A slave's messed up life (Les...

By OGZelink

91.4K 1.7K 224

This is Laura's story of how she came from a poor family, taken to the slave market and sold to a coven of ro... More

A slave's messed up life Girlxgirl
chapter two
chapter three
Chapter Four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #lol

Chapter Sixteen

2.4K 50 5
By OGZelink

Chapter Sixteen

Alex's P.O.V

This isn't happening, it can't be happening. I don't wanna be pregnant! This isn't fair, why me? David Johnson attached the drip a few hours ago and I just can't sleep. I feel my stomach still trying to come to the realization that there is two future children in me, growing very quickly. 'I don't know what to do, what am I gunna do?' I ask my wolf hoping she will give me a solution since she will be the mother too. "I don't know Laura but try and think of our pack, what do you think our babies will be like, would the pack accept them? I honestly want to keep them since they are my pups no matter what they are, just remember, yes they are hybrid by Steve but you are a werewolf so they will be more werewolf than bloodsucker. Emma will understand."

I sigh knowing my wolf was right, I have to think about my pack but I don't even know how any of them are. I tried contacting them through our pack link but they are too far away to hear me. No matter my mum always keeps her promise and she promised to find me. She promised... I turn on my side with my arms wrapped around my stomach still and doze off to sleep.

*** Trees flooded past as Manvis was running, feeling so free, she dived through the trees and bushes surrounded by her pack. She bolted behind a tree and waited for a few seconds, she loved scaring her pack mates. She hears fast approaching steps so pounces out and tackles the young pups to the ground and lets them jump all over her. She loved playing with them, they were her future. "Nickel, Alexandra get off your mother!" Shouted Emma who was chuckling and leaning against a tree. The young pups ran off into the field and tackled the other pups around their age. "They're little tortures aren't they babe? I love you so much, you know that." Emma spoke lovingly as she stroked Manvis's white snowy fur.

"How is our life so perfect Laura?"***

*The next day*

Emma walked into David's office with her sister and collected Alex's medication and diet plan. She smiled warmly at her love and embraced her in a hug and placed a chastity kiss on her right temple. "So how do you feel today babe?" Emma asked while sitting on the side of her bed with her left arm holding her up on the other side of Alex so she was leaning over her a bit gazing at her mate.   

Alex smiled up at her mistress and nodded, "Yeah, I'm feeling better than I yesterday, are you ok?" Alex replied trying to hide the slight kicking she felt in her stomach. The babies were growing fast and the curve on her stomach was vaguely noticeable. She was just over two weeks pregnant and already she looked like she was four months into the pregnancy! She was happy that Emma was so understanding but expected her to freak out a little more than she already had.

Nicole walked up and stood beside her sister, she smiled down at her sisters mate. "Hope your feeling better today Alex," said Nicole. "Yes I am feeling better today and thank you Nicole for finding me, I never got to thank you but if it wasn't for you I probably wouldn't be here. If you ever need anything just tell me okay?" Alex replied sincerely smiling and reaching for her hand to squeezed it a little. Nicole was about to reply but David cleared his throat, "Your Majesty, Alex has a visitor. Go on ahead." David ushered Taylor over to Emma, Nicole and Alex. She felt awkward and out of place so she did what she thought would be most comforting, Taylor stood just behind Nicole but since she was taller she could still see Alex. 

Nicole looked over her left shoulder and grinned at Taylor and once she received a big grin from Taylor she looked away blushing. 'Stop it Nicole, she's your friend nothing else.'  "Good morning Your Majesties I hope you all slept peacefully. How are you today Alex ?" Taylor asked, Alex nodded still smiling at her friend, "I'm good, I feel better than yesterday anyway. How are you?" She replied, Taylor nodded, "Good and I'm good too thanks. Well I just called in to say hiya, I have to help Sam out with the lunch since the other royals are here. I'll call in and check on you later gotta go, see ya Alex, your Majesty and your h-" Nicole gave Taylor a glare telling her not to call her that, she wants her to treat her as a friend not a royal. Well at least in front of Emma and Alex. "Sorry I mean Nicole, haha don't kill me." Taylor chuckled at Nicole, she really was beginning to think of her as more than a friend, they got along great together and she never once made her feel that the whole incident was her fault, she made her think that she was apart of the reason that Alex was back with Emma within the safety of the castle.

"Your lucky there Tay, I was about to slap you, I told you call me Nicole not your highness or any of that fancy stuff, well at least not in front of Alex and Emma okay?" Nicole smiled meekly at Taylor and Taylor blushed and tried to avoid eye contact, 'Wow she really knows how to make a girl blush and aww she gave me a nickname.' She looked up at Nicole's eyes and she melted, she could feel her heartbeat speed up and she was pretty sure that Nicole, Emma and probably even Alex heard it. "Alright Nicole just in front of the other royals I will address you properly. I'll call back after dinner Alex. See ya's." Taylor bowed to the queen and hugged Alex and Nicole before walking towards the exit. "Oh Taylor, Alex will be in my room today so come to mine if you wish to see her." Emma called out finally remembering to tell Taylor about Alex being moved.

"Alright love what do you say Nicole and I bring you up to our room now, are you ready to go?" Emma asked still leaning over Alex running her hand up and down her left arm. Alex nodded and began to sit up slowly in case she hurt herself and eventually swung her legs over the side of the hospital bed. She held her hands out for Emma to help her up but Emma just lifted her bridal style, "Nicole be the bestest sister and grab Alex's medication please." Emma asked and gestured to the bag on the bed with a nod of her head. After Nicole picked up Alex's medicine Emma placed a bet, "Bet you I can get to my room faster. Even with Alex in my arms." Emma grinned excitedly, she knew her sister couldn't resist a bet. "Hmm what do I get if I win? What are we betting?" Nicole replied curious, she knew her sister knew betting was her weakness, but she only does it for fun, nothing serious. Emma thought for a second then leaned down to ask Alex, Alex whispered back and Emma laughed. "If I win you have to pretend to be a chicken in the middle of our dinner with the other royals, and if you win I'll set up a date with Taylor for you." Emma grinned smugly, Nicole thought about it for a minute, "Come on Nicky you know you want to go on a date with her, just admit it. Even try one date after that it's your decision to take it further or not." Nicole sighed, 'Suppose there's no harm in one date.' "Fine you're on but I'm gunna win you's anyways so you don't needa plan any date." Nicole shot back happy with the reply.

"Hmm we'll see about that little sis, alright One... Two... Three... GO!" Emma shouted then dashed off with Alex clinging on with her arms around Emma's neck and her body as close as she could be with Emma. They raced down the corridors and bounced up the stairs taking two at a time. Then Nicole was suddenly seven steps in front of her sister, she stuck her tongue out at Emma and bolted forward further up the stairs. "Come on baby we need to get them a date." Alex muttered loudly causing Emma to speed up and overtake Nicole. "Look who's winning now, I'll set up the date for tomorrow night." Emma shouted laughing at her sisters reaction. They turned down another corridor and sped down the halls passing the portraits of their ancestors, Emma ran a little faster like she always did near the end of a race. Once Emma and Alex reached their room they both broke out into laughter and cheering, "Told ya little sis I'd have to plan a date, now have you anything in mind for it?" Emma laughed gesturing for Nicole to open the door. She didn't want to hurt Alex and Emma had to pull Alex close into her hurting her a little because of the running.

Nicole sighed and walked forward opening the door, she knew her sister was going to boast about her winning the race, even worse now because she had Alex in her arms! Nicole didn't want to admit it but she was secretly looking forward to the little date, but was afraid if it would ruin the friendship she had with Taylor. 'Hmm maybe, just maybe this could help me move on and what better way to by with a gorgeous, understanding and charming girl,' Nicole thought half-mindedly thinking about the pros and cons of the date. Mostly she was thinking of Taylor, and Emma seemed to catch onto this.

"Aww look at that Alex she's already thinking of her date with Taylor. How cute, if your so excited I'll move it up to tonight." Emma teased while walking over to her bed and placing Alex down gently. Alex laughed at Emma teasing Nicole, it was obvious Nicole liked Taylor and Taylor liked Nicole. Nicole sighed and asked without answering her sisters offer to move up the date where she should leave Alex's medicine. Emma pointed to a nearby table and Nicole set the bag full of supplies and medication down. "Not really a point in me saying because you'll just move it up tonight and not give me a choice, am I right Emma?" Nicole replied bored knowing that Emma wouldn't listen to her answer anyways. "That is true dear sister, ok well I will send for Taylor now so you may leave and get ready for your date, by the way wear something casual. I'm going to be the best sister-in-law to Taylor and give her one of my privileges for the night." Emma replied with a smug smile on her face and leaned down to peck Alex on the lips, she stood, walked over to Nicole and pulled her into a hug. Nicole gave up and hugged her sister back, she knew her sister was just trying to look out for her and help her move on from Marnie and she appreciated it but she just didn't feel right about the idea of being with someone else.

"Go I'll come and see you before your date, be ready by six, I'll make an excuse why you could not attend dinner, don't worry Nicky I know Taylor was a bitch but she was always a lovely person and great slave and I'm sure she won't let you down. If I thought she would then I wouldn't be trying to set her up with you." Emma cooed in Nicole's ear then leading her to the door, she really hoped this worked out for her sister. "Thank you Emma, honestly I appreciate this, you trying to help me move on. Your a great big sister and I couldn't of asked for anyone better." Nicole said hugging her sister again before leaving with a small smile on her face.

Emma closed the door smiling, she looked at Alex and her smile grew. "It's all coming together baby."

Nicole's P.O.V

I don't know what to think exactly, I'm going on a date tonight with my friend who is a slave for my family. I have finally admitted to myself I am starting to like Taylor more than friends would but I just don't want to get hurt or ruin our friendship. Emma's right though I need to try and move on because moping won't get me anywhere and I suppose its been a fair while now even for a vampire. She's just looking out for me as usual, I just want to have a loving relationship like her and Alex. I am walking down the corridor from Emma's room deciding to go to the kitchen for a bit of blood, yes I know disgusting but I need it to live. I don't like to take it, I usually feed of strong animals and drink usually two pints of blood from each animal, not enough to kill them but just enough to satisfy myself. I hated to kill unless it was necessary. On the way to the kitchen I continue to get lost in thought about later tonight with Taylor. She mightn't even go on this date, I don't want her to do something she doesn't want, that's not right. But then again I could convince her it would be a way of getting out of doing the chores. Hmm ah well up to her, I'm just hoping slightly that she will agree to go tonight then we can have a bit of fun even if we still end up as just friends.

I think I will wear my cream butterfly tap tonight and my darkish blue denim jeans with a pair of converse. What is royalty not allowed to dress causal? As I am walking into the kitchen I am hit with the aroma of all different smells. Fish, raw steaks, vegetables, chocolate cake, fresh strawberries etc. all for the dinner tonight with our 'other family'. I sniff the air loving all of the smells mixed together then spot Sam handing Taylor a platter of lobsters to take into the dining hall. I suddenly feel light-headed. Taylor was wearing a white apron and a black uniform with a blue bow tie and she had her blonde hair tied back into a pony tail. Her blue eyes stood out and matched her tie, that's probably why she picked that color. 'Even in her uniform she still looks gorgeous!'  I wobble forward towards her, I am drawn to her. She looks up and sees me approaching and smiles at me showing her pearly white teeth, "Hey Nicole, are you okay? You look a little off balance." Taylor asks me with her left eye brow arched, God she's cute! Damn you cuteness. I chuckle nervously still smiling, "Hey Tay, yeah I'm ok, I just need a bit of blood, haven't fed since we got back from the incident. Ar-" She cut me off, "Ah what type of blood would you like?" She offers setting down the platters of lobsters and opening the fridge where the blood bags are kept. How thoughtful. "Umm A positive if there is any hun." I reply not thinking when I said 'hun', she blushed and leaned into the back of the fridge then handed me the bag, "Drink up Nicky, I'll be right back." Taylor chirped then once again lifted the platters and walked out quickening her pace. Aww I'm actually looking forward to later tonight now. I sit down at the table in the kitchen beside the wall at the side and drank from the bag.

Taylor rushes in not a minute later and looks around for me, finally spotting me she practically skips over and sits facing me. "So, the Queen wants to speak with me now, any idea why?" Taylor asks curious but I could hear the worry laced in her voice. I blush and start to chuckle a little shaking my head no, I hope she didn't suspect anything. She raises her eyebrows smirking at me, "Hmm I'm sure you do, you just don't wanna tell me in case I make you blush again." Taylor said smirking then getting up walking away leaving me sitting there with my mouth hanging open. OMG embarrassing or what! After my momentary shock I jogged after her and grabbed her left wrist causing her to stop and look at me curiously. "Just know that what she is about to say, you don't have to go through with it if you don't want too, but if you do I'll be in my room." I say giving her a warm smile and releasing my hand from around her wrist, already missing her warmth. She furrowed her eyebrows not understanding then smiled and nodded, "Alright Nicky I might see you later then, so can you please tell me what exactly she is gonna say to me?" Taylor begged still not understanding, thank god I don't want to be the one to tell her, 'Oh Emma and I had a bet and if she won I had to go on a date with you', I shake my head no my smile widening slightly showing my teeth. She sighed and shook her head trying to keep a smile off her face, "See ya later N." She calls out before disappearing down a corridor. "Hopefully." I say to myself.

***Six o'clock***

I'm lying on my bed reading this book I am fairly enjoying before hearing a knock on my door. I glance at my digital clock at the side of my bed and notice it was exactly 18:00, the myth that vampires hearts don't beat was false because my heart beat at least four beats. Was it really Taylor? The thing that caught me was that my heart started to beat again... I start my inquisitive journey towards my large bedroom doors and take a deep breathe before smoothing out my t-shirt. I opened the door to reveal a stunning Taylor standing with her left arm behind her back like a classy gentleman. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a bright red t-shirt in red and black high tops. She was gazing right back at my appearance then snapped out of it when she realized I'd caught her looking.

"Hey Nicky, you look breathtaking, umm this is for you." Taylor greets me shyly and pulls a red rose out from behind her back and hands it to me with a smile. I grin and take the lovely rose and smell it loving its scent. "This is lovely Taylor thank you but you are the one who is stunning. Come in and make yourself comfortable for a minute so I can put this in a vase." I say casually gesturing for her to sit on the bed. I sniff the flower again and put it in a vase beside my superking size bed on the table where I set my lamp and digital clock. Luckily I just got rid of some tulips and coronations so I set my rose in that vase with the cleanish water then wandered over to sit down next to Taylor. She smiles and begins, "Ok, so your sister told me that you want to go on a date with me? Something about a bet...?" Taylor questioned confusion laced her voice as she let the word bet linger for an extra few seconds. I blushed then cleared my throat. "Well uh Emma and I had a bet and if she won I had to go on a date with you, I agreed and she won so here we are. I agreed to the bet because I thought 'hey may as well it will be fun' but another part of me thought, 'but it might ruin our friendship' and so that's why I said it was your choice to show up tonight or not. What do you think?" I say sounding worried, I tried to hide it but I failed miserably. I didn't want to have to use those words I literally just say.

Taylor just nodded a smile crossing her lips, "Ok, and what would of happened if you won the bet?" She teased and stood up, "Come on Nicky, the queen is downstairs waiting on us." She extended out her hand for me to take. I blushed and took her hand and we both walked out of my bedroom and headed downstairs. We continued to talk about our day and what we were hoping Emma had planned for us. Knowing Emma it was probably stupid but cheesy. We seen Emma talking with Henry the chauffeur that brought Alex here on the first day all them months ago. Emma spotted us and turned to see us talking then she came and patted our shoulders my left shoulder and Taylor's right shoulder. "Henry here is going to take you's out to the stables. I have planned for you's both to have a romantic horse ride and after it's up to the both of you what to do, I can only plan so far. Taylor, I am allowing you the privilege of taking my horse tonight but do not force the horse to do anything or she won't oblige since you aren't me, be gentle I don't want her returned to me hurt. Take good care of her, but most importantly take good care of my sister." Emma warns but not angry just making sure she understands, Taylor nods her yes, "Yes Your Majesty I will take care of both of them." Taylor smiles bowing her head reaching for my hand. Emma smiles and waves us away but I whisper in Emma's ear, "Can you get Henry to bring a picnic out to the stables around half eight for us? Don't let Taylor know, I want to surprise her. Thanks." Then I let Taylor take my hand and we continue to walk with Henry to the stables.

We continue to talk about random topics, when we got there I mounted my tall white horse Mandy while Taylor was gazing at her and petting her fair hair. I loved Mandy she was now three years old and going for a ride with her always calmed me down, I even brought her to Australia with me, I didn't want to part with my dear friend. She is loyal and rarely bold and comes running to me when I call her, I couldn't of asked for a better horse. Taylor admired her until Henry walked out with Emma's black horse Midnight. Emma has had Midnight for three years but she was four years old. Taylor pet her snout astonished at her beauty. Taylor mounted Midnight no bother which got my attention. "Have you rid before?" I ask curious, she never mentioned it on the way here. "Yeah before I was taken from my family I used to ride all the time, I delivered my families deliveries around town on flower, she was brilliant and sounds just like Mandy only she was a golden creamy color." Taylor replies clearly thinking back to the old memories. God she must miss her family dearly, I only wish I could help her. "Oh that sounds like a lovely memory," unsure of what to say next, "So shall we go?" I ask softly in case she was upset by the memory of her old life. She nodded and clicked her tongue against her teeth and kicked her heels against Midnight just enough to start moving so I follow along beside her and we trot off out of the castle walls...

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