the final round #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

2.3K 3K 47

a prequel to code lyoko More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

chapter 10

73 112 0
By everyhearthasahero18

I'd Rather Not Talk About It

In the forest

Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, Aelita, Harry, and Kiwi are running through the forest.

"Come on, let's move it a little faster faster" Jeremy tells them.

"I don't believe it he's trying to kill us" Aelita says.

Odd falls to the ground.

"You guys are ridiculous you're way too slow, what a bunch of snails, except you Odd even a snail runs faster than you" Jeremy tells him, Odd gets up from the ground.

"Since when the least athletic person in the world thinks he's better than I am" Odd asks him.

"Hey that's true getting a little carried away aren't you Einstein" Ulrich says to Jeremy, Kiwi starts growling at Jeremy.

"Don't blame me, the stopwatch doesn't lie you guys" Jeremy tells them.


"That was even worse than the last time, how do you expect to beat Xana if all of you don't speed it up" Jeremy says to them.

"You're a real comedian Einstein all you ever do is time us anybody can do that" Odd tells him.

"One thing for sure if you guys don't get into shape you're never going to get any stronger and Xana going to beat you hands down, but if you think you want to another trainer by my guest" Jeremy tells them.

"Maybe there's a better a better way of getting in shape" Yumi says to him.

"I get it you're just badly trained and you guys can't keep up its my fault" Jeremy says to them.

"Well yeah" Odd & Ulrich tell him.

"Okay fine, I may not be the best trainer in the world, but you have to admit you don't exactly listen to me" Jeremy tells them.

"That's true, maybe we need to find someone else a specialist" Yumi suggests.

"Specialist you mind telling me where you expect to find one" Jeremy asks her.

"Jim" Harry says.

Everyone looks at each other agreeing with him.


Jim opens his door, seeing the gang at his door.

"Now is what you do you think you're doing here, can't a man have a little peace and quiet even on Saturday" Jim asks them.

"Well it's simple although well, I think this is a little crazy" Jeremy says to him not finding the words to say.

"Nothing could surprise me ever since I orbited the earth spit it out Jeremy" Jim tells him.

"Um, well we heard that you were once a special forces trainer" Jeremy says to him.

"That's right special forces of the sis secret invasion force, those were the good old days, but that being said I'd rather not talk about it" Jim says walking around.

"Would you be willing to train students like us Jim" Jeremy asks.

"Me train students" Jim says looking over at them.

"Yeah for kind of commando camp like you like the special intervention thing a majig" Jeremy says to him.

"Deal we meet at the Red Cross trail crossroads at 1500 hours sharp dressed for sports" Jim tells them.

"You mean like today already" Yumi asks him.

"It touches me that students recognize and want to benfit of my experience and skills especially you Jeremy I never imagined that anyone has ever turned you into a man a real one" Jim says to him.

"No, you don't understand I was talking about training the others not for me" Jeremy tells him.

"This training course for everybody 1500 hours and I want you there on time you here" Jim tells him slamming the door shut.

"Ah, this will do wonders for you Jeremy now you'll be able to put your stopwatch away for a little while" Odd tells him.

"Let's get going then" Harry said.

Under the wings

"This is stupid I can't do a commando camp, I got a ton of other things on my plate" Jeremy says to the group.

"I think you're just afraid of sweating a little" Yumi tells him.

"What if Xana attacks while we're training" Jeremy asks.

"Bring your computer with you that's all" Ulrich tells him.

"Don't worry Jeremy, Jim's commando camp can't possibly do us any harm huh" Aelita says to him.

"With Jim you never can tell" Jeremy says to her.


"I have never seen a weaker pack of legless slugs in my life, 1500 hours sharp does not mean 1502 or 1503" Jim says to the group.

"Oh, we're not going to split hairs over a few seconds my watch-" Odd says getting cut off by Jim.

"Your watch doesn't doesn't watch with me Odd, I give you orders around here so straight up" Jim yells at him. "Okay let's go make our way to combat we'll start with some basic training like push ups" Jim tells them, and starts running.

"You know I wonder if it wasn't a mistake to recruit Jim" Aelita says to Harry & Jeremy.

"No Aelita it wasn't just a mistake it was a huge colossal mistake" Jeremy tells them.

"Don't worry cousin, well can handle it, but Jeremy won't last long I bet" Harry tells her.

A few minutes later

"13, 14, 15 hold that 15 hold it hold it I said, all right 1 2 3 4 on your feet on your feet breathe in breathe out easy does it" Jim says to the group jumping in the air with one leg, and holding his hands out.

"Jeremy are you okay" Aelita asks him.

"Not really I feel awful" Jeremy answers her.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing Jeremy this is only the beginning by the time I'm through with you you're going to be a man so get up now" Jim tells him.

"Jim, don't you think you're overdoing it we want training not torture" Yumi tells him.

"Wrong again young lady, you guys are all participating in Jim's boot camp and that means two things you sweat and you don't complain unless you want 10 extra push ups, from this moment on we live and die together as a group got it" Jim tells them.

"Ok, ok don't need to get carried away" Odd says.

"You got it Odd" Jim asks him.

"Sir yes sir" the group says.

"Ok, let's move three mile run" Jim tells them.

Everyone starts running up a hill.

"Oh my poor stomach, I should have never taken seconds of the tuna casserole after the beef strogan" Odd says walking up the hill with Jeremy.

"Get those knees up you sloopy shell crabs go on hey Jeremy you couldn't even outrun a one legged chicken, left, right, left" Jim tells Odd & Jeremy.

"At this rate we'll need at least a week to recover from Jim's camp" Aelita says looking at Odd & Jeremy catching up to them.

"Young lady diversity that creates strength and courage and that's the shortest path to fame and glory" Jim tells her.

"Looks like we might need more than a week to recover looking at our friends here" Harry says looking at there two friends huffing and holding onto each other.

After doing some course everyone is not doing well during them.

A couple of minutes later

"Hey you know what Jim, we'd love to hear about your past life I know you usually don't want to talk about it, but since it's just between us members of the same commando group" Yumi says to him.

"Right well then listen up exceptionally for you I'll give you a quick rundown, it all began when I completed my training to become a visual education instructor, I was also a licensed scuba diver that's why the Marines recruited me for their special forces NASA heard of me and since I was now a special forces diver they had me test out their spacesuits underwater." Jim explains to them. "So after receiving the medal from the president I was then appointed to the secret service" Jim says to them.

'I can't believe that we had to listen to this' Harry thought.

'I hope this is all a joke' Odd thought.

Lyoko Forest Sector

A tower got activated.


"And believe me it was either banana I didn't just play the accordion she was also a heck of a polit, when I arrived in Buenos Aires with my camera's by her playing bowled me over, right break time's over now quick try to shake off the rest" Jim tells them.

Everyone starts running again while Jeremy checks his laptop since it was beeping.

"Let's go people move it out" Jim tells them.

"Activated tower" Jeremy says, putting his laptop back in his bag. "We got to end this circus right now" Jeremy says.

"What kind of beast is that" Ulrich asks.

"How about that a wild pig" Jim says while the other back away.

"It's a boar not a pig" Harry tells him.

The boar attacks the group, but Jim tries to stop it with his foot, the boar attacks again, but on Jim this time Jim jumps out of the way.

"Xana" Yumi says.

The groups runs over to Jim.

"Listen Jim be careful its not a normal animal" Ulrich warns him.

"Like I said its just an overgrown pig that's all, come to Jim little piggy" Jim says.

"Again its a boar" Harry yells.

"I'm telling you Jim we would be much better off getting out of here" Yumi tells him.

"Jeremy" Aelita says seeing him running.

The boar goes and attacks Jeremy.

"Look out Jeremy" Jim says running over to him.

Jim then lands over in a bush.

"Jim" Jeremy says running over to him.

"You guys get to lyoko, I'll help Jeremy with Jim" Harry says to the others, the others nodded.

"Jim are you okay" Jeremy asked him again.

"Yeah, sure how's the other guy" Jim asked him.

Harry throws a rock at the boar, the others headed towards the factory.

With Jeremy, Jim, and Harry.

"We have to find a way conceal our hiding place, I'll camouflage it with some branches" Jeremy says.

"Give me a minute to get my strength back and I can help you my leg fine, I'm ready to walk again" Jim tells Jeremy trying to get up, but the pain is to much for him.

"No coach don't move I'll take care of it" Jeremy tells him.

"You can do that I'll banged up Jim" Harry tells Jeremy.

With the others

Odd, Yumi, Ulrich, and Aelita are still running in the forest to get to the factory.

With Jeremy, Harry, and Jim

Jeremy covers the hiding spot where their hiding Jim. Jeremy heads back into the thing sitting down on the ground.

"Thanks so much Harry" Jim says to him.

"No problem" Harry tells him.

With the others

Still running to the factory.

"We're almost there" Yumi tells them taking a breathe.

"Okay just one last sprint the factory isn't much further" Odd says running again.

At the factory

Aelita, Odd, Yumi, and Ulrich get to the lab, with Aelita at the computer.

"Come on every second counts" Yumi tells her seeing Aelita pressing keys.

"I'm on it, but I'm not as fast as Jeremy" Aelita tells them. "Uh Xana has sent William and some monsters into the core chamber" Aelita tells them seeing the screen.

Sector 5/Lyoko

William and a few mantas are in the core chamber attacking the shield.

"Fire" William orders the mantas, then the mantas start firing.


"You two get down to the scanner room we'll have to protect the core of lyoko" Aelita tells Yumi and Odd.

"What about the tower" Yumi asks her.

"Ulrich and I can handle it" Aelita tells her.

With Jim, Jeremy, and Harry

"It's got a funny smell" Jim says smelling a leaf.

"Peppermint my parents have some in their garden, bad news guys our camouflage is useless the boar sense of smell is going to give us away" Jeremy tells them.

"Sure will there's a good chance of that better than even chance we've to got to find a way to hide our scent, but how" Jeremy says.

Scanner room

Yumi and Odd run into the scanners.

"Are you ready, transfer Odd, transfer Yumi scanner Odd scanner Yumi..." Aelita says.

Sector 5

Yumi and Odd land on lyoko.

"I've already called up your vehicles they'll be standing by the celestial dome, no time to lose" Aelita tells them.

"Got it" Yumi says, then Yumi and Odd run.

With Jim, Jeremy and Harry

"If we had a little caribou poop we could cover ourselves with it" Jim says.

"Sounds disgusting" Harry says.

"Uh did you say caribou poop" Jeremy asks Jim.

"Yeah its an old indian trick I used to use in Quebec to surprise arsonist in the forest anyway we're not in Canada so that means no caribou poop" Jim says.

"That's good no way am I going to smear myself with any kind of poop" Jeremy says standing up.

"Same here" Harry says.

"On the other hand I'll be right back" Jeremy says leaving.

Scanner room

Aelita runs into the scanner room.

"Okay I started the delayed virtualization program" Aelita tells Ulrich both of them get in her scanner.

"Where's the activated tower" Ulrich asks her.

"In the forest sector" Aelita tells him, their scanner doors close.

Forest sector

Aelita & Ulrich land on lyoko seeing the over-bike.

"Wow valet parking that's classy" Ulrich says running to the bike and jumping on it, then Aelita gets on behind him.

With Jim, Jeremy and Harry

Jeremy walks back in the hiding place.

"Okay lets guys take some mint rub it on yourself it should be enough to hide our scent" Jeremy tells them.

"Nauseating odor" Jim says.

"I like it much better than caribou poop don't you" Jeremy asks him.

"I don't know" Jim says.

"I think it is" Harry says to him.

With Yumi and Odd

They get to their vehicles and ride off.

"I feel a lot better on this machine then Jim's ropes.

With Jim, Jeremy and Harry

"Now all we can do is wait, better hope that the other managed to deactivate the tower on lyoko" Jeremy says.

"Hey are you losing it or what" Jim asks him.

"Just daydreaming Jim, why don't you tell us about when you were in Canada" Jeremy asks him.

"Uh wow that is a long story" Jim tells them.

Forest sector

Aelita & Ulrich are still riding looking for the tower.

"Where the tower go" Ulrich asks.

"I don't get it must of made a calibration error, without Jeremy or Harry to guide us this won't be easy" Aelita tells him.

A krab appears, starts firing at them and they try to ride off, then another krab appears.

"Energy field" Aelita says throwing it at the second krab destroying it.

"With all these troops around the tower can't be that far" Ulrich says to her.

Sector 5

Odd & Yumi make it to the core chamber, then they see William and the mantas attacking the core.

"Attack" William orders the mantas.

"Whoa beware falling objects" Odd yells.

Yumi uses her fans to block the mantas lasers.

"Hey isn't that your boyfriend up there" Odd asks him looking up at William.

William looks down at them.

"He's not my boyfriend" Yumi tells him, throwing her fans at the mantas, destroying one of them. "He's a little too clingy for me anyhow" Yumi says.

With Jim, Jeremy and Harry

"And that is how I found out that as far back as a century I was a full-blooded Indian" Jim says.

"Hush" Jeremy tell says to him.

The boar sniffs then runs off.

"It looks like your little trick worked" Jim says to Jeremy.

"Yeah the mint smells strong enough now to trick him, but how much longer will it last" Jeremy says.

"Well anyway one thing about caribou poop it last a long time" Jim tells him.

"Well lets just hope that we don't ever need to use it" Harry says.

Forest Sector

"Still nothing" Ulrich says to Aelita.

"Alright we have to go back where we started the tower has to be there" Aelita tells him.

"Okay here we go" Ulrich says turning back the way they came.

Then a laser hit Ulrich and made his flew off the over-bike, then Aelita flies off the over-bike hitting the tree and the over-bike disappears. The two krabes appear by her.

"Energy field" Aelita says throwing an energy field at one of the krabes, but it dodges.

Ulrich gets up and sees Aelita being attacked by the krab, but then gets hit by a laser and sent back to earth.

With Jim, Jeremy and Harry

The boar appears again.

"It found us, what do we do now" Jim asks.

Jeremy runs out of the thing.

"Hey what are you waiting for I'm over here, follow me" Jeremy yells to the boar.

"Huh, that kid doesn't have much muscle, but he sure has got guts" Jim says, looking at Jeremy running.

Sector 5

The last manta keeps firing at Yumi and Odd.

"Odd the first shield layer is about to give, we have do something" Yumi tells him.

"I know and I got an idea" Odd says.

"Oh yeah and what's that" Yumi asks him.

"Skydiving" Odd says, then jumps down and uses his claws to hang onto the manta.

William sees Odd.

"Attack" William orders.

"Go get'em guys" Odd says.

Odd jumps off the manta then it disappears, then he sees Yumi catching up to him.

"Shield" Odd says blocking the attacks, then getting sent back to earth.

Yumi throws her fans at the manta, destroying it, and the one William is on. Yumi then looks over seeing William land behind her.

With Jeremy

Jeremy still running away from the boar, then gets on top of a thing from training and the boar circles around the tree he's on and hits it.

"I better get it right this time" Jeremy says holding onto the rope.

Forest Sector

The two krabes are still firing at Aelita, then Aelita throws an energy field at one of them.

"Energy field" Aelita says throwing it at the other one, then she runs under that krab. "Energy field" and destroys it, and runs away.

"Aelita how are you doing" Ulrich asks her from the lab.

"Ulrich, tell me where the tower is hurry" Aelita says to him.


"You should be next to it according to this" Ulrich tells her looking on the screen.

Forest sector

"That's impossible I can't see it how come" Aelita says still running from the last krab.

The krab fires at her, hitting her in the leg.

"Energy field" Aelita says throwing it at the krab, but it dodges, but it hits the tower. "Got it, Xana pulled this one on us before" Aelita says.

With Jeremy

Jeremy is still holding onto the rope, then the boar hits the tree making Jeremy feet slide off the rope.

Sector 5

Yumi starts battling William, then she throws her fans at him.

"That was a body shot it's all over for you" William tells her, running towards her.

Yumi throws her fans at him again, and devirtualized him.

"And I would call that wishful thinking William dear" Yumi says.

With Jeremy

The boar looks at Jeremy.

"I promise to never eat pork again" Jeremy says.

Then a rock was thrown at the boar.

"Okay then you piece of overcooked bacon, you thought I let you off that easy" Jim says having Harry help him walk, Jeremy drops to the ground and runs.

"I'm sorry Jim, but you never should've left the cave" Jeremy tells him.

"I try to tell him, but he wouldn't listen" Harry tells him.

"Let me tell ya kid you got guts, but if you think that I abandon my men under fire you don't know good old Jim" Jim tells them.

Forest sector

The krab is still firing at Aelita, but Aelita hits it with an energy field and runs to the tower.

With Jim, Jeremy, and Harry

The boar goes and attacks Jim and Harry, and hits Jim making him go into the bush.

In the tower

Aelita makes it to the second stage.

"Tower deactivated" Aelita says.

With Jim, Jeremy and Harry

The boar stops before it hits Jeremy, and runs off.

In the courtyard

Jim walks over to the group with a cane.

"Hey you didn't do a return to the past you sure Jim has forgotten everything" Yumi asks Jeremy.

"Just the opposite he remembers everything and that's the best insurance there is" Jeremy tells them.

"Hello there Jim, we're glad to you back on two feet again" Aelita says to him.

"More like three huh, but its not to serious just a bad sprain and nasty bruise, I got to thank Harry though for helping me out when I hurt it" Jim tells them.

"Problem Jim" Harry says to him.

"For us it's really a shame just one day of boot camp for two weeks of recovery" Yumi says to him.

"Oh don't worry that one day was enlightening for me, you may not have been up to the commando level, but you showed great spirit you really did as soon as I am back in shape organized lots of other training sessions and I hope to see you all there" Jim says.

"Not me, I'm book for the end of the year I got a sleep session" Odd tells him.

"Honestly Jim its too much-" Yumi tells him.

"I'll be there, I owe you one Jim" Jeremy tells him.

"Great, I knew I could count on you kid" Jim says walking away.

"We must be dreaming, I'll be there wow you could've came up with a better idea" Odd says t him.

"Really must've liked Jim's training" Ulrich says to him.

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