The Devil's Belonging book one

By marthe3103

268K 6.3K 571

'' let's head back to the council. Let everyone know what happens with people trying to gather and steal the... More

The Devil's Belonging 2
The Devil's Belonging 3
The Devil's Belonging 4
The Devil's Belonging 5
The Devil's Belonging 6
The Devil's Belonging 7
The Devil's Belonging 8
The Devil's Belonging 9
The Devil's Belonging 10
The Devil's Belonging 11
The Devil's Belonging 12
The Devil's Belonging 13
The Devil's Belonging 14
The Devil's Belonging 15
The Devil's Belonging 16
The Devil's Belonging 17
The Devil's Belonging 18
The Devil's Belonging 19
The Devil's Belonging 20
The Devil's Belonging 21
The Devil's Belonging 22
The Devil's Belonging 23
The Devil's Belonging 24
The Devil's Belonging 25
The Devil's Belonging 26
The Devil's Belonging 27
The Devil's Belonging 28
The Devil's Belonging 29
The Devil's Belonging 30
The Devil's Belonging 31
The Devil's Belonging 32
The Devil's Belonging 33
The Devil's Belonging 34
The Devil's Belonging 35

The Devil's Belonging 1

40.5K 530 123
By marthe3103

Hi I just wanted to let you know that I'm posting again, this is the first chapter of edited

I sold myself to the devil for popularity and beauty.

Okay I have worked on this for a time now, so


And comment, and I'll be happy.

I sold myself to the devil for popularity and beauty.


''hi Fluffy, wait up.'' Brandon's voice rang in the empty hallway, it was actually class now. Yeah I know I had class too, but I had gym and all the girls had soaked my clothes with water, and I had no change. You would have thought that after all the times that this have happened, I would've learned something from it. Well I'm still hoping that the girls will be more, I dunno, nicer.

Boy am I stupid, they will never be nice to me. I'm the freak, but I'm still hoping for the inventible. I never really understood why I'm the freak actually, I'm just not good-looking. It may be because I am adopted, but why call me a freak for that?

I turned around ready to tell him off, but as I turned with anger written on my face. A bucket of the canteen food was thrown at me, I just shut my mouth and closed my eyes. Not wanting to get anything in my mouth or my eyes.

I heard a snapping sound, and then a blending flash, he had taken a photo of me, Brandon laughed his irritating laugh which he thought was, oh so sexy. Let me tell you a secret, everyone thought Brandon was so sexy and though, but let me tell you, he isn't. He's the most spoiled brat at school and he can't take a punch. He'll cry if you do, well maybe it just me who punch really hard, but still.

''Brandon that's it.'' I yelled at him before running after him, I will kill him when I get him. Spaghetti was dripping on the floor, leaving a trail after me. His laughter was only egging me on more, and as he turned the corner and as soon as I followed I ran smack into the one boy I had a crush one, of course he had never noticed my attempts on flirting. And let me tell you right away, that it's like a punch in the gut on your self-esteem. I'm very aware of how I look, but what can I do about it?

''Fluffy, why are you drenched in spaghetti sauce?'' Nicolas asked me, and my face was blood red with embarrassment and disappointment.

''my name is Ciale, not fluffy.'' I looked down at my feet, I knew it. He didn't even know my name after two years sitting together in Spanish, I felt my eyes stinging, and they instantly dried. I don't cry in front of people.

''oh, umm.'' He mumbled unsure of how to break the awkward silence. Brandon and his gang were screaming with laughter, and I felt my eyes starting to sting again. I pushed Nicolas out of my way, and almost ran away from him before I stopped right in front of Brandon. I glared at him with all the hate I felt for him.

''Brandon some day you'll be sorry, and that will be the day I'll kill you and your friends.'' I said to him, and he only faked hurt bye my comment. I wanted to punch him in the nose, but I always backed out of it. I almost did it every time I saw him, but I didn't want to face the consequences if I finished my dream.

I pushed past him, and ran to my old crappy car. I jumped in, but not before I saw Brandon and his gang going to the computer rooms to copy the pictures of me and Nicolas, and how uncomfortable he was around me. I sighed and tried to get life into this old car of mine, it worked on the tenth time. I drove off and was holding back tears the whole way home, well my adoptive parents home.

Their names were Linda and Peter, they are the best parents in the whole wide world, but my brothers on the other hand were a different matter. They where so annoying, and irritating, and mean, and they did their damn best to make my life a living hell at home to. Well they didn't know what my life was like at school because I always put on a happy smile before I walked in to our home. They thought I was the popular girl, boy was they wrong.

I parked my old crappy car in the garage, and ran inside.

''OHMYGOD, what happened to you darling?'' Linda asked me horrified bye my appearance, well I couldn't blame her for that. I was drenched in spaghetti and some other stuff I don't want to think about, but as my acting was pretty darn god after all these years, I lied her straight up in the face.

''well I was about to kiss this hawt boy, and you won't believe how good he looks. And I was like ohmygod, but then this really pissed girl dumped her tray on me on purpose. So I had to run home.'' I made my voice Barbie-like for her. This was a lie, as you can tell. I have never kissed anyone, not even in kindergarten.

She looked understanding, and you are probably wondering how I can lie my own mom up in the face without blinking. Well I have gotten used to it bye now because if I told them about my real life at school they would be so worried for me and be over me all the time.

''but honey I took all your clothes to the cleaners so you don't have anything to change into. Oh I got it. I'll just drive you to the mall, and we can buy us some new clothes, and I'll get to meet you friends. Think about it, you dad's car is much cooler than yours. I still don't understand why you still have it'' She chirped happily.

''NO.'' I said hastily, she sent me a puzzled look, and I sighed. '' you know that the old crappy car I have is from my parents, the car it's the only thing that's left of them. And besides dad will be home soon, and you know he can't cook.'' I said, and we both shared the same expression of pain from the last time we had been victims for his cooking, let's just say that we where all puking our guts up for a week.

''yeah I know he can't cook, then I guess I'll stay home then. But seriously you don't even remember your original parents.'' She said, she hated to say real parents.

''I remember small things from them, it's not that much, but it's something.'' I defended them.

My parents had been murdered when I was just a little baby, I had just been sitting on the floor that was covered in blood. I had been splashing and playing with it, when the police came. I don't remember much after that, memories after that is mostly from this house. But I can still remember the warmth in the smile of a loving mother, and the smell of a loving hardworking father.

''oh I'm sorry Ciale, just go and have fun at the mall you.'' She apologised, and I went upstairs to find my room bombarded with stuffing from my lovely stuff animals. Arrg I knew who had done this. It was of course Henry and john, who else?

I didn't bother to pick it up now, and just changed to the only clothes left. Unfortunately it was only sweatpants and nothing else, great just effing great. I took a t-shirt from Henry and walked to my car again. Saying goodbye to Linda over my shoulder.

The drive to the mall went pretty fast, and I was soon standing in the parking lot besides my crappy car. I heard giggles and flirting from the popular girls, and the boys was whistling as the girls walked bye them. There was also a lot of moaning around, since a lot of the girls where rubbing their boobs all over the boy. And of course a lot of making-out, sigh I'll never get to experience that feeling I guess.

As you have guessed there was no whistling directed towards me, I was just hiding under my hood hoping I'll get to the store soon. That's when I heard Brandon's voice laughing at something, probably a sick joke. I stiffened and picked up my pace, almost there, almost there. I kept my eyes on the floor, careful not to get direct eye contact with anyone.

The door right in front of me, and I practically ran in. I just walked right for the clothes, and found a white top and black jeans. I took them with me and tried them on, the jeans were just a size to small, but the top was perfect.

I looked at myself in the mirror and almost cried from the reflexion, this ugly girl was me. I had boring blond hair, small green-blue eyes. A pig nose and full lips, and my head shape were round. I had big boobs, but my stomach was to. All in all pretty ugly, and I hated to look in the mirrors to remind me of it all the time. Like it wasn't enough reminding at school.

I sighed and changed back before walking out a buying it, the woman behind the desk smiled at me and asked if I didn't want anything else. I thanked her before I walked out of there, head low.

''what the hell Jim, you don't lay on a girl like that. You'll have to be more jerk-like, all the girls love players and jerks.'' Brandon voice explained, and he mumbled something else to, but I didn't hear it. I stiffened and tried to sneak myself out of their sight, but no suck luck.

''HI YOU THERE.'' I stopped, I swear my breath stopped. '' yeah you.'' Brandon called after me, but I only pretended like I didn't hear him. I picked up my pace, and kept my head low.

''hey you there with the hood, I know you hear me.'' Brandon yelled after me, but I was running now.

''what the hell?'' I heard him mumble before I heard his steps going into a sprint, shit I'm screwed.

I turned around to see if he was closing in on me, but as I turned around I ran smack into a woman with the clothes rack. She caught herself bye grabbing the rack, but I didn't have anything to grab hold on. I fell to the ground, but someone caught me.

''teenagers these days.'' The woman huffed and walked away with a sour grimace.

The one holding me was of course the one I had been running from.

''hi why did you run away from me?'' Brandon asked, he couldn't see my face yet. He lifted me up and placed me on my feet, and I only turned around and stared to walk again.

''hey what's your problem?'' I didn't respond, he seemed to grow more and more frustrated. He grabbed my arm, and turned me around, my dear hood fell of, and he saw who the girl was.

''eww is it you.'' He released me immediately, but then his face lit up, oh no. '' hi guys let's have some fun with Ciale.'' He called the guys, they walked slowly towards us.

''Now Ciale what are you doing at the mall, this mall is only for popular people, and not freaks.'' He commented on me, and since no one was holding on to me I fled.

''AFTER HER.'' Brandon roared at his guys, and they all set out after me. I pushed myself faster, but I'm not stupid I know they catch me sooner or later. I saw a sharp swing to the left and I took it, the guys just continued forward. Stupid boys, they need to look where I'm running if they are going to catch me.

I was laughing silently when a hand gripped my shoulder, I jumped in surprise before I saw who the 'he' was. Oh boy was I blown over bye his looks, he was a freaking god among humans. He looked so good, I could've eaten him up. No Ciale you couldn't because you aren't a cannibal, I said to myself.

I looked up at him again, and he looked amused bye all my gaping. He had black hair, like totally black and violet eyes which where framed with lots of thick lashes. He had strong cheekbones and a proud nose. All in all, a god among human.

''umm who are you?'' I mentally slapped myself, god I need to get a grip.

''that's not important right now, let me cut to the case. How much would you like to be the most beautiful creature and the most popular creature?'' he asked. Funny how he said creature and not human.

''I would do anything.'' I blurted before I covered my mouth with my hand, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud.

''I can make that dream come true for eternity, all you have to do is to sign here.'' He fished a piece of paper out of his pocket and pointed on the spot where I should sign.

''haha this sounds like something the devil would do, totally cliché.'' I laughed nervously, I didn't sign under I just stared at it for a while.

''little girl the devil does not live in this world neither does god.'' He spat the word god, um I wonder why. Well he was right, if god existed I wondered what I had done wrong to deserve this life.

''little girl, if you're not going to sign under then I have to go.'' He said calmly, but as he said it the roar of Brandon's guys reached me.

I quickly signed under, and felt a weird tingling on my lower back. He took the paper again and stuck it in his pocket. Yum he had a good body, like a god. Oh wait I have said that already, well he did look like a god.

''look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning, you'll se great changes.'' He said and kissed me on the cheek, before he walked away. Weird. As he turned the corner the guys turned the other corner, and they where grinning at me. Oh shit, I have nowhere to go now, I'm trapped.

I mentally slapped myself, geez get a grip, you aren't a wimp. I held my head high and meet their glances with my own glare.

''well well well, isn't it Ciale that's hiding in a dead end.'' Brandon sickening voice echoed in my head.

''I wasn't hiding.'' I spat at them, while Brandon walked closer. His guys hang back, not totally sure of what he was going to do, and if they wanted to join in.

''no of course not, little Ciale never hides. But that's only because your to fat to hide.'' He mocked, but I didn't change expression.

If he would just get a little closer I could make my escape, but right then his phone stared to ring. ''baby'' of Justin Beiber.

''fuck Lisa have changed my tune again.'' He mumbled as he reached for his phone.

I didn't have time to laugh at this because right then, I punched him in the nose so he started bleeding. He fell to the ground and his guys ran to him to ask if he was okay. All the time his phone was ringing that ridicules song, but I didn't have time to stay and watch. I was running to my car, my old crappy car that will most definitive die on me.

''WHAT THE HELL, GET AFTER HER.'' He yelled at his gang, and I almost broke down laughing. I jumped into my car and tried to start it, of course it didn't work.

''come on now baby.'' I talked to it, and sure enough it worked. The engine started with a roar, and was eager to drive. I love this car, my crappy car.

I saw the guys running toward my car, and I decided to have some type of pay-back. I steered at them and speeded off to them, they looked shocked before they ran the opposite direction. Haha they looked hilarious.

Sadly instead of driving over them I took a right turn, so I was soon on the road again. I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down me cheeks making them look red. After I thought I was done laughing another wave of laughter hit me, but when I listened carefully I heard a soft laughter laugh along with me. This creped me out a little bit, but not that much. I was just so happy I had knocked Brandon down, just finally done it. I took satisfaction in that when I pulled into our garage, I was still laughing.

And for the first time since kindergarten I walked inside with a genuine happy smile, before I went to bed.

I fell asleep with my thoughts on the good-looking salesman, I knew he wasn't interested in me, but a girl can dream.

I was lying in bed when the most happiest voice tried to get me out of bed, I pulled the covers over my head and mumbled something unintelligently.

''come one Ciale, it's Friday. One more school day before the weekend starts. So get up and get dressed.'' Linda demanded, but I wasn't going to leave my comfy bed to just get up and have another crappy day at school.

'' no go away, now. I'm sick, don't come any closer, you might get it to.'' I answered groggily, but she didn't buy it. Linda walked to my bed and grabbed my ankles and pulled, and when she started to pull I just grabbed the bed corner and held tight.

''RIIIIS AND SHIIINIE CIALE, YOU AREN'T GOING TO DITCH SCHOOL BECAUSE YOU'RE TIRED AN-'' she finally got the better of me and pulled me out of bed, and I landed on the floor. She finished her sentence with a scream, this made my foggy mind clear again.

I jumped up and whirled around, but I noticed that I was lighter than before. I looked down at my body, and I just stared at myself in shock. How did my stomach get so flat, and how did my boobs get bigger than they where. And what the hell happened to my legs? They where long and slim. And I was taller to, how did this happen. I breathed in and out, just to calm myself in the process.

''WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LITTLE BABY.'' Linda screamed at me, and I looked at her in confusion.

''I'm still Ciale, just with a flat stomach.'' I answered trying to calm her, but she wouldn't be calmed. She ran out of my room, and screamed for Peter.

Okay time to look at yourself in the mirror, and no matter what you see, it will still be you. I thought to myself.

I ran to the bathroom, and closed my eyes before opening them in front of the mirror.

The girl in the mirror was breathtaking, she looked like an angel. Not that I know what angels look like, but if I should guess I would point at her. The girl had black hair with red highlights, and strong cheekbones, and a proud nose. She had full lips, and a flawless skin. The colour of the skin was a white colour, but not totally white either.

She looked like the goddess of sins. And her lips tilted up into a smile before they opened up for a loud scream.

This girl was me, me the ugly girl. I screamed, this was just a dream, just a dream. You'll wake up soon. Just don't freak out, everything has a logical explanation. I just have to look very deep to find it this time.

''what the hell did you do to our daughter?'' Peter came storming into the bathroom with his gun, he's going to shoot me. his own daughter, what now?

''Peter... Dad please don't shoot me, please. I'm still Ciale, just different.'' I pleaded, but it was kinda hard to look innocent with the black hair I now had.

''don't give me that shit.'' He snorted before I heard a clicking sound, I just stared at the bullet before I knew it would hit me. I was staring at the bullet when everything froze, like the time itself froze.

He had a stone set expression on his face, and Linda who was standing right behind him looked terrified. I was scared of moving because if I moved the frozen thing would break, and I will be shoot. I stared down the hallway, and I saw John and Henry running towards the bathroom I was standing in. I took one step to the side, and let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding. The time was still frozen if you cold call it that.

I walked carefully down the hallway and looked at Henry and john, they too were frozen. Um okay I don't know how to feel about this. I ran down the stairs, and out of my frozen house. I looked around and everyone was frozen, okay freaking out. I ran up and down the streets, hoping to find somebody who wasn't frozen in time. I kept on running up an down, even thought I knew I wouldn't find someone who wasn't frozen.

The sky was its usual light blue with some dark clouds; I looked around with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to be the only one who wasn't frozen. The paperboy was on his bicycle, and had just thrown our paper, but the paper hadn't fallen to the ground yet. It was still in the mid air, and I was utterly losing my mind, stuff like this didn't exist, it just didn't. My knees buckled under and I fell hard to the ground, my now black hair covering my face like a curtain.

If this was like being immortal, then I say no thanks to the offer.

I was sitting on the ground pitying myself when someone grabbed my shoulder. The person grabbed me and pulled me to my feet, but his touch was enthralling, I just wanted to be touched more bye him/her. He/she turned me around, and I took a sharp breath.

''What did I do?'' I gasped, but the salesman from the day before only smirked at me.

''well I'm not totally sure if you can call it, what did you do, more like what did I do to you. Well it's pretty simple, you signed the contract about being beautiful and popular. And the only thing I did was to start the whole process of making you look like your mind do, and I must say that you turned out breathtaking. You're my best work ever made, so if you will just come with me!'' He explained to me, only the thing is I didn't understand a thing. So I said the only thing logical for me.

''I'm not emo, I'm happy all the time, so you aren't fooling me.'' I snorted at him, daring him to say anything.

He only stared at me before he burst out laughing at me, I gave him a sour look which he only laughed more from.

''your aren't happy all the time.'' He had to stop because he was laughing so hard. '' and I only changed you to look like your mind do.''

'' I don't believe in you.'' I said and stomped away with my head held high. Great just great, I'm frozen in time with a lunatic.

I walked right into a chest, and fell to the ground.

''do not walk away from me Ciale. I wouldn't want to hurt your new delicious body, now would we?'' the hot man said while he batted his eyelashes at me, I was completely dazzled, but I snapped out of it. I don't throw away my common sense just because the man was hot, though I sometimes whish I did. Why do I need to be so smart when it comes to people to trust? I hate it sometimes, but what can I do about it?

''you couldn't hurt me if you tried.'' I spat at him, he only smiled a smug smile at me. I was about to ask him about the freaky smile of his, when pain shoot through me like a bullet. I bit my lip so I wouldn't scream, but the pain only creased.

''now couldn't I hurt you?'' he laughed, and just like that the pain was gone.

''what are you.'' I gasped, trying to calm my heart and my head.

''I'm the devil dear one, so don't try anything with me because I will kill you without a second thought.'' He said sweetly, if it wasn't for what he just have said I would be flirting with him right now.

''you're what?''

''well I go bye many names, but you can call my Lucavarious.'' He said as he looked down on his watch, he cursed and took my hand.

''what the hell, where are we going?'' I tried to set my foot down, but it didn't work. He was dragging me after him before he turned with glowing eyes. This frankly scared the living shit out of me.

''exactly were where going, now if you don't go willingly I'll force you with me. so you'll decide, I don't have a problem with anyone of those options.'' He smirked before I heard a biping sound.

''fuck it, Ciale. I have to go now, but don't you worry, I'll come back for you. And you'll know it when I call on you. Now bye my darling.'' He said before he just disappeared from my sight.

''what the hell.'' I screamed as I stormed inside of our house again, just to see Linda and peter frozen. Great he forgot to unfreeze them, now I'm stuck in this... I don't know what I'll call it.

I went to my bedroom just to find my cat hissing at something, I followed her gaze, but I didn't see anything other than my pink wall. Yeah I know, pink wall. Well I was six years old and I loved the colour pink, so don't judge me.

I looked around, ready to get the kick in my stomach that told me I was dreaming, I never got it. I never got the shock of this either, well maybe I'm in shock, and that's why I'm not freaking out. or maybe I'm just a freak like Brandon said I was. Okay stop right there, you aren't going to curl yourself up into a ball and pity yourself again.

I heard a boom from a gun before everything went black, and I have never fainted before.


Yeah I know, I took so long just to get this part up. And I'll be honest when I tell you I haven't worked on it all the time, but I did work on it. just not all the time.

So if you want the next chapter vote and comment.

And sorry if it's full of spelling mistakes, I haven't proofread it yet, but I just couldn't have it anymore, I needed to upload it.

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