rain showers | c.yj

By sunyeols

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"why is it that you only notice me under the rain showers?" choi youngjae // got7 More

Rain Showers
End Note


1K 67 40
By sunyeols

  Excitement flourished inside the petite girl's body, greatly contrasting with her previous days of gloom and blues.

  Rays of brilliant sun light leaked into the room, filling every inch it could reach. Blue skies full of puffy white clouds stretched across like cotton candy greeted all those outside with a cheerful manner.

  Melachonic singing of the birds could be heard, reminding everybody of the positvity in the new day.

  Bambam smiled happily at the female, more than overjoyed to see his friend smiling again.

  "Are you sure this is okay?" Yuri asked again for the twentieth time, lifting up the soft fabric of her clothes.

  Bambam assured Yuri it was fine, laughing slightly at the girl who repeatedly kept checking everything to make sure it was okay.

  Yuri grinned whole heartedly, jumping slightly with excitement for the day.

  She had missed this exciliriating feeling of joy, the intense yet enjoyable sensation of electricity running all over your body.

  Every sense that dampened down before was now running wild with high spirits, almost like her body had gone through a jump start.

  Only yesterday she was dreading this day but now, it felt like everything would go perfectly.

  Youngjae had already messaged her the information last night so she was certain of where she was going to meet him. What she wasn't so sure with was what they were going to be doing.

  "I hope we don't go to a fun fair or something, I get really bad motion sickness." Yuri mumbled to herself, nervously fixing her air.

  Bambam chuckled at the girl, feeling happy for his friend, "Shouldnt you get going soon?"

  Yuri's head snapped instantly towards the clock, realisation smacking her as she noticed how close the long hand was to the twelve.

  "Thank you so much Bambam, uh, just let yourself out, help yourself to food too!" Yuri quickly said in frantics, grabbing a bag and running out of the room leaving behind an amused male.

  Shouting a barely understandable bye to her mother, she flew out the doorway and down the stairs, skipping a few whilst trying not to fall. Her shoes threw up grit as she skidded to a halt at the end of her front garden before looking up and down the pavement. Not wanting to create any more embarrassment, Yuri walked down the pavement more casually but with a subtle quickness.

  Once the all too familar park came up in sight, her footsteps quickened into a brisk walk, brushing past the odd person with a sincere apology called out in haste.

  Slowing down to a steady halt, the girl light heatedly walked towards the male - with a slight skip - who sat on a bench, perfectly matching with the serene beauty around him.

  Youngjae's eyes widened slightly at the sight of the girl, his breath taken away ever so briefly.
  "You look um... Good today." He spoke hesitantly, shyness creeping up his neck.

  Yuri smiled gently, happiness radiating off her, "Ah Kunpimook helped me."

  Youngjae's eyebrows furrowed significantly, his eyes darkening which went unnoticed by the girl.

  His indecorous jealously only shown for mere seconds before quickly being washed away with the realisation that he had no right.

  It was completely unfair on the girl to give her any sort of hope or signal that he may still have lingering feelings for her (despite the fact he did although he dared not admit it).

  Now that she was standing in front of him, all confidence he had shriveled. Everything he planned flew from his conscious.

  It was unexplainable how just the sight of her would melt his heart, yet the inexplicable rush of excitement when he laid eyes of Anya eminently contradicted the sensations he felt for Yuri.

  Despite this though, his heart never recated similarly to Anya as it once did to the girl before him.

  A part of him missed it so much, almost yearning for it and pushing against this was the voice saying to quit and move on.

  Nevertheless, he certainly couldn't just ditch her completely, and so a rekindling friendship was what he aimed for this day.

  "Youngjae?" Her voice tenative and docile, a slight quiver of worry.

  "What?" He blurted, forgetting that she was waiting, "Oh wait yes um, cafe!"

  Youngjae flushed at his nervous ramble, feeling embarrased.

  Yuri gently laughed, smiling at the male sincerely, "It's okay, just relax."

  The male anxiously chuckled but felt soothed lightly as the girl placed a soft touch on his arm.

  "Let's go." She said with enthusiasm.

  Nodding, Youngjae lead her on.

  Darkness settled itself in, sweeping over the city like a silencer as the hectic music of everyday sounds ceased through a diminuendo.

  Faint whispers of stars could be seen in the whisp covered sky, but none clear enough for the toxic fumes of humanity's creations blurred them. Instead, the moon shone for it's relatives, casting a luminous shadow over city squares and looming buildings.

  Lights dazzled with excitement and flourish, creating a breathtakingly beautiful ocean of various colours.

  Within all this beauty were Youngjae and Yuri, walking side by side admiring the street light affects on the roadside puddles.

  Whenever a car with beaming headlights passed, the two would watch the illumination in the transparent pools of water with fascination.

  "Thank you Youngjae, today was fun." Yuri mumbled with tiredness.

  Youngjae opened his mouth to reply before a loud shriek of laughter interrupted his phrase.

  Yuri jumped with alertness, wondering what it was.

  "Ahhh, Youngjae!" A voice sang with a slur, the owner swaying side to side with a bottle in hand.

  "Anya?" Youngjae spoke with surprise, approaching her carefully.

  Yuri worriedly looked from behind.

  "I think she's drunk." Yuri mumbled the obvious.

  Youngjae nodded, lifting his arm slightly as the drunken girl suddenly wrapped herself around him.

  "I never knew she drank." Yuri ssid thoughtfully, a frown on her face.

  Youngjae looked down at the girl with slight disappointment but concern none the less, "I'm going to take her home, Yuri will you be okay?"

  No was what she wanted to say, of course she wouldn't, but looking at the state of Anya, she couldn't bear to leave her like this.

  "Yes." She weakly replied, hiding her fright.

  Youngjae quickly said a sorry before dragging Anya away gently.

  Yuri watched them leave, her mind screaming at her to shout for him and change her mind but she only stayed still.

  I'm such an idiot.

  Yuri no longer stood in a city of magnificent beauty but instead, a city filled with dangers.


  My writing style (if it can even be called that) is so inconsistent. Sometimes I describe it a lot, sometims its just oure thoughts and other times its judt really really simple? I cant find a way I like to write sigh.

anYWays 4 chapters (roughly) left here we gO


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