Silver Sins [MJ FanFiction]

By ScarletWords93

55.4K 3.8K 2.7K

Trust no one. Not even your friends, not even Michael. More

Winter of 1953
Ch. 1 Stranger in my Bed!
Ch. 2 Chef and Protector
Ch. 3 Waxing Gibbous
Ch. 4 Party Under the Fool Moon
Ch. 5 Sweet dreams, Chad
Ch. 6 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 7 Beautiful wife
Ch. 8
Ch. 9 Michael, the babysitter
Ch. 10 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 11 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 13 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 14 Mr. Derek
Ch. 15 Supporter
Ch. 16 Lisa's arrival
Ch. 17 Jealous
Ch. 18 Incestuous Love
Ch. 19 Sins
Ch. 20 The priest - a lamb or a beast?
Ch. 21 The gypsies
Ch. 22 Baaaad Kitten
Ch. 23 Our Love
Ch. 24
Ch. 25 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 26 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 27 Just like the beast
Ch. 28 Chop Chop
Ch. 29 THEY
Ch. 31 Broken Friendship
Ch. 32 Camera never lies
Ch. 33 New suspect
Ch. 34 Examine Michael
Ch. 35 She'll be full... moon
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39 New Plan
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46

Ch. 12 Humiliated

1.1K 94 45
By ScarletWords93

"Her pulse is fine!"

Where was I?

"She's waking up? Miss are you alright?"

Where were those noises coming from? Why could I hear police's cars? I opened my eyes and saw two people dressed in white, looking at me from above and doing things like touching my body with some funny looking instruments. Behind them were trees, other people in white and policemen, going back and forth. I could hear them talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

"She seems to be fine. She was lucky."

I looked around and suddenly remembered everything. Last night I put sleeping pills in Michael's wine, came here with my classmates to humiliate Daniel and then... that thing.

I jumped and started looking around to look for the werewolf, but there was no sign of it! I then looked at my body to find not even one single scratch.

"Are you okay, miss?" the doctor looked straight into my scared eyes. It must have been early in the morning, because the darkness from last night had begun to lift its veil.

I remembered about Jess and looked next to me to find her missing.

"The girl who was laying next to me... where is she?" I asked the doctors next to me.
"She's in the car, laying. She woke up and she was in a shock, we had to inject her a medicine to relax her." he said and winked at me. Idiot. If he only knew what happened last night... Of course, she was in shock. "Her mom is coming to pick her up."

They helped me get up and although my legs were shaking slightly, I managed to walk around and keep my weak body up. I felt as if I haven't eaten in days, so weak and strange.

That thing... the werewolf, it was real. I came here to humiliate Daniel, but what happened in the end! I humiliated my own self.

"The policemen have questions for you and your friends young lady, so if you're feeling well, you might go tell them what happened last night." the doctor interrupted my thoughts. I nodded and they went to do their jobs, leaving me alone in this little crowd of doctors and policemen, but where were the rest? Where was Daniel? He must be dead. The werewolf got him last night. I had to do something... I had to warn everybody. This was more than serious.

I scurried to the 2 policemen who were nearest me.

"It was a werewolf..."
"What?" they looked at me.
"It's not a wolf or a bear like everybody thinks. We saw it last night! I saw it! It was standing right in front of me! You must listen to me! Tonight is gonna be full moon again and you have to catch it! Or.. or it's gonna kill us all!" they looked at me, then looked at each other, back at me and one of them begun
"Aha, I see. And ahh... what did the... werewolf you say, looked like?"
"He was tall, very tall! More than 2 meters! And big!" I used my hands to show them. "It had big claws with sharp nails and strong jaw and ahh... black fur and it's very fast and strong!!"
"Mhm... and where exactly did you say you saw the... werewolf?" he asked.
"Oh boy... I didn't see him until he climbed up the trees and started jumping from one tree to the next and then landed right in front of me and Jess!"
"So it had superpowers too?"
"Well, not superpowers, but it was very strong! Jumping, running, hitting... all that it did very well!" they looked at each other, then back at me again and suddenly, their serious faces exploded in laughter.


"Why are you laughing??"
"Oh Lord! Those teenagers.. have vivid imaginations!"
"But but but..."
"Listen, kid.." he put his hand on my back, patted it and said "I know it must have been tough for you, some of your friends are dead, but to lie to the police about such things.. is a crime."
"But I'm not laying! It's the truth I sa-"
"Things like werewolves don't exist! You watch too many movies nowadays and I blame all those shiny Hollywood producers. Anyway, why don't you sit down here and rest. If no one comes to pick you up, we'll drive you home when we're done." then he returned back to doing his useless work.

I thought they believed me, but obviously, I only entertained them.

"YN... YN.." I heard someone whispering my name with weak voice. I turned around and saw Daniel being carried by two doctors. He was alive!!?? I run to him and grabbed his hand.
"You're okay? I thought you were dead, Daniel!" I felt tears of pure happiness wanting to escape my eyes. I was so happy to see he was fine, although, he was covered in wounds and blood all over his body. That damn werewolf must have really played with him. I felt so sorry and guilty for thinking he was crazy and not believing him about something so serious! "How did you survive?"
"We'll talk later... Listen, I heard the policeman you talked to... don't tell anyone, they won't believe us. They'll only think we're crazy." they put him in the car and one doctor said
"Miss, if you would please leave, we need to get him to the hospital fast!" they pushed me out and I heard Daniel
"Don't go out tonight, YN!" he did his best to talk louder "I'll call you!" and they closed the doors shut. The last thing I saw was his worried eyes.

Oh God! What was I going to do now? Daniel was right. We were going to become prisoners in our own homes! What was going to happen with our town?

"Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see Jeremy, our new neighbor.
"Mr. Jeremy?" he was smiling warmly at me.
"Only Jeremy." he placed his hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry about last night, YN, I really am."
"But how did you know?" I was confused. And how did the policemen find us?
"I was returning home from my parent's house when I saw two familiar cars close to the road and I got little suspicious, because I knew they belonged to your friends Daniel and that other boy... I thought what are those kids doing here late at night and where are they? So I started driving slower, looking around, because I had heard about that other incident with that boy who was murdered by an animal in the forest..."
"Yes, Chad."
"So I thought looking around won't hurt anybody and thank God I did! I saw you and this other girl laying close to the road!"
"I instantly got out of the car and run to you, guys! You were laying there lifeless and I was so scared! I called 911 immediately!"
"Oh thank you so much, Jeremy! You saved Daniel's life! He might have died if there was no quick reaction! You're a life saver!"
"No need to thank me at all! But what were you guys doing out here? The police warned everybody to be careful until they catch the wolf or bear.."
"It's no-" I stopped myself from saying it, because I remembered Daniel's words. It was better not to, I had no intention of going to a sanatorium "Well, that was a stupid thing to do..."
"Very stupid. You're shaking! You should sit down."
"I think I should go home.. Jeremy, I'm sorry to bother you, but I can't wait for the policemen, would you please drive me home?"
"But I already called Michael!" WHAT? "He should be here any minute soon!" he gave me a warm smile again, revealing his white teeth.

But how was that possible? I put 2 sleeping pills in his wine last night! Why wasn't he sleeping deeply now? Their effect can't wear off in a few hours only!

Suddenly, I heard a car arriving with great speed, vrooming from behind us and I turned around to see Michael's black Mercedes.

"Oh there he is!" Jeremy said, pointing.

He abruptly hit the breaks and the car forcefully stopped right in front of the policemen's cars, making loud noises as the tires glided against the road surface. He even left black marks on the road.

The door flung open with strength and Michael got out, walking fast towards the spot to look for me, I guessed.

His facial expression didn't look good.

He was still dressed in his pajamas and wearing a red jacket on top. His curls were messed up and his jaw tightly clenched. His brown eyes were filled with rage and mine started looking for a spot to hide...

"Ahh.. thank you once more Jeremy, if you'd excuse me now, I have to hide." I slowly started taking steps back, but suddenly his eyes landed on mine - straight on mine! Dammit! We kept looking at each other for a few seconds when Michael started walking towards where I and Jeremy were.

This wasn't good... not at all.. I've never seen Michael looking like this before NEVER! I even thought he couldn't get angry. And I also thought werewolves didn't exist. I think I should stop thinking.  

"Hi, Michael!" Jeremy cheerfully greeted him when he stopped in front of me.
"Thank you for calling me, Jeremy." there was not even one single emotion in his voice... He kept staring at me, although he was talking to Jeremy.
"Well, I'll leave you two guys alone. See you later!" Jeremy said and left.

Michael won't take his angry eyes off me.

"You, in the car, now." he said through clenched teeth. His hands were in tight fists.. he looked scary. I decided I'd be best If I did what he said, so I begun walking to the car with him behind him. I couldn't see him, but I could feel his intense stare burning my body.

He opened the door for me and forced me inside, then pushed it shut. He walked over to his seat, got in and pushed the door shut, making the whole car shake. He started it and hit the pedal abruptly so that my body went forwards from the sudden speed.

On the way home, I kept looking down at my feet, scared to talk. He didn't talk either.

His hands were holding the wheel so tightly, I could see his knuckles turn white. He was staring at the road the whole time, but I could hear him breath heavily. He shook his head a few times, probably lost in his thoughts - he was angry, very angry. Could it be that those pills had side effects like irritation?

And how the hell did he woke up? I gave him pills to sleep and he woke up so easily from Jeremy's call?

We finally arrived home and he stopped the car in the same way he started it. I quickly got out and scurried home before him, hoping I'd be able to go to my room, lock myself and not having to look at him in this condition, because... he did kind of scared me.

Just when I thought I had managed to run, I heard a loud sound from the door being shut close come from behind me.

'Where you think you goin'?" I froze on the stairs when I heard his cold, emotionless voice. I slowly turned around to look at him.
"In my room.." my voice was trembling.
"Really? Last night you told me the same thing and when I got a call from Jeremy this morning, the first thing I did was to look for you in your room, because I couldn't believe you'd lie to me and leave the house to go in the damn forest with your stupid, little friends."

Oh God... he really was angry. I've never heard him talk like that before... I wanted my parents back already.

I felt my fingers nervously playing with my blouse.

"So, YN, is it really gonna be your room this time?" I nodded with guilt in my eyes. I knew this was a terrible idea..
"I'm sorry... I really am." I was looking down at my feet the whole time, I was too embarrassed to look at him.
"You should be, because you have no idea what could have happened to you!" he raised his voice. "What was I gonna do then?" a tear fell down my eye.
"I'm so sorry for everything..."
"You're gonna be punished." he said with a stern voice "When I come up with a punishment." I looked at him like... what?

Suddenly his phone rung. He pulled it from his pocket and said

"Your parents."

Oh no...

"Are you gonna tell them?"

Oh no!!! I didn't know what was I going to do, but I had to convince Michael not to tell them!!

"Hello?" he picked up.

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