The Broken Time Turner

By Always_bookworm_

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The Next Generation travel to Harry Potter's 6th year!!! More

The Open Study
The Appearance of Eight
Who Are The Parents?
Exploding Cakes and a Dinner With Dead People
How To Wake Up James Sirius Potter
Quidditch and Conversations
Finally getting the Time Turner
Umbridge Kitchen and Magenta Explosion
Search and . . . Stupidity?
The Finale!
Thanks For Reading


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By Always_bookworm_

They all trooped into the kitchen after taking off all of their snow dampened clothes. Taking their seats Fred and George sat as far as they could from Ginny who still had a angered look on her face but they were so amused to see her sit next to Harry while blushing slightly they snickered. Ginny immediately shot them a look of venom and they ducked their heads and stared intently at their plates.

Molly bustled around making sure everyone had taken enough food and asked as she took her seat "What was that snowball fight about you looked like you were killing each other out there."

Almost everyone who had been out there laughed, the only ones who didn't were Fred and George (who were scared of what their sister would do to them if they said anything), Ginny (who was now looking quite pissed off and murderous), and Harry (who honestly was quite ticked about the whole thing, too, I mean you finally tell a girl you like her, then kiss her, and it's ruined by two snowballs smacking you in the face-Why did I fall for a girl with six older brothers? And then get her pregnant three times, do I have a death wish in the future? he thought).

"Harry and Ginny were kissing and Fred and George threw snowballs at them to break them up. Then Ginny was really ticked so she seriously whipped the two and it started the whole fight." Teddy smirked

Molly blinked and turned to her daughter and surrogated son "You were kissing?" Harry sunk down into his seat blushing furiously-redder than Ginny's hair. And Ginny brushed a strand of her hair away from her face (A really pretty face too. Harry thought a little dreamily then thought confused, Wait what did I just think?) she muttered something under her breath and said outloud-"Yes, so?"

The Weasley boys all flinched when she said that knowing it was not a smart thing to say to their mother. Molly just raised an eyebrow at her daughter and said "If I wasn't happy that you too finally did someting about your feelings I would be very mad at that answer."

Harry looked up at Mrs. Weasley and asked "Wh-what do you mean 'finally did something about your feelings'? And you aren't. . . mad?" To his surprise Molly laughed at that.

"Mad why on earth would I be mad? I'm ecstatic especially because I know you'll be getting married I know you will really be a part of the family and that you won't, well, dump her and hurt her."

"Then we'd have to hurt you." Charlie murmured a note of hostility in his voice but instead of being scared Harry was strangely horrified that they thought he might do that. "I would never do that Mrs. Weasley. He said desperately looking up at her imploringly. She stared fondly back at him and answered "I know Harry."

Nobody knew that at that second Ginny reached out and grabbded Harry's hand intwining her fingers in his. He was oddly comforted at this small gesture and sqeezed her hand gently. Molly continued then "And I may be old dear but I'm not stupid. I could tell that you had feelings for Ginny I just decided not to say anything."

"Of course you knew-your the all seeing Mum." Bill sighed with a playful smile to his mother who just rolled her eyes.

All of the sudden a high ringing sound came from Victiore's back pocket she quickly scrambled to get her phone out and when she did she held it before her staring at it as though she'd never seen it before.

"I didn't know it would work over years."she gasped. "Well answer it!" Teddy cried. Louis started waving his hands around shaking his head while making a hissing noise. "No, No! Don't, it'll be Mum and she'll have a fit!" Ignoring her brother (though it would have been wiser to listen to him) she opened th phone and pushed the talk button.

2014-The Burrow

Ginny was pacing back and forth in the kitchen as her mother tried to calm her down. Molly wasn't getting anywhere.

"What if they're hurt? What if the Death Eaters have them? What if everything gets messed up or-or. . ." She faltered her slightly hystarical rant as Harry stood up from the table and went to wrap his arms around her. Trembling she hid her face in his chest.

"It's fine Ginny we'll get them back and it won't help any if you drive yourself crazy with worry and what ifs." She muttered something into his sweater but they couldn't make it out because it was so muffled. He raised an eyebrow at Molly, Arthur, Ron, Hermione, Fleur, and Bill who were all in the kitchen with them and mouthed "Did anyone catch that?" everyone shook their heads.

"What was that Gin?" he asked pulling her away gently from him. She looked up at him and he was pained to see her pale scared face with her brown eyes filled with unshed tears. Sniffling a bit she muttered, "Did you and Hermione find anything?"

He visibly brightened at this question. "Yes Kingsley has been able to talk Stand Meyson-the head of the Department of Mysteries-into giving him a new time turner. Now we just have to find out when and where we are." She had been feeling better until that last sentence where she let out a groan and dropped her head back onto his shoulder.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Fleur pouted. The answer to this question came running into the kitchen in the form of Dominque who was holding the muggle cell phone that Harry had gotten her for her birthday.

"Uncle Harry remember you gave Victiore a phone like this years ago?" For some reason the young Ravenclaw Weasley seemed extremely excited. Harry nodded. "Well she had her phone with her when they went back in time!" They all stared at her while this information sunk in. "Noo." Ron said when they all reached the same conclusion. "It can't be possible."

Fleur stood up and got Dominque's phone from her and feverishly started to punch Victiore's phone number in it. "There's only one way to find out isn't there?" After she finished she held the phone up to her ear and looked at them excitement on her face. "It's ringing!" Ginny moved to her side quickly and they all waited for someine to pick up.

The Burrow-1996

As soon as Victiore said "Hello?" into the phone there was a burst of noise on the other end someone talking rapidly but they were unable figure out what they were saying.

Victiore tried vainly to talk but it was hard for her. "Yes we're okay maman-Louis is here to. At the Burrow. . . Um same date except for it's 1996." Another explosion of yells was heard over the phone. All of the wizards who didn't understand this "phone" were watching open mouthed.

Victiore held the phone away from her ear grimacing. "She's slipped into French!" Louis groaned "Oh no."

Louis turned to the others and told them "Maman sort of slips back into French when she is really angry or worried. Right now I expect it's both." They all turned back to watch as Victiore decided the best way to get her mother to listen was to try to yell her out in her first language.

"Nous sommes avec grandmum et grand-papa. . . Non, personne n'est blessé alors calmez-vous! Oh Dieu vous arrêtez et écoutez-moi! Est-tante Ginny là, puis-je s'il vous plaît de lui parler? . . . Pourquoi, parce qu'elle se fait arrêter et écoutez-moi au lieu de crier mon oreille de réduction!"

As she yelled into the small deviced Louis kept up a rapid recount of what she was saying for the people who can't speak French. "She's saying-'We're with Grandmum and Grandpa. . . No, no one is hurt so calm down! Oh God will you stop and listen to me! Is Aunt Ginny there, can I please speak to her? . . . Why, because she will actually stop and listen to me instead of yell my ear off!'"

Victiore was quiet for a bit listening intently for Fleur had obviously calmed down a bit and was asking her questions. When Victiore answered it was still in French. "Um, nous leur avons dit nos noms, nos parents, et aah décédé. Qui est là? Eh bien l'oncle Harry, Ginny tante, la mère de Teddy et le père, vous, papa, tous les autres Weasley, sauf pour l'oncle Percy. Qu'est-ce qui se passe. . . ainsi nous avons joué un match de Quidditch, construit un bonhomme de neige, et avait une bataille de neige aujourd'hui. Vous auriez dû voir sillage Al James jusqu'à ce matin," she giggled brigtly. "Et de tout le monde fait face quand ils ont découvert qui les parents de James, Al, et Lily sont. Maintenant, je peux parler à ma tante Ginny? D'accord, vous aimez maman au revoir."

Again Louis translated "Um, we told them our names, our parents, and aah who died. Who's here? Well Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny, Teddy's mum and dad, you, dad, all the other Weasley's except for Uncle Percy. What's been happening. . . well we played a Quidditch game, built a snowman, and had a snowball fight today. You should have seen Al wake up James this morning . . . and everyones faces when they found out who James, Al, and Lily's parents are. Now can I talk to Aunt Ginny? Okay, love you to maman good-bye."

Victiore's face lit up with relief and they were all able to figure out Ginny had come on the phone. "Oh Dieu merci, ma tante Ginny! Oh yeah I can speak English again, sorry. Lily, Al, and James are fine. Yup Rosie and Hugo too. . . There right here with me, we were eating dinner when maman called. You want to talk to them? Which one?" James sunk down in his seat and was now chanting "Not me, not me, not me, please dear God not me!" in a low voice.

Victiore nodded listening to Ginny, "Yeah here's Al." She handed the phone over to her younger cousin, sitting in between her and his father, who took it and held it gingerly as though scared she might start yelling but completely relaxed when his mum started to talk. "I'm fine Mum."

Victiore looked at James. "She told me she could hear you." She said sounding amused. James stuck his tongue out at her blushing.

Ginny was very weirded out when she heard her own older self speaking on the phone to Al. "Al, are you okay-oh thank God you landed in the Burrow, I have been going insane here since we figured out what happened to you." Al looked guilty but for what reason past Ginny and Harry had no idea.

"Sorry Mum. I'm fine though we all are. Are-are you coming to get us?" There was a frightened note to his voice when he asked that and it made both Ginny's wish they could just pull him into a big reasuring hug. "Of course sweet-heart, Dad and Aunt Hermione are getting another time turner soon and we will be there to get you as soon as we can."

Harry looked at Ginny who was still holding his hand. "Your very good with kids, Gin." he whispered almost teasingly. She stuck her tongue out at him. "Oh piss off, Potter." she muttered making him snigger.

After Al talked with Ginny she asked to talk with just the adults so Molly, Arthur, Remus, Tonks, Bill, and Fleur walked into the sitting room with the phone. They sat around a small coffe table and with Ginny's instructions put it on speaker and placed it on the table in front of them.

The first thing future Harry said to them was, "Thank you for watching them for us." They were startled but Molly quickly answered "Anytime Harry dear. They are all adorable." Someone snorted with amusement on the other end and Ron's voice echoed out "They haven't spent enough time with James then especially when he's in the same room as Rose, it's World War Three when they get into an arguement, that is."

Laughter came out of the phone now and it surprised them how light-hearted the people from the future seemed. "We should be coming in two days at the most if that's not a problem for you?" Hermione informed them.

"Of course it's not a problem this will be a fun few days." Bill grinned. The future Bill answered himself, "As long as you don't let James and Louis get bored." They weren't sure if he was kidding or not.

"Well we better get going and eat before the kids start eating without us." Remus muttered to the phone and Ginny answered him "Alright and just please keep them safe." The desperate pleading note in her voice made them all start nodding then, when they remembered that she couldn't see them, they said "Of course Ginny, we'll protect them with our lives."

There came a sigh from the other end then the people from the future gave muttered "Good-byes." and with a click left the people from the past staring at the small quiet silver phone.

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