Bad Habit - Brett Talbot

By lolcallycal

136K 3K 874

Some people bring out the best of you. Some people bring out the worst. Some even bring out both. But some pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 19

3.1K 63 17
By lolcallycal


What just happened? I don't understand why Brett is mad at me. I get that he feels like he is at fault here and that it is his job to protect everyone but come on, he can't be serious. It is impossible to prevent everything that has happened! A knock on my bedroom door startles me from my thoughts and in walks Malia.

"I heard what happened downstairs, Belle," She lays down on my bed next to me.

"He could not have been serious when he said he could have prevented half of the things that have happened! It is impossible for a werewolf, let alone a human to have known that I was going to be kidnapped, my sister was going to be killed and that Peter was the one to appoint who was going to be the crazy maniac to kill anyone with a supernatural ability for money!" I drop down onto my bed letting my body bounce on it as I stare at the roof.

"He's only over reacting because he cares about you," She says while repeating my actions and dropping down next to me. "I know that I've been lost in a forest for 90% of my life but you gotta trust me on this Belle, just talk to him, without getting angry." Malia's right. When Stiles went psycho and was killing everyone I took the blame for it because I felt that I could have done something to stop it because I cared about him. I shoot up from the bed, grab my phone, and shoot him a quick text telling him to meet me at the park.

"Thanks, Malia!" I shout at as I sprint out the door of the house and to the park.


My fingers continue to fiddle with each other as I wait for Brett to arrive. He doesn't live that far away. It's a ten-minute walk max so he can't be that far away. I take a quick glance again at my phone, 6:17 pm. I left at 6. Maybe he isn't coming. Disappointment fills me as the realisation that Brett isn't coming begins to become reality. I shouldn't have come down to him so hard, he just cares about me and I went right off at him. I jump the small distance of the ledge I was on at the park and start walking home.

"Hey Brett, I know this is probably the millionth time I've left you a voicemail and I know you are probably still mad at me but please call me or text me or I don't know send me a written letter or something because I want to apologise for being so rude to you. You just care about me and I'm not used to having someone so protective of me. Anyway, I h-"

Before I could finish the voicemail the phone interrupts me by ending it. A loud sigh leaves my lips. I fucked up badly this time. The one good thing I have in my life that makes me happy, I fucked up. Why do I always do this? As soon as something good comes into my life, I get scared and mess it up. This is a constant cycle that is played over and over again.


"Belle." My name is said in a short and sharp tone.

"Bella." It is now sung.

"Arabelle!" This time, it was screamed right into my ear. "Wake up! We have to go to school!" My eyes cautiously open and are met with Stiles Stilinski inches from my face with an over-enthusiastic smile.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you" I groan to him.

"You wouldn't watch the Star Wars Marathon with me, so yes, I am enjoying this." I roll my eyes.

"Are you seriously waking me up," I begin, quickly glancing at my clock on the wall ", 6:45 in the morning, screaming in my face then making the first thing I see today your grin looking like a mad psycho?"

"I guess so-" before Stiles even let out another stupid word out of his mouth, I hit him in the face making him tumble back from his previous sitting position. I guess you could say I am not much of a morning person. "Whatever, I am leaving in a half 'n' hour, so be ready."

"Kiss my ass" the words come out as a mumble as he walks out of my room. No words could describe how much I despise mornings. However, usually I can tolerate them because Stiles isn't much of a morning person either, but this morning he was especially irritating because he is still pissed that I went straight to bed after dinner instead of watching the stupid Star Wars Marathon.

When I got home I was pretty upset about the whole Brett thing. I know it is my fault but it's just hard coming to the realisation that we probably won't ever get back together. I've always had a hard time creating friendship's let alone relationships, especially after the whole abusive parent's thing.

After I wallow in my own self-pity for a little more longer I get up and don't even bother having a shower when I see I have fifteen minutes left. Deciding that wearing some navy tracksuit pants and a jumper is all the effort I can put into my outfit today, I grab my bag hoping to God everything is in there and make my way to Stiles' car.


After a long day of avoiding questions on why I look what some might say as shit, I am sitting downstairs on the couch watching ready, steady, cook. Spending my night alone like this isn't exactly what I anticipated.

"Hey kiddo," the voice of Mr Stilinski wakes me up from my day dreaming. The man sits down next to me and turns his head to look at me. Mr Stilinski has been a father to me for a good part of my life. He always supported me through everything and kept my family issues a secret from the police when I asked him. Although he obviously does not know all of the details of everything that happened and he knows that he doesn't.

"How are you doing Mr Stilinski?" I ask him, turning to look at him. A small grin appears on his face.

"Not too bad at all," he replies. I nod at him and turn back to my tv show. We sat there in silence for a little bit even though we both knew what he wanted to ask. "So Belle."

"Yes?" I say without looking at him.

"Can I ask why you are sitting in the lounge room watching ready, steady, cook? Just a little curious because Stiles is out and about tonight and he only gets invited out when you do so I'm a bit confused as to what is happening." Neither of us looks at each other and just sit in silence. My mind goes at 100 kilometres a second trying to find a good excuse as to why I'm sitting here watching re-runs of a cooking show.

"Well Mr Stilinski," I begin and slowly trail off. Absolutely nothing comes to mind that would sound reasonable.

"Now Belle, I want the truth so you better think about what you are going to say to me. I am a sheriff you know, I can tell when someone is lying," Mr Stilinski tries to warn me.

"With all respects sir, but I'm not too sure if you are that good at seeing if someone is lying just considering the fact that Stiles lied about the werewolf thing for like two years and everything-"

"Belle, you better watch it."

"Okay, okay," I say in defeat. The truth is going to be awkward to admit considering his protectiveness over me. "Well, long story short I messed up and lost someone really important to me." Tears threaten to fall once again but I refuse to cry again today.

"Does this have anything to do with this Brett kid?"

"Absolutely not-"

"I always thought he was trouble," Mr Stilinski starts to rattle off. My eyes roll to the back of my head. 

"Yeah you and just the rest of the town," I mutter quietly. Silence overwhelms us once again as the awkwardness of the situation begins to play in our minds.

"Look, if he won't hear you out then he probably isn't worth is it, Belle," he begins to say. "You really are a beautiful girl and you care so much for other people and if he refuses to see it than he doesn't deserve you." A small smile appears on my face as my spirit lifts slightly. If only he knew the full story maybe he wouldn't be saying something like that.

"Thanks, Mr. Stilinski," my smile grows as my body untangles itself from the blanket and wraps itself around his body into a hug.

"Now tomorrow you better be cooking a solid meal for dinner otherwise I am going to be greatly disappointed in you!" He jokes as he stands up and ruffles my hair. His smile beams down to me while he walks away to his room.

How did I get so lucky to have such a great person in my life?


um so it has been a second

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