
By MsBangtanlee

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Left in front of a hobbit hole as a baby, grown up as a proper maiden, transformed into a warrior ___________... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chaper Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
The Truth Untold
Chapter Forty
Final A/N

Chapter Twenty Five

936 30 6
By MsBangtanlee

Aragorn then let Éowyn go who ran towards Théoden. Théoden looked at Éowyn remembering her.

"I know your face Éowyn, Éowyn. Gandalf?" He asked

"Breath free air again my friend." Gandalf said

"Dark have been my dreams of late."

"Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword." Gandalf told him

Háma went by Théoden carrying his sword. Meanwhile Grima had had tried to slip away only to get stopped by Gimli. Grima is then thrown out of the hall Théoden following.

"I've only ever served you my lord." Grima said frightened

"Your witchcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!" Théoden exclaims angry

"Send me not from your sight." Grima pleaded

Théoden raised his sword ready to swing. Aragorn was there to stop him though grabbing his arm.

"No my lord, no my lord. Let him go enough blood has been spilt on his account." Aragorn said

He offered Grima a hand but he spit on it. Reann growled and tried to go at him with her dagger. She was stopped unfortunately by Gimli and Legolas who held her back.

"Where is Théodred? Where is my son?" Théoden asked

What he had not know was that his son was no longer alive. Soon everyone in the village of Rohan was at the funeral for Théodred.

After the funeral children were found a boy and a girl. In the hall they were with Éowyn eating.

"They had no warning, they were unarmed. Now the wildmen are moving through the westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot, and tree." Éowyn explained

"This is but a taste of the terror Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven mad by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children, you must fight." Gandalf said to Théoden

"You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king." Aragorn said

"There will be three hundred leagues from here by now. Éomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want if me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war." Théoden stated

"Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not." Aragorn said

"When I last looked, Théoden, not Aragorn was king of Rohan."

"Then what is the Kings decision." Gandalf questioned

"We will go to Helms Deep."
The village of Rohan now walks to Helm's deep with Reann and Gimli next to Éowyn on a horse. Gimli was explaining to Éowyn about dwarves.

"Its true you don't see many dwarf women. In fact they are so alike in voice and appearance that they're often mistaken for dwarf men." Gimli explained

Éowyn smiles and looks back at Aragorn who is making an invisible beard with his hand.

"Its the beard." He said

Éowyn laughs but then looks confused at Reann.

"Aren't you a dwarf? But you have no beard you look more like a very short elf." Éowyn said to Reann

"Oh yes well you see I was blessed with beauty but I am very much full blooded dwarf. You are very beautiful Éowyn you could be an elf as well." Reann complimented

"As I was saying this is turn, has given rise to the belief...that there are no dwarf women." Gimli said

He then extended his arm as if to make an explosion.

"And that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground which is, of course ridiculous." He said

The horse the two dwarves were riding on neighed and took off making them both fly off. Gimli landing on top of Reann who grunted.

"I blame you for this oh get your foot out my back." She groaned

"Its alright nobody panic." Gimli said trying to get up

It only ended up to him tripping and falling on Reann again. She got out from under him helping him up.

"You're clumsier than Pippin Gimli." She said

"No one is clumsier than that hobbit." He chuckled

Minutes later shouting was then heard. There was a Warg attack on them.

"All riders to the head of the column." Théoden ordered

Reann got help onto a horse with Aragorn. They rode ahead to the front and there they seen a group of orcs on Wargs.

"Last time I was in battle with Wargs I almost died." Reann said

"Well lets hope history does not repeat itself." Aragorn told her

They soon clashed and Reann jumped off the horse rolling and slicing a Warg head off. The orc falling off growling.

"This is going to be fun." She said

The orc ran towards her sword in the air clashing against her swords. This one was a little strong so he made her fall back. He raised his sword ready to stab her. In one swift movement she rolled away jumping up and stabbing him dead.

She heard Gimli not to far away along with Legolas who also joined their little game not to long ago.

"How many have you killed so far?" She shouted towards Gimli

"Six so far and yourself?"

"Three." She replied

She heard Gimli laugh to himself. Two Wargs with orcs on them came charging towards him. She killed the Wargs first and then the orcs. She smirked towards Gimli who growled and ran another direction. That was until an arrow flew into her stomach causing her to gasp. She looked to see an orc grinning at her. Dropping her swords she stumbled back and fell off a ledge. Hitting her head, and sides falling in a stream.

Not too far behind her Aragorn follows along with a Warg. She tried to keep her eyes open but couldn't. As she floated down the river next to Aragorn her pulse was going and she was in pain. She then opened her eyes breathing heavily and coughing up blood.

"I...can't do....this please just take me." She begged

A voice was then whispering in her ear she knew it from anywhere.

"You must continue amralime, you must continue and fight." The voice whispered

"Kili...Kili my love I can't...fight any longer." She said gasping for air

"You shall fight and win I love you."

She and Aragorn reached the shore her slowly slipping into the darkness. A horse came along nudging Aragorn. He was still out of it but sat up looking at Reann. Shaking his head he crawled by her. Starting to panic once he seen the bloody cloth, and blood covered face he picked her up which was a struggle, and put her on the horse. Climbing on behind her the horse took off.

"Reann stay away talk to me how are you feeling." He asked

"Well......I-I did just get the stomach...and fell of a cliff." She replied chuckling grimly

"Aragorn I.....don't think I can do this anymore you may have to let me go." She whispered to him

"Don't say that the journey isnt anywhere close to being done. Keep your eyes open and awake for me, but importantly for Gimli. I don't want to tell him his friend who he loves dearly has died." Aragorn begged slightly

"I miss Kili, Aragorn I...just want to see him again." She said sniffling

"You will one day for now breath life."

She didn't reply though she shut her eyes. He felt her pulse it was barely there but there was a slight beat. He hurried up making the horse go faster.

Meanwhile the war was over and Gimli and Legolas were on the search for their friends. As they walked around corpses that did belong to the men of Rohan as well. A laugh was heard a laugh mixed with coughing, walking they see a dying orc. Gimli walked over by him putting his axe to its throat.

"What do you know!?!"

"The little dwarf was fighting until she took a blow by my arrow. Had a little tumble off the cliff followed by the man." It laughed until it stopped eyes wide looking in the sky dead

Gimli and Legolas looked at each other then to the cliff walking to the edge of it. They looked down it was a pretty steep fall but they couldn't of fell. There was something shining that Legolas seen out of the corner of his eyes. Walking closer his eyes widened as he picked up the two metal swords that belonged to Reann.

"It can't be." He muttered to himself

Gimli walked next to him looking at his friends swords. As Legolas stared at it longer his heart had slowly fallen apart. She can't be dead she can't. He never got to tell her how he truly felt towards her. He had to suck it up though and be brave not only for himself but for Gimli as well.

"Come Gimli we must ride to Helms deep." He told the dwarf walking to find a horse clutching Reann's swords

Meanwhile Aragorn was riding on his horse with Reann now unconscious. Her pulse was there but very faint, making him ride harder.

"Reann wake up wake up please." He begged his friend

He still had quite a bit to go and her pulse was getting weaker and weaker. He was frightened he truly was he didn't want to loose her. In the short amount of time he had with her they bonded and it was like they had knew each other their whole life.

After miles of riding they had soon seen the gates of Helms Deep. The riders of Rohan arrived a while before them the elf and dwarf praying their friends were safe.

"Reann we made it here, we're at Helms Deep, Reann!!"

The body in front of him now had no pulse and was getting cold. The gates had open and Aragorn hopped off the horse grabbing Reann.

"Please we need help she has no pulse!!" He exclaimed

A Rohan rider has seen them and had gone to tell Théoden King, and Legolas and Gimli their friends had arrived. Running through accidentally bumping into people along the way.

When they made it to their friends they stopped frozen at the sight. Two healers were picking up a limp bloody body rushing away. Only the limp body belonged to Reann making their heart drop. They both looked at Aragorn who was stone faced watching them take her away.

"I'm sorry my friends I did not ride fast enough." He apologized

"Lets not worry about that now follow!!" Gimli exclaimed

"Aragorn wait I must speak up the war taking place tonight." Théoden said

Aragorn was about to say no. How could he not be at Reann's side right now?

"You may go to your friend afterwards do not fret." He reassured him

Aragorn nodded and followed him while Gimli and Aragorn ran in the direction of the healers. Gimli was scared becuase he couldn't loose her not yet she was his home. All of his memories of Erebor were with her and he couldn't handle her dying. Legolas scared because she didn't know how he truly felt about her.

They made it to where they kept her and seen her shirt ripped open. On her stomach was a long gash that was sure to leave a scar. Along with some scratches on her face.

"How is she? Will she be okay?" Gimli asked worridly

The healers looked at eachother questionly not too sure.

"She is no longer breathing but we shall not give up on your friend."

Luckily Legolas was skilled in elvish healing and knew how to atleast make her breath again. He walked to her body and put his hand on her chest. He started muttering in elvish. Her chest soon started moving again and she was breathing.

"Bless you laddie." Gimli told him smiling

The nurses went to work on her again stitching her up and washing the blood off.

"Make sure she does not fight the battle tonight she must rest, and you shall make her stay to rest." Legolas instructed walking away Gimli following behind grinning like an idiot

She was alive and breathing. Now all she had to do was stay and rest.

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