that teenage girl

By severenaa

784 50 11

Aria, wasn't like other girls, She didn't wear, heels, she wears converse, she doesn't wear skirts, she wear... More

Chapter 1;
chapter 2;
chapter 3;
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6;
chapter 7;
Chapter 8;
Chapter 9;
chapter 10;
chapter 11;
chapter 12;
chapter 14
chapter 15
over 300!

chapter 13

33 3 0
By severenaa

I pack everything up, I was moving closer to my school, the sucky thing was, I didn't have much friends, I needed to get some, at least some how, I need to get at least 95% better, I'm not doing bad, though, I pack my whole room in a truck, everything I had in my room, it's all in the truck. Time to move on with my life.

We drive to our new home,

I unpack everything, with my birthday check, I bought a new room basically,I'm not really spoiled,I do have a phone, and a new bedroom, and not a lot of money, but my dad gave me enough, plus I'm saving it for college, plus I do eat healthy,

the other sucky thing is, that I don't have much family left.

I have my grandparents and my father, and my grandparents, are really old, and my grandma is sick.

So I'm really worried, I have jack, and that's what matters

(hey guys I know parts like this is boring but to get the whole ending you still gotta read these pages)

Jack went to me and said,

"I have something to say to you"

"sure, anything jack :)"

"I think I'm in love with you"

I stood there frozen I couldn't date, not yet. He's my bestfriend yes I do like him, but I'm scared,

i mumble"um"

He stood there waiting for an answer

I did like him alot, but it's not right yet, i can't I say, slowly

"Oh I see"

"I'm sorry jack just not right now"

he stood frozen, seeing tears in his eyes,

I hug him, as he crys,

I felt horrible I wasn't ready for one

"jack I'm sorry just not right now someday though.

1 year later, I am now 17 years old living with my grandma, and grandpa, as well jack was living with us too. I got alright grades and the basics.


Jack would ask me out every month, not giving up. I can't believe it's been a year and he still asking, I haven't said yes quite yet, but maybe one day, but the sad thing is, my grandma was sick,she wasn't gonna make it,Me and my grandpa visit her, and say out goodbyes, unforantly, my grandpa got depressed, and died of a broken heart, because he lost her, for then on, it was honestly me and jack,I love them and there gone, they were getting old. I loved them. It was my goodbyes for now, there with arias mom, so she did see a bright side,

but I couldn't live by myself,

I didn't tell anyone of there death, we kept the house for another year, and it was stressful, because I didn't have much money, I used half of my check. Everyday I would play my guitar outside and at least make 10$, I was finally 18, And yet jack kept asking, "will you go out with me" every month.

I finally said "I will"

He cried when I said yes, he made like a whole speech.

"Aria, thank you I always did love you , I thought you never felt the same I love you so much aria, your my everything, your all I want"

I smiled, I said"pick me up from basket ball"

At the end, He is in a tux,with roses, his hair all fancy, and he ran to me, picked me up and kissed me. He ate mints, so his breath was minty, and his lips were beautiful. He took me to the aquarium, then took me to Starbucks, and I got a cake pop, and a chai tea lattę. He just got green tea.

we sat and talked

"aria your 18th bday was a week ago, here's your present"

There was, a Mac book, laptop, I started screaming, and thanked him so much, I got him video games and stuff for his bday.

He said "your welcome"

we go to a romantic dinner after

"will you dance with me"i say

"I can't dance"

"oh sure you can, I grabbed him, and bringed him to the dance floor, he grabbed my hips, an I grabbed around his neck

He bought me so much, I couldn't be more thankful.We go home, he said "let's order pizza,watch romantic movies and make out"

I was so happy, and said "I would love too" so we did.

A week or 2 later, I go to college, for a dental care person idk.

I got a student loan,

to be continued...

by the way I'm not done the book.

couple more chapters!! please keep on reading thank you :)

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