The Broken Time Turner

By Always_bookworm_

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The Next Generation travel to Harry Potter's 6th year!!! More

The Open Study
The Appearance of Eight
Exploding Cakes and a Dinner With Dead People
How To Wake Up James Sirius Potter
Quidditch and Conversations
Finally getting the Time Turner
Umbridge Kitchen and Magenta Explosion
Search and . . . Stupidity?
The Finale!
Thanks For Reading

Who Are The Parents?

33.4K 556 1K
By Always_bookworm_

"Well I have to say that is quite a remarkable story." Dumbledore said after Teddy finished their story. "And now your going to have to tell us who you are. Dont worry about disrupting the time stream whoever is coming to get yo will have to modify our memories and that will be that." He smiled at the eight kids and then gestured over to the extra armchairs and couches "You should get comfortable these intoductions might take sometime."

The kids nodded and started to move forward until Al stopped and said "Wait what if there are some people who are important to our lives who aren't here, could you-um, could you please get them?" Everyone else thought about this then nodded in agreement with the boy. "Yes your right, who do you need I'll go get them and bring them back over here." Dumbledore said.

They looked at each other. "Nymphadora Tonks." Teddy immediately blurted out much to everyones surprised. But Dumbledore nodded as though he was excpecting it. "Hermione Granger." Hugo supplied. "Charlie Weasley." Lily beamed eagerly, making everyone else smile at her. Dumbledore nodded taking this all in, "Is that all?" The time travelers nodded and he turned to the Weasleys, Remus, and Harry. "I will be right back with those three and I ask you not to ask them any questions while I'm away."

"Yes, sir." they all replied. Dumbledore turned and walked out the door as all of the time travelers went and sat down.

Teddy and Victoire both sat in armchairs next to each other while Louis perched himself on the arm of Victoire's. James, Al, and Lily all sat together on a couch and Rose and Hugo sat down on another one next to them.

For a second they all sat there in silence, staring at each other then Molly stood up. "How about I go get some snacks, you're all hungry I'm guessing?" The kids nodded and Lily hopped up and asked shyly, "Could I help?" Hugo then scrambled down from where he was sitting "Oh me too, please." he said smiling up at his younger grandmother who practically beamed back at both of them. "Of course dears, it would be nice for the help." she answered shooting a meaningful look over her shoulder at her family who all were pointedly looking away the twins both whistling in an overly nonchalant way much to the others amusement.

Molly sighed and shook her head "Come along then dears." Then walked into the kitchen Lily and Hugo right behind her. After they had left Fleur smiled "That little girl is adorable whats her name?" She directed the last part of the question to Teddy who was the oldest and therefore probably the most reliable. Teddy returned the smile "Her name's Lily and the little boy is Hugo and just so we aren't completely unknown I'm Teddy, thats Victoire and her brother Louis, James and Al, then finally Rose."

Everyone smiled widely nodding to all of them and Bill started to say "Well we are-" but Victoire cut across him, "Oh don't worry we known who you all are." The people from the past looked surprised. "Really?" Ginny asked.

This time James answered "Yes we know you all quite well." There seemed to be and underlying joke to that sentence and they all guessed there was when the other time travelers snorted with amusement and Al leaned over and whispered something in James's ear making him throw back his head and laughed loudly. (In fact Al had said "Well I hope we do since we came from your womb.")

There was a few minutes of bored silence as Teddy and Victoire talked seriously about their problem and James and Louis muttered and sniggered about something. Rose just sat there looking in the photo box she had just recently remembered she was holding. And poor Al sat there looking lost and bored until George hissed "Hey you, Harry look alike, wanna play exploding snap? You look bored out of your mind."

"George," said Ginny repoachfully, "he has a name you know-Al, I think."

"It's Al. Your right." came a soft voice and the two Weasleys looked up and saw the little boy standing there looking at them. "Cool," George smiled "so you want to play exploding snap with us," He gestured to himself and Ginny. "until Professor Dumbledore comes back?"

Al nodded a few strands of his black hair flopping into his face which he pushed back as he sat down next to his fifteen year old mother. "Sure I was really bored so this'll be fun." He gave them a small shy smile which they both returned tenfold.

They played making idle coversation for a while and learning that there was a lot more to this shy small boy than meets the eye. For one thing he was very smart and quick-witted, sarcastic though very kind and he might seem pretty serious but he was just as quick to make a joke or playfully poke fun at someone as the twins and his brother and cousin.

"James remember that one time we uh, "accidentally" blew up your kitchen table." Louis said drawing all atention to him. Al laughed "'Once' dont you mean like 3 times." The other boys grinned sheepishly and James said sounding mockingly insulted "Four times acctually Al." All the boys laughed at that and Al said "Remember the last time? Mum went beserk." James nodded "That was only because she thought we were hurt though."

Rose shook her head, "You keep living in that fantasy James." she joked making everyone else from the future laugh loudly and the people from the past struggle not to smile but Ginny felt a twinge in her chest when Al said "Mum" for despite what she said she still had feelings for Harry and it was not very likely that she was the person Al was talking about. Ginny shook her head No don't think about this now. she scolded herself.

All in all Ginny and George quickly liked this boy and were having a fun time talking with him until with a flash of green someone came stumbling out of the fire. "Hermione!" Harry, Ginny, and Ron cried. She looked around startled and her eyes landed on the time travelers. She gave a gasp then swung around "Whats going on?" she asked. Ginny patted the floor next to her and Hermione went to sit in between her and George eyeing Al uncertainly.

They quickly filled her in and she just sat there stunned until she asked "So... so theses are our kids?" Everyone shifted uncertainly. "I suppose so." Harry said slowly. Just then Molly came back in with the snacks Hugo and Lily following with smiles on their faces and cookies in hand. "Here's the food if anyones hungry. Oh hello Hermione dear I didn't hear you get in."

"She just got here, Molly and oh, I think thats Dumbledore out there with Dora and Charlie." Remus said standing up and moving over to open the door just as the afore mentioned people got onto the porch. "Thank you Remus." Charlie said moving past him to hug his mother, "Dumbledore told us what happened and really I have to say just... wow."

"Tonks!" Ginny and Hermione cried and ran over to give her a hug. Tonks hugged them back and smiled tiredly, "Wotcher, everyone." Teddy stared at his mother wide-eyed, sure he had seen pictures of his parents but now meeting them, well it was quite a lot to take in.

Everyone seated themselves down again and looked at Dumbledore for instuctions. "Full name, age, birthday, and parents please, and anything else you would like to add."

"Ok I'll go first." Teddy said then with a look in his father's direction he started, " I'm Teddy Remus Lupin" Everyones mouths fell open and Remus paled. "I'm 17, my birthday is April 6th, my parents are Remus Lupin of course and Nymphadora Tonks." Tonks' head jerked up and she stared at the boy for a second before breaking into a wide smile and having her hair turn bright bubble-gum pink though while she looked radiant Remus looked like he was going to pass out. Teddy held up a hand for no interuptions and continued, " I'm in my seventh year at Hogwarts, and head boy. No dad I am not a werewolf but I am a metamorphagus." And just to prove his point he screwed up his face and changed his hair first to a bright Weasley red, Fleur's silvery blonde hair color then back to his favorite turquoise. "And I'm in Gryffindor just like you dad and my godfather.

Of all the questions he could have asked right then Remus said "Godfather?" Teddy smiled "I'll give you one guess." Before Remus could open his mouth Tonks immedietely said "Harry, of course." Teddy nodded "Yup."

"Woah, really well... thanks Remus, Tonks." Harry smiled. Tonks beamed back and then turned to Remus "See right here there's living breathing proof that you do love me you can't say you don't now." Remus nodded slowly "Your right I-I do I'm sorry Tonks I've been stupid and selfish-I'm sorry" he repeated. Everybody didn't know someone could be smiling as wide as Tonks was now.

"We'll go now," Victoire said indicating herself and Louis. "My name is Victoire Gabrielle Weasley, Im 15, in my fifth year at Hogwarts, a prefect, my birthday is May 2nd and this is my little brother-" Louis cut across her "Louis Jon Weasley, I am 11 my birthday is November 15th and our parents are-would you like to take it from hear Vic?" he asked his sister who smiled "Sure Louis, are parents are Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour." Bill and Fleur beamed oblivious to Molly and Ginny's small groans.

"I'll go now," Rose said excitedly then began "I'm Rose Lavender Weasley" (Molly beamed more grandchilren!) "Im nine my birthday is Febuary 25th and my brother's name is Hugo Victor Weasley he's seven and his birthday is March 10th. Our parents are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger." Nobody but Ron and Hermione looked surprised "I knew it." Harry, Ginny, and Molly all chorused as Fred jumped up "Wooohooo! I was right, fork it up George!" he held out his hand to his brother who sighed and pulled out five galleons and spilled them into his brother's hand. "You were betting on us!" Ron cried. "Yup" said the twins. "Wait you didn't think we would be together George?" he asked.

"No I did I just bet that Hugo's middle name would be Arthur while Fred guessed Victor." George answered and that was so hilarious that everyone (even Dumbledore) burst out laughing. After they all calmed down Arthur turned to the final three "I guess its just you three now."

They nodded and James sat forward eagerly, "My name is James Sirius Potter I'm 11, my birthday is September 30th. Go ahead Al." Al blinked at his brother then said softly quite shy with everyone looking at him, "I'm Albus Severus Potter-"

"Snape!" Harry exclaimed "Why are you named after Snape?" Al frowned and answered defensively "You have a good reason in the future." Harry looked guilty that he had upset Al "Right sorry go on."

"I'm nine my birthday is August 4th" Just a week before mine. Ginny thought. "And I wanna be in Gryffindor like my mum and dad and grandparents." he added as an afterthought making everyone (especially the Gryffindors) smile at him. Lily started then after him "Lily Luna Potter I'm seven and my birthday is June 1st."

"And are parents are," James said "Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley." Everyone gaped at him though both Harry and Ginny felt their hearts leap.

"What?" gasped Ron going red as he remembered how babies were made. "Are th-they married?" Charlie asked wide-eyed. Bill looked at him surprised "Well I would hope Charlie..." As though they were thinking the same thing Victoire and Louis looked at each other the started cracking up making the situation even more confusing. "Hey, hey everyone I don't think this so surprising." Tonks spoke up. They looked at her "Why?"

"Well look at them, Lily is a carbon copy of Ginny, James has her red hair, brown eyes, and freckles. And you can just tell they're being truthful." she shrugged, the time travelers smiled at her gratefully.

"Well-well how'd this happen I thought Ginny didn't like Harry anymore and I didn't know Harry ever liked Ginny." George spluttered. Everyone looked at the two who were bright red, waiting for an explanation. Ginny started quietly "Um well I would be lying right now if I said I didn't have any feelings for Harry anymore. I never actually gave up on him completely." When she finished she was staring fixedly at the floor playing with a hole in the rug (but everyone could see the gleam of happiness in he eyes and the smile tugging at her lips).

Now they looked at Harry who looked stunned he opened and closed his mouth a couple times until finally saying "I-I have had a c-crush on Ginny since the beginning of the year." Ron looked confused "Wait really? How come you didn't tell me?" Hermione rolled her eyes and cried "Oh honestly Ron your his best mate and Ginny's your little sister he was obviously terrified that you'd be mad and curse him into next week if he said he fancied her which you couldn't have figured out yourself no matter how completely obvious it is!"

Fred leaned over to Harry and George "Is it just me or did you two catch the double meaning of that too?" All of them started snickering before Hermione shot them a look that silenced them in an instant.

"So I am your mum?" Ginny asked them quietly. The three Potters broke into wide smiles and nodded. "Yup! And Uncle Ron if it helps don't freak out there are only three of us," Chuckles were heard all around the room at that Dumbledore's included, "and if it helps, you and Aunt Hermione our my godparents." James told him cheerfully.

"Really?" Hermione grinned and the kids nodded. "What about you two who are your godparent?" Molly asked Al and Lily kindly. "Mine are Luna Sc-um Lovegood and Neville Longbottom." Lily smiled bouncing in her seat making everyone grin at her innocence.

"My godparents are Uncle George" (They all laughed as George jump up did a little dance and then sat back down again silently grinning widely.) "and Aunt Fleur." Al added surprising everyone. "Fleur?" Bill asked increduosly he knew his little sister was no fan of his fience, "Who picked her?" thinking it had to be Harry but he was proven wrong as Al replied blinking uncertainly "Mum did. Why?"

A stunned silence filled the room no one more more confused than Ginny. Then Fleur stood up walked over to where Ginny was sitting, knelt down, and hugged her tightly then moved back to her seat. Everyone knew how much this probably meant to her. "Zank you Geenny." she said throatily. Ginny looked up startled "Why?" Fleur just shrugged.

"Well this has been an educational night but it's getting late I'd better be getting back to Hogwarts." Dumbledore said after a long silence. He stood up and walked to the door. "Good night everyone" " 'Night, Professor." they chorused and walked out the door to a certain spot in the yard then disappeared with a distant crack leaving them watching the swirling snow falling down from the dark night sky.

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