can we be complete again ( se...

By isabellflorence

5.8K 319 85

the question still remains can sweeny and Nellie love again but now with a child on the way will sweeney chan... More

ch 10


164 9 3
By isabellflorence

So my Mrs lovett is based mostly off a combination of my favorite women who played her so the original Angela Lansbury helana bonham Carter and Patti lupone  some of the most talented women ever the full version of Lansbury and lupone is on line if u havnt seen them u should there so good

Ch21 Mrs Lovett's POV

I leave his shop with a bit of a blush on my face i don't know what drove me to kiss him before. I miss him and can't stand it when he's mad at me. The poor thing has been through so much i don't want to hurt him. I meant what i said when i said i didn't love jack, my heart has alway belonged to sweeny since the day i met him it's just after everything we went through i don't know if i can trust him. Walking into my shop i double over in pain as my stomach lurches. And i cry out leaning on the booth for support.

"Mom are you ok" toby asks coming from the parlor after hearing my cries i bite my dont to keep from crying out in pain it feels as if someone is stabbing me with a knife. I grip the table tightly with my hands.

"Go get the doctor" i manage to say between deep breaths. Am i about to have the child it seems so early i'm only a little past eight months. Ok i hope the baby's alright and not a still born. Sweeny comes bursting through the door.

"Nell he say coming by my side and he wipes the sweat from my brow he then picks me up and carrying me to the bed but as he does so my water breaks and fluid runs everywhere my vision starts to blur as he sets me down.

"Look at me pet keep your eyes open" he says placing his cool hand on my face. I fell a sudden moment of dread that wakes me up what if i die giving birth to the child what if the child is dead i don't want to live if the child is dead.sweeney walk away from a moment the returns with a cool wash cloth

"Sweeney" i call he comes back to my side and places the cloth on my head to color me i grab his hand grimacing in pain as my stomach lurches.

"If i don't make it promise me you'll take care of the baby" i say but i'm cut off by another contraction and i scream in pain.

"And toby" i hufe the room starts to spin sweeney grabs my hand and i try to focus my blurry eyes on him. The intense pain in my abdomen causes me to scream out in pain and screw my eyes shut.

" you're going to be fine ok nothing bad will happen" he says dabbing my forehead with the cool cloth the room starts to spin again and i fell faint but i try to stay awake.

"Just promise me" i yell as i another contraction hits

"I promess. I love you nell" he says kissing my hand softly. The pain is so unbearable and i fell so afraid what if i die right now and never get to see my child.

"I love you to sweeney i always have" i say my voice trailing off as everything goes black.

For a moment i don't know wear i am i here a lot of rustling about but my eyes are still closed when i open them i see myself lying unconscious on the bed i reach out and touch my face but my hand foes right through. Am i dead.

"Nellie no please nell. Oh god " i turn and see sweeney still holding my hand he's crying noy laying his head on my chest as if to listen for a heartbeat.

"Sweeney" i ask or more call out to him but i here nothing but the sound of his muffled sobs i don't feel i think not hot or could just nothing. I watch in shock as toby comes running in the room.

"Mr T" toby says in a scared voice as he enters the room the doctor and a mid with move toby out of the way to take a look at me. It's so odd being like this i can't think of how to describe the experience it's almost as if i'm reading a book its happening to someone else.

"How long has she been out" the doctor asks leaning over me he breathes air into my lungs as if doing cpr but without the compressing.

"Not long i'm not sure is she... she" sweeney stutters tears pricking in his eyes toby looks at him for a moment relasation striking his little face.

"Mom mom no wake up mo please please" he crys clutching onto my seemingly lifeless body it breaks my heart to see him like thins the midwife pulls him off so the doctor can work. He closes the door locking sweeney and toby out. I see the doctor work on me i see him cut me open giving me an emergency c section. The sight is horrendous but i don't feel a thing he pulls the baby out and the nurse starts to stitch my lifeless body up.

"Why isn't it crying" i say but no one heres me i try to make out weather its a boy or a girl but i can't tell. It looks a grayish blue color.

"Come on " the doctor says rubbing the baby's chest but nothing happens i start to sob not that i can feel any wetness from my tears when all of a sudden there's a loud high pitched cry the ecose across the room. I breath i sigh of relief.

"There you go little lass" he says wrapping the baby. Lass. i have a daughter. But i'm still a ghost still in the abuse. Everything is blurry and unclear.

"How is she" asks the doctor to the midwife she moves a side to let him look at me.

"The bleeding stopped but i dont think shes in some type of coma" says the midwife and my breath catches in my throat. I need to live and see my baby. Am i dead i can't be dead after everything i've done this isnt wear id end up.

"Let's hope she pulls through" comments the doctor the midwife sets the baby safely in the chair and starts to clean me off. I can't be dead is this all just a nightmare i need to wake up from.  

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