In The Heat Of Los Angeles [H...

By raybansandcoffee

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Everlee Scarcello and Kammi Mackin are being groomed to take over one of the most powerful entertainment agen... More

Don't Wake Me Up (The Hush Sound feat. Patrick Stump)
The Interview (AFI)
A Party Song [The Walk of Shame] (All Time Low)
One More Night (Maroon 5)
First Date (Blink 182)
I Love the Way She Said LA (Spitalfield)
The Boys of Summer (The Ataris)
Make Yourself at Home (The Starting Line)
Power of Love (The Early November)
Here in Your Arms (Hellogoodbye)
Liar Liar (Alexz Johnson)
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" (Fall Out Boy)
Skeptics and True Believers (The Academy Is)
Crazy For You (New Found Glory)
I Love You (Under the Influence of Giants)
The Drugs Don't Work (The Verve)
Feeling Good (Michael Buble)
Daughters (John Mayer)
Shape of You (Ed Sheeran)
BONUS: Stray Cat Blues (The Rolling Stones)
Forever (Ben Harper)
You're My Home (Billy Joel)
Love Me Like You Do (Ellie Goulding)
time for a little honesty
The One (Kodaline)
Epilogue: Landslide (Fleetwood Mac)

Drunk Girl (Something Corporate)

63 2 0
By raybansandcoffee

 A change, a change would do you, would do you good. A change would do you good. Of course the only thing that popped in to my mind in that moment was some stupid fucking Sheryl Crow lyrics. Someone else in this room needs to speak so that I can regain my brain and not just blurt out the first thing in my head. I'm normally completely composed in meetings but after going through the longest interview in the history of interviews today I'm half brain dead. Add the tall man with the great hair and British accent sitting close enough that I can smell his cologne, which I'm pretty sure is Tom Ford or maybe Burberry. Dammit someone talk!

"Well, I would like to believe we are the change you need." Thank you Dad! Dear brain, remind me to buy Dad a bottle of scotch for saving my ass today.

"As much as this will inflate his ego, I agree with my father. I think we are the right place for you. We can represent you in every aspect of your career. Want to write a book? We've got a department of specialized agents to guarantee that you get the best deal there is out there. Want to act? Well, someone of your caliber would have one of the founders of the company representing you to every major studio and director and getting you the auditions that matter. Want to become a professional golfer? Well, I'd probably recommend against it but I'd have Kammi step in to help. But at SME our philosophy is that the division that should be focused on what is in your best interest is the division that represents your main career. So I'd be personally representing you."

"I like the way all of this sounds."

"Why don't we all go grab dinner? Get a chance to get to know each other better and see if we are the right fit for you," Cameron suggested.

"That sounds wonderful." We all stood from the table and wandered in to the main area of my office. "You have a wonderful office, Everlee."

"Thank you and feel free to call me E. Everyone does."

"Alright, E." I noticed that Kammi had gone through her office and retrieved Nick who had been obviously waiting in there for us. "Hey man," Harry said as he approached us.

"Hey Harry, in meeting with the team today?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I'm looking for new representation and they came highly recommended by Ed."

"Well, I don't know if my opinion matters but I have been represented by Cameron since I was a kid. He did everything for my brothers and then my solo career. I'd be lost without the people in this room." He slid his arm around Kammi. "Cameron handles less of my career now and a lot of it falls on E's shoulders and from my experiences she's one of the best in the industry." Harry smiled at me.

"That's definitely good to hear. Will you be joining us for dinner?"

"Yeah, when the girlfriend's Dad requests your presence at dinner you show up as to stay on their good side." I watched Harry's eyes dart between Kammi and Nick.

"Ah, yes, I imagine you do. Especially if he could get you cast in a shit film."

"Exactly that," Nick said.

"I'd never let you get cast in a shit movie and you know that," I said. "Cameron would only be able to suggest it, James would likely veto it and if he didn't because you know Dads side together I'd protect you."

"E, my own personal little chihuahua who thinks she is a pitbull."

"You know, maybe I'd actually let you get cast in the shit film." Nick wrapped his arm around my neck putting me in a headlock. "Stop it. You'll fuck up my hair."

"So dinner," my Dad said walking over to us. Of course we were the kids in the room fucking off when we should be focused on selling one of the biggest clients out there. "I was thinking Madeo." That was his go to place. My Italian Dad couldn't part with Italian restaurants and this was his favorite.

"You know I'm in," I replied. "It's been what a week since we had dinner there?" I asked. It was where we often had father/daughter dinners, which we tried to do every week if we were both in town.

"I was there Saturday," he said sheepishly.

"Really?" I asked as I grabbed my purse so we could head out. "Date night with someone?"

"Shut up," Dad replied. Normally he'd answer, we were pretty open about our dating life with each other unless there were people around. We headed out the door of my office.

"Hey Eliza, will you take my stuff home with you tonight? My bag should be mostly packed."

"Of course," she said. "Have a good dinner." When we took potential clients out it was rare that Ty and Eliza came out with us. If it was just Kammi and I doing the entertaining we'd have them tag along on occasion but never if it was both Dads. While they understood that for us it was important to have an assistant that we trusted they were from the generation that didn't treat their executive assistant like a personal assistant. Kammi and I both did. Ty had purchased bras, panties and tampons more time than any man ever should.

"Why don't you girls leave your cars here and take the car service with Nick and Harry," Cameron suggested. They were so cautious about if Kammi and I were out drinking that we were to have a car service, which was awesome. It helped that the company employed one that could be used by us 24 hours a day.

"Sounds perfect," Kammi replied. We were all crammed in to the elevator together, which was less than ideal. While it was a huge elevator we had six of us in here and no one wanted to stand super close, except Kammi and Nick. Yet somehow I was still close enough to Harry to smell his cologne. At this point I'd settle on the fact that it was Tom Ford, I only knew this because Nick must be wearing Burberry today and they didn't smell the way. I watched as Kammi's fingers flew across her iPhone screen and Nick laughed a little at what she typed. Then I felt my Apple Watch buzz. I looked down and that little green text icon popped up,. Directly under it was the name K-Money Mackin, her doing not mine, she thinks she's funny.

What is it about elevators? 😉😘

I could kill her. She knew me too well. She knew that standing this close to him I was analyzing the way he smelled. The way it sounded when he cleared his throat. The way he shifted on his feet. She could fucking read me like a book. I was attracted to him in a way that was completely wrong. She had always been able to do this. The first time we hung out with Nick and his brothers she had somehow figured out that I thought Joe was cute, thus the repeated attempts to hook us up over the last ten months that I'd been single. She also had made a trip to Chicago for a few days during a break at school her freshman year to see her family and me. She met Drew for the first time when she'd gone with me to a party at Sigma Chi, his fraternity. We weren't even out the door when she asked me how long I'd wanted to bang him. Subtlety wasn't a virtue of hers. I quickly responded to her text with a preprogrammed text.

Fuck off 🖕🏻

Yup, I had a preprogrammed text that said fuck off, complete with middle finger emoji. It was mainly for moments that I needed to quickly respond to Kammi, but often got used to Ty and Eliza, occasionally even Nick or my Dad. I was the slightly neurotic one of our 'family' so of course everyone picked on me. I mean look at me, I'm having a conversation with myself in my head while in an elevator. Finally the doors opened and I walked out in to the lobby. I heard Harry clear his throat behind me and turned around.

"Hi." And just as before I couldn't get a full fucking sentence to come out of my mind or mouth.

"Hi." Okay, stop responding to me dude. I need to not think about your voice unless I'm thinking about what songwriters you need to work with on your debut album. Definitely not how just the simple sound of a two letter word gives me goosebumps. Tonight is going to be rough. He smiled and I nearly tripped. He reached forward and grabbed my arm. "You okay?"

"Yeah, must've been something on the floor." Fuck. I probably shouldn't try walking backwards and talking to him. "Thanks though." I finally slowed and walked next to him. "Have you been to Madeo?"

"Yeah, it's actually not far from my house. Maybe 10 minutes."

"That's nice. It's farther than that for me. But it's one of my favorites."

"Where do you live?" He was interested in my place of residence? Clearly not to stalk me but create conversation as we waited for the car to be brought around.

"The Ritz-Carlton."

"You live in a hotel?" He looked confused.

"Not really. It's the Ritz-Carlton Residences at LA Live. The condos start on the 27th floor and go to the 52nd."

"Oh and what floor are you on?"

"48." I was well aware of how real estate worked. The higher the floor the higher the price tag, I'm sure he knew that as well.

"Must have nice views." Did I just catch him give me a once over? He did it again! Well shit. This night is going to be interesting. Two cars pulled up to our front drive where our valet was located, one was my Dad's Maserati and the other was our usual Cadillac Escalade from the car service.

"We will see you kids at Madeo," Dad called as he and Cameron climbed in to his car.

"Do they always refer to you three as kids?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Of course we all replied in unison. When you'd been friends as long as Nick, Kammi and I had been it was easy to do that.

"When we first started I really tried to call my Dad James. It didn't work all that well, he refused to answer me. When I called him Jimmy the way Cameron does he threatened to fire me."


"I was there. It was hilarious," Nick said. He opened the door of the Escalade and I instinctively went to climb in to the back. I was so used to being shoved in the back, I had the shortest legs of everyone in our group. I expected Kammi to follow me and instead saw Harry. He sat down in the third row of seats with me.

"Kam, you're going to have to drive in the morning so I don't have two cars here," I said as I leaned forward a little bit.

"I'm probably staying with Nick tonight. I was wrong Joe is out of town. A quiet house versus the condo with three roommates, well we figured it would be a better idea to stay at his place."

"Looks like I have to deal with Ty's driving in the morning." Ty was a terrible driver. True New Yorker. He learned to drive when he moved in with me. I'd tried to give him driving lessons because unlike a lot of people in Chicago I did learn to drive as a kid. Marco wasn't going to drive me everywhere or allow me to constantly rely on the subway. Italian men are a bit overprotective sometimes. I nearly had a heart attack after the first lesson and passed him off to my Dad. Most of the time if he was driving I took dramamine.

"You'll survive." Kammi had no sympathy for me when I had to deal with Ty's driving. The reality was, she was only a slightly better driver because her Dad taught her before she moved to Kentucky because he bought her a car to take to school.

"If you drive she can drive one of your cars back to the condo after work. I promise not to come pick her up at the end of the day." Nick at least had some sympathy.

"Thanks. You're much nicer than your girlfriend."

"So Harry," Nick said as he turned in his seat. "Have you started working on your first solo record?" Thank god, work related conversation. I also owed Nick a bottle of Scotch, who am I kidding, he'd prefer cigars.

"I've started writing a bit. Not done a ton of work. I've been trying to get auditions for some films. Unfortunately Modest has only been able to get me interviews for things that are a bit juvenile."

"Sort of Camp Rock esque?" I started to laugh.

"I doubt he knows what Camp Rock is. However if you'd like to learn Kam and I can pretty much sing all of the songs from it." She and I made eye contact before we started to sing.

"Hand clapping, hip shaking. Heart breaking, there's no faking. What you feel, when you're right at home, yeah. Music's in my soul..." This wasn't the first time we'd broken in to Camp Rock songs for a laugh at Nick or his brothers' expense.

"STOP!" Nick said through laughter. "These two torture me. They are lucky I love them." Harry had started to laugh. "Be prepared. This one is bound to start singing old One Direction songs at you." Harry looked at me as Nick nodded in my direction. All I could do was shrug. I was pretty much one of those apps on your phone that you have listen to the song to figure out what you're listening to. Only I was able to usually tell you the name, artist and sing most of if not all of the lyrics. Friends always tried to challenge me for the album title, record label, year of release and sometimes producer. It was a terrible game, though I usually won.

"It's likely to happen. Give me some vodka and I'll start amazing you with my skills."

"I'll be excited to see that tonight." Shit again with the eyes and the words that sound like they could be flirting. Traffic wasn't completely terrible and we made it to Madeo in decent time. Nick got out and helped Kammi out of the car. Harry climbed out before me and took my hand to help me out. It felt like electric shock when he touched me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said as his hand rested on the small of my back to guide me towards the door. We were quickly led through the restaurant to where my Dad and Cameron were already sitting. They were in a round booth and both stood up to allow us to climb in. Kammi and I went for the middle with Nick on her left and Harry on my right. Cameron sat next to nick and my Dad next to Harry.

"Mr. Scarcello, Mr. Mackin, ladies, welcome." Our waiter was the usual waiter we had every time we were here. No matter how many times we all asked him to call us by our first names it was still Mr. and Miss each time. "What shall I start you with today?"

"Let's get our usual bottle of red and a round of scotch."

"I hope you drink scotch," I said quietly as leaned in towards Harry. "I think I was 14 when he first gave me a glass of scotch, he refused to raise a daughter that wouldn't drink it. Kam had to undergo a strange form of waterboarding when she moved here. I mean if you ask her she drank bourbon in college, the truth is she drank beer and vodka."

"I can handle a glass of scotch on occasion. Thanks for the warning. Also impressive that at 14 you didn't initially vomit from the drink."

"Oh I did. We were in Europe. When my mother found out she threatened to fly to where we were, kick his ass and drag me home." He laughed loud enough that it caused everyone to look at us.

"What's so funny?" Kammi asked.

"The first time she drank scotch."

"She puked all over her hotel bathroom from one drink. She handled the second drink much better." Dad laughed a bit.

"And when was that?" Harry asked.

"The next night."

"See why my mother threatened to fly to Europe to kick his ass?"

"Her mother is this terrifying mix of blonde hair color, Mama Bear attitude, Chicago street smarts and Italian temper."

"So are you completely Italian?" Harry asked me.

"Yes, and if it was possible to be more than 100% of something I would be. Mom was crazy enough to marry a second Italian. My three little brothers are also full blooded Italian. I swear when they grow up they'll be able to re-enact The Godfather or Goodfellas."

"That might be entertaining. Probably almost as entertaining as the picture I have in my head of you at 14 drinking scotch for the first time."

"Somewhere there is a picture," Cameron said. "He's father of the year, isn't he?"

"Sounds like it," Harry said. "He's clearly raised a pretty incredible daughter."

"Thank you." My Dad beamed with pride. Wait? Did I just feel his hand graze my thigh? Oh it definitely did. He has it insanely close to my leg. I looked up and made eye contact with him he smiled and then my Apple Watch buzzed. Again the green text icon and K-Money Mackin appeared.

So you two look adorable making eyes at each other. We will need to discuss this either later in the ladies or tomorrow morning. Keep that in mind.

My response was quick.


I didn't want to get in to a discussion about this right now. I didn't want to think about being adorable together. I wanted to think about how to get him to sign with us. Being adorable with an artist wasn't a priority. I was fine being single. I didn't need to think he was cute. I mean he was. Painfully cute, okay fuck it. He's sexy as hell. Ugh. Inner monologue could you shut up for the remainder of the night so I could focus on the task at hand. Get Harry Styles in my bed. GODDAMMIT. No, get Harry Styles in my division. Get him to sign with me.

"So how many songs do you have written for a new album?" I asked. I was used to Ed who would come in with like 50 songs if I hadn't seen him in two weeks.

"I don't know for sure right now, a lot really. But I've only been able to spend about three weeks on writing so far. I've been busy taking meetings to try and figure out where to go next."

"I wasn't sure if you were like Ed. He'll have a weekend that he doesn't leave a hotel room in LA and he's in my office Monday morning with like 20 new songs."

"He's mental." Oh British slang and a British accent, you are weakening me from my business talk. "Do many of your artists do that? Come to you for thoughts on what they are writing?"

"Yeah, I want them to feel comfortable bouncing ideas off of me. I'm not always going to like everything but I can be objective enough to know that it will sell. Nick and Ed probably are the most obsessive about coming to me for my thoughts. Nick has been known to FaceTime me in the middle of the night, rest the phone on the piano and play me something he dreamed of."

"I usually appear in the background screaming at them to not work in the middle of the night." Both of the Dads laughed. In most circumstances someone in my position would feel like a third wheel. With Nick and Kammi I just felt like I was hanging out with two of my best friends who happened to share a bed when I left the room.

"Have you ever had that experience where you are asleep and you wake up because you can feel someone watching you?" I asked Harry as I turned to look at him. I heard Nick start to laugh behind me.

"Of course, I shared a tour bus with four other lads at one point."

"I have experienced that feeling repeatedly for this album cycle. If Nick is staying at our condo he will come sit in my bedroom in the chair and stair at me until I wake up and then drag me in to the living room and start playing piano or I'll find him sitting in the chair with a guitar.

"Kammi is less objective about my music," Nick said. "E is blunt. There's a song that won't be on the album that Kam told me she loved, E told me it sucked. E wins."

"Now that I know it's not on the album, I'm gonna be honest. It wasn't my favorite," Kammi said. Everyone at the table started to laugh. The wine and scotch finally arrived at the table.

"A toast," my Dad said. "To hopefully developing a beautiful partnership and a lot of beautiful music."

"Cheers," we all said as we clinked our glasses of scotch. I took a swallow of mine before sitting it down on the table and then I felt it. I looked down and his hand was on my thigh. I turned to look at him and he smiled before winking. Dinner was a blur at that point. His hand grazed my thigh again once we were done eating. I wasn't sure what was going on, but I also knew that there was no way I'd be able to stop it. The check came and as usual Dad picked it up.

"Alright kids," he said. "We are going to head home. Be safe, the car service is yours for the rest of the night. You girls have the number if you need multiple locations to get Harry home and you to your final resting places this evening."

"Thank you for everything today," Harry said to my Dad as he stood to shake his hand and Cameron's. "I should be in touch soon about my decision but I've been extremely impressed with everything I've seen and heard about SME."

"Well, we are impressed with everything we've seen from you as well. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. Enjoy the rest of the evening with the girls and Nick," Cameron said.

"Watch out for my girl there," I heard my Dad say. He of course thought he was speaking quiet enough that I couldn't hear him. "She's a bit feisty when she wants, especially if she has scotch and she's had three tonight."

"I'll watch out for her. Thanks so much." I watched my Dad grab his shoulder as he shook his hand. The smile on his face was this mixture of pride for me and something I couldn't quite pinpoint. Kammi and I both stood to hug our Dads goodbye.

"Have fun. Be careful. And remember that no matter how this turns out, I'm unbelievably proud of how you presented everything today, how far you've come and who you are. Love you kid."

"Love you too Dad." I kissed his cheek and he left.

"Shall we go somewhere else?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Kammi and I both said. We were ready for a night of fun.

"There's some cool bars near here. Let's go to that one we went to the last time that Joe was in town, when we drug the whole group out," I said.

"Yes!" Kammi agreed. We were quickly outside waiting for the car service. Kammi and I both leaned against the wall of the restaurant and I saw Nick snap a picture of us together. We were in the car, in mid conversation before I noticed the notification on my watch that he had posted it on Instagram. I pulled my phone out of my bag and opened the app. The little notification appeared at the bottom of the screen and I clicked it to look at what Nick had posted.

nickjonas: Sometimes these two blow my mind with how impressive they are. They are both brilliant and beautiful. How does someone like me get lucky enough to call one my girlfriend and one my best friend? And yes they have matching purses @forevermackin @everleemae

That's when I felt it. His hand on my thigh again. This time it was higher up than it had been at the restaurant. I turned to look at him to see him smiling at me. He mouthed out the word 'hi'. I rolled my eyes laughing and mouthed the word out to him. The few glasses of wine and scotch at Madeo gave me this confidence I hadn't felt in a while outside of a board room. I put my hand over his, my fingers laying between his. His hands were much larger than mine. The car stopped, dropping us off at the door that we were going to. Kammi and Nick climbed out first. This time when Harry went before me and helped me out the smile on his face was a little bit devious. His hand wasn't just on the small of my back, he had his arm around me. We hurried in to the bar where the bouncer quickly let us in after recognizing us. We were taken to a relatively private area. He had his arm around me and this time it was Nick who I saw raise an eyebrow. I just shrugged and got comfortable. An attractive man who smelled amazing was flirting with me and I'd had just enough alcohol to let him.

"So how long have you two been together?" Harry asked.

"Just over two years," Kammi answered.

"We've been friends since we were kids and when she moved to Los Angeles after college I asked her out. I actually asked her out the first night she was in Everlee's condo."

"He asked her out using food." I barely got it out through my laughter before taking a sip of my drink.


"He wrote on the inside of the top of a pizza box. It said, 'Will you go on a date with me or is this too cheesy?'. I love a good pun but so hilarious because she nearly missed it. She was so excited he showed up with pizza the day she moved. Ty and I figured out that he wrote on the inside of the box."

"To which Ty of course answered that he'd go on a date with me," Nick said.

"That's funny." Ugh, the way he said funny. It was almost like it was two words. Fun-knee. His accent was something that I shouldn't mix with alcohol, there should be a warning label on it.

"You have the most adorable accent." Fucking a. Would quoting Austin Powers work right now? Say that my inner monologue is broken. "Sorry, sometimes my internal monologue forgets that whole INTERNAL part."

"Jesus E!" Kammi sounded as surprised as I felt that I actually said those words out loud.

"It's okay. I've been thinking the same thing all night," he of course said it quiet enough that Kammi and Nick couldn't hear it.

"You've been thinking that you have a sexy accent?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, but about how sexy yours is. You don't talk like a typical California girl, must be the Chicago girl in you." He was talking so closely to me that I could feel his breath on my neck. Goosebumps spread up and down my arms like wildfire. "The mouth the words come out of is pretty sexy too." Fuck. I turned to look at him and could smell the alcohol on his breath. "You are beautiful." Before I knew it he kissed just below my ear on my neck. I was positive my eyes were the size of full length LPs at this point. I was so glad that Kammi and Nick were in their own little world at this point.

We ordered a few more drinks before Kammi declared she was tired and called the car service. She didn't look tired. She looked like she just wanted to go home and be alone with Nick, I couldn't blame her either. With both of them having roommates and often having ridiculous travel schedules they didn't often get time alone. And frankly she knows she's going home to have sex. I'd hurry out too, it's been a while. When they left Harry looked at me, his hand now resting on my thigh but under my short dress.

"So would you like one more drink and call the car service to go home? Or we could get the car service and head back to mine and have a drink there."

"I like that idea," I said. I smiled at him and I was positive anyone in the room could tell that I was a bit drunk. I quickly called the car service and requested a second car. They had one in the area and said it would be ten minutes. Harry paid for both of our drinks and we exited the restaurant just as the car pulled up. He opened the door and helped me in. I slide across the seat in the black SUV to the other side. He sat down after me, his hand hooking around my thigh and pulling me closer to him as I'd moved as close to the door as possible. I smiled at the feeling of his hand on my bare skin. His hands were this weird enigma that often happened to the more style conscious musicians. You could tell that he had calluses from hours on end on a guitar but still soft in the places they should be. And they were warm against my skin. I crossed my legs, trapping his hand. He leaned in to me and again I could feel his breath on my neck.

"You like that I'm touching you."

"I just might." He announced his address to our driver who took off from the bar. We made our way through the streets of West Hollywood and the Sunset Strip. The car turned in to the hills making it's way through the windy streets of the Lower Doheny neighborhood. It pulled up to a gate at the end of the driveway.

"Love, I'm going to need you to free my hand." I uncrossed my legs and he climbed across the car leaning out the window to put his code in so the gate would open. The large gray gate started to slide open and the car climbed the hill. Once it came to a stop Harry opened the door on his side. I slid after him and he helped me out. "Do I need to tip the driver?"

"No, they work for SME." I was quiet before speaking through the now open window to the driver. "Thanks for the ride Sam."

"Always a pleasure Miss Scarcello," he replied before heading back to the street. Harry grabbed my hand and lead me to his front door. It was completely glass and entered to an amazing kitchen and view of the Los Angeles skyline.

"Shit that view is beautiful."

"Yeah it is." He still had my hand in his and spun me closer to him. I quickly realized he wasn't talking about the view of the city below us as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I've wanted to kiss you since Eliza led me in to your office."



"Well, then maybe you should do that." He leaned forward softly pressing his lips in to mine. His lips were like a cloud or whatever was the softest thing you could imagine. I pulled back from him for a moment and opened my eyes slowly. He was staring at me. It didn't take long before he pulled me tighter in to him and the kiss deepened. The alcohol from our evening mixed with this high I'd felt after a really great meeting and gave me a confidence I forgot I had. My hands found their way to his hair, fingers intertwining with his curls. I pulled them gently and felt him moan in to my mouth.

"I don't think I need another drink. Do you?"

"Absolutely not." He smirked at me before throwing me over his shoulder and heading towards the stairs. "What are you doing?" I was shrieking and laughing. Did he just bite my ass? Before I could even consider that he had, in fact, playfully bitten my ass, he was kicking open the door to the master suite and throwing me on to the bed. I caught a glimpse out the entire wall of floor to ceiling glass pocket doors, before he laid down on top of me on his bed. He kissed me again, this time deeper and more passionate than he had downstairs. He leaned back to remove my thigh high boots.

"These, absolute torture. They made me stare at the blank few inches of skin between boot and dress all evening."

"That's usually the goal, though it hadn't been when I put them on."

"Well, I'm glad that you put them on." He removed the final boot before kicking off his own. I moved to my knees and started to unbutton his shirt.

"You know, these buttons are here so that you can cover up most of your chest." He only had them buttoned up to the top of his abdomen. It was like he got sidetracked in the middle of getting dressed and just never came back.

"You were looking at them all night, just the same as I couldn't stop thinking about your thighs."

"How do you even know that?"

"Because I caught you a few times. You were biting your lip. It drove me absolutely mad." He captured my mouth in a kiss, this time it was his teeth pulling at my lower lip. He pushed me back down on to the bed and we were again locked in a kiss as his hand slid up my dress. I felt a finger hook in to the side of my lace boy shorts and pull them off. "Lace, just as I had imagined."

Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I couldn't think straight anymore. The alcohol was mixing with the kisses and the smell of Harry and his bedroom. If I thought I might be drunk when we left the bar I was sure of it now. But the more his lips were on mine and his hands on my skin, the less I thought about the alcohol, our actions or really anything. Maybe what I needed was a night that didn't involve thought. Yeah, that was it. Don't think about it, just relax. Everlee Mae the sexiest man you've ever met is in bed with you, stop running thoughts through your mind and just go with it.


So I have only had about two hours of sleep in the last two days. I have reached this level of functioning that I didn't even realize was possible. I've downed some sugary frozen blended caramel coffee concoction with a peanut butter cookie for breakfast. I've had pizza twice today (super awesome local Italian restaurant Italian sausage pizza for lunch and make your own with my niece and nephew for dinner). There was a glass of wine somewhere in there and as soon as the last kid's head hits the pillow there may also be a craft beer or something else that might help me fall asleep. Currently the two year old is screaming while his Daddy (my brother) puts him to sleep. Let me tell you, my brain is not functioning for this right now.

BUT I totally managed to listen to "Sign of the Times" like 30 times already and even my brother likes it which is impressive. I took some time to finish out the chapter I was working on last night, insomnia and a 2 hour radio show featuring the humorous behavior of Harry and Grimmy provided some good inspiration.

I hope you liked the chapter as much as I liked writing it and would LOVE LOVE LOVE feedback. What is E doing? Is she making a mistake? Will this have an effect on her business relationship with Harry or perhaps prevent a business relationship? What will Kammi and Nick think about her going home with Harry? Or worse....HER DAD!

Chapter Four will be coming soon....the aftermath. Until then me, my brother and niece will be singing Drag Me Down for a while to keep me awake.

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