falsettos oneshots

By elderborle_

38.7K 1.3K 578

kind of crappy falsettos oneshots modern or period-appropriate More

beauty blender
the laundromat
one minute
the switch
high school/woodshop au
the shower
camp counselors
a collegiate meeting
first words tattoos
another college au
jason introduces his girlfriend
the linguini spills
"what do you mean which one?"


5.3K 99 17
By elderborle_

hey guys! its your friendly neighborhood fanfic writer here! im here to say if you have any suggestions for writing or edits to change please comment below! also, comment requests if you want. thanks!
*whizzer pov*

ive been in the hospital for a few months now. after always spending time in a hospital bed its hard to keep track of time. marvin comes in multiple times a week. its always good to see his face. every time he leaves im scared that its the last time ill see his beautiful face.
no word on what is actually going on in my body. i know what i have. theres no way around it and no cure will be out any time soon. facing things like this is hard, and i know i will get the news soon. i try to stay happy and think about things that make me happy. its only a matter of time that-
"whizzer! its your turn!"
"right! sorry jason!"
i move the rook. i spaced. the hopeful brown eyes of jason helps keep me happy. hes winning chess right now, and normally wins even after he says he will let me win. about two or three times a week mendel or trina take him down to me so he can play chess. jason visits me almost as much as marvin and charlotte does. marvin practically lives here now. he looks tired and sad all the time.
i spaced out again.
i move the knight.
jason moves the pawn and takes my rook.
i take his knight.
im in check.
my king is moved.
"you know, jason, you are being very strong while all of this is happening. im proud of you!" i say, attempting to help lighten the mood even more.
"its no big deal whizzer. im excited for the bar mitzvah! will you be able to come?" his excited voice almost kills me.
"jason..." i know whats about to happen.
"but whizzer! you promised! why cant you come?"
"i-" i knew it.
my king is cornered again.
"lets just finish the game." he goes cold.
i lose again.

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