Innocent or Guilty | Hyunghyu...

By Simple_Plane

14.3K 1.2K 180

"Just don't let them know..." More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37(Final)

Chapter 1

1.6K 75 12
By Simple_Plane

"I actually have to go home now..." The blackhaired boy flickered with his big eyes, observing and controlling his surroundings to see if it was free to go.

He carefully tried to rise from his uncomfortable position, sitting in the middle of a bush of roses, full of thorns. There were no alternatives though, no one could find out about them. They couldn't let that happen. Never Ever.

He locked eyes with the boy in front of him, the slightly shorter, fragile looking, white haired boy. His best friend. Lee Minhyuk.

"Hyungwon, you know I like you a lot, right?" Minhyuk said quietly, still locking eyes with the blackhaired boy, his best friend, Hyungwon.

Hyungwon placed Minhyuk's slim face in his big hands and smiled.
"Yes I do."

Both of their voices shook from nervousity, of course they were best friends, right? They had always been together but both of them knew, deep inside that they were something bigger than that.

They were lovers, no one could deny it.
But there was one rule: never ever mention it, not even in each other's company.

Hyungwon had gotten beaten up by his father for holding Minhyuk's hands, he had been slapped for caressing his soft cheek, he had been scolded for stroking his white, shining hair.

As the priest of the curch, his father found it unacceptable. He wasn't sure if something was actually going on between his son and that other son of a literal slut.

Son of the most sinful people. It was indeed unaccpetable under any circumstances.
Therefore, Minhyuk would do anything to prevent the harm towards his loved Hyungwon, they now hanged out at secret spots, always hiding and never for longer than 2 hours.

It was risky but he couldn't stand Hyungwon showing up with yet another bruise.
Not yet another cut, not yet another mark from a hand slapping on his cheek.
There were no alternatives.
His own parents were horrible but at least they didn't hurt him and his little brother, their sons.

He had a hard time believing that one could hurt their children like that.

Hyungwon adrupted Minhyuk's flashing thoughts by nodding and quickly free himself from the thorns of the roses surrounding him that had been nagging on his skin for so long.

"I'll just go now!" He ran away from the bush, leaving Minhyuk, making as much distance as just possible between them.

Stopping by the bridge on his way home, he sat down on a rock, catching his breath. He sure was skinny but not much for sports, he was pretty weak, physically.

Hyungwon put his hands in the crystal clear, cold water of the peaceful river and placed his now cold hands on his legs which were filled with red scratches from the rose thorns.
The skin was red and swollen but the cold water helped a little.

He sat there for a while, he liked just being quiet and observing things.

Dreaming away, drowning in his own thoughts, in his own thoughts where no one judged him, in his own thoughts where he didn't had to fear anything.
There, in his own thoughts where he and Minhyuk lived happy together...

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