This is Definitely Not Love...

By SuckedInByBooks

726K 19.1K 10.5K

[COMPLETED] Meet Skye Henry, the new guy at school, who happens to be gay. he thought he would have fun makin... More

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 1
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 2
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 3
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 4
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 5
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 6
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 7
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 8
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 9
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 10
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 11
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 12
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 13
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 14
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 15
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 16
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 17
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 18
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 19
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 20
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 21
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 22
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 23
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 24
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 25
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 27
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 28
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 29
This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 30

This is Definitely Not Love...Right? ~Chapter 26

15.2K 371 30
By SuckedInByBooks

Okay so here's chapter 26. I know you've waited long and i took a lot of breaks in between but can you blame me for all the distractions of the world? :P

Anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed this because i rewrote this entie chapter to make it seem 'right'

The picture is of our gorgeous Hailey Burnes :D

The video link is I Try by Macy Gray :))

Please don't forget to comment , like, vote etc.


~Blake's POV~

I was sitting across the table from Skye. We were both doing our homework; well he was still doing his homework. While pretending to complete some lame assignment, I stared out the window and looked across the lawn to Hailey’s house. It pained me to be so near, yet so far at the same time.

I heard Skye clear his throat which caused me to look at him. I gave him an ‘I just got caught’ smile and started playing with my pencil. “Sorry, I got a bit distracted.”

“You don’t say.” He put his pen down and closed his book. “Blake, I know you only came here because of her. You’re not that difficult to figure out.”

“So I’m basically like an open book. But, think about it. If I was here for her, then I wouldn’t be at your place, I would be at hers.”

“That’s why you’re using my house as a hide out.” He walked into the living room and motioned for me to follow him.

“That’s not my plan.”

“Then tell me Blake. What exactly is your plan?”

“I haven’t figured that part out yet.” I looked up to the ceiling. At this point, looking up was better than looking at Skye. This dude wanted me to come to grips with reality. And that was not on my agenda.

“I honestly don’t see why you are avoiding each other.” He said shaking his head.

“I’m not avoiding her. She won’t speak to me and won’t look at me for longer than two seconds.” I looked back to him. “You think I asked for this?”

“No I don’t.”

“She can’t just say shit like that and then pretend like it never happened. I’m not stupid, you know?”

Skye sat up straight and put his hands on my shoulders. “What did she say?”

“It’s not a big deal. And why are you so interested?” I raised my eyebrow.

He sat back. “I’m not. I was just a bit curious that’s all.”

“Hmm.” I eyed him suspiciously. He seemed to know more than what he was letting off.

We ended up watching some random TV show for the next hour or so. I was hardly paying attention as Skye kept getting up to go off somewhere. It started to annoy the crap out of me after it happened for the third time.

“Where do you keep running off to? It’s kind of distracting.” I said after I had enough.

“As if you were actually watching the show.” He smirked. “You’ll see.”

As if on cue, he doorbell rang. Both of us glanced at the door but neither of us got up to answer it. The doorbell rang again and Skye let out a frustrated sigh.

“Would you just answer it already? It’s for you anyway.”

“Someone came knocking at your door for me?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“Not ‘someone’. You’ll never know if you keep sitting here now will you? Just go already.” He got up off the couch and walked towards the stairs. “I’ll be upstairs. Not that you’d want to come find me.”

I stared at him as he walked up the stairs but after a few seconds got up and went to open the door. As soon as I opened the door my jaw dropped.

There standing in front of me was Hailey, with her finger hovering over the doorbell. I was rendered speechless. She looked up at me and I just about stumbled over my words.

“H-hi, uhh w-what are you doing here? It’s really great to uhh, I don’t know, see you? But what exactly are you doing here?”

“Skye asked me to come over. What about you?” she looked confused.

I scratched the back of my neck. “I came over to finish some work.”

She pushed out her bottom lip and bit on it. “I see. So, where is he?”

“Oh, he’s not coming.” I gave her a half smile. “I think he planned this. You know, for us to ‘coincidentally’ run into each other.”

She chuckled and suddenly this wasn’t so awkward anymore. “Do you want to go for a walk?”

I nodded and closed the door behind me. As we neared the pavement, I looked up and saw Skye smiling at us from his bedroom window. I smiled back at him and nodded my thanks.


~Hailey's POV~

I looked at Blake every so often and smiled whenever he caught me. I’ll admit I was quite surprised when he answered the door. I wasn’t expecting it. Well, given the fact that it’s not his house. Even though it had only been a few weeks since I started ‘avoiding’ him, it seemed like it was longer.

We walked in silence for almost a half an hour before I decided to break the awkward tension that was starting to form.

“The weather is-”

“You’re really going to try to break the tension by talking about the weather?” he asked cutting me off.

“I-I’m just nervous that’s all.”

He smiled at me. Not an ‘I’m-mad-at-you-and-this-is-just-a-way-to-make-you-think-we’re-okay-so-that- I -can-get-you-back’ kind of smile. A genuine smile.

“Don’t worry. I feel the same.” There was a hint of something else in those last four words, bbut I couldn’t put my tongue on it.

“I take it you want answers.” I said slowly. It felt more like I was putting one toe in just to ‘test’ the water.

“Yea, but if you don’t want to, I’m sure I’ll survive.” I looked up at him in surprise.

Did he really not want to know? I mean, I had been avoiding him for heaven knew how long and here we were face to face and Blake was telling me that I didn’t have to tell him what was wrong.

“Seriously?” I asked in disbelief.

He paused and seemed to think for a second before replying. “Hailey, I know we’ve both had tough times, but it’s your choice completely. I won’t force you to do anything you wouldn’t want to do. What kind of boyfriend would I be then? What I’m trying to say is, don’t tell me if you don’t want to.”

And there he goes, making me feel jealous as hell. I don’t think that was his intention, but it sure came out that way. I bit my bottom lip- a nervous trait- and took a deep breath.

“The thing is Blake, even though you say it’s okay it’s not okay with me. I’m not lying to you and I never did. I just thought of keeping this one tiny detail to myself because I was just trying to stay safe.”

“But I already told you that I wouldn’t hurt you.” he said in protest. “Hailey you have to tell me if I ever hurt you in any way.”

“No, you didn’t. And that’s why I’m convinced now more than ever that I should tell you. I can’t keep this inside any longer.”

“Wow.” He said chuckling. “You’re making it sound like you robbed a back or something. You didn’t rob a bank right?”

“No.” I laughed. “This, oddly enough, may seem more of an entirely different situation. Matters of the heart.”

He nodded but didn’t say anything. I saw his eyes dart off somewhere and I followed his gaze. Opposite us, there was a small park and a few kids playing in it. Their mom’s would probably call them in soon as it was getting pretty late out here.

 “Do you want to go sit over there?” I pointed at the nearby bench. He walked on ahead of me and obviously I thought that this new attitude of his was totally weird.

“Okay, since it seems like you’re not going to talk, maybe I should start.” He wasn’t looking at me. Instead he kept his eyes fixed on the vacant swing that no one seemed to want to go on.

“I know that I ran out pretty quickly the other day and I apologize. I made a mistake and I couldn’t own up to it. I’m sorry.” He still refused to look at me.

“The reason why I did that was because I couldn’t face you after what I said.” I saw his eyes glance in my direction but quickly moved away.

“Blake I-” I was starting to get sick of this avoiding shit and turned his head to face me. “Why are you being so stubborn? I’m trying to say that I love you and you’re not making this any easier for me dammit.”

His eyes widened and so did mine after I realized what just happened. Instead of Blake running away, he broke into a full out grin.

“Finally.” My eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, I love you too Hailey.”

He leaned over and kissed me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. After such a long time of no contact or whatever, this kiss held more passion than I could imagine. I didn’t want to let go of him and I showed that in the kiss.

“Hey, there are children over here!” one of the mothers’ yelled. “Go do this somewhere else.”

“Eeew, mommy that boy is going to get cooties.” A young kid said as he walked by.

It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I looked up at Blake. “She’s right about one thing. Maybe we should take this somewhere else.”

I winked at him and he started to get what I was referring to. “Are you sure?”

“Yea, why wouldn’t I be? As I said, I love you.”

“I love hearing you say that. You should say it more often.” He stood up and gave me one more peck on the lips before we started walking back to Skye’s place.


A/N: Soooooo? what did you guys think? i know in the end i made it look like Hailey and Blake were going to get it on, but you'll have to forgive me. i haven't found the 'comfort' in writing such descriptive and graphic stuff. in other words, i get that weird shiver down my spine when i have to write about sex. I'm sure it's normal... >_>

Anyways, it's a short chapter but i hoped you guys liked it :D

just wanted to give Hailey and Blake a chance you know?

Thanks for putting up with me and reading this book :)

It'll al be over soon :(

Comment, Vote, Like etc :D

much love...Carrie♥♥

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