With The Bad Boy ✔

By xqueenrosie

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"I wouldn't mind watching you. Maybe we could tan together this summer." He suggested. "Without having tan li... More

Story & Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1 | Take A Picture, It'll Last Longer
Chapter 2 | Anything Cheesy Will Do
Chapter 3 | Bad Boys Over Bad Guys
Chapter 4 | A Drunk Prankster Told Me
Chapter 5 | Who Kissed You?
Chapter 6 | A Victim Of Bellamy
Chapter 7 | Jane
Chapter 8 | A Tinge of Jealousy
Chapter 9 | Third-wheeling
Chapter 10 | Lingerie At Homecoming
Chapter 11 | When Sparks Fly, We Ignore Them
Chapter 12 | How To Drown
Chapter 13 | Catching Feelings
Chapter 14 | All That Leather
Chapter 15 | Friday Night Highs
Chapter 16 | Jump
Chapter 18 | Charlie, Charlie Are You There?
Chapter 19 | From The Window, To The Bed
Chapter 20 | Mama's Girl
Chapter 21 | Kisses
Chapter 22 | Ordinary People
Chapter 23 | Spill It
Chapter 24 | What Happens Now
Chapter 25 | Secrets
Chapter 26 | Seduce Me
Chapter 27 | I Spy
Chapter 28 | The Longest Day
Chapter 29 | Pills And Kisses
Chapter 30 | What I Want
Chapter 31 | The Pervy Kid
Chapter 32 | The Creepy Stalker Gets Rejected
Chapter 33 | Girls Chase Boys Chase Girls
Chapter 34 | To Love The Bad Boy
Chapter 35 | Steamy & Dirty
Chapter 36 | They're Coming After Me
Chapter 37 | Her Shadow
Chapter 38 | Bad News
Chapter 39 | The Cookie Thieves
Chapter 40 | The Right Guy
Chapter 41 | Helpless
Chapter 42 | Alive
Author's Note
Chapter 43| The F?
Chapter 44 | This Was It
Chapter 45 | Reality
Chapter 46 | Lights, Camera & Action!
Chapter 47 | Wild Ones
Chapter 48 | Liability
Chapter 49 | Shit Just Got Real
Chapter 50 | Hormonal Teens
Chapter 51 | I'm A Little Insecure But You Can't Know That
Chapter 52 | Caught...
Chapter 53 | Coffee Break
Chapter 54 | Blow A Kiss, Fire A Gun

Chapter 17 | Caramel

5.2K 168 19
By xqueenrosie

I didn't want to go to school today. I was a bit tired by the amazing weekend I had. I really owe it to Brianna for being the best sister in the world. I got up, worked out in the small gym me and Brianna made in the basement. I mostly just ran on a treadmill and then I practiced ballet.

The door bell rang as I laid on my bed observing the see-through canopy fabric. I wasn't expecting anyone. Mom wasn't coming home until tomorrow and Brianna said she'll go shopping with Eliza after school. I opened the door to see Bellamy standing there with his backpack. I smiled and let him in.

"You skipped school." he stated.

"Yea, I was a bit tired so I thought of sleeping in. Shouldn't you be at practice?" I said as we walked into my room.

"I stayed for a while then I got bored so I came here," he said as his gigantic body fell onto my bed.

"How can I entertain you?" I said sarcastically.

"You can start by joining me here," he said patting the space next to him on my bed. I rolled my eyes at his offer and sat on the chair in front of my study table.

"Can I get you something to eat? I baked a caramel flavored cake." Okay I have to admit I started to crave caramel after that awkward encounter. Shameless was all that went through my mind when I baked it.

"If that's what you like, then sure" he said with an obvious smirk playing on his face. He caught me and I let him. Also his sentence didn't make sense to me but I went to get him cake.

"We have a chemistry lab due tomorrow, that's actually why I came." Bellamy said finishing the last bit of cake there was.

"You study? You care about it?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I have a mom who checks on my grades" he said, annoyed.

"Well I have no idea how to do it. Can't I skip it or something?" I felt a bit guilty for bunking the entire week.

"You can't and if you didn't like me kissing - what was her name? I don't know, but if you didn't like that you couldn't just told me rather than skipping class." He smirked. Again.

"I wasn't jealous you idiot. I didn't feel like going to class because it was boring." I said trying to keep it cool.

"Funny because when we mixed different chemicals together you clearly told me you live for this shit." He said making speech marks in the air. I rolled my eyes and shoved him back on the bed.

"Do you want to start or fail?" he said grabbing his backpack.

"Start" I said sheepishly as I grabbed my notebooks.


"It took us three hours, woah!" I said looking at the time on my phone.

"You're welcome" Bellamy said poking me with a pencil.

"Okay, thank you." I said as I stretched my arms.

"Look what I got!" Brianna barged into my room, well the door was already opened. She had tons of bags in her hands. When she saw me and Bellamy on the bed she stopped for a minute but the saw the books and papers around us and started breathing again.

"Is this for me?" I said as I shoved my hands inside the Charles and Keith bag and pulled out the most beautiful hand bags.

"Yes and I hope you like it. It was a last minute plan to go to the city, we would've invited you but then it would've took us longer." She said trying to calm down from the excitement.

"I love it! And its totally okay, I got a lot of work done and Bellamy helped me with my homework." I said as I glanced at Bellamy who had a sheepish smile on his face.

"Okay take a look at these, I'm going to get my bags from downstairs and then I'll go to my room," she said popping in some more bags into the room and then took off.

"What's in these?" Bellamy asked holding up a Victoria's Secret bag.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Put it down and leave." I said as he made a puppy dog face. He looked really cute but I still led him out the door and then he walked inside again and this time he didn't budge when I tried to move him. I sighed.

"Aren't you going to try it on?" He whined. I rolled my eyes.

"No." I said firmly as I folded my arms against my chest.

"I could help you..." He said with a naughty look in his eyes. I instantly felt the air around me get warm. It was a little too hard to breath. I walked towards the window and gladly breathed in the fresh air. "Jane, want me too..." He said huskily as he stepped towards slowly.

My eyes stay glued to him. His movements were slowly kinda sensual if you thought about it. I mentally smacked myself. Did I really just think that?

Wiping the sweat off my forehead as discreetly as I could under Bellamy's dangerous gaze, I shook me head. "Alright," I tried to sound normal but my voice came out hoarse and it almost sounded like I accepted his offer. "You can leave now."

He raised his brow at me. "Really? You sound a little...unsure." He was so close to me. His warm breath hit the tip of my nose and I closed my eyes at the feeling.

His hands grazed mine but I opened my eyes to see him back away from me.

"See you later," He slightly waved at me before turning around and walking out of my room.

I stood there dumbfounded. A little disappointed too.


"So you like like Bellamy?" Brianna asked.

"I don't know, I like him but as I friend I guess."

"What about Luke? He's into you" Brianna's words did get me thinking.

He's a sweet guy but, "he's a player." I said.

"He's a jock. Chris wasn't any different. We weren't serious at all but then eventually things changed for the better and look at us now," her hands exasperated.

"Now you two are horny teenagers," I shivered at noises I reminded myself.

Brianna threw a cushion at me. "Halloween is coming, you need a date." It was actually two weeks away and I can't be bothered.

"All I want to do is trick-or-treat and you and I both know that I live for candy. I'm not partying," I said giving her a look.


PMS controlled me yesterday and today I had an entire bag full of candy with me. I snuck some in class and ate whenever I saw an opening, occasionally offering some to my friends.

I didn't bother buying lunch today. I had candy to help me make it though. I sat between Luke and Bellamy at our lunch table. Harry sat on the table feeding Eliza French fries while Chris at opposite me and Brianna next to him.

"You're eating too much candy today." Bellamy said trying to take a packet of gummy bears from me.

"Yea, stop before a tell your mom." Said Luke trying to snatch it from my hand as I shooed Bellamy's hand away.

"Let her eat guys, you don't want her to kill you," Brianna laughed.

"Stop you guys!" I scolded them.

"Take these fries, you've been eying them for a while now." Chris handed me his plate which I gladly took.

"Are you..." Bellamy wanted to complete his sentence but I glared at him which made him stop. I can't believe these people sometimes.

I ate a few fries then gulped down some of Luke's mango juice, two licorice sticks and went on to eat a milkybar chocolate but Brianna stopped me. "Blake! You better stop before I make you!" she scolded.

"Or what" I groaned.

"You know you have to listen to me! You know very well what I'm capable of doing," she added.

I wasn't sure what exactly she would do but she looked scary so I gave in. I put the chocolates and candies back in a bag and folded my arms with my head on the table.

"Which one of you is the older one?" Harry asked.

"I am" Brianna said with a proud look on her face.

"Oh, no wonder." I heard Chris chuckle and I kicked his leg which made him yelp.

"By how much time" Luke asked.

I raised my head to answer but Brianna cut me off. "We were born on different days, I was born ten minutes before 12am and she was born ten minutes after," she said proudly and I chuckled at her attitude. Everyone was amused by her story.

"Bri, do you have a sweater?" I didn't know what I was feeling in the morning so I wore uggs, jeans and a normal t-shirt. Weird I know.

Brianna opened her mouth to reply but a leather jacket from one side and a jersey from the other popped in front of my face. I leaned back slightly and looked at Bellamy and Luke who were smiling.

"Are you guys for real?" I said biting my lip.

"What a needy little b*tch." Mandy said as she walked by our table eyeing me up and down.

"Whatever Shrek." I yelled as she passed by.

"You don't want to mess with me, got that." She said flipping her hair. Her two minions nodded behind her.

"Or what?" I said raising a brow.

"Wait and watch bitch," she said walking away. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my table.

"Chris you won't mind, would you?" I said pointing at his jacket. Everyone laughed as he took it off and gave it to me.

"Feel the burn," Harry said smirking at Luke and Bellamy.


"Mom!" me and Brianna screamed when we saw her come through the door. After hugging for the longest time ever, we helped her with her bags and lied next to her on her bed. She had already ate dinner and so did we. We spent the night talking all about her time in England. Questions and afters.

When we were done she asked us what we were doing and it was hard trying not to laugh at each other as we made excuses. Mom knew pretty well that we were lying but we went on with our unbelievable lies.

A/N: The rest of the chapters will be better I promise. I'll edit this in summer hopefully so bare with me till then please. A levels is killing me. I also have a lot of drafts for other teen fiction stories. Thank you for reading and supporting me!

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