The Last Creature From Hell (...

By Rengakillz

271 13 5

A Staff sergeant had gathered his squad to go out to do what they did best but they ran into a big bump befor... More

A uncommon friendship begins.
Back to duty.
A new Breed
Whered that come from?
Where to now?
The decision
The worst time
The realization

The Last Creature From Hell

151 5 4
By Rengakillz

Hello, all there once was a man who knew everything but for knowing everything there was a price and that price was he had lost everything that he loved except his wife. I will tell you who he is and who I am but first I have a story to tell you.

There Once was a time when there was a man who had met a very strange creature and they became the best of friends... O whoops, I'm sorry I got ahead of myself let us Begin where he first met the creature...

The story starts when he was on the very first job he was the Corporal third in charge of the Dragon Squad.

The staff sergeant "Sergeant Kerry I want you to drive us all to the depot understood?" She then replied "Sir yes sir. good, let's get going. Um, commander what shall we drive? "He then replied half angry and half surprised" Well we're going to the JUNGLE so the camouflage JEEP you dumb ass!" She then Looked at the camouflaged jeep and replied. "Sorry, sir I didn't know if you wanted it that they could see us coming or not."

He then angrily replied"It's understandable and remember ma'am before and after what you say to me you must say, SIR. "She then stared at him and after a minute replied" Sir sorry sir." He sighed heavily then replied, "Its OK I overreacted there also, just don't be a dumb ass like that again!" She replied half scared and half excited "Sir yes sir!"

He yelled, "Good now MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!" When everyone finally arrived she whispered to the staff sergeant "Sir the squads all in sir." He then sighed and said angrily "Finally for all 20 of us it took HALF A FUCKING HOUR! Really HALF AN HOUR it should have only taken 2 minutes or at least 20 minutes 1 per TROOPER! O well, GO, GO, GO!" She replied, "Sir yes sir."

The jeep roared alive like a lion that was surprised by something that jumped on it or scratched it.

She then hurriedly said, "Sir that doesn't sound good sir." He then replied sarcastically "Yeah I know shut it down ill go check it." She then turned it off while replying "Sir yes sir."

The engine turned off but everyone still could hear some grinding coming from it like a piece of metal was being ripped from it and then thrown like a toy.

She then mumbled half scared and half terrified "Sir are you sure you want to check it cause it sounds like something is in the engine and breaking it sir." He then replied trying to sound tough even though he was terrified not knowing what could do such a thing "Yes I am cause we need to get to the depot soon otherwise we would be late and kicked off the mission." She then sadly replied, "Sir yes sir."

When the Staff Sergeant made it to the front of the jeep and opened to the engine and the next thing they heard made them all jump like they had just heard the sound of a wild beast. They saw there Staff sergeant falling but they could only see half his face the other half had melted and they noticed a greenish acid on the side of his face. They then thought that it had been sabotaged but that thought went flying out of their minds when they saw a gecko creature jump down and start to eat there Staff Sergeant like he was just a piece of meat set out for dinner. They closed their doors so fast it sounded like a bomb went off and they were staring at it terrified.

One of the privates then yelled terrified and confused "Sergeant your now in charge, what should we do?" She then mumbled half terrified and half excited "Um we should um... Corporal your now sergeant and I want you to go and see if its dead or if our old Staff Sergeant saw it and had just scared it." He then replied, "Yes if it is deadly and it kills me promise me you will get everyone to safety." New Staff sergeant "I promise I will get them all to safety. But make me a promise also Corporal. ...."

New Sergeant "Ma'am?..."

"Don't die! I love you and I want to marry you."

New Sergeant "O Kerry I know you love me but you also should know I was planning on asking you to marry me after this mission but you can see how far south our mission has gone. Well, I guess I might want to start heading out now...OK now, where is the damn key, so if I must, I can unlock the door? I also want to know what that thing could be before I go out the door, so anyone have any clue what it is or what it could be?"

He then looked at the all the privates and the staff sergeant and saw they all had a blank face which obviously meant they had no clue.The Sergeant then noticed the keys were on the half-eaten already decomposing Staff Sergeant (KIA). He then realized if it was deadly and it attacked him and he couldn't defend himself fast enough. The love of his life would have to watch him be eaten and he didn't want to find out what she would do if that happened. He then decided to pull out his M-4 and started for the door when out of the edge of his eye he saw the Creature was starting to eat them through the driver's door. He then noticed that it had a cut on its side and the first thing he thought was maybe if he was lucky he could shoot it and kill it if it attacks. He then opened the door a quarter way and slipped out quietly. A minutes later he had his M-4 pointed at the creature when it noticed him and spat some of its acidic salivae at him. It only hit his gun and he thought it was luck but before he knew it the creature was on top of him and just staring at him.

He noticed the fear in the eyes of the creature and thought it might be friendly so he decided to try and talk to it. He quickly thought and said "Don't be afraid I won't hurt you. I promise." It stared at him and then made a sound that sounded like a dog's appreciative bark, but in a blood gurgling growl He then looked at it and stammered "You must get off (Gasp) of me so I (Gasp) can get you a first (Gasp) aid kit and so I can breathe and (Gasp) not stop so often (Gasp) to breath." The creature seemed to understand and jumped off of his chest and sat down next to him staring at him intently like it was going to wait patiently for him to get the first aid.

He got up walked over to the old Staff sergeant and grabbed the keys and turned around to walk over to the car when he noticed that the creature wasn't sitting where he had left it. He looked around and noticed that it was to the left of him and he almost fell back when he turned and saw it there. He then unlocked the door and saw that everyone was staring at him and he quickly said: "give me the first aid hurry I don't know if it will jump in and eat you like he did our old Staff Sergeant."

They grabbed the First aid as fast as they could and threw it to him and he caught it and slammed the door closed as fast as he could. He then looked at the creature and said "OK now don't move I know it might hurt but I want to help and will do my best to make it not hurt" The creature then stared at him with knowledgeable eyes. The Sergeant stared at the creature for a minute entranced by the creatures knowledgeable eyes. He then realized he had been staring into its eyes for five full minutes by then and everyone was staring at him curiously. He then looked at the wound and saw that it was a burn. Which meant it was in a place that was extremely hot before it somehow made it to the base.

He then started to clean the burn and saw a claw in the wound, so he started to carefully reach for it he watched the creature while he reached for it and saw the creature cringe when he grabbed a hold of it and pull it out. He was surprised that it didn't attack him, so he looked at the claw and saw that it was a purple claw that was as Sharp as any dagger but twice as long. he then cleaned the wound with alcohol and saw that the creature seemed to enjoy the alcohol. He then thought that he should make sure there was enough wrap for wrapping the creatures wound so he stopped rubbing the wound (which was clean now) and looking through the first aid and found out there was enough for the creature and many others like it. He then turned around and saw the creature was still standing but its eyes were closed and he could have sworn he was hearing the slight sound of snores.

He almost laughed aloud but he knew if he did he would awake the sleeping creature. He also did not want to see what it would do to him or the rest of the squad, so he quickly put some Kerlix dressing in the wound and then finally wrapped it up but he did make sure it was a job well done. He then went to the squad and said "Get out as fast as you can and make sure you don't wake it and that a squad doesn't come down here and kill it...I feel like it will be helpful in the future plus it seems it has taken a liking to me so I might be able to get it to help us with our job in Pakistan. He then looked at the sleeping creature to make sure it was still asleep well the squad he was in snuck to another jeep and drove off. He noticed the staff sergeant Kerry was staring out the back of the window of the jeep at him the whole time. He then stopped looking at where his squad had left and started to turn back to look at the creature. He had been looking down and when he realized he was facing the way the creature was he looked up and noticed the creature wasn't where it was, it was hanging onto the ceiling and staring at him like he was a piece of meat. He then started to back up but the creature pounced and knocked him onto his back and it started to wrestle with him and he realized it hadn't been looking at him like a piece of meat he was looking at him like a friend and it wanted to play. They then wrestled for 15 minutes and when they finished the sergeant sat up and was so tired he almost fainted right there trying to stand up.

He then said, "well it seems we are actually friends cause you could have killed me well we were wrestling you are much stronger than me or anyone I know". He then thought and realized he hadn't told it his name and he had no clue if it had a name..... or if it was male or female. He then said " I guess I should tell you my name. It is Sergeant Morris... why am I telling a creature my name it won't even be able to say it... well... Do you have a named creature? O and are you male or female?". The next second it sat up and he could see that it was Male. The creature stared curiously at him and he realized it was confused about the concept of a name. Morris then asked "is it OK if I come up with a name with you? It will make it that I don't have to call you creature every time I talk to you.". The creature then looked at Sergeant Morris with eyes that made it obvious that it wanted to be called something other than a creature. Morris then thought up the first name and said it " Wilkes was the name of my best friend back in the day so why not do you like the name Wilkes?". The creature then looked at Morris with the look of acceptance which made Morris tear up a little seeing that the creature no wait Wilkes understood.

Hi everyone this is the first chapter of this story so I hope you like it and yes I will be continuing it. If you have any comments I would love to read them and Thank you so much SallySlater for helping me this chapter looked horrible before for you helped me thank you very much. Please vote if you liked this First chapter :)

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