Milly's Splashing Adventure!

By Mermaidt13

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Book 2in Shinning seas series! Milly has grown up alot since her first adventure which was her first book(... More

Milly's Splashing Adventure's!
Ch.2-Dress Fitting
Ch.3-Important Question
Ch.5~This can NOT be happening!
Ch.6~Dragon World
Ch.7~The Truth About Zoey
Ch.8~The Truth About Zoey Part.2
Ch.10 Down To Earth
Ch.11 War
Ch.12 Blood In The Sky
Ch.13 Home At Last!
Ch.14 Few Months Later
Ch.15 No pressure!
Ch.16 Magical Evening
Ch.17~Whats on my mind
Ch.18~The date of a lifetime

Ch.9~The "Awsome" Plan

38 2 0
By Mermaidt13


After a few hours or so Milly,Jasper,Zoey,and Ash, sit down and think of a plan.To Save NOT just the WORLD but Save all human and magical species!

  Jasper is the first to come up with a plan.

~~~~~~Milly's POV~~~~~~

   "Okay I got a plan"said Jasper

"what is it????"we all yelled at Jasper

"well first we need to go back to Earth...."

"What????Are you crazy?Jasper did you not pay attention to my gut wrenching tortures story?!Those things took over the entire the world in the future and wiped out all human kind!!!"

"I was saying well maybe we can pretend to be the energy shape shifters so we can find out where there leader is and infiltrate there secrets.Then we can use there secrets and there weaknesses against them,and destroy there palace inside out!"

We where all speechless for a minute.

It was  somewhat  a brilliant idea.

"What if they find us?"Zoey asked

"well wait we?"

"well yes we are all going to defeat them no matter what right!?"Zoey said enthusiasticly

All of us stand up and yell "yeah!"

"Let's get ready then bring whatever you think you might need like anything and everything!"

I went with Zoey for her to cast a spell to open my closet from Earth in the dragon  world.I packed a black duffle bag with whatever i could find that might be usefull on our mission.

~~~~~~~~Fast forward an hour when everyone is ready

We all put our bags on the table we each had different things like cloths,black cloths to blend in with the dark,water (to drink),food(of course!),my pink and blue coral pocket knife,nets,and my lucky energy bracelet that Zoey made for each of us.

When we were ready to go zoey wanted to get one more thing.

She came back with a whole bag full of throwing knives,arrows,bows,crossbow,and then she gave me a pink and blue pistle with a big sash full of bullets.

"Really?Zoey I thought we where tring to be like them not try to take them all on at one time"

"Well lets call this plan B okay?"She said as she was loading her pistle

The boys started looking at Zoey's odd collection of weapons in aww.They where probaly thinking man this girl has all this?

"All ready?"Zoey asked

"Umm Zoey your kinda acting like your the leader of this group."

"Well I am,since I know more about them and I  have a score to settle with them.Let's go!"Zoey said

We followed her and then I saw a portal opening from thin air.All we have to do is jump in and we will be on Earth.

Secretly I was just frightened by the thought that we are all going in the enemy's teritory.

I grabed Jasper's hand and said"whatever happens Jasper I love you"

"Milly,I promise as long as im around nothing bad will happen.I love you!"

We jumped in the portal and everything went dark.............

~~~~~~~~~~Aouthor's Note~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This chapter wouldn't would have been writen if it wasn't for this book I read before I wrote this chapter its called Enchanted by Alethea Kontis.Loved the book looking farward to reading more books from her!

This chapter wouldn't be possible without my friend Sara who helped me not only with this chapter but with homework.

Also the song Lights by Ellie Goulding and the whole album Let Go by Avril lavigne.



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