rain showers | c.yj

Von sunyeols

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"why is it that you only notice me under the rain showers?" choi youngjae // got7 Mehr

Rain Showers
End Note


1K 64 58
Von sunyeols

  "Bambam, is Yuri okay?" Youngjae asked the younger male with a worried expression. He leaned to the side slightly to peer over his shoulder.

  Yuri could be seen in the music room, her head resting ontop of a xylophone.

  Bambam gave the boy no sympathy or friendliness, his face, instead, showing mild dissapointment.

  "Just leave her be for a bit." Bambam replied, casually leaning against the doorway wall, purposefully blocking his way.

  Youngjae sighed, slightly frustrated. The girl had been ignoring him now for a few days yet he had no idea why.

  A clatter of woody notes came from the xylophone behind accompanied by dazed mumbles.

  "Kunpimook, how long was I asleep?" Yuri called out in a sleepy voice which was almost like ethereal.

  Youngjae felt the same flutter inside his body that he used to have when he heard her voice.

  "Kunpimook, what are you doing at the door- oh."

  The two stared at each other, but there was a massive difference between the two.

  One heart still raced yet the other's had dulled away.

  Youngjae immedietly stared, "Yuri, I wanted to apologise for whatever I've done to you but I'm not too sure what exactly it is."

  Bambam snorted slightly, finding the fact that he was apologising without knowing what for being ridiculous.

  Yuri mumbled quietly, saying something along the lines of "it's okay".

  Youngjae's face fell slightly, seeing her eyes dull at the sight of him and her body language becoming twitchy and nervous.

  "Yuri, I'll help with the composition in the minute, I just need to ask Youngjae something." Bambam beckoned the girl back into the room but Youngjae quickly pulled her back much to her surprise.

  "Wait Yuri please, can we talk?" Youngjae pleaded.

  Bambam sighed, moving forward to pull the persistant boy away but Yuri shook her head.

  "No it's okay Kunpimook, thank you so much for your help." Yuri smiled at the boy gently, waving a small bye as he left rather reluctlantly.

  "Do you want go outside to talk? It's raining but I'm sure you wouldn't mind that." Youngjae chuckled, knowing the girl's love for the rain. However he wasn't expecting the reply that came.

  "No." Yuri quickly said, her face becoming pained slightly whilst staring at her twirling thumbs.

  Frowning, the male looked at the girl questionably but decided not to say anything about it.

  Instead, he lead her into the library, figuring that it would probably be empty since it was after school hours.

  "Why are you ignoring me?" Youngjae asked.

  Yuri was about to go quiet and not reply as per usual but something came over her.

  She was becoming tired of always being quiet, tired of her fear to speak her mind or to say the wrong thing.

  Yuri bravely opened her mouth to reply, "Shouldn't I be asking you that? It's almost like you've completely forgotten who I am and the funny thing is, you haven't even noticed."

  Youngjae blinked, surprised by this newer side of the girl, "I don't quite understand."

  Sighing, the girl stared at the boy with a tired expression, "All I ever hear is Anya this and Anya that. I know it's probably just me being selfish but for once can't we just talk like we did before."

  Youngjae couldn't reply, guilt was overcoming him.

  Before, he hadn't even realised what he was doing but now, after being told, it all became so obvious.

  Looking back on it all, he was realising how horrible he had been; the amount of times he brushed her off and ignored her completely was endless.

  They were supposed to start over too; Yuri had gone through so much torment but here he was, tossing her aside all for his own desires.

  Suddenly an idea came to the boy's mind, "Are you free this Saturday?"

  Yuri blinked twice, taken aback by the out of the blue question, "Yes?"

  Youngjae beamed brightly, "Great! How about we meet up?"
  Her eyebrows nitted slightly but she replied with a yes, pleasing the boy.

  Youngjae grinned, "I'll see you then!"

  Yuri mumbled an okay whilst waving goodbye to the boy, watching him leave her yet again.

  She felt bad for still feeling disappointment, she knew that Youngjae had good intentions on this weekend to make up for his mistake but she couldn't help it.

  It almost felt like he still didn't care that much, not as much as he used to however.

  Yuri sighed, taking one last look at the quiet, empty libary before walking out towards the school exit.

  And when she came to the school doors, staring out at the dreich, misery weather, Yuri was dreading the first steps out into the open.

  Harsh rain thundered down, battering everything in it's path to the ground.

  She questioned how she ever loved this gloomy downpour.

  Rain only meant coldness and bitterness, there was nothing sweet about it.

  So for once in a life time, Yuri opened up the umbrella and walked out into the open.


  So I am planning to try and finish this book in the next week or so but dont expect any promises. I finally know how to end this (thank) but it all depends on how much time I have.

  In the mean time, shameless promoting, but please  check out my othwr youngjae fic Twenty Five Reasons, thank you!!


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