House of Anubis: The Sacrific...

By SibunASeason34

44.9K 1.1K 293

Seems like even the old Sibunas have left the building, everything at the Anubis house is getting more intens... More

S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 1
S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 2
S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 3
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 1
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 2
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 3
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 1
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 2
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 3
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 1
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 2
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 3
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 1
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 2
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 3
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 4
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 5
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 1
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 2
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 3
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 4
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 5
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 1
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 2
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 3
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 4
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 5
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 1
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 2
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 3
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 4
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 5
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 1
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 2
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 3
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 4
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 5
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 1
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 2
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 3
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 4
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 5
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 1
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 2
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 3
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 4
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 5
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 1
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 2
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 3
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 5
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Dissapointment" Part 1
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 2
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 3
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 4
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 5
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 1
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 2
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 3
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 4
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S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 1
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 2
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S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 4
S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 5
S4EP16 "House of Nightmares/House of Double Trouble" Part 1
Author's Note

S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 4

387 11 0
By SibunASeason34

House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 4 (out of 5)

Everyone hides Patricia's cursed body under KT's bed.

KT: Guys, what are you doing? You can't just keep her in there all the time! Think about how I'm going to sleep!

Fabian: You were the one who caused all of this!

KT: What? Fabian! Do you know what you're talking about?

Fabian: You pressed on Anubis Symbol! We were supposed to put a key in there, but NO, You had to touch it first!

KT: What? I didn't know that! What makes you think me pressing it has anything to do with her dying or something?

Fabian: First - She's not dead. And Second - Frobisher said, every step we do will cause a problem!

KT: Well, a recorded voice, actually. And don't you dear call my great grandpa - The Frobisher!

Alfie: I Called his doll a Frombie...

KT: What? Alfie, be serious! They're about to hide a death body under the place I sleep!

Fabian: How many times, Do I have to tell you!?!?!? Patricia Williamson, Yacker, Weasel, Patty or however you call that girl, She is not Dead!

KT: Alright, Alright! I'm happy about it... But... But... Think about Willow!

Mara: Seriously, Fabian? Hiding a...

Fabian: Don't even think about saying she's Dead!

Mara: I wasn't even planning...

Fabian: Mara, KT, Alfie, please, get out of this room. I wanna talk to Amber, Eddie & Joy.

Mara: Uhm, whatever you say...

Mara, Alfie & KT leave the room.

Joy: What do you want to talk about?

Fabian: We four, and Nina, were Patricia's best friends.

Eddie: Well, you three and Nina. I'm her boyfriend...

Fabian: Right...

Joy: I'll miss her so much. *Puts her head on Fabian's shoulder*

Fabian: Hey, Joy, don't worry. We'll figure this out. I only want to ask you if...

Joy: Yeah?

Fabian: Will you please, please, PLEASE...

Joy: Ahah?

Amber: Fabian...

Fabian: ... Please, come back to Sibuna.

Amber & Joy: Oh...

Joy: Well, I... Yeah, sure!

Fabian: Thanks Joy!

Joy: You're very welcome, Fabian.

Fabian: Is everything okay?

Joy: First, doctor says my best friend is dead, and after that, the boy I knew since I was 7 tells me something other than the words I always, like a jerk, expected him to say. Yeah, this day can't get any better.

Fabian: Are you alright?

Joy: Sorry, you said something?

Joy leaves & starts crying.

Fabian: What's wrong with her?

Amber: A Girl can't wait around forever, Fabs...

Fabian: Come on, you're like Fabina's biggest fan!

Amber: Yeah... Guess I just wanted to make a good point.

Fabian: What?

Amber leaves too...

Eddie: Next time, Bro, think of something that won't dissapoint anyone around.

Fabian: You too?

Eddie leaves the room.

Fabian: Great! Left alone, like always, the only one around who still cares about that there's a sleeping person, under the bed. Pretty much, I was right, My life's just perfect.

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