e s p o i r

By freyaii

179K 7.3K 7.9K

❝Hearts break, it's what they're made for. People love anyway, it's what they're made for.❞ ... More

♥ A M O U R ♥
Character Aesthetics
01. Nefelibata
02. Saudade
03. Parallelism
04. quaquaversal
05. Aspectabund
06. Coruscate
07. Logastellus
08. Hallucinating
09. Palinoia
10. Noosphere
11. Oniochalasia
12. Phosphenes
13. Mélomanie
14. Catharsis
15. Devastation
16. Petrichor
17. Serenity
18. Heliophilia
19. Nyctophilia
20. Fueillemort
21. Panacea
22. exhilarating
23. Tarantism
24. Solivagant
25. Psithurism
26. Gumusservi
27. Metanoia
28. Eudaimonia
29. Convivencia
30. Alharaca
31. Illecebrous
32. Weltschmerz
33. Tausendsassa
34. Amaranthine
35. Appetence
36. Kalopsia
37. Habromania
38. La douleur exquise
39. Anagapesis
40. Euneirophrenia
41. Accismus
42. Stellar
43. Fanaa
44. Breathe
♥ A/N ♥
A/N additional


4.7K 188 347
By freyaii

Four years later//

I anxiously stirred the spoon in the cup of creamed coffee ahead me, sitting on the the surprisingly comfortable seats in the coffee bar of the arrival lounge of Kanto Airport. Perhaps it seemed so comfortable because of the slight change in surface I had encountered, because formerly my back was paralyzed due to sitting on the same seat for a full four hour long flight. A little change was good.

I could not prevent myself from deeply inhaling the nostalgia in the air of Kanto again. It had been four years since I had last inhaled this fragrance of fresh blooming flowers and lively lakes. Four long years of studying psychology at my dream university and getting a bachelor's degree in psychology. Turns out it wasn't that dreamy.

I missed my home, but dare not I visited even for the holidays. It was pretty painful to leave the place where I had grown up at the first place, I wouldn't like to go through that heart wrenching feeling of bidding farewell to my loved ones, maneuvering my way through the departure zone again. God, no.

A reason why I never looked back might be because I didn't have the courage to. My motive was to smoothly go through my four year long course and only return after getting my diploma. Airports are such sentimental drainage systems and therefore, I spent four years solely focusing on my studies and pinching myself at the thought of home.

Not that I got any better at Chemistry, though. Sad life.

But now's the fortunate ceremonial day, I'm finally back to Kanto, my home.

Done with reclaiming my luggage from the carousal, I found it a priority to leave the lounge as hastily as possible. Therefore, I soon found myself at the arrivals, where I found a lot of random people clung to the railings, probably awaiting someone's presence.

I held tight to the handle of my trolley bag, while the strap of my handbag looped around my left elbow. I moistened my lips, searching for any familiar face I left back four years ago.

My eyes finally met a pair of familiar blue one's as my heart sank in pure joy. My mother stood at the end of the railings waving at me with glittery eyes.

The edge of my lips curved as I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her, she did the same and soon I released her from the embrace,

"I missed you!" My mom smiled heartily, I just nodded.

I spotted three extremely familiar dogs obediently aligned behind my mother, their mouth wide open in pure bliss as my heart skipped a beat. I kneeled down, opening my arms as the trio pounced upon me. Fenny, Panchy and Sylvie. They had grown up into such finely built, well-bred and well-trained dogs I had never even expected. I was glad they remembered me, I had been absent for the 4/5 of their lives. Stroking through their thick silky fur with a wide smile plastered on my face, I looked back up at my mom who hadn't changed a sliver,

"Thanks for taking care of them." I smiled, "There were just my little puppies four years ago. I'm glad you brought them up well."

"Well, if it isn't my little Serry." a voice came from behind, making my head perk up in exhilaration.


I turned around as I wrapped my hands around her intimately. Dawn hadn't changed much either, except for the fact that she was my top fashion designer now.

"I wanted to make your arrival a ceremonial one, but I couldn't arrange a concert here, so I got you this." She said before handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"I missed you." I spoke, my voice shaky and my eyes watery as I refused to release her from the second hug I tied her into.

She shook her head before taking a deep breath and wrapping her arms around me,

"I missed you too. Too much. Everyday." She smiled, sincerity in her eyes.

"How was Kalos?" I asked her.

"It was amazing. Those were some memories I made in the arts and design field. And now I'm living my dream." She grinned.

It was true. No matter how lost we get in this carnival called life, we'll eventually reach our destination, where we belong. And this reality would hit us like a prolonged 'Oh' when we'll see destiny's plan unravelling bit by bit. And soon we stand where we belong.

"I'm proud of you." I smiled.

"I'm proud of you too, for acing that psychology course." She nodded, "And how's the book coming?"

Oh, and I was an author now.

"Fan-freaking-tastic." I giggled, "Just stuck on the epilogue. Don't know what to write."

"You're a great writer, I know that you'll come up with something." She gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"So, home then?" Mom chirped.

I battled a swarm of butterflies in my stomach before speaking up, "C-can we wait for a moment? Ash's plane is about to land."

Ash. Four years. Four heartbreaking years of being thousands of miles apart. Four painful years of only seeing each other on screens. Four years of trying to touch his face but only to be met with a cold screen of laptop. Four heart wrenching years of hearing his voice every night before bed, but only on phone. Four years of looking at the moon, hoping he'd be peering the same moon, under the same sky, illuminated by the same stars.

Long distance relationships are so cruel.

And after these painfully long years, I was finally finally going to see him again. I kept him updated on everything happening in my life. He knew my new friends at the university, my teachers, my colleagues, Heck even the janitors.

Ash kept me updated about his recent football matches, even though I watched every single one of them on the television, it was better to hear it from him. He showed me his new apartment, awards, trophies he won, his entire life from his point of view, But again, through the screen.

The time I lived without him seemed so -- Un-lived.

Not less than a hundred guys asked me out at the university, everyone told me to leave him, that he was too far, to give up on him, to find someone who wasn't thousands of miles away. But in the end, everyone gave in to my love for someone who only lived only inside the screen.

Every single one at the campus knew I was in a long distance relationship, everyone sympathized, everyone legit shipped us, everyone hoped that we meet again soon, their hearts melted to the four years I endured without seeing him, yet loving so unconditionally. The world lost to our love.

I loved him too much to even think of letting go.

I Skyped him every night before bed, called him after I was done with my class and texted him like, every minute, and missed him with every passing heartbeat.

Gosh, I missed him.

And now he was coming back. Just to meet me. You could only think how big this was for me.

"Oh right." Dawn slammed her hand on her forehead dramatically, "How can I forget, lover boy is also arriving today."

A shade of pink crept up my cheeks as I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"Serena, how about you come with Dawn? That way you two can wait for Ash and I can go home and prepare some lunch for you guys."

"Sounds great." I nodded as my mom pulled out the keys of her car and left, the dog trio trailed behind her.

Finding a suitable place to sit, Dawn and I chatted like the old times. We were adults now, but it felt just as young as I felt years ago. Like the old times were back.

"I can't believe you guys are still in a relationship, Long distance relationship sucks." Dawn pouted, "But I'm so happy that you'd be finally together now. I mean, you never got the chance to be a live couple, as soon as you were, Ash departed for Uni and weeks later you did too."

"You can only guess how big this is for me." I smiled heartily, my eyes still fixed on the arrivals gateway.

People drained out of the lounge, showing their devotion to their loved ones. I was positive that I could spot Ash within a blink of eye among a million people. But sadly, no raven haired guy caught my eye. Moments passed and no sign of Ash.

"Are you sure Ash didn't miss his flight." Dawn asked with a hint of concern.

"Yeah - I --" My heartbeat dropped as my eyes caught a glimpse of auburn eyes full of golden specks.

When I drank Ash in, my pulse skittered in, and all the feeling that I'd spent years keeping in check came flooding back.

Holy mother Mary.

He was even more gorgeous than he'd been four years ago, as if that's somehow possible.

"Ash-" I barely spoke, fighting back a rabble of butterflies. Along with my vividly popping eyes, the air between my lungs paused and I left everything behind and ran as fast as I possibly could.

Ash's eyes met mine, the same warmth engulfed me entirely. The edge of his lips curved heartily at my sight as I threw myself at him with the entire might in me, wrapping my arms so tightly around him that letting go wasn't an option.

The same broad chest and sandalwood scent that was the beginning of everything we were traced along my senses. God, I missed this feeling. This was my home and I had been homesick for so long.

Ash knotted his arms around me, his heartbeat fluttering against my chest, he rested his head above my strawberry scented hair, "Holy Shit--" He muttered as he stroked through my hair, "I missed you."

The sound of Dawn harrumphing pulled us out of our reveries, "Excuse me, love birds, but you've got plenty of time to make out, okay? Right now, let's get going!"

A faint blush crept up my cheek as I shyly released the hug. Ash and I trailed after Dawn and as soon as we entered the parking lot, my eyes immediately spotted Diamond, wrongly parked again. It was obvious that a vintage light blue car would stand out among the boring black and white ones.

"It still works?" Ash's eyes widened while I giggled.

"Of course it does." Dawn glared, "And I find it offensive, but imma let it slide this time, K?"

The airport was at a significant distance from my house, this the drive was full of chatters, Of Dawn telling how it was like being a fashion designer, Ash telling how it was like playing internationally in a football team and I telling how it was like to write a New York times bestseller.

The sight of my home sent me into complete euphoria, it was unbelievable how there wasn't forest all around, but rather new houses and inhabitants. We had neighbors now. Wow.

My house obviously seemed enormously gigantic after four years of living in that matchbox I called dorm.

Upon entering, the same fragrance of fused scented candles crawled up my nostrils. On door, I spotted Iris who immediately embraced me in a hug,

"Whoa, four years." Iris grinned, "I read your novels all the time."

"And I try to, but you know I'm not the reader type." Dawn sassily added as I giggled.

Paul and Drew were also there and Ash found his way towards them and dissolved into a friendly conversation.

"Where's May?" I asked.

"I'm right here at your service." May appeared from the kitchen in an apron and settled a tray full of cupcakes on the dining table.

I ran up to her and gave her a long awaited hug which she returned.

"Look, I helped Grace with lunch." May smiled as she handed me a cupcake, "Here, try some."

"Wow, it's not burnt. It looks amazing!" I chirped before taking a bite, "Mm! It's delicious. You learnt how to cook!"

"Yep, in your absence, somebody had to take up the baking business." May shrugged.

"Oh, and from baking I remember, Serena, I have a surprise. Come with me." Mom interrupted as she held my wrist and began walking outside towards the front yard.

I, completely clueless, followed her while Dawn, May and Iris snickered behind.

"Ta-Da!" Mom imitated me as she pointed towards a small vintage shop on the top left corner of our front yard that said, 'Serena's Patisserie'. I gasped as I entered the little shop, which was beautifully decorated by neutral pastel colored walls and timbre floorboards, display counters and a cash register on the top right corner, my painting canvases were hung on the walls.

Darn, this was my dream. And now it's a reality.

"If you're good at something, never do it for free." Mom smiled.

"Awh, thanks so much, Mom! I love it!" I spoke with watery eyes as she gently stroked through my hair.

"Enough with the emotional wreck, ladies. The food is getting cold, so we better get going." Dawn chuckled as she left back for the house, followed by us.

The lunch was a three course meal, full of chatters and chuckles. Sharing memories from past never felt as good. Coming from May, the food was extraordinary. And soon, it was time everyone departed for their respective homes.

"Wait up guys!" Dawn interrupted before anyone could leave the table, "In the honor of our reunion after four long years, I've decided to do something special."

"Special?" My head perked up.

"Yeah, in order to relive the old times and memories summer camps, I've worked all night on some maps. We'll go in the forest for treasure hunt."

"That sounds just great." May chirped as she clasped her hands together.

"I -- don't know, I've forgotten everything, all the ways through the forest. I might get lost--" I frowned.

"Oh come on!" Dawn pouted, "I've worked hard on it.

"Alright Alright. I guess it won't be a bad idea anyway. Haven't played one of those in years."

Soon, I found myself in the middle of the same forest. The same greenery of nature's canvas. The same scent of rejuvenating fresh air lingered on my senses. Specks of golden sunlight falling on the leaves. It all seemed so familiar.

"Now, everyone has their maps with them? Our hunt starts from here. Okay, start now." Dawn blew the whistle looped around her neck, "Split!"

I examined the map carefully and cautiously. It was pretty well constructed, it showed that Dawn had mastered the arts and design field and worked quite hard on it.

The only problem was that I didn't know what I was searching for. There just a big 'X' marked about twenty five steps left from here.

Before I could protest, my head rose to find absolutely no one around me. They had all embarked on their quests, leaving me to my self-debate again.

This meant that I had to get going too.

I shook ahead before turning right. I took a few steps only to find a familiar area of the forest. A giant tree was in the center, while it was guarded by a boundary of bushes.

It was where I first met Ash.

My eyes widened as I smiled to my self, I stood on the same spot against the tree where I had fallen last time, flashbacks playing before my eyes. And then, there was a movement in bushes again.

My smile widened as I watched a dear hop out of the bush, but rather than being startled I stayed glued to spot, giggling at the Deja Vu.

And then there was yet another movement in the bushes, and Ash's head emerged from the bushes. My heart sank in adoration.

He spotted me, the corner of his lips curved into a smirk,

"Deja Vu, Eh?" He smiled before reaching me, he kneeled down as he searched for something inside the right pocket of his jeans, perhaps a handkerchief.

"Apparently, I haven't sprained my knee this time." I shrugged before giggling.

"Good for you. But I'm not looking for a handkerchief this time." He smirked before pulling out a blue velvet box from his pocket.

My eyes widened in disbelief. He was smiling, he was kneeling down, there was a box in his hand.

Holy crap.

The word was scrolling in my mind like a news bulletin. I swear I was on the verge of hyperventilating. My mind was going places.

"Serena Sensei Yvonne, I've known you for fifteen years. And all I know is that you're very clumsy. And I am willing to commit myself to nursing your wounds forever. So--" With a smirk plastered on his gorgeous face, he jolted the blue box open to reveal a dazzling Diamond ring glistening in the daylight, pulling it out, he held it towards me, "Will you marry me?"

My heart skipped a beat, two, three and I reminded myself I had to catch my breath. My heart almost busted out of my chest in exhilaration.

This moment was so big for me entirely, I had never felt so privileged in the twenty two years of my life before. It was the thrill in my fairytale. All this setting, it was so agonizing, how Ash remembered that we met at this very exact spot for the first time, exactly fifteen years ago, on the very same date of calendar.

He just stayed there, a heart warming smile on his lips and hopes running like electricity in his eyes. I wanted to cherish every passing heartbeat in this very moment.

I covered my lips that had parted in pure shock, this time I wasn't crying in fear like fifteen years back, but rather tears of joy ran down my cheeks.

"God, YES!" My voice had never been this audible before, it jingled in my ears like Christmas bells.

Ash's smile widened, brighter than ever as he gently tauted the ring on my ring finger before standing up and wrapping his arms tightly around me and twirled me around, giggles escaped my teeth frame as my honey colored hair danced with the wind.

And then everyone else perked out of the bushes cheering, with video cameras in their hands, clapping and hooting louder than ever.

It was all just too beautiful for my tiny heart to take. I couldn't just contain my joy. And that night before going to bed, I knew exactly what I was gonna write for my book's epilogue.

A happy ending.

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