House of Anubis: The Sacrific...

By SibunASeason34

44.9K 1.1K 293

Seems like even the old Sibunas have left the building, everything at the Anubis house is getting more intens... More

S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 1
S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 2
S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 3
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 1
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 2
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 3
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 1
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 2
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 3
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 1
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 2
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 3
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 1
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 2
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 3
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 4
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 5
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 1
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 2
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 3
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 4
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 5
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 1
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 2
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 3
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 4
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 5
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 1
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 2
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 3
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 4
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 5
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 1
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 2
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 3
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 4
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 5
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 1
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 2
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 3
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 4
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 5
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 1
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 2
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 3
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 4
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 5
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 1
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 2
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 3
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 4
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Dissapointment" Part 1
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 2
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 3
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 4
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 5
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 1
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 2
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 3
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 4
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 5
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 1
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 2
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 3
S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 4
S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 5
S4EP16 "House of Nightmares/House of Double Trouble" Part 1
Author's Note

S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 5

431 13 14
By SibunASeason34

House of Anubis:The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 5 (out of 5)

Joy: Willow! Hey...

Willow: Hey... Can you give me your smoothie?

Joy: It's strawberries.

Willow: So?

Joy: You hate strawberries!

Willow: I like the colour, but it's the taste that gives me alergies!

Joy: That's why you're gonna get a glass of milk instead!

Willow: Willow doesn't want any milk right now.

Joy: Why?

Willow: Because one of her friends just died...

Joy: Look, Willow, I... The thing is...

KT: Joy, don't even!

Joy: Yeah, she's dead. But... That doesn't mean you have to sit on the couch and cry all the time, dressed up all sad & horrible! Oh and... The unicorn play! We can practice on it later?

Willow: You really will help me on that unicorn play?

Joy: A promise is a promise!

Willow: Yay. But... If you don't wanna do it, then it's absolutely fine...

Joy: Really? Thanks, Willow! No unicorn play then I guess! Yay, no more unicorns! Yay!

Willow: Just leave me alone...

Jerome walks in.

Jerome: Joy? Why is the person Patricia hates the most is crying all the time and her best friend, well, let me say, seems like her best friend over there, the one I'm looking at, doesn't even care!

Joy: How dare you say that? I do care! I just have to face the fact, no more yacker. Probably.

Jerome: Probably? Your best friend just died!

Joy: So what? Don't blame anyone unless you know how they feel!

Joy starts crying and goes away...

Jerome: So... I guess this was definetly the end of our relationship...

Willow: You're lucky she at least cares about you! Alfie's like... the worst! He gives me wacky presents that are horrible, he cries how much he misses Amber all the time, ugh!

Jerome: You know what? I... Couldn't care less! Okay? Now, go eat some strawberries in the fridge and give me that TV remote, so I can watch my favourite TV show!

Willow: But I hate strawberries!

Jerome: There are muffins on the table!

Willow: Well... Okay!

Willow kisses Jerome in the cheek and goes to the kitchen, but turns out Alfie was listening to their conversation and becomes sad.

----- {3 Hours later} [In the tunnels]

KT: Come on, Fabian! It's getting late!

Eddie: Yeah, soon our ears will be convinced to listen the pin droping!

Fabian: Hey, no more pins since Victor's not here, alright? And I won't leave until I find out what this clock Patricia gave us is for!

KT: But seriously? The cellar? Searching the answer for the never ending quest in the never ending tunnels? Right, we're crazy!

Fabian: Guys, you don't dare give up on me!

KT: Come on, Dude! We gotta get some rest!

Fabian: Fine! Sweet dreams. Sleep tight! Don't let the corndogs bite!

KT: Thank God! Osirian, we're leaving right now!

Eddie: Wait a minute...

KT: Ugh, what now?!

Eddie: This... Chest... It has a keyhole...

KT: That's a discovery, goodbye!

Eddie: No, KT, don't be silly! We have to find out what exactly happened to Yacker... Remember? You were the one who caused all this. It's our turn to fix it.

KT: Ugh, you gotta be kidding me! Okay, look for clues! Maybe there's a new safe hidden underneath that chest! Or a new passage way? No, not a passage. A Trap! Yeah, another trap! How cool. Now, let's go!

Fabian: Okay, Go! I had enough!

Eddie: Fabian, shut up!

Fabian: I'm not gonna shut up! You idiots! I'm not giving up on this quest!

KT & Eddie: Fabian!!!

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