Secretly Super

By heyitscelina

160K 4.6K 393

"There was no where we could go, it was coming too fast. When I opened my eyes and looked out my window I saw... More

Secretly Super
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 1)
Chapter 9 (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note

Chapter 10

4K 115 15
By heyitscelina

Angel P.O.V


I cringed. Oh gosh I knew I had to face them but I didn't think it would be this soon.

"Hey guys." I smiled as if I hadn't been absent for over a week.

"Don't 'hey guys' us missy. Where have you been?" Xavier furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Oh you know...around." I waved my hand around, looking down.

"Where is this 'around'?" Serenity asked raising her eyebrows and putting quotes around the word around.

"Well you's..around..." I trailed off.

"Is it because of what our secret was?"

"No it—"

"I told you that was the reason Serenity!"

"Xavier liste—"

"She's been avoiding us and she hates us! See!"

"Xavier just listen to me!"

"Okay gosh. You don't have to yell." he pouted.

"But you—! I jus—! Ugh never mind. I haven't been at school because i've been in the hospital not  because i'm avoiding you guys."

"Oh my gosh! We put her in the hospital, see what you did Serenity! She isn't going to be friends with us anymore!"

"Xavier calm the heck down. I'm positive that we aren't the ones who put her in the hospital, do you really think she would be talking to us if we had?"

"True..." Xavier pondered staring into the distance.

"Now back to important matters. What happened to you?" Serenity looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Oh yeah Angel i'm being totally inconsiderate. I'm so sorry! Now tell us what happened."  Xavier came out of his trance and pulled me into a hug.

"Oww." I groaned, I was still sore.

"Oops, sorry. So what happened? Did you fall or something?"

"Or something." I said with a half smile.

One tale of hospital trip later

"I'll kill him." they both growled. Pure hatred in their eyes.

"Don't worry guys, he's already in jail." I tried calming them down.

"Still. No one hurts our best friend, no one." Xavier growled again his hands clenched into fists.

I had never seen Xavier like this. It kind of scared me, i never want to be on his bad side. I mean he would never hurt a girl but still. I wanted my old Xavier back now.

"Oh and I forgot to tell you who saved me.." I said hoping to change the subject.

"Who?" they both asked.


"What? I'm sorry I must have something in my ear. For a second there i thought you said Mavor." Serenity laughed.

"I did say Mavor."

"Mavor? as in Mavor  Wallace?" Xavier eyebrows shot up.

"Yeah him."

"Maybe he'll start being nicer to you." Xavier chirped. Good, he's back.

"Well maybe he isn't so bad after all." I heard Serenity grumble.

"Yeah I doubt that." I scoffed.

"Why?" Xavier asked.

I went on to tell them yet another story. This time about what happened when I came back from the hospital.

"Spoke too soon." Serenity grumbled again.

"Well who cares about him anyway. On the bright side you can turn invisible. Lucky fish." Xavier shoved me playfully and I groaned.


"Sorry I forgot." he said sheepishly.

"It's okay." I smiled.

"Yo! Nerd girl!" someone called out behind me.

"Ugh i'm so not in the mood for this."

"Let's just go." Serenity said pulling me along.

"Good idea."

"Hey nerd girl." Kevin said stopping in front of me.

"Um hi Kevin. Did you need something?"

"As a matter of fact yes. I need you to come with me."

"And why would she go with you?" Serenity glared at him.

"Well you see she is needed over there." he pointed to where Mavor was standing.

"That doesn't answer my question." Serenity kept glaring at him.

"it will be quick I promise." He winked at me.

"I'd rather not." 

"Well i'll have to get Mavor then." he said walking away.

"Go ahead whats he going to do about it?Nothing?" Xavier called out after him.

"C'mon guys let's go." Serenity said.

"Oka-hey! Ow! Let me down!" I yelled as Mavor lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. Hurting my ribs in the process.

"Nope. Sorry but you should have listened." you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Dang it Mavor let me down! I'll go with you just let me down." I sighed going limp.

"Fine I was getting tired of carrying your fat ass anyway." he smirked putting me down.

"Shut up." I growled, "Why am I here anyway?"

"Cindy wants to talk to you."

"Cindy? Who's Cindy?"

"I'm Cindy."

"It's you." I said with wide eyes. 

I should have recognized her as one of the popular kids, I'm stupid. She is Vicky's best friend I just didn't know her name their always together if Vicky isn't making out with Mavor.

"Yeah can we talk?"

"Uh sure." I said and followed her to the bathroom.

"So...what's up?" I asked awkwardly.

"I just wanted to thank you..for saving me." She said looking at the wall.

"It's fine really, it was nothing. Don't worry about it." 

"No it wasn't nothing. You saved me and you ended up in the hospital. I don't call that nothing." She turned to look at me and you could see the unshed tears in her eyes. 

"B-but i'm fine now." I said, silently willing the tears not to come out of her eyes.

"I know but I just feel so bad. All I ever did was make fun of you and help Vicky spread rumors about you and-and..i'm so sorry!" She ran and hugged me. I just stood there patting her back awkwardly.

"There, there. I forgive you."


"I said I forgive you."

"Why would you forgive me? If i was you I would hate me."

"Well you truly seem like your sorry so I forgive you."

"Thank you so much Evangeline. You just lifted so much weight off my shoulders. I promise that i wont make fun of you anymore and i'll be nicer to you."

"You don't have to, but thanks. Oh that reminds me, you didn't tell anyone that I saved you right?"

"I wanted to but the news said that Mavor had saved me and he said that we should just stick to that. Sorry."

"No, don't be sorry i'm glad that no one knows. I don't like being in the spotlight."

"Oh well then that's a good thing. Anyway I have to go now before Vicky comes looking for me. She doesn't like you very much."

"Yeah i've noticed."

"Well see you Evangeline, I hope we can be friends one day, you seem really nice."

"I would like that. Oh and call me Angel." I smiled, she is so much nicer than I would have thought.

"Okay Angel, thanks....for everything."


It's Saturday. The day of the surprise party but it isn't a surprise anymore because even though i knew about it before, Rachael spilled the beans yesterday because she was too excited and she wanted to dress me up. She said she had always wanted to do that but never got the chance since she had all boys.

"And done! Oh Angel you're so pretty."

"I highly doubt that but thank you for the makeover Rachael. Now can I look at myself?"

"No you're not allowed to look at yourself until you put on the dress I got you."

"But I haven't worn a dress in a long time it probably won't look good on me." I tried to come up with an excuse. I'm probably as fat as Mavor says. I don't wan't to embarrass my self in front of their family.

"Nonsense it will look great on you. Here put it on. Since you seem to love sweaters I thought what better than a sweater dress."

"Thank you so much Rachel but you shouldn't have, plus I don't have any shoes that go with this." I sighed, all i have are tattered tennis shoes.

"I took care of that too. Here you go."

"But these are heels...i've never walked in heels before."

"These are wedges, they're pretty easy to walk in. Now i'll leave you to change. Come down when you're ready I believe everyone is here already, oh this is so exciting." she squealed heading out the door.

I looked in the mirror and my eyes widened. I actually looked descent thanks to Rachael's hard work, I guess this means a lot to her, never having a daughter and all. I guess i'll put up with it whats the worst that can happen, if she said they're easy to walk in they must be.

~Mavor's P.O.V~

"So let me get this straight, your mom adopted a girl that just so happened to be someone you hate and she's ugly? That sucks man." my cousin Mikey said, patting me on the back shaking his head.

"I know man she's so ugly it hurts me."

"Bro she can't be that bad." my other cousin Ray reasoned.

"Trust me she is."

"Speaking of people we have yet to meet, where is that hot girlfriend you were talking about the other day?" Mikey asked, and my other cousins agreed with him saying 'oh yeah'.

"Oh she's upstairs. She'll be down soon she's just fixing herself up in the bathroom or something."

"Damn she is hot bro. Look guys she's coming down, she got legs that go on for miles, phew." Ray whistled lowly.

"I know right. You guys can look but you can't touch, She's all mi—" I stopped as I looked at the girl who was coming down the stairs which was most definitely not Vicky.

"Eep!" she cried as she tripped on the step.

"I got ya!" All my cousins yelled running towards her. Ray being the one to catch her.

"Uhh thanks....uh." she said waiting for an introduction, a red tint coming onto her face.

"No problem, i'm Ray." Ray smirked as he put her down.

"I'm Angel. Well nice to meet you but I have to go find Rachel, i'm sure i'll meet the rest of you later. Bye." She walked quickly into the kitchen almost falling again.

"Bro i thought you said you're girlfriends name was Vicky?"

"It is."

"Wait didn't you say that the nerdy girl was Angel?"


"Bro you are such a liar!"

"I swear she didn't look like that before."

"Yeah suuure you just didn't want us to think she was hot so you could keep her to yourself." Ray said and they all agreed.

"Oh so you're talking about me babe?" Vicky said groping my arm.

"Something like that." I muttered.

'"Well aren't you going to introduce us?" she said in a baby voice. God that is so annoying.

I started introducing them all and heard one of them mutter 'I liked Angel better."

Me too.

Wait, what?

~Angel's P.O.V~

"And this is grandma and grandpa Wallace." Rachel said with a huff. I had already been introduced to about a hundred people. They had a huge family.

"It's very nice to meet you." I said politely, wobbling ever so slightly, my feet hurting from the shoes.

"Look at how beautiful you are! I bet you have so many boys chasing after you." Grandma Wallace said bringing me into a bear hug.

"I know. I wish I had been as pretty as her when I was that age." Rachel laughed.

"Come sit here my girl. I bet you're tired of walking around in the devils footwear. Did Rachael make you wear those?" Grandpa Wallace motioned for me to sit next to him on the couch.

"Thank you so much." I smiled as I sat on the couch and sighed in relief.

"Now tell me how many hearts have you broken this week. or if anyone broke yours i'll go beat them with a stick. I may be old but I can still kick butt."

"Oh hush up Walter. Let me talk to her. I'm cooler than you." Grandma Wallace smirked at him.

"Whatever you're just jealous." Grandpa Wallace said.

"Mom, dad, you guys are so embarrassing." Marcus came in laughing.

"No we're not. Little Angel here loves us right Angel?' Grandpa asked.

"Yeah you guys are awesome." I laughed. I think i'm going to like being in this family.

 1 month later

~Angel's P.O.V

"You wan't me to do what?" I looked at the people in front of me like they were crazy.

It's spring break and here we are we being me, Xavier, Serenity, Tommy, and Ricky. Standing on a cliff above the water at the beach.

You see over the past month Serenity and Xavier have been coming over to my new house and they became friends with Ricky and Tommy and since they all knew about my they decided it was okay to tell them theirs too. We tested my powers out almost everyday, going through all their comic books. Turns out I have a lot of powers I actually can control them pretty well now, but that's a story for another day.

Now back to the situation at hand.

"Jump!" Serenity laughed.

But I can control the water without jumping into it." I pointed out.

"We want to see if it catches you."

"Ugh fine."

"Be careful though, you have to jump far because there are jagged rocks near the side."

"Yeah, yeah I know I saw them."

"No really Angel be careful you know how clumsy you are."

"Come on i'm not that clumsy. I got thi-woah!" I tripped over a rock. Oh god this is how i die.

"Angel!" I heard them yell as I kept falling.

I was too scared to even move my hands so using my powers wasn't an option. Tears threatened to escape as I thought about not wanting to die.

Suddenly I felt myself drifting away from the cliff and towards the sea. I took that as a chance to make a wave to take me to shore.

"Oh thank god, land." I muttered as I fell onto the sand.

"Oh my god! It's an Angel!'

"Holy crap it is!"

"There's an Angel on the beach!"

"Angel we have to get out of here!" I read Serenity's thoughts.

"Why?" I thought back.

"Because you changed into an angel" 

"What do you mean?!"

"I'll explain later just go back into the water, turn invisible and then meet us in the car!"

"Got it!"

    I ran and dove back in the water, turned invisible and ran back to the car passing people who were running towards the water.

"What happened!?" I asked getting in the car.

"You sprouted wings."

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