The new girl in school - Zalf...

By itspeachesx

4.5K 146 36

Zoe Sugg is the new girl at School. She needs a new start but will her past follow her here. When she meets A... More

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312 10 4
By itspeachesx

Zoe's POV

My first day of school is nearly over and over all it has been a pretty eventful day. I meet loads of new people, got to know my teachers and the school curriculum.

This school is pretty..confusing. With all it's weird popularity rules but I still want to try to be friends with everybody.

"Hey Zoe!" Louise shouted down the corridor. "Hey Louise" I giggled at her out of breath from running. "Where do you live maybe we could walk home together?" She asked also laughing at her state. "Ps. I don't run that often so you're lucky that I like you" We both laughed.

"Ok well I live on London Road..number 14" I stated. "oh my god! I live down there too! We can be best chummies!" She exclaimed and by my confused expression she must have caught on that I didn't know what chummy meant. "Oh chummy just means best friends" She smiled. "Ok Chummy"I giggled once again.

As we were walking home I saw Dan from across the road. "HEY DAN!" I shouted and waved. He turned around spotted me and laughed and waved. "Zoe?" Louise asked. "Yep" I replied popping the P. "Are you friends with Dan?" She questioned. Oh god not this again. "Chummy, Niomi has already talked me through the 'rules' don't worry. We aren't best friends and I'm not in his 'group of geeks' as everyone calls it" I said putting air quotations around specific words. "Ok..I know how you feel about all this stereotype drama I know it can seem pretty weird but once you have been here a while it will all seem normal..I actually hate it as me and Phil, Troye, Connor and Dan used to be really good friends but because of all this I barely get to see them anymore.." She looked down. I feel really bad for her. "Oh chummy" I stated putting my arm around her. " it will be ok.." I tried to reassure her. "Anyway here's my house talk tomorrow yeah?" She asked giving me a hug. 'Yeah sure see you!" I said walking off.

I got into my house when I suddenly remembered, I'm meeting Alfie at the park. I rushed upstairs to get changed. "Hello Darling how was school?!" My mum shouted up the stairs. "Great! Mum can I go to the park?" I asked as politely as I could already looking for the perfect outfit. "You going outside?!" I heard Joe laugh. "Shut up!" I shouted. 'Course you can honey!" My mum replied. "Thanks Mum!" I yelled.

I had chosen light blue dungarees ripped at the knees and an oversized T-shirt underneath with a flannel shirt wrapped around my waist. I had brushed through my long dark brown hair (Zoe as a teen remember;) and grabbed my phone ready to leave. "See you later!" I called through the house. "Be back in time for dinner!" My dad said. "What is it?" I asked. "A roast!" He called back. I did a mini celebration. My dad's roasts truly were the best. With that I shut the door heading to the park. Which wasn't along walk as it was only across the road from my house.

"Hey Zoe!!" I heard someone shout. I turned around to see Alfie stood there next to a tree. I ran over quickly. "Hello Schmalf" I giggled. "Stop calling me that!" He laughed. "Never"I smiled. "No! It's weird and if someone hears it everyone will start calling me it" He persuaded. "No I will never stop..Schamlf" I laughed once more. "Right thats it" He said before picking me up by the waist and throwing me over his shoulder spinning me around.

"Schmalf put me down!" I hysterically laughed. "No not until you call me Alfie!" I could instantly picture a smirk on his face. "Fine!" I started. "Alfie put me down!" I begged smacking my hands against his back. 'What's the magic word?" He asked. "Please?" I mumbled resting my elbow on his back leaning my head on my hand- blowing the hair out my face. He then put me down carefully keeping his hands on my waist mine staying on his shoulders. we were just stood. Staring into each others eyes. Our faces had gone from laughter to lust.

"Um..What do you want to do?" I asked awkwardly but still not moving. "Oh right I wanted to show you something come on!" He smiled grabbing my hand running across the park.

We had gotten to a more private part of the park where no one ever goes-according to Alfie. Ahead of me was a huge tree with a tiny wooden hut built inside. A treehouse. "Wow this looks cool" I awed my hand still grasped onto Alfie's. "Yeah wait till you see inside" He smiled. We walked over to the ladder.

"Ladies first" He bowed making me giggle. I let go of his hand and started to climb up the ladder.

When I got up I saw the cutest thing. It was a little room with two blue bean bags in and a little desk and to top it off a little ginger cat resting on one of the bean bags. "Oh hey Todd" Alfie laughed. "Oh is that your cat?" I asked. "Yeah his name is Todd but we call him Toddler" He smiled and looked down embarrassed. "Aw that's cute" I reassured him putting my arm on his shoulder. "Please sit down" He gestured to the bean bags.

I sat down and it was a bit further down than I expected and I fell back a bit. We both laughed our asses off. "Woah wasn't expecting it to be that far down" I laughed. "You should have seen your face! You looked terrified!" Alfie chuckled. "Are you ok?" He asked caring. Aw that's cute. Wait do I have crush on Alfie? No way! I've only known him day! "Zo?" He asked again putting his hand on my knee. Wow he called me Zo. I liked it a lot. It's different when he says it compared to anyone else. Wait Zoe! Ugh! "Oh yeah I'm fine" I blushed pink. "You're so cute" Alfie smiled at me. I smiled back.

I loved this. No one to tell us we can't hang out. Just us. I might have a tiny crush on Alfie. But I can't. Oh god.

Word Count: 1086

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