Thanatos: The Blue Dawn

By Devita33

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*COMPLETED* (Book #2 in the DAWN series) #19 in Fantasy Aurora Venerelli, the new goddess-to-be in Olympus... More

(1)Slipping into Cerulean
(2)Cyan Flavoured Desire
(3)Stirred and Viridian-filled
(4)Trickery in Teal
(5)With Navy Nuance
(6)Drowning Deeper in Blue
(7)Sapphire Surrealism
(8)Thoughts as Deep as the Aegean
(8.2)Thoughts as Deep as the Aegean
(9)Olympian Blue
(10)A Mask of Cobalt
(11)Indigo Heat
(12)Blueberry Clouds
(13)Turquoise Family Tapestry
(14)Spindrift Blue Barracades
(15)Azure Nights
(16)Even-handed Aqua
(17)Breaking the Ice
(18)Steely and Arctic Tactics
(20)Amidst Blue Flames
(21)Lapis Lazuli Souls
(22)Powder Blue Blaze
(23)A Sea of Lavender and Ash
(24)Aquamarine Haven
(25)Zaffre Dagger
(26)Aurora Borealis
(27)My Tavernier Diamond
(28)Opal Pardon
(29)Whole Cerulean Hearts
(30)Bleu de France (Part 1)
(30)Bleu de France (Part 2)
(31)Path of Midnight-Blue
(32)Hell is a Forgotten Blue
(33)Moonstone Delights
(34)Denim, Deities and Departures
(36)Under a Navy sky
(37)Periwinkle with Serendipity (Part 1)
(37)Periwinkle with Serendipity (Part 2)
(38)The Royal Blue Treatment
(39)Capri Bonds
(40)Blue-bathed Revelations
(41)The Glaucous Corrosion
(42)Hyacintho Daemonium
(43)A Tanzanite Throne for my legacy
(44)Confessions of the Night sky
(45)Blue dusk
Azurian Threads- The Tales Book
Book Three
White Dawn

(19)Deep Sea Dreaming

22.6K 1.2K 134
By Devita33

'Thanatos bloody eyes were trained on mine- like a hunter's...'

Deep Sea Dreaming

I walked into Thanatos' chamber with a sombre expression.

Class with Conrad and Alexus was fine- productive enough and I managed to complete everything I had to do for today. My conversation with Persephone was still fresh in my mind. I wanted so badly to see him afterwards, but Opis had informed me that Thanatos and Hypnos were in his chamber, having a private discussion. I didn't want to intrude, so I stayed put in my room.

I'd spent the night trying to forget about Delilah's cruel words and focusing my thoughts on the page in front of me as I studied until my eyes were exhausted and dry.

This morning as I woke, I felt even worse.

My head was still filled with her nasty words and I felt them press me down, filling me with disquiet. I tried to push them away as I put a small smile on my face. No need for Thanatos to hear about our argument- Delilah had it bad enough and I was no tattle-tail.

Silas, Thanatos personal servant, smiled, but glanced at the floor as I entered. "Good afternoon, my lady. Can I help you?"

"No, I just came to see if my lord could help me with a spell. Is he in?"

Since Thanatos and I needed to keep our distance and make sure no one could suspect anything between us, I'd lied to Silas a few times before telling him Thanatos had to help me with difficult incantations and spells. His servant seemed daft enough to believe me. No offence to Silas.

He was sweet, even if he sometimes got confused by big words.

"He is, but I'm afraid he's still asleep."

I paused.


"I'm sorry, asleep?"

"Yes, Lord Hypnos instructed me to leave my lord until he wakes up on his own accord. I walked in this morning to check on him, but he was snoring so loudly the windows were vibrating."

I laughed loudly and Silas quickly shushed me with a finger over his hand; "My lady, I know it is very strange- for me as well, to see him asleep, but I must ask that you come back later."

"And miss the moment when he wakes up for the first time in twenty years? Never!"

"My lady?" Silas asked with a surprised and confused expression.

I chuckled and waved my hand in a non-worrying fashion; "It's alright, Silas, I won't wake him- I'll just go through some of his books and wait for him to wake up. I'll call for you if I need anything."

Silas bowed reluctantly, but he was in no position to deny my actions.

Silas left to continue cleaning the study as I gently opened the door to Thanatos' room. It made no sound as I opened it slightly and crept in. I closed it with just as much concentration.

I tip-toed over to the god of Death's bed.

There he was- lying on his large mattress; his hands flared up beside him, one on the pillow and the other hanging from the bed. Thanatos' legs were wrapped weirdly in the sheets, his feet sticking out and his face pointed to the side, away from me. The room was dark- the curtains pulled shut and the fireplace quiet. It was strange to see him like this.

So vulnerable.

I suppressed my gleeful smile.

I assumed that Hypnos had his way and managed to 'fix' his brother.

Oh, watching Thanatos wake up will be so entertaining. I need some popcorn...
Do they even have popcorn in the underworld?

I walked around the bed to glance at his face. My heart swelled as my eyes landed on his peaceful expression. He looked so serene; no evil smirk, no angry glare- just complete innocence.

What a strange sight.

I watched as his muscled chest moved slowly up and down as he breathed; his lips slightly parted and his thick, long eyelashes touching his tanned cheeks.

What a beautiful sight...

I caught myself staring dreamily at his face and blushed.

Well, that would be embarrassing if he was awake. 

Oh, but wait- he isn't...

Let the staring continue.

I stifled a schoolgirl giggle as I quietly pulled up a chair and sat down with my legs over the arms rest and my eyes focused on the sleeping god in front of me.

This should be fun...

I licked my finger and paged over; my eyes skimming the beige pages of the old manuscript I found in one of Thanatos' shelves.

I heard a rusting noise.

Finally... Good Lord.

It was nearly dusk as Thanatos eyes started to flutter. I quickly put the book on the floor and turned my body back straight in the comfy chair. I crossed my legs as a large smile ran up my mouth- the excitement at his bewilderment on the tip of my tongue.

This was going to be so good...

Thanatos grunted; his legs twitching as he swung his one arm over to my side and onto the other. He groaned sleepily.

My smile widened.

His eyelids fluttered more until they slowly started to open- a look of pure grogginess painted on his face. Thanatos parted his lips. I could only image how blurry my image was before him, but as he open his eyes more, a deep crease formed on his forehead and his brows furrowed up in puzzlement.

Grinning with silent delight, I narrowed my eyes.

Thanatos sighed lazily and licked his lips, but then he closed his eyes again and my smile faltered. I lifted my brow and waited for the inevitable. He was clearly unaware that he'd just woken up.

And then- just as I'd thought- his red eyes popped open and he sprang up in his bed with the speed of a lightning bolt. His eyes were the size of plates and his breathing grew faint and untraceable.

I tried hard not to laugh; "Good morning, sleepy head. Or should I say 'good afternoon'?"

Thanatos looked around the room in a state of pure confusion; his eyes scrunched up and his body frozen with shock. At the sound of my voice he jumped.


"Hi..." I wiggled my fingers in a small wave.

Thanatos shook his head and looked down to the sheets. He looked around like he'd lost something in them and then he glanced behind him at the pillows. I couldn't hold it any longer- I giggled out loud at his child-like bewilderment.

"What- but... How?"

"Hypnos did say he'd help you."

Thanatos looked exactly like a man who'd just had his undisturbed first night's sleep after two decades of chronic insomnia- completely awkward.

"So how was it?" I asked excitedly. I couldn't image going without sleep for as long as he had. The mere thought made my skin crawl.

Thanatos sat frozen staring at the cold fireplace.

I titled my head and waited for a reaction. Anything.

He just sat there- his eyes wide and his breathing all but gone.

I sighed and leaned forward; with a snap of my fingers in front of his face, Thanatos was shocked out of his daze and he looked over at me with surprise.

"How did you sleep, Thanatos?"

"Uh..." He started to say; "Good. I think." He turned his head back to the front- a calculating look on his face; like he was trying to solve a difficult math problem. I smiled and touched his arm with my hand. He jumped slightly.

"How do you feel? Fresh? Full of energy?"

He nodded slowly and narrowed his eyes. I grinned at him with joy- I was happy for him. No one deserved to be deprived of the amazing feeling that a goodnight's rest brought.

"I feel-" Thanatos started to say as I sat back in my chair; "I feel- Great!" His voice picked up at the last word and suddenly his eyes were bright and alive. A growing smile slid onto his face and grew with every passing second. I nodded and stood up from the chair.

"Well, I'm really happy for you. Let me call Silas to bring you some coffee so you can wake up properly and then you can tell me all about it."

"No need!" Thanatos said as he literally jumped out of his bed. I yelped as he grabbed me by the waist and spun me around. We practically dove into the bed and he swiftly climbed on top of me; his smile wide and full of mischief. I gulped.

Now that was something I didn't think about- with more energy now, Thanatos would be double the trouble.

Oh, damn.

"Amazing..." He whispered as I stared up at him with wide eyes; "Just amazing! I feel-"

"Let me guess... Amazing?" I asked dryly, but with a smile as I stared up at his pure delight. He was adorable.

Thanatos purred; "Exactly."

His lips smashed onto mine and I nearly got the wind knocked out of me as he pushed down onto my body with all his weight. He growled; sending shivers down my arms- "Gods, it's good to wake up to your face!"

I giggled and let him ravish me- I welcomed the familiar feel of his body on mine.

His hips moved against mine in haste and with adrenaline, and his lips kissed up and down my face, my neck and my ears. I pushed him off slightly so I could breathe, but Thanatos wasn't having any of that. He growled playfully and continued his assault on my lips.

"I want you!"

"Not now- Silas is right outside..." I mumbled against his hungry mouth.

"So we'll be quiet. Now get this off before I rip it off." Thanatos pulled at my blue, strapless dress. I shook my head and smiled up at him.

"Fine- have it your way..." I heard a tear as his hand clutched onto my waist. I quickly pulled his hand away and giggled for him to stop.

"Wait! Wait! Jeez, be patient!"

"You know I'll just get you another one later..."

"And how do I explain a torn dress to Silas when I walk out? Hmm?"

Thanatos licked his lips and bared his teeth; "What makes you think you'd be able to walk out when I'm through with you?"

I parted my lips in surprise at his words. I blushed and playfully slapped his hand away as a nervous giggle escaped my mouth; "Shut up!"

Someone knocked on the door. Silas muffled voice echoed through into the room; "My lord, Are you awake?"

"Yes, Silas." Thanatos said as he straightened up a bit and turned his head to the door. I took the opportunity to slip out from under him and jump towards the other side of the bed. Thanatos cussed.

"Do you or my lady need anything?"

Thanatos shot me a playful smirk and climbed onto the bed on all fours. I giggled quietly and winked at him.

"No, we're perfectly fine." Thanatos said seductively as he crawled towards me- his intense eyes filled with desire.

Silas left and I felt the heat rise up inside me as Thanatos growled and continued to stalk towards me. I was bent over the bed, my gaze on him- ready to dart as soon as he got too close.

I could feel the energy radiate off of him; it was intoxicating.

"Come here." His voice was like honey as he crept closer.

With one swift move he pounced straight for me, but I expected as much and jumped back, out of reach. Thanatos snarled.

"I'm not that easy..." I giggled and backed away as he slowly stepped off the mattress. Thanatos bloody eyes were trained on mine- like a hunter's.

I loved this- when we played around with each other. It was thrilling and turned me on more than I'd like to admit.

I grinned seductively and bit onto the tip of my finger as I stared at him with lust-filled eyes. Thanatos bit his lip and continued to move towards me with deliberate slowness. My eyes trailed down to his scorpion tattoo and I was momentarily entranced by the way it moved along with his hips.

I backed into a bookshelf, but I was more than happy to be caught.

Thanatos grinned; his fangs protruding out. His feet moved closer to me until he was right there- in front of me, with those dark eyes drilling into mine. His body pressed into mine and his hands slowly ran up my arms, to my shoulders and finally through my hair.

I moaned.

Thanatos leaned down to place his lips against mine. He sensually kissed me and brought his head up slightly, and then he leaned in again to press a faintly harder kiss against my lips. He leaned back again and repeated the same process until his kisses were forceful and hard.

The bookshelf shook as Thanatos bucked his hips into mine.

"You're trapped..."

I grinned into his strong kiss.

"Let's play a game." I said as our hard breathing mixed and I pressed my nose against his.

Thanatos smiled and lifted a thick brow; "What do you have in mind?"

"Close your eyes."

Thanatos shot me a sceptical look, but I rolled my eyes and with my two index fingers I pushed his eyelids closed. He chuckled and sighed; "Alright, fine... But I'm warning you- I don't have a lot of patience for games I can lose."

My playful smile grew; "Well, if the incentive is right, I'm sure you'll want to play."

Thanatos hummed in approval; "And what is the incentive, if I may ask?"

"Whatever you want..." I was playing a dangerous game, but I couldn't stop the words from tumbling from my mouth.

Thanatos groaned softly and whispered; "Whatever I want?"

I gulped, but nodded. I realised that he couldn't see as his eyes were closed so I spoke up- trying to sound as confident as I could; "Yes..."

Thanatos' grin was wide and frightening, but I felt excitement bubble up into my stomach. What was I getting myself into?

"Let's play!"

"Wait, if I win- I get whatever I want as well..." I said as I trailed a finger down his chest. Thanatos shivered and nodded eagerly.

"Of course; anything you want."

"Promise?" I asked just to make sure- I had a devious plan in mind that Thanatos wasn't going to like very much.

"I promise. Anything..." He spoke the word like a prayer; I could tell he was more than eager. I inhaled a steady breath and took hold of his hand.

"Good. I'll send Silas away- go to the bed."

Let's play a game... ;3

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