Under The Spotlight

By envy277

6.8K 130 2

20 year old Alex (short for alexandra) has been in the WWE for the last three months. She likes to stay to he... More

Chapter 2: No Sleep
Chapter 3: Inside Joke
Chapter 4: Rise and Shine cupcake
Chapter 5: What the hell!
Chapter 6: You don't trust me?
Chapter 7: Leave Me Alone!!!!
Chapter 8: I am so proud of you
Chapter 9: Woooohoo Friday!
Chaper 10: Get that little bitch
Chapter 11: I got an idea
Chapter 12: We have video games and pizza
Chapter 13: WERE Here
Chapter 14: I don't do heights
Chapter 15: What is wrong with you!
Chapter 16: Back already?
Chapter 17: Muh Sista!!!!
Chapter 18: Out Now
Chapter 19: I don't know Steph
Chapter 20: I want one!
Chapter 21: The fuck is your problem?
Chapter 22: New roommate
Chapter 23: Meet and Greet
Chapter 24: That match starts now
Chapter 25: Were going out
Chapter 26: Holy Hell
Chapter 27: Cold?

Chapter 1: Weirdo

692 11 1
By envy277

I'm sitting backstage in the make up chair with my ring attire (the pic at the beginning of the chapter) two hours before Raw goes live listening to the make up artist complain to the hairstylist working on curling my platinum blonde hair and electric blue ends about how her boyfriend is pissing her off. By the way, I'm Alex. I'm 20 and from Kentucky. I have bright green eyes and a killer tan, long blue and blonde hair, i'm 5'1, 124lbs, no tattoo's, and apparently according to the New Day's member BigE Langston a cutie with a booty, and my favorite colors are green, blue, and black. I have been part of the wwe for three months now and i'm loving it. Well most of it anyhow. I've always been a huge wrestling fan. I grew up watching and when I turned 16 I began training in the indy circuit.

I love my fans especially the young ones. I kinda thought I would have made some friends when I got here. Boy did I think wrong. I just don't fit in with the barbie doll female talent here and well the male talent are focused on one thing here and i'm guessing you know what i'm talking about. I like being alone though, I don't have to worry about being let down by anyone.

Anyhow, i'm getting my makeup and hair done and watching quietly as more of the male and female talent arrive and the crew members are rushing backstage to make sure everything is set for RAW. I guess I must have lost myself watching as Goldust and Rtruth walk by and Goldust was once again trying to explain PokemonGo to Rtruth once again I smile to myself listening at the conversation. My eyes scanning around at everyone and I have that weird unsettling feeling that someone is watching you and I just cant seem to shake that feeling. I stop scanning the hall and the hairs on my arm are standing up as I see someone at the other end of the hall with a long red beard, extremely tall man with a sheep mask isn't moving but just standing there looking straight back at me. As we make eye contact he doesn't move or look away but maintains eye contact with me. It's like he doesn't even care that I caught him looking at me.

I snap out of it when I hear a very familiar raspy voice say "how cute, look guys, I think someone has a crush on that freak Eric Rowan" with a cocky laugh. Dean fucking Ambrose and his little pets Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins, aka The Shield. I can't stand them! They walk around like they run the wwe and bragging about their stupid titles and how many girls they get. I won't dare say anything to them though, because the Wyatts creep me out, but the Shield... well i've seen what they do to people who cross them and I don't intend to be on their bad sides, especially that lunatic. "Awww how cute! it makes me so happy to see a couple of weirdo's in love" Seth exclaims followed by Roman adding a joke of his own "hey Alex should we be planning a summer wedding anytime soon"?. As they pass Dean looks at me making kissing faces and noises and I let out a low growl. *If I was bigger i'd show them weirdo* I think to myself.

As they finally walk out of ear shot and my anger subsides I remember being distracted and freaked out from Eric creepily looking at me. I quickly look back over where I had seen him previously standing and he was gone. I sit confused trying to figure out in my head as to where he went and more importantly why was he watching me. I felt relieved he had gone, but felt concerned for my safety by his actions and the fact that I don't know where he had gone or where he is now.

I feel a pat on my shoulder and hear "all done sweety" from the two women that were working on me. I smile at them and slide out of their chair to make my way to the women's locker room but not before hearing one of the women say "nice talking to you weirdo" with a giggle. I guess she didn't realize I could hear her until I shoot her what JBL loves to call my death glare in her direction. I smirk at the fact she went from looking full of herself to nervously organizing her stuff avoiding eye contact with me. I begin walking again and think to myself *I love making snobby bitches uneasy*.

I ended up taking a detour to catering since I haven't eaten yet today. Walking in not taking the time to look to see if any superstars were in here as well. I grab a bowl of fruit off one of the tables and make my way over to a empty table I saw as I walked in. Sitting down I pull out my cell phone and started reading a book that was downloaded and began eating. My phone was running horribly slow so I looked around in catering at the other superstars eating and talking not even noticing that I came in. I saw the bella twins and john cena along with the sheamus at one table, cm punk and ryback with aj lee are sitting at another table, and the occasional referee coming in for a quick snack. Then I start feeling strange. It is the same creepy feeling of being watched that I felt earlier with Eric Rowan. I look around to see if Eric was in here as well. I didn't see him, but I did see Luke Harper in a dark corner just looking at me. Just like Eric, Luke didn't look away when I busted him looking at me. I glance around out of the corner of my eyes to see that the only door in the room is right next to him. He mouthed to word "obey". I felt my eyes go wide and my heart pounding harder and faster, my palms began to sweat. I panic and began finally reading my book trying to avoid making eye contact. I must have really been engulfed in my book because I could hear the pyro going off signaling the show was starting. I nervously lift my head to see if he was still there. I let out a relieved sigh as he was no longer there. I make the short walk to the womens locker room and as I walked I was thinking *what the hell is with these guys today. why do they all of a sudden have a interest in me*.

I make it to the locker room and saw the women going to hair and make up so I have the room all to myself which I love when its like this. I walk in and put my phone away. I pull a chair over to the monitor and watched the show. Tonight I have a match against Nikki Bella with brie in her corner. While watching I grab my black sports tape and began wrapping my hands and wrist with it. The shields music began to play and instantly the crowd begins booing them. I roll my eyes. Their so cocky and rude. I watched as they made their way down the stairs each with their title around their waist. Seth flips over the guardrail, Dean jumps over it, and Roman basically walks over it. Once they were in the ring Dean was doing the usual wild pace that he always does as Roman and Seth are focusing to the top of the ramp. The Uso's come out and do their cheer at the top of the ramp. Once the cheer was over their music began. Dean steps out of the ring and the match begins.

The Shield were in control most of the match. Until Roman and Seth were thrown out of the ring that is. The uso's see's their moment and take it. They bounced off the ropes on one end of the ring and going full speed to the same side that Roman and Seth were slowly getting back to their feet and the uso's fly over the top rope landing on both Roman and Seth crashing to the floor. The uso's make it back into the ring and the ref began his ten count. They begin stirring, but they were moving slowly. The ref is at the count of six as Dean rushes to his brothers helping them up and throwing them back into the ring. Roman and Jimmy began fighting. Roman throws Jimmy into he and seth's corner. Seth holds Jimmy in the corner and Roman begins to violently stomp on him. Roman makes a tag and Seth begins his violent attack. Seth stands in the middle of the ring looking at Jay Uso and begins screaming "what kind of brother are you huh?, your brother needs you Jay". This pisses Jay off and while trying to get in the ring to help his brother the ref begins trying to restrain him as he is screaming at them fighting the ref. Dean picks up one of the tag titles and hands it to Seth, as Jimmy is on his feet Seth tosses the title to Jimmy who catches it and Seth falls to the ground pretending to be knocked out. The ref turns his head and see's Jimmy with a title in his hand and Seth laying at Jimmy's feet. Jimmy tries to argue with the ref that he didn't do anything. The ref calls for the bell and disqualify's The Uso's and The Shield remain tag champs. Dean gets in the ring and he and Roman act like their holding up their brother and all three hold their fist out in front of them and Roman screams "Believe in The Shield" as their music play's.

I let out a groan as I kick the chair the I had been previously sitting in. "How is it they cheat again and don't get caught"?? I say aggravated "oh my god I hate them" I groan.

"PMS much"? I hear, I turn to the door and see Summer Rae with a bitchy smirk on her face. I snarl and reply "oh go suck a cock Summer". She gasps walking towards me. We stand nose to nose to nose. "Little girl I don't think you know who your talking too, and I suggest you go back doing what you do best and not talking". I step a little closer to her "you sure you really wanna do this right now Summer"? I smirk "last time you stepped to me I came very close to straightening that crooked nose you got going on". Were both silent starring at each other breathing hard when the door opens and an older gentleman with a headset comes in "Alex what are you still doing in here? your match is about to go on and Steph is freaking out that your not at gorilla waiting". I kick myself internally, between my hate for the shield and my hate for this bitch I forgot my match was next. I speed walk pass Summer going out the door. As I power walk down the hall to the gorilla position I hear the Bella's entrance music begin. "fuck fuck fuck" I say to myself as I pick up speed.

I turn the corner to the gorilla and run straight into a big black vest and almost lose my balance. "Hey watch it shrimp" Seth spits as Roman and Dean appear behind him. I'm in no mood to deal with them so as I get to the gorilla I turn and without any thought of how badly this is gonna end I look dead at Seth and say "oh pick a hair color barbie". My eyes go wide realizing what I just said and who I just said it to. Seth turns on his heel coming back my way "what did you say you little bitch"? Roman and Dean stop him and they were both laughing. "Come on Seth you gotta give her that one, it was pretty good" Roman says snickering and Seth jerks his arm from their grips and begins stomping off in the direction he was originally going. I felt a little relieved and kind of shocked that it actually happened. Well I was relieved until I see Dean is still standing there with an arrogant smirk playing across his lips, "have fun out there sweetheart" and blows me a kiss before turning to catch up to his brothers. I scowl as I hear my entrance music and my adrenaline begins to pump.

I walk out onto the ramp and pause for a moment looking around at all the fans. I make my way to the ring slapping a few hands on my way. Once i'm almost to the ring I take a run and go and jump up sliding into the ring like a snake. Brie gets out of the ring and stands in her sisters corner as the ref signals to ring the bell. I have my game face on, Nikki and I circle each other before going into a collar and elbow lock up. Nikki says "welcome to the WWE newbie" before breaking the lock up and slaps my face. My hand instantly goes to my stinging cheek. Brie is outside cheering on her sister. I look at Nikki with my death glare and tell her "your gonna regret that one" I laugh. I can hear JBL going crazy at the announce table waiting to see what i'm gonna do in response to the slap. I take a page out of JBL's book and hit Nikki with a clothes line from hell. Brie is screaming no as her sister's entire body does a flip in the air before landing face down on the canvas. The crowd pops and Michael Cole is screaming into his headset "vintage JBL vintage JBL"!!!!. I had hit Nikki with so much power that she still hasn't gotten up. I roll her over on her back and hit with a combination of leg drops and elbow drops. Brie is outside going crazy shouting threats and insults my way and the crowd is cheering louder and louder. I pick Nikki up and whip her into corner ready to just wrap this up, I go to the opposite corner setting myself up to deliver my finisher (turnbuckle handstand headscissor takedown, and if u don't know that move youtube it followed by the name trish stratus). Just as I begin my run Brie pulls her sister out of harms way out onto the floor. I hit the turnbuckle out of frustration. *Lets try some sibling seperation shall we*? I think to myself. While the twins are outside the ring I climb to the top rope, I turn with my back facing them. I glance back to ensure that i'm the one still in control and I am. I stand straight up and scream "hey Brie!!!!!" she looks up from consoling her sister that still lays on the ground and she looks like a deer in headlights right now. I scream "Brie mode"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! imitating her as I jump hitting a moonsault and landing on both girls with a loud thud.

I slowly make it back to my feet, a camera zooms in on my face and I hear "she's bleeding!" from The King Jerry Lawler. I smell and taste that familiar metallic taste of blood as I lick my upper lip. I softly touch the back of my hand to my nose and when I pulled it away I see that I am in deed bleeding. I must have caught a foot or and elbow to the face when I landed. I make it to my feet and toss the twin with silicone tits back into the ring just before the ref made it to ten. Once in the ring I cover Nikki. "One...Two...Three!! Ring the bell!!!" I hear the ref shout. I get on one knee already feeling sore as the ref raises my hand in victory. I roll out of the ring and head backstage to see the trainer about my nose as a few refs run past me to help the bella's to the back.

Once the trainers reassured me it was just a busted nose and we stopped the bleeding I make my way to the locker room and was met with pats on the back and being told good job by Sheamus, Paige, and The New Day. I replied with a nod in thanks. I finally get to the locker room and shower up. I put my sweats on and grab my bag exhaustedly and head out the back entrance to my black and green dodge charger. I drive the short distance to the hotel that WWE booked for us. I checked in and when I step out of the elevator I notice a group of guys opening the room next to the one assigned to me. They look in my direction and yep you guessed it...It was the Shield. Lucky me right. Seth glares at me as Roman steps into their room and I hear him scream "party time boys!!!!". Seth walks in followed by Dean who felt it was necessary to wink at me as he heads in. *Oh joy, no sleep for me tonight* I think to myself as I flop onto the bed and hearing the three stooges next door being loud. I could swear it was on purpose to get a reaction out of me. I held one of the pillows on one side of my head as I eventually fell asleep.

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