Being Me.

By dream95a

185 10 12

One girl. One life. One dream. Follow Alex on her amazing journey that is life. She lives in a bubble, scare... More

The Cocoon
The Stumble
The Approach
The Frenaissance
The Disclaimer
The Titanic
The Journal
The Confession
The Gift
The Stroll
The Disaster
The Clouded Hope
The Restoration
The Recovery
The Surprise
The Uncertainty
The Expectations
The Dinner
The Departure
A New Day
The New Guy
The U-Turn
The Flight
The Silence
The Break
The Dress
The Big Day

The Trip

3 0 0
By dream95a

Alex was on her way to give herself some me time in London. She and her mom were ready. Everything was packed. The flight wasn't until the evening. Alex wanted to buy a new book so she could read on the plane. She went to the bookstore.

Books, books everywhere!

She was so happy. She was excited to go to London. This was something she'd never thought would happen.

She kept browsing through the books aimlessly. And suddenly someone called out,


She turned around smiling, not knowing who it was.

There he was!

Words wouldn't come out of her mouth. She was dumbfounded. There he was! He was standing right in front of her. What could she say?

"How are you?"

She stood there staring at him for a moment. She was angry and confused. She didn't know what to say or how to feel. So she stormed out of the store. But Noah caught up and held her hand.

"Why are you here?"
"What do you mean? Okay. Look. I'm so sorry. I lost my phone when I was in Africa. I bought a new one only when I landed here. I've been dying to see you. I thought I would surprise you. But you weren't at home when I came by last Sunday. And I checked at your office. They said you didn't work there anymore?"

"How can you even think that I would want to talk to you?"
"What do you want me to do? I said I lost my phone. I'm really sorry. I've missed you."
"You came by on Sunday. And what about the rest of rhe days?"

"Alex. I.. my parents got a divorce. So I'd to be there with mum. You know how it is. Now dad's moved in with me. It's weird.
"I'm sorry that happened. But I don't think we should hang out anymore."
"Why not?"
"We're moving to London."
"We? London?"
"Me and mom. Yes."

This wasn't the truth but she was going to stick with it for the moment.

"I'm leaving tonight. So. Good luck with everything."
"Wait. What? You can't leave like this Alex!"
"I can. Watch me."

Something had gotten into her. She was confused because she couldn't confess that she dated another guy. She felt guilty. She just wanted to run away from this place.

"No. I will not let you go. Stay."
"I can't."

There wasn't much left to say. So she left and he stood there for a while. He wasn't at fault. It was all in her head.

She wanted to be free.

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