I Love You to the Moon and Ba...

By Dingo121

15.5K 252 269

The revolution is over, and the famed Rampion Crew won freedom for the whole world. But, will they gain that... More

After the Engagement
Before the Engagement
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six, Wedding Day
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven (Time Skip to May 23rd, 128, T.E.)
Chapter Twenty Eight (Wedding #2)
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four (Time Skip to August)
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three (Time Skip Abt. Four Years)
Chapter Forty Four (Time Skip to December)
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six (Time Skip Six Months)
Chapter Forty Seven (Time Skip Five Years)
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Thirty Two

208 4 6
By Dingo121

Kai and Selene got back from the mountains, still laughing about what happened. Selene could feel that her and her sister in law, were gonna have a good relationship, especially if it started like that.

As promised, there was a dozen roses, with a box of chocolates, sitting on the kitchen counter. There was a note attached to the box, saying.

Dear Empress Selene,
I am sorry if I ever doubted your faithfulness towards me. I was more than shocked when I found letters addressed to me and Kinney. I thought that all of the misfortune of our past came to haunt us, and you just gave up on me. It is in my deepest regrets, that I, your husband, ever doubted you. With the recent events, regarding the podship breaking down in the middle of the night, I realized how lost I would be without you, and your love. With a loving heart, I offer this box of chocolates, and dozen roses, as a symbol of my apologies. Please, take these, as a reminder of how much I love you.
Emperor Kaito

Selene turned around and hugged Kai after she read the letter. She then pulled Kai onto the couch, turning on the netscreen to a net drama, that Iko often forced Selene to watch. Kai sat down, then got back up. Selene looked at him quizzically, before understanding he went to get popcorn to eat.

When Kai came back, he snuggled up really close to Selene, and hugged her. She put her hand on his shoulder, and took it off. He looked at her quizzically, and asked laid back down. All throughout the net drama, he was wondering what he did wrong. They were husband and wife, weren't they. He looked at the marriage certificate that hung on the wall.

After the drama was done, Selene got up, and put the popcorn bowl in the kitchen. Kai followed her, and wrapped his arms around her, she pushed him away, then climbed the stairs to their room.

She laid down, and turned facing away from Kai. Soon, she was fast asleep, waiting for the topic to come up tomorrow. Kai didn't know what the problem was. They were planning on having kids, right?

Later the next morning, Kai woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. He climbed down the stairs lazily, and found Selene eating on the couch. "Did you save any for me?" Selene only glared at him, and pointed to the kitchen door with her fork. Kai nodded his head, and followed her direction.

As soon as Kai came back with a plate in hand, Selene already left, with a note on the kitchen table.

Dear Kai,
I'm sorry for leaving on such short notice, but I need to clear my head. I'm sorry if we had any meetings planned, but I need to think of what I really want.

Kai stared at the letter, rereading the part, but I need to think of what I really want. What's that supposed to mean. She didn't even tell Kai where she was, so he couldn't ask her what she meant, he would just have to wait until she came home.

After the global leaders meeting, and press conference Kai held, he came back home. There was another letter, and this one was in Thorne's messy handwriting.

Dear Kai,
Selene wanted me to let you know she was visiting her mom on Luna, and she doesn't know when she'll be back. She loves you, and told me to tell you to not worry about your relationship, it's just she needs to clear her head.

Now Kai was even more confused. She went to visit her mom's grave. Since when? Kai just found it suspicious, and cancelled all of his meetings for the next couple of days. He got on a podship, and headed to Luna.

Meanwhile, in Selene's POV

Selene waited for Kai to come home. She needed to discuss the topic of having kids with him for awhile, but never got around to it. No doubt she wanted to have kids, it was just a matter of when. Kai was always so exited when the topic of kids came up, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

When Kai didn't come home, Selene decided to go to Winter and Jacin's house. They would know what was best for the relationship.

When she was done at the Clay's, Selene hopped on a podship to Luna. She was taking Winter's advice, and visiting her mother.

On the way to Luna, Selene realized she didn't tell Kai where she was headed. She quickly commed Thorne, to ask him to drop the letter off. He agreed, and she told him what to write.

After finishing with Thorne, Selene reached Artemisia. It was truly a sight to behold, and Selene always enjoyed visiting.

Finally, Selene reached the royal burial grounds. She went along the rows and rows of headstones, until she reached her mother's.

Queen Channery
January 25th, 90 T.E.
January 18th, 110 T.E.
Died of regolith poisoning.
Survived by one living child
Her Highness, Princess Selene,
Princess Regent of Luna.
May the Queen rest in eternal peace.

Selene read what the headstone read over and over. Then, she looked at her grandmother's headstone. Nothing mentioned any of her daughters. Then, it hit Selene. Maybe, an evil lady like her mother, was changed when she had Selene. Maybe Selene was a careless mistake to the people, but to her mom she was more than that.

Selene made the decision once and for all. She wanted to have kids. Thing was, when? Selene and Kai had a pretty busy schedule as it was, how were they gonna fit a baby into that? Well, we could move th- Selene was broken out of her thoughts by Kai, who came running up to her.

Selene turned to face him. "Kai,I'm sorry. I just needed to come here. Winter suggested it would be a good idea to come here and see mom's grave, I didn't notice it, but she put my name on her grave. And then look at my grandmother's. No mention of her daughters anywhere." Kai looked at her confused.

"And your point is?"

"Kai, I feel-" Selene was interrupted by a loud  crash on the other side of the graveyard.

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