Teen Wolf Texts

By JenaeHughes

95.9K 2.6K 1.8K

The Packs Texts/Group Chats Characters: Scott Stiles Allison Lydia Hayden Mason Liam Derek Theo Kira and Malia More

Group Chat
Group Chat
Group Chat
Group Chat
Group Chat.
Stiles and Kira private chat
Group Chat.
New Group Chat.
Group Chat
New Member Of The Group Chat
Derek and Stiles private chat
Sterek Group Chat.
Group Chat.
The Sterek Chat!
Chats Sterek.
Stiles and Kira's plans.
Stiles and Derek private chat
plan3 and plan4
The Ships Are About To Sail.
Derek's Text to Stiles.
Finding A Lost Hale.
Tears and Goodbyes.
A Stolen Life
A Silent Scream.
Fixing a broken pack.
Fixing a broken pack. (part two.)
Fixing a broken pack (part three)
Fixing a broken pack. (part four)
The group chat is back in business.
Pack Meeting.
The Real Story.
Secret Town.
New Members Of The Family.
A Missing Pack.
If You're Going Through Hell Keep Going.
A Sacrificed Light To Kill The Shadows.
A Tortured Mind.
Unknown Number.
The Wedding.
I do.
Drowning In Nightmares.
When Hell Freezes Over.
His Firey Fate.
Sacrificed Heart For A Broken Soul.
What A Day To Get Married!

The Demon Is Out Of The Bag.

697 22 20
By JenaeHughes

<<<Stiles has added Dean and Sam to the group chat>>>

Dean: Uh.....hi?

Sam: Hey...?

Scott: I don't think they want to be here Stiles...

Derek: Scott?!

Allison: Scott??? What?! How??

Scott: ???

Stiles: He's okay guys! Isn't that great???

Isaac: Stiles.....what did you do?!

Stiles: I didn't do anything!

Scott: What are we talking about??

Kira: Oh my god! Scott?!

Scott: What?!

Malia: You're.....alive!

Stiles: He was always alive guys! We made a mistake!

Dean: Wait...this doesn't seem right...

Sam: I agree with Dean...

Stiles: Scott is alive!! You should all be happy!

Allison: We are!

Derek: We just want to know how he's alive...

Scott: Was I dead??

Liam: We thought you were...

Stiles: Well, he wasn't!

Derek: Who was with him when he woke up??

Stiles: I was!

Dean: Uh huh...


<<<Dean has created a group chat>>>

<<<Dean has added Stiles and Sam to the group chat>>>

Dean: Stiles, what did you do?!

Stiles: I didn't do anything!

Sam: Then how do you explain Scott, alive?!

Stiles: I already told you! We made a mistake!

Sam: No, Stiles, we didn't...

Dean: Tell us what's going on.

Stiles: Why do you even care!

Dean: Because we're your brothers!!

Sam: Now talk!

Stiles: I couldn't let him die! Okay?!

Stiles: I just couldn't!!

Dean: Stiles, what did you do?!

Stiles: I sold my soul...

Sam: You did WHAT?!?!

Stiles: I couldn't live knowing that I killed my best friend!!

Sam: Do you know how stupid that was?!?!

Dean: Give the kid a break Sam.

Sam: What?! Are you seriously taking his side right now?!?!

Dean: In a way, yes, I am.

Sam: Why in the hell would you side with him?!

Dean: Because I was him, Sam! I did the same thing to protect you!!

Sam: Yeah, but Scott isn't his brother!

Dean: That's where you're wrong Sam.

Stiles: He is my brother.

Sam: I guess he is...

Sam: So what are we going to do??

Stiles: Please don't tell anybody! Please!

Dean: We won't...for now.

Sam: How long do you have?

Stiles: A year.

Stiles: Just like what Dean had. Which means if we try to get out of the deal in any way, Scott dies.

Dean: Yeah, but if you don't get out of the deal, then you die.

Stiles: Then so be it.

Dean: No! We're not going to let that happen!

Stiles: I don't think you have a choice.

Stiles: I won't let Scott die!

Dean: No one is going to die.

Sam: We'll make sure of it!

Stiles: We should get back to the group chat.


<<<Group Chat>>>

Cas: What is this???

Dean: Cas?

Scott: Who's that??

Cas: I'm Castiel, who are you?

Scott: Uhh....Scott....

Sam: Who added him??

Stiles: I did :)

Dean: When??? It didn't even notify me...

Stiles: I have my ways....

Cas: Who are all these people??

Derek: Well, if you can see our names....then you kinda already know.

Cas: Okay....

Allison: Can we get back to the fact that Scott is still alive!

Stiles: We've been over this!

Derek: I feel like you aren't telling us something....

Stiles: I'll brb, I just got a message from an unknown number.

Scott: Okay...


<<<Stiles and Unknown number private message>>>

Unknown number: Hello.

Stiles: Uh....I think you have the wrong number.

Unknown number: I don't think I do. Stiles.

Stiles: How do you know my name?!

Unknown number: I know everything about you. And your family. I'm actually a close friend of Sam and Dean.

Stiles: How do you know about me??

Unknown number: Like I said I know everything about you, even your real name.

Stiles: No one knows my real name.

Unknown number: Well, I do.

Stiles: Leave me, my family and my friends alone!

<<<Stiles has blocked Unknown number>>>

Unknown number: See you soon Mieczyslaw Winchester.



I'm bringing so many bad guys from Supernatural in it's crazy, and Kate and Rowena are still out there, running around lol. But I mean I kind of expected this to happen because they've got a lot of baggage. I know that this story Is kind of everywhere, but things happen....

So, who do you think messaged Stiles??

Also............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I might bring evil Dean back 😈

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!! Gotta hop! Byee! :)

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