The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)

By nxrmalisboring

62.1K 1.7K 482

"I didn't get your name" "And you're not going to" Small town girl Demi Lovato meets Niall Horan of One Direc... More

The Coffee Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
read please
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 13

1.8K 59 12
By nxrmalisboring

AN: Funny coincidence, my sister and I asked my parents to go to the Bahamas since we have a cousin there that owns a surf shop.

And my parents said YES! So my sister and I get to go to the Bahamas with my parents for free surfing lessons and a vacation over spring break XD

Can't wait for April now :)



Niall walked over to me and gave me a big bear hug and a kiss on the top of the head.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his bed with him, I laid down next to him and cuddled myself into him side, trying to get warmer.

"Take a nap Demi, you've had a rough day" I nodded against his chest before closing my eyes and letting out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in.

Drifting off into dreamland, I couldn't get those few words Niall said before out of my head;

"I'm just comforting a FRIEND!"


*Demi's POV*

"Wake up" I was shaken awake and heard a soft male voice.

"Wake up! Demi? Niall?" Niall? Why is he calling Niall's name. I ignored what he said and snuggled back into my pillow, going back to sleep.

Before I was able to fall back asleep, a voice pulled me back into consciousness, "Liam, just let me do it"

All I heard was, "Louis, don't!"



"Louis! Go away! I'm trying to sleep" I heard from someone who seemed to be right next to me. An arm grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to someone before that person buried their head in my neck.

I slowly started to open my eyes but immediately shut them when the sun shone bright into the room.

Carefully opening my eyes one by one, I see Louis sitting at the end of the bed and Liam, Harry, Zayn and Ariana standing by the door. Ariana was either recording something or taking a picture.

Wait....Why would she be doing that? And why is the camera pointed at me?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a groan and I was pulled closer to something, or more like someone.

"What?" I croaked out, my throat dry from lack of water. I looked next to me to see Niall squinting his eyes, looking at me with a sleepy smile on his face.

Oh, it's just Niall. Wait...NIALL!?

"Niall? Wha-What are you doing?" I asked in complete and utter confusion. Why is he sleeping next to me, on the SAME BED? Realization hit me and I jumped out of the bed, blushing furiously.

I looked up to see Ariana laughing her ass off and everyone else trying to hold in a laugh, including Niall. I glared at all of them and turned around to go to the bathroom when I heard, "Wait! Demi! I'm sorry! You don't remember?"

I ignored what he was saying until I heard the 'you don't remember?' part. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around swiftly, looking at him in confusion.

"What should I be remembering here?" I asked in suspicion, narrowing my eyes over at him.

"Last night. You don't remember any of it?"

"What happened last night that was so speci-" I stopped dead in the middle of the sentence, everything that happened yesterday flooding into my mind like a waterfall. "Nevermind," Niall and Mandy having that fight, Niall finally snapping and breaking up with the she devil, Niall buying her a one way flight back home. making her take a cab and then I laid down in bed with him, going to sleep for the night.

I must have been really tired to fall asleep in the same bed as Niall, cuddled up with him. Somehow the idea that I did that didn't appaul me too much.

I turned back around, going to the bathroom, doing my business and going back to the bed, sitting down next to Niall who was thankfully fully clothed and looking around at everybody. When my vision landed on Ariana, I looked at her a little longer than usual when I noticed she was smirking at me.

"So, what do we have to do and what people do we have to see today Louis?" I asked him jokingly, quoting what he said before to wake Niall and I up.

"Oh, I wasn't being serious. You two just didn't want to get up for anything. You two are worse than Zayn, at least Zayn gets up. You two wake up, then go back to bed, not caring about what the person needs or anything!" He finished off with Zayn thumping the back of his head and Niall and I blushing, looking at each other.

"In my defense, I knew we didn't have to do anything important today. So I didn't bother getting up when you tried to wake me up. And I was right to do that" Niall defended himself, glaring at Louis playfully.

"No! I still-"

"Well!" Niall started, interrupting Louis, "Mandy is finally gone," He paused while everyone cheered, including me, "We should do something to....." He hesitated, looking for the right word.

"Celebrate?" I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, suggesting the rather true word to finish the statement.

He looked at me weirdly, hesitating before he said, "I was looking for a completely different word." He paused, looking around at everybody's amused faces, "But I guess for this situation, that word could work" He finished, giving into all of us.

"Wait" Ariana announced suddenly, "Where would we go? We already went to the beach, and either way, that's not really 'celebrating'."

"We could on a boat, fishing and stop in the middle of the sea, going swimming and stuff. Maybe end the day of with......?" Zayn started, waiting for some suggestions for what to do tonight.

"Surfing and a bonfire at the beach?" Liam finished off, waiting for everyone's answer.

I nodded my head, looking around the room to see everyone nodding their heads also, loving the idea as much as I do.

"That's actually a really good idea, good job you two" Harry spoke up, praising Liam and Zayn.

"Thank you"

"Thanks mate"

Liam and Zayn spoke up, talking at the same time. Then looking at each other and laughing.

"Okay!" Louis spoke up, catching everyone's attention, "I'll call up and rent the boat with Zayn, everyone go and start getting ready!"

Everyone piled out of the room one at a time until it was just Niall, Ariana and I left. I looked around before getting up off the bed and went to the closet, looking for some clothes to wear for today. Ariana walked up behind me and poked my side before standing next to me, looking for what to wear along with me.

We ended up deciding to wear matching white bikinis.

Ariana wore a black see through cover up dress over her bikini while I wore white shorts with an orange see through shirt over mine. (Picture of Demi to the side)

We walked out of the bathroom to see Niall sitting on the bed with a dark green bathing suit and a white tank top on. He raised his eyebrow, looking at us.

"Well? How do we look?" Ariana asked, spinning around. When she noticed I didn't spin, she took my hand and made me spin around.

"You two," He started, standing up walking towards us, "Look absolutely amazing!"

"Well thank you" I said blushing, looking down.

"Is everyone descent?" Louis asked, popping his head into the room.

"Louis?" Ariana asked


"What's the purpose of asking if everyone's descent if you're just going to pop your head into the room as you ask it?"

"Well, I really don't know" He said, his voice getting slower as the time went on.

"What do you need Louis?" I asked curiously, stopping the two from bickering any longer.

"Well, I just wanted you all to know that it's time to leave. Zayn and I rented the boat and it's time to go, they'll be ready by the time we get there."

"Okay" Niall spoke up, "Let's go then!" The three of us followed Louis out of the bedroom door to see the suite absolutely empty. It was dead silent.

"Where is everybody?" I asked curiously.

"They're all waiting outside in the car for us" Louis answered.

"Oh, okay"

The four of us then made our way out of the apartment, locking it on the way out. Going to the elevator, we started to chat among ourselves. I stopped in the middle of my conversation with Ariana when I heard screaming, and A LOT of it.

Ariana groaned and looked over to Louis, "What did you not tell us Tomlinson?" She snapped at him.


"Well what!?"

"Funny story here...."

"Well, I'm not laughing, so it can't be funny." She stopped a minute and looked at my worried face. "There's a bunch of screaming fans out in the lobby, isn't there?"

Louis nodded sheepishly and looked down while Ariana and I groaned. Niall then chuckled which caused the two of us to glare over at him.

I pulled out my sunglasses from my bag and put them on. Then I took her sunglasses out of my bag since we agreed we were sharing a bag to make it easier and handed them to her. She slid them on her face and groaned again as we hit the main level, the lobby.

Niall started to explain that I need to stick with him and that Ariana needs to stick with Louis as we waited for the elevator doors to open.

Once they opened, the screams went off so loud that I thought my eardrums broke. Niall took my hand and told me not to let go, no matter what.

He started to walk out of the elevator as security met us and nodded to Niall and Louis. Apparently the two of them understood because the next thing I know, Louis was leading Ariana through the crowd with a bodyguard in front and behind them.

Then Niall led me the complete opposite way through the crowd with a bodyguard in front of us. I looked behind us and saw another one behind us. Niall put his right hand on the small of my back as we were led through the crowd.

I started to look around the room, feeling slightly claustrophobic. Niall probably noticed this and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and gave me a small smile. I smiled back, feeling more relieved as I saw the front doors to exit the hotel and Ariana and Louis getting into a black car.

As the two of us finally got through the crowd and to the doors, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Getting to the car, I got in first sitting next to Louis as Niall got in behind me, sitting next to me.

I looked around at everyone who was staring back at me and smiling, "What?"

"Nothing" Ariana answered with a slight smirk and a glint in her eye. I know that glint....

"Okay, I know something's up. What's going on?"

"Ariana told you, it's nothing!" Zayn answered me, I left it be. Not in the mood for an argument since my head was thumping slightly.

I rolled my eyes and put my head against Niall's shoulder, trying to block out the screams. I felt a head on top of mine but chose to ignore it.

After about ten minutes I finally started to drift off. But before I did, I heard Ariana silently squeal,

"They are SO in love!"


AN: Sorry, this is such a filler chapter. But it WILL be worth it when I put up the next chapter.

Since this was such a filler chapter and nothing happened, the voting goal will only be 15 for this chapter :)



And maybe fan?

Love you guys<3

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