The Royal Game (Editing)

By IvanaM

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Two persons. One throne. Amelie never thought her father will betray her. He traded her place as a Queen to a... More

Chapter 1 ~ A Secret
Chapter 2 ~ Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 3 ~ Break me Down
Chapter 4 ~ Rejected
Chapter 5 ~ Surprise
Chapter 6 ~ Breaking News
Chapter 7 ~ Relationships
Chapter 8 ~ The Unexpected
Chapter 9 ~ Twist
Chapter 10 ~ Adeline
Chapter 11
Chapter 13 ~ Newcomers
Chapter 14 ~The Final Countdown
Chapter 15 ~The War~
Chapter 16 ~Farewell~
Chapter 17

Chapter 12 - My 'Dear'

944 6 2
By IvanaM

                                                                          Chapter 12

Aderyn's POV (flashback)

You aren't human, you're Blackbird. That's one of the reasons why are you named Aderyn (bird) Tywyll (black). Your job is to capture evil humans in this world to create a safe place to live for our future generations. It will be hard, but you'll get used to it. I'm a Whitebird, my mission is to help you and see if your decision is right. For now, that's everything you need to know.''

Only thing that scared me is that I will be the one who will judge people to death. Suddenly, an idea came to my mind.

''Than I can help in wars, deciding who will win even before battle.''

''It isn't so simple. And, no, you can't. After all, you must decide right because if you don't they will kill you.''

I'll get used to killing people? Yeah, right. If don't die first. Gareth calmed down his horse and hopped on the ground. I done the same and took a look at our new castle, amazed.

''This is our new ''house''?''

''Yeah, don't you like it?''

''It's absolutely amazing. I'm only waiting for some ghost to appear.''

''Really? You won't have to wait long, then.''

I turned around and shrieked at the sight of old pale woman. Gareth chuckled, earning my elbow in his stomach. The old woman stared in me with her big gray eyes.

''Aderyn, this is our maid, Lana Dape. She offered help with finding our new castle when I met her.''

Was I supposed to extend my hand and say: ''Nice to meet you.'', while she was frightening me to death? No way, I will not get near her.

''Well, I have some work to do so we must go. Thank you Lana.''

The woman nodded, softening her frown and slowly walked away to the other entrance.

''Who is she?'' Gareth just frowned and went inside, taking care of our things.

I firmly slammed the door after myself, wanting to show Lana she isn't welcomed here. I didn't like her, not even a bit, it was something my gut told me.

''Could you explain it to me now, Gareth? Who is she?''

Gareth sat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. I sat there, waiting for his answer.

''She is a maid, I met her two years ago while I was buying a new horse. Lana was a warrior before, and she still is but because of her age, she is set for a gate guardian. Our lives could be on stake if she doesn't do her job properly. If a threat is near, she must tell the main guards. Her innocence helps the case, nobody would suspect an old woman.''

He was right, but I still wasn't all right with idea.

''I don't think it will be necessary but as you wish.''

I raised up from couch, yawning.

''Where is my chamber?''

Gareth led me trough two halls, explaining where is which chamber or hall. There was just one part, big enough for twelve royal people to live in. My chamber was on right, next to the bathroom. White details covered stone walls with a simple pattern. In the middle of room was a big and soft bed with a night table next to it. Opposite of bed was dresser with beautiful old mirror above.

I immediately fell in love with it, wanting to spend as much time as I can there. Exhausted, I fell on the silky bed. Thinking about my life was useless now, I know what I am. My eyes were heavy and I fell asleep.


Someone slightly shook me. I woke up looking in Gareth's face. He smiled to me and sat next to me.

''Bore da. I presume you slept well, didn't you.''

I yawned before answering his question.

''Yes, I did. Why are you here? You never wake me up.''

''About that, it's raining outside so I tought we could work on fighting.''

Fighting? I looked through the window, noticing it's still early.

''It's early, Gareth, maybe later.''

''You haven't understood me. Fighting isn't comfortable but you need practice. Captured people can't wait Aderyn. Now get up and have breakfast with me.''

Angry, I rose up and walked in bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was sloppy, tied in ponytail with a ripped piece of my clothes. I couldn't recognize myself. After long bath, I stormed out of the bathroom, in the hall. I didn't know where kitchen was so I walked around, peeking in every room. One room was very strange. It looked like old library. Books were everywhere, from floor to desks and chairs.

''Aderyn, you shouldn't be here.''

Gareth pulled me by sleeve trough the door.

''It's complicated. When we moved in, people who had someone who died here were angry. Their peace was ruined so some of them started to throw things at me while I was in that room. You can't go back in there, promise. You'll make them angrier.''

''Why would I make them angrier? It's our house now, they had their time to live, and their families should move on.''

''Their queen died there, in that room. 200 years no one entered that room and now we did. Her children are trying to kill us so be careful, they believe we're guilty.''

He was so calm while telling me their story! Like I care their queen died, it was 200 years ago, thousands of people died. Sighing, I silently promised him.

Gareth prepared breakfast. Everything was quiet, almost too quiet. After we finished our breakfasts, Gareth gave me a book about Blackbird before, a legacy of warriors.

''Can't you explain me everything? It would be easier.''

Gareth sighed.

''Okay, what do you want to know?''

''Everything but let's start from the beginning. Why do we have pendants?''

He laughed.

''It's a symbol of our pact, promise we'll follow it until we're released or dead. Nothing dramatic, just a symbol.''

Gareth was right so I nodded, content with his short explanation.

'' said my name is involved. You are also Tywyll (black) and yet a Whitebird.''

''Only Blackbirds must have special name. Whitebirds are assistants, nobody cares about them. I see you have a lot of questions. Maybe you should slow down a little. Now, we are going outside to practice fighting.''

''Haven't you said it's raining outside?''

''Yes, I did, it was only a bait, it's sunny outside.''

''You little cheater.''

He was right, it was sunny. I was so scared of trying to fight in middle of nowhere, surrounded by forest. Gareth looked up to me, smiling.

''Try to attack me, however you can.''

I raised my eyebrows at him but decided to take my chance. Trying to punch him was a failure, he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, almost breaking it. My eyes watered but I felt he released me so I kicked his legs beneath the knee, making him double over. Losing my balance, I rolled on the grass, taking him with me.

I didn't expect anything but it came. My sense sharpened and pain spread trough my whole body. My mind screamed as I slumped next to Gareth, vaguely aware of him patting my back for comfort. Whole world gone black for few seconds, only Gareth's voice kept me conscious. Finally, the pain was fading, leaving my sore body alone. I opened my eyes and couldn't find myself. There was only Gareth, smiling down on me. I hissed, discovering I landed on a huge shard of glass. Sight of blood wasn't something I liked to see so I slipped into unconsciousness.


''Aderyn? Wake up!''

I slowly opened my eyes, letting them to adjust to the light. Focusing on Gareth's worried face, my vision was spinning uncontrollably so I fell asleep again. Voices around me were high and worried, whispering about my condition. I opened my eyes, seeing Gareth bending over me, applying bandages. His touch hurt so I squirmed, locking sheets around me.

Someone cleared it's throat. I turned and saw Lana watching me.

''Gareth, can we talk, ALONE.''

He nodded and looked up to Lana. She nodded and walked away, leaving me with Gareth.

''Are you nuts? How could you let her in? She's-''

''Relax, she saw me carrying you inside and wanted to know what happened.''

''What happened? I'll tell her and to you what happened! I fell on broken glass and hurt myself, she just wants to use this situation! Maybe she was the one who hid the glass, you probably told her about our plans.''

He just continued staring in me, amused.

''She couldn't do it, I sent her to deal with Daniel.''

''Who is Daniel?''

Gareth hesitated but still decided to answer. He's twenty-six years old warrior who wants to be my assistant too.

''What, now you'll tell me he'll be our guardian too!''

He stayed silent for several moments.

''Well... Tomorrow we have a meeting with him.''

I threw sheets aside and got up, not bothering about pain.

''Why didn't you tell me! I can't live like this, knowing you have so many secrets. If you want to help me, don't cover things up.''

I wanted to punch someone really hard.

''Aderyn, lie down, you fell pretty bad, your body didn't heal so quick.''

''My body didn't heal so you plan to destroy my sanity too? Well, thank you then.''

I stormed down the hall, stopping near the library. Wood below me started to creak. It was quiet and strange. Clock stopped ticking and door behind me slammed. I could hear some of whispering voices and cries:

''She's Blackbird, don't trust her!'' , ''How could she step in here without queen's permission? Spoiled brat!'' , ''Don't look at her, she's just another piece of filth, with pure evil blood!''

They scared me to death. Mourning people were pushing me to the open window, wanting to kill me. My fear increased to alarming level. I couldn't think properly, not now. Only one thing could save me. Jump.

I risked, landing on the path painfully. My shirt ripped up above my shoulder, revealing a tiny mark, made by ink. It was black bird with one red and one white special feather on right wing. Trying to figure out what it meant, I remembered it was for my assistants, Whitebird and Redbird.

Somehow, my mission was strange but it was a challenge.

If I could only know what'll happen next.


Aderyn's POV (present)

Riding to Amelie's kingdom was very awkward, Jason hadn't spoken a word. I decided to leave Gareth and Redbird in our castle, there's no need for them to travel with us. Lynn stayed with them, safe of the hunters and royal guards. We've been expecting their attack for a month now but nothing happened so we went to Amelie, just to support her with the battle that was coming soon.

Deep inside, something told me it won't turn out good.

Amelie's POV

The world, in which sleep pulled me in, was so peaceful, I wish it was real. So many flowers, the warm sun, soft green grass, tall trees...the nature was something I adored. I stared at it like a child at a toy, amazed with such beauty.

Somewhere behind, my name echoed through the forest, making it disappear, fading. I wanted to stay but it vanished completely, making me wake up.


I slowly opened my eyes, disgusted with the smell of my own sweat dripping from my forehead. My room was full of people, some completely unfamiliar. Gabe and Christian loomed over me, each taking one of my hands. I noticed their red face covered with tears but also happiness I woke up.

''Thank you God, she's all right. We've been so worried about you, don't ever scare us like that again.''

I couldn't say that I wasn't happy to be alive but still...the other world was so tempting, the only thing which ties me here is my family, friends and need to make my Kingdom safe for my future children. It was an urge I had, to protect all my villagers, warriors and everyone else in  my Kingdom. I wanted to die after I succeed with my mission, not before so this chance made me smile.

''Don't worry, you won't get rid of me so soon, my boys.''

They chuckled, wiping off their tears. My voice was cracking up, already tired and spent.

''There's one thing you need to know.''

Gabe scared me, his expression was very serious.

''Adeline...she died. Someone from our Kingdom killed her along with other witnesses. Since we were worried about you, the villagers buried her next to Sir Nicholas and his child. That left us without any proofs, only with weakness. Now, our enemies know our weak spot and they'll plan to attack us while we're so fragile. Someone here is a traitor.''

I had a suspect immediately, but refused to let them know, he was in this room now. I felt sorry for Nicholas, Adeline and others, it was so sad. All they wanted is to help us...yet they payed the price by death. I swore to myself I will revenge their death, although it won't bring them back. All I could do is to hope they're in better place, happy.

''Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it. Let the others know we'll have a special meeting soon, for about an hour.''


''The palace, I need some space.''

With a nod, Christian left, pulling the crowd with him. My 'future husband' was last to go, sending me a smile. Christian noticed and elbowed him in stomach, all I heard was a muffled groan. I laughed out loud, silently thanking him.

If they only knew my 'future husband' was the one who killed them all.

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