bed.

" okay, I'll just go." I agree "but I don't even know where it's at?"

"You got Netflix?" Static asks," because you can watch this movie. Sky high? It's just like that but without all the baby and royal pain thing"

He shudders as he says it

"Oh yea! So like a school on the air?"

"Yes malady, on Monday I'll wait for you so we can go together." He winks, I hate when he gets flirty. I roll my eyes and go back to typing my essay that was due two days ago.

"Isn't there like a bus in that movie?" I put on my thinking face. Pretty sure the bus like flys with the kids.

"Yea, but we fly!" He points out, he does have a point.

"True, okay then it's settled." I turn back into my laptop.

I glance at him, on his phone without care in the world. His face covered with mask, only his jaw being visible. He's body covered in gray and yellow.

"Done checking me out?"

I look up at his face again, a smirk on his lips.

"Why do you know who I am, but I don't know who you are?"

"You've never asked" he shrugs.

"You never take off your mask, I don't even know what school you used to go too." I argue. He sits up again, amused.

"Oh okay, I went go your school. And maybe you'll find out who I am at Kent." He laughs, my mind going crazy.

"Go to my school?" I scrunch up my face. This is not adding up. I urge him to answer my question but all he does is lift up his eyebrow in amusement.

"Can't a kid go to both?" He laughs, not answering my question. I throw a stapler at him which he catches. That's one of the things that suck being friends with a super, you can't hit them. "Okay! I already got all my training for super school, so I only go if I want too!

Who is absent a lot at school? Alex? No couldn't be, He didn't even know he had powers. My mind keeps thinking when my phone dings either a message.

I glance at it and see it's from Kent school.

From unknown

You have been accepted to Kent high school.
We've been waiting for you Carter, you can finally be the super you need to become. Your schedule and rules will be explained to you on your first day of school.

Thank you and see you soon

"Guess I don't gotta just show up, I'm in."

"Cool, it's not like if every super gets accepted." He rolls his eyes and smiles.

" har har, can't you be a little bit happier?" I stand up from my desk and lay down next to static making sure I keep a foot of distance between us which I call the friendzone distance.

" I am happy, I can spend more time with my little cloud" he nudges me, I pushover him in return. My bed, my rules.

"Cloud? Is that your new nickname for me? You.... you... Pikachu!" I mutter, he erupts with laughter making me even more butthurt.

I shove him off the bed with my legs, he falls on the ground with a thump but still doesn't stop laughing.

My door slams open.

"Honey, I made you a sandwi-" my moms goes silent when static heads pop up from the other side of my bed.

"Mom?" I stammer, I'm unable to see static reaction but I want to die at the moment.

"Is that stat-"

"He's just a friend! I promise." I nudge static. He hasn't said anything and that's making the situation worse.

"Hello, Mrs. Williams. Nice to meet you." Static stands up and walks towards my mom, he's hand out for a handshake. My mom just stares at his gloved hand at pure disbelief.

"Um, hi static." She gently shakes his hand. "Just to be clear? You and static are friends that you hide under your bed??"

"NO, i mean yes? He saved me from tripping in a um puddle yesterday. And now where like friends. And I'm pretty sure he's gay." I stammer, why can't I shut up. " he has a boyfriend in england so don't have to worry about me! I'm good!"

Static faces me as quick as light (pun) and a horrified face takes over him.

I give him a weak smile and look at my mom.

"er honey, next time just make sure you tell me when you have any friends over. And I'm keep the umm" she points at the door" open please."

My mom turns around, her face still shocked as she walks away.

I wait a minute or so until I'm sure my mom is in the kitchen.

"Kill me now." I moan, static has made his way to my desk and is now sitting. Guess he wants to stay as far away to my bed as he can.

"Want me too? I can like kill you in seconds. Put some electricity in you" he tells me in a monotone voice. I can't figure out if he's kidding or not.

"Seems appealing but I'll pass." I cover my face with my hands.

"So I'm gay huh" static laughs.

"What! I couldn't think of anything, I promise my mom won't tell anyone that static told her he's gay." I remove my hands form my face and slowly start laughing.

Static also starts laughing. This whole situation is funny if you think about it. I'm in a room with a super. We were lying in the same bed. My mom comes in with a sandwich. Static and I are dying of laughter

Once the laughs dies down, static stands up

"Want to go to my favorite place?" He asks, an innocent smile on his lips. I smile back and sit up from the bed.

"Sure, but first I gotta ask the boss" I jerk my thumb towards the door.

"It's fine, I'll let her know." Static reassures me. "But put on your suit, I don't have bus fare."

I groan, I'm still pretty slow at flying.

Static walks out and I shut the door behind him. I take off my clothes and put on my suit. I love how this feels like a second skin. I reach for my mask and look at my mirror.

I'm an ordinary girl, but yet I put on the mask and I'm someone. theres my next catchphrase for my documentary as a super once I get famous!

I put on my mask and look at the mirror.

Hmm not bad for a newbie.

Static enters my room without knocking. I turn around and roll my eyes.

"She said yes. So let's go" static climbs out my window and starts flying.

I climb out and float out. I see static up ahead so I go towards him. Once I reach him, I ask him "what did you tell her?"

"If I could take her lovely daughter on a date" Static looks at me without missing a beat, flying off.

I stay still, did he just ask me on a date? Or was it an excuse. I shake my head, nah it ain't a date. He's my friend. I start moving towards him and we fly quietly together.


"This is where all the supers hang out." Static opens a random door from a neighborhood. At first I thought he was going to take me to his house but I was quickly disappointed.

The house was filled with picture frames of all the supers that have came from the area, which wasn't a lot. Woodlake is actually really small and we only have like 10 heros total. 5 at the moment since they want to go save people in bigger places like San Fransisco. I look around, all the pictures of people in masks smiling and having a good time.

"Look I'm in this one!" Statci rushes over like a little kid and grabs a frame. I grab it from his hands, and look at it.

Static is smiling at a camera with a happy little girl in his arms. There both covered in ashes.

"It's was when I rescued Angie form the fire. Like a year ago?" He shrugs and moves on. I stare at it in aw, how can he just brush it off like its nothing? He saved a person, gave them another chance of living.

I place the frame on top of the drawer where he got it and walk towards the nice couch.

"So what do supers do in here?" I ask, sitting down.

"You know, go over how to save the world and stuff." A girl voice comes from behind me. I turn around and see Luna. "and hot to take over the world but other than that, nothing"

when she looks at static she gives him a cherry red smile and then loosens her smile when she looks at me. don't know whats thats about. I skim my brain for information I might've learned about her in super studies.

Night vision and can make herself invisible.
Works with static in some occasions.

"Wow, I'm hi! I'm um car-"

"Black storm, she's black storm" static interrupts. I glance at him ,then turn my attention back at Luna.

"So close to figuring out who black storm is." She laughs and sticks out her hand "I'm Luna"

I shake her hand with a smile, wow I'm actually meeting a super. Static doesn't count anymore. All he does is brag and be a pain in the ass.

"Sadly, all the other heros are out, its been a calm week" she points out, sitting down next to static on the couch across from me. "So what have you been up to."

"Black storm here has signed up for Kent high." Static tells Luna, she does seem a little old to be in high school but young enough to be in college.

"That's great, you'll love it." She forcing a smile.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask Luna, not to be nosey but if it's a calm week then why is anyone here?

"Gotta make sure everything is in order."she shrugs," what are you doing here?"

I smile awkwardly, wincing at her harsh words. static on his phone as if nothing has happened."Static brought me here, wanted to show me around"

"how nice" she smiles back, examining me.

Static stands up and walks towards me, he sticks out his hand and I grab it, pulling myself up.

"We have go Luna, see you soon yeah?" Static tells her as he walks towards the door.

"I'll be waiting." Luna winks and stands up, Following us to the door.

"Bye" I whisper, getting an eye roll from Luna in return.

I wrinkle my nose, what did I do. Then I notice that static hasn't let go of my hand, so he's basically pulling me along with him. I gently pull my hand away and step out the door.

Static stays a minture and talks to Luna, I can't hear what there saying but I can hear the flirty voices there both doing. Ugh,so thats what its about. Luna and static are a thing, why haven't I heard this? Tayler would have told me.

Finally static shuts the door.

"Gotta go drop you off, yo momma did say bring her back in an hour." He chuckles and  carries me like a baby in the air with him.

"I can float you know, don't gotta carry me. " I sigh

"oh I forgot, thought you were Luna" a smirk comes in his face and before I can say anything, he lets me go.

For 5 seconds I don't now how to react. Fear is all I feel as I fall to my "death". Then I remember. I push myself up again, feets away from the ground.

"Stupid ass, he's gonna pay" I mutter as I reach static again.

"whats up my little cloud, missed ya." His sly smile peeking through.

I ignore him, looking for a way I can get payback. Then I see it. A huge puddle underneath us, I control water right? Karma a bitch.

"What are you planning?" His smile fades as I do my best evil smile.

I quickly move my right hand and face it towards him and less than a blink of an eye, the puddle of water raises and blasts him in the face. It seems like an imaginary hose.

Static is thrown of balance and I can see blue rays of lightning covering him.

I put my hand back down and do a satisfied smile "okay where good now"

"Good? You just showered me in the sky! I could've, I don't know! Died electrocute myself!" He angrily screams at me. I just smile in return.

As we near my house, I put a cloud underneath us. My mom can't know static was with black storm and not with me.

"What's this for?" Static puts his through the cloud.

"Don't touch it, but it's so my mother doesn't see black storm." I smile at my genius idea.

" oh, that's cool. So imma leave now. I kinda have to take a shower and like make myself stop smelling like dirt." Static points out, I'm too concentrated multitasking to pay him any attention. And that's when I feel it.

Static kissed me on the cheek.


So idk about y'all but I ship it. I still don't have a ship name for Carter and static. So if you anyone that good at that, tell them to make one.

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