Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El

By HisPrincess6996

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*BEING REWRITTEN- DO NOT READ IT WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE* The girls are going on the first tour, and are super e... More

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El
Chapter One ~ Ha, The Zit Fairy Came Last Night.
Chapter Two ~ But at what cost?
Chapter Three ~ I can't believe I just did that.
Chapter Four ~ You're an idiot.
Chapter Five ~ Come Out Of The Bathroom
Chapter Six ~ Better Than I Thought.
Chapter Seven ~ Can't Even Look At A Picture Of Him
Chapter Eight ~ And That Scares Me The Most
Chapter Nine ~ The Four Girls
Chapter Ten ~ The Music Video
Chapter Eleven ~ I'm Going To Regret This
Chapter Twelve ~ Fuck You Styles, fuck you.
Chapter Thirteen ~ How Could I Ever Learn To Trust Him Again?
Chapter Fourteen ~ Psh, I Know I'm Right
Chapter Fifteen ~ Okay Caitlin, Don't Drool
Chapter Sixteen ~ You're Too Pretty To Cry
Chapter Seventeen ~ Who is Cindy Rose?
Chapter Eighteen ~ Guess What? Chicken Butt
Chapter Nineteen ~ Opening Act
Chapter Twenty ~ Maybe Niall's Making A Choice
Chapter Twenty One ~ What? It Was Just A Question!
Chapter Twenty Two ~ The Life Drained From Me
Chapter Twenty Three ~ I Am Jealous
Chapter Twenty Four ~ Just... Leave
Chapter Twenty Five ~ You Could Be My Motivation
Chapter Twenty Six ~ I Love You Too, Liz
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ I Promise, You Won't Regret This
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ She Looks Happy
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ I Don't Want To Get Up
Chapter Thirty ~ Make Their Day
Chapter Thirty One ~ Lucky Butts
Chapter Thirty Two ~ You
Chapter Thirty Three ~ It's Got To Suck
Chapter Thirty Four ~ How Hard Is It To Send One Text?
Chapter Thirty Five ~ What Year Do They Think This Is?
Chapter Thirty Six ~ All Nice And Wet
Chapter Turdy Seven ~ I Can't Wait
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Hell Yeah
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ What Are You Doing?
Chapter Forty ~ Do I?
Chapter Forty One ~ Sing Me A Song
Chapter Forty Two ~ Tattoo
Chapter Forty Three ~ That's Different
Chapter Forty Four ~ What Do You Want To Do
Chapter Forty Five ~ For Real
Chapter Forty Six ~ Say Cheese
Chapter Forty Seven ~ I Really Am
Chapter Forty Eight ~ I Am Super Hungry
Chapter Fifty ~ Red As A Tomato
Chapter Fifty One ~ I'm The Better Twin
Chapter Fifty Two ~ Just Thinking
Chapter Fifty Three ~ Argue Him On That
Chapter Fifty Four ~ Photos Niall Sent To Me
Chapter Fifty Five ~ Love You, Baby
Chapter Fifty Six ~ Blueberry Pancakes
Chapter Fifty Seven ~ Blogs and Best Days
Chapter Fifty Eight ~ Stop Being So Whipped
Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Credit Cards and Worries
Chapter Sixty ~ Got To Keep It A Secret
Chapter Sixty One ~ They Are Amazing
Chapter Sixty Two ~ I'm In Fricken Love
Chapter Sixty Three ~ Thank You And I Love You All
Chapter Sixty Four ~ Ready Or Not
Chapter Sixty Five ~ Crowds and Men Old Men
Chapter Sixty Six ~ Why Don't We Go Have Some Fun
Chapter Sixty Seven ~ Keep Yourselves Grounded
Chapter Sixty Eight ~ Johnny Parkenson
Chapter Sixty Nine ~ One Word. Two Syllables.
Chapter Seventy ~ For Caitlin's Sake
Chapter Seventy One ~ It Would Mean A Lot To Us
Chapter Seventy Two ~ The Interview Type Show
Chapter Seventy Three ~ Two Things
Chapter Seventy Four ~ I Hope It's All Good
Chapter Seventy Five ~ You All Suck
Chapter Seventy Six ~ Get The Door
Chapter Seventy Seven ~ Once And For All
Chapter Seventy Eight ~ Tension
Chapter Seventy Nine ~ Consider It
Chapter Eighty ~ Melt Your Guy Into A Puddle
Chapter Eighty One ~ Stop Thinking About Harry
Chapter Eighty Two ~ Roll Right Out
Chapter Eighty Three ~ Go Fuck Off, I'm Tired
Chapter Eighty Four ~ Sisterly Love
Chapter Eighty Five ~ Monkey's Ass
Chapter Eighty Six ~ A Surprise For You All
Chapter Eighty Seven ~ Who Cares?
Chapter Eighty Eight ~ Damn, Did It Feel Great
Chapter Eighty Nine ~ Does It Fit
Chapter Ninety ~ The Last Chapter :'(

Chapter Forty Nine ~ You're The Worst

906 20 6
By HisPrincess6996

Here is the next chapter!


*Read Authors Note*


Liz's P.O.V

                I groaned and opened my eyes when I felt someone moving around next to me. Looking to my left I saw that Niall was still sleeping next to me. Last night dinner went great. He said all the right things, making my mom blush a few times and asking my father about work. He even told Toby a few of his soccer stories, but he explained it by calling it football. They got into one of those playful fights, pointing out reasons why the other was wrong.

                He was so great. I knew he would be and I knew my family would love him. I do admit I was surprised how much my father had taken a liking to him. My father hated every one of my boyfriends without even meeting them. I'm just glad that my father seems to like him. I know that my mother likes him already because she pulled me aside last night, telling me how much she likes him.

                Kacey was surprisingly quiet which was weird. Normally she's such a loud little girl. Well I guess not so little anymore. She's gotten bigger since I last saw her, but she's still small as ever. I know that she's just nervous around Niall because she likes his band so much. Hell I still do, especially when he pointed out the poster I have of them hanging over my desk. He teased me about till he literally fell asleep while in the middle of a sentence.

                I snapped out of my thoughts when Niall stirred again. I smiled and reached up, tracing his jaw line. I don't and will never understand what this man sees in me. I'm still just the same old Liz who got nervous talking to boys. The X Factor changed me and gave me the confidence I needed, well it was only a little bit of confidence but still. He looks at me like I'm perfect, the same way I look at him. I just don't get it.

                I traced down his neck and onto his chest, lightly tracing now. I remember when he started growing his chest hair. He was so excited about it. He'd bring it up every day and show me all the time. It was pretty funny. To be honest though, I never was one for chest hair. But I love Niall with it. It's really sexy and I can't imagine him without it. Just like his blonde hair.

                I brought my hand back up to his face, cupping his cheek and rubbing my thumb across his cheek. A small smile played on his lips and he opened his eyes. His smile grew as he actually woke up and looked down at me.

"That's a great way to wake up." He said, sliding his arm under me and wrapping it around my waist pulling me closer. I laughed and scooted closer, looking up at him more. Leaning in, I kissed his jaw and then put my head on his chest.

"Liz, we still need to talk about last night. I don't want you to feel like you can't decorate our flat the way you want to. Put as much pink or blue as you want. It's our place, please don't feel like that." Niall said, then kissed the top of my head.

"I know, it's just... like I said last night. I like seeing you get so excited over those little things. It's a nice step back from all the fame. I tell you what, as soon as we get home I'll buy the brightest pink thing I find." I teased, making him laugh.

"That would be perfect."


                I walked down the stairs, my flip flops making a loud banging noise. We were all going to the beach for a little while. August it about as hot as it gets up here so it's perfect for going to the beach. Anyway, I was dressed in my black fringe bikini that showed off my favorite belly button ring. My parents still don't know about it, but I'm hoping they won't make that big of a deal about it. Besides, I'm almost twenty one.

                I was also wearing a pair of jean shorts over my bikini bottoms and then a tribal print tank top. My hair was in loose waves and I wasn't wearing any makeup. If I did the salt water would definitely make the eye liner run or something like that. I really didn't want that.

"Yeah, we should defiantly do that sometime. If you ever come up to London I can get us tickets." I heard Niall say as I walked into the kitchen.

                He was wearing a black bathing suit, the one I got him last year, and a white tee shirt. Dad was helping Kacey with her tying her bathing suit. My mother was at the center island packing a picnic basket. I smiled at the amount of food and walked over to Toby, who was the person Niall was talking to.

"That would be awesome. Hey Liz, guess who's meeting us at the beach." Toby said, turning to me. I took Niall's hand before telling Toby to just tell me.

"Kim. She took off work so she can see you." Toby said. I immediately smiled, knowing I would be seeing her soon.

"Yay! I can't wait to see Kimmy. Oh Niall, that Toby's steady girlfriend." I said, directing the last part to Niall. He nodded and was about to say something but my father spoke first, telling us all that we should get going.

                I tightened my grip on Niall's hand and led him towards the back door. Niall opened the door, letting my family out first. I laughed and poked his side, telling him he was being such a gentlemen. He laughed and took my hand, closing the door behind us.

"Are we walking to the beach?" Niall asked, noticing my family beginning to walk down the hill. I nodded and started to swing our hand back and forth.

                When we got to the hill I saw that the ocean was actually being calm today. It was amazing really, especially because the waves can get really rough sometimes. I laughed a little, remembering how many times I would run down this hill. I'd be so happy that we were going to swim in the ocean and I'd always be the first to get here. I was always the most rambunctious of my family.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked, squinting because of the sun.

"I was just thinking about all the times I would be running down this hill. This one time I was about seven or eight and we were going to swim in the ocean and I tripped and I fell, rolled down the hill, and ended up breaking my arm." I said, looking over at Niall.

                That day was so horrible. It started out really great because my seven or eight year old self was so excited about swimming. But that stupid rock got in my way and I went tumbling down the hill. But I got a pink cast so I guess in the end it was worth it.

"I would've paid to see that." Niall laughed and we reached the bottom of the hill. I opened my mouth in shock and shoved him, which only made him laugh harder.

"You're the worst." I said, dropping his hand and crossing my arms. I pretended to pout, but when he tickled my side I couldn't help but laugh.

                I ran away from him, towards where my mother was setting up the blanket and Toby was blowing up a blue raft. Niall caught up to me, still laughing. I rolled my eyes at him, but wrapped my arms around his waist. Sure it defeated the whole 'I'm mad at you' thing I had going on, but I don't really care. I just want to be closer to him.

"You wanna go swimming now? It's hot." I said, looking up at him. I had to squint because of the sun, but I was able to see him nod. Plus he said yes, so that works too.

                I kicked off my sandals, feeling the warm sand on my toes. I pulled off my tank top and set it down next to the shoes. After unbuttoning the jean shorts I was wearing I took them off, leaving me in my bathing suit. I looked to my left, where Niall was taking off his shirt.

                After he was done I told my mom we'd be in the water and then grabbed Niall's hand, dragging him towards the water. I stepped in the water first, put then got right back out because the water was really cold.

"It's cold." I whined, making Niall laugh and roll his eyes. He walked into the water and then turned back around, saying,

"Hop on, babe."

"No, I'm too heavy." I said, shaking my head.

"Just get on, you're as light as a feather."

                I rolled my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders, steadying myself before jumping on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. His arms locked onto the back of my thighs, making sure I wouldn't fall.

                I put my head on his left shoulder, kissing his cheek. He smiled in the middle of my kiss and started walking deeper into the water. Soon my feet were in the water, and then my legs. It made me gasp a little and try to climb up Niall a bit more.

"So if this is cold to you, what about this?" Niall asked.

                 I was about to ask what he meant by that but I found out the answer when he ducked under the water, dragging me down with him. As soon as I was down I stood back up, just in time for Niall to resurface as well.

"You ass, I wasn't even ready." I laughed, splashing him.

                He shrugged and splashed back, a huge smile on his face. I splashed him back, which started a splashing war. My face was dripping with salt water and Niall wasn't in a better condition either. I turned around, ready to run away but Niall's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me out of the water. Before I could say anything he let me go and I fell into the water. When I stood back up I glared at him.

"I hate you."

"No, you love me Liz. Don't even try to deny it." Niall teased, winking at the end. I laughed and nodded, not going to argue there.

"Hey love birds, wanna come play volleyball?" Toby said, making Niall and I turn to look at them. I didn't even know he brought the net.

                It was placed in the shallow water, which was good. The bottom had sandbags, which we heavy but worth it. With Niall here we finally have a fair amount of people. I looked over at Niall, smiling and biting my lip, my eyes wide. Niall laughed and nodded, saying,

"How could I say no to that face." I laughed and took his hand, dragging him over to where my family was taking positions.

                After a few minutes of debating who was on each team, we decided to just to do girls verses boys. It was an even amount if you ask me. The only problem is that while the water goes up to mine and my mother's lower calves , it was up to Kacey's upper thighs. She said she didn't mind though, and we continued anyway. I was across from Niall, my mother across from my father, and then Kacey across from Toby.

"You are so going to lose, Liz." Niall said. I rolled my eyes and said,

"You are on."


There's the chapter! I hope you liked it. I know it's not as long as the last one, but hey... it's still pretty long. I'm trying to make the chapters while they are on break longer than usual, so this way there aren't like 20 chapters of just the break. Haha!

So I got my braces... :/

It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. They are blue, in case you are wondering. Haha. Oh I have one more thing. I'm thinking about publishing this book. Here's the description.

                Amanda Robinson has always had family issues. After getting a full scholarship for UCL in her dream city, she's ready to leave her constant fighting family for a carefree life in London. As soon as she arrived she knew that she was going to enjoy it.

                When Amanda meets up with long time friend Eleanor, she meets other people as well. When she starts having feelings for a certain Irish boy, she can't help but get scared. She doesn't want anything to happen, she's too scared. She can't help but distant herself, she can't fall in love.

                Can she?

Okay, so there is it. Let me know if you think I should publish it. Thank you!!!!

So please VOTE and COMMENT lil' Gummy Worms! I seriously love seeing you all comment and it means the world to me. So please comment cuz I love it when you do!!!


P.s. Jay Cee El hit 20K reads and I just want to say a huge thank you!! I know that you all probably read it, because it's the first book. Haha, so thank you for reading!!

P.P.s Did the title trick you? I thought maybe you'd think it would be bad. Haha, I'm sorry that I'm a loser...

--The pic on the side is her bikini and clothes. It's so cute!! Haha, byee!!

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