Nicotine | Ashton Irwin ✔

By orangexmint

24.3K 427 41

"So, in some sense," she began, "You find me highly addictive?" she struggled to find the words to explain wh... More



214 4 0
By orangexmint

"So what's you story?" Ara asked tiredly. She clutched the sweater she wore closer to her. She was freezing cold. Chuck had thought it funny to wake her up with ice water.

"What do you want to know?" Clary asked. She sat across the room from her. Chuck and Craig had gone out for the day, so she had removed the tape from her mouth, and began talking with her.

"How do you Craig?"

"He's my father." Clary said.

"Hmm. 'I am my father's daughter'?" Ara quoted.

"Yeah." Clary sighed. "My mother was very young when she met Craig. She was in her first year of college. She was . . . in love." Clary looked down at the floor, picking at it with her fingers. "She was 22 when she had me. Craig stuck around for a few years, and then one day he left. He just, packed his things and he was gone. Said he found someone better. Dana."

"My mother." Ara said, softly. She smiled a little.

"Yes. I had to admit, your mother . . . she was quite beautiful." Clary laughed. "And you, oh my god, you were cute for a one year old. I was three. I was jealous. You all looked so happy."

"I'm sorry he left you and your mother. But trust me-" Ara stopped to sneeze twice. "You were much better off without him." She finished.

"Maybe. But I had to deal with my mother. After she saw Craig with you and your mother she turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with it. When I was four, she was arrested and I was sent away to my aunt's. A year later, my mother returned, all better. She cleaned up and I went to live with her again. I was happy to have my mum back."

"But?" Ara said.

"I was six, you were four. Can you guess what happened?"

"Teddy." She breathed out. "Teddy was born."

"Yes. My mother was furious. And once more she turned to drugs and alcohol. She drank so much she'd pass out on the couch. She would get high every night, and then she'd yell at me, that I was her problem. That if I hadn't been born, her and Craig might still be together. She became abusive. I used to wear so much makeup to hide the bruises in school."

"I know the feeling. You do anything to make sure people don't find out what's going on at home."

"Exactly." Clary said. "Anyways, a couple years later, I was fourteen, I met Quintin, this 'bad ass' if you will. He was two years older than me. Almost two years. He was fifteen, turning sixteen. And I knew exactly how my mother felt when she met Craig. I was crazy about him. And I guess he felt the same way about me. We started off as 'friends' I guess. I was his tutor. He was failing History. Then we started hooking up on Friday nights." She smiled at Ara. "We eventually got together. He was my everything."

"What's the catch?"

"I got pregnant." She said. "I was fifteen. I was scared out of my mind. Quintin was almost seventeen, he was graduating that year. I was so afraid to tell him. I figured he would leave, find someone better. I was five months pregnant before he found out. He was pissed that I had kept that from him. He was so mad that I thought he wouldn't want the baby."

"He stuck around, right?"

"Oh yeah. He stuck around all right. As soon as he graduated, he got himself a job. Said as soon as he had saved up enough, we were going to get an apartment, and live our lives, raise our baby."

"What's your baby's name?"

"Wesley." Clary said.

"Is that why you're doing this? To save your baby?"

"Yes, but there's a whole back story to that."

"I got time." Ara coughed. "It's not like I'm going anywhere."

"About seven months ago, Quintin got into an altercation with his dad. I guess we all got Daddy issues. He got so angry that he shot him in the head. Police took his away, sentence him three and a half years in prison. Craig came to me two months ago around December first. He told me if I helped him, he would pull some strings and get Quintin out of prison so that we could raise Wes properly. I didn't know what he wanted to me to do and I didn't ask questions. I just wanted my boyfriend back. I didn't realize that he would want me to assist in a kidnapping. I wanted to back out but he said he'd hurt my baby. He took Wes away from me. Said that if I didn't do what he wanted he'd hurt him. I couldn't let that happen. I'm sorry Ara. I didn't mean for this to happen."

"I get it." Ara said. "You're protecting your kid. I would do anything to protect Teddy."

"It's funny." Clary said. "He's technically my brother, but he doesn't even know I exist. You were a much better sister than I could ever have been to him if we'd have met." Clary stood up. "I wish I hadn't taken that deal." Clary groaned. "I'm going to prison when they find you, and Wesley is going to be put in foster care. I'm never going to see my baby again." She started crying.

"Clary." Ara breathed. "You won't go to prison."

"Yes I am!" She cried. "I'm a horrible mother."

"You're not a horrible mother. You're not going to prison either. I'll see to that."

"How? I took part in kidnapping you, Ara. Your dad is a cop. He's going to want me behind bars. So is Teddy, and your boyfriend. They're going to want to see me suffer."

"I'll make sure that you're not charged with anything. Craig is blackmailing you. I'll make sure that Liam doesn't arrest you, and that Wes stays in your Custody." Ara said. She breathed out, letting her eyes close.



"Thank you." She whispered.

"Don't mention it." Ara closed her eyes. "Is it cold in here?" She asked.

"No, it's quite warm." Clary glanced at her. "Are you feeling okay."

"N-No." Ara stammered. "I'm t-tired and I'm cold too. Being sick and then having water thrown on you doesn't exactly help." Clary hurried over to her. She placed a hand on her forehead.

"You have a fever." She exclaimed. "That's not a good sign." Clary undid the cloth around her leg, and check the wound. "How's your leg feel?"

"Like hell."

"It's getting infected. You need medicine. Dammit."

"I'll be fine." Ara told her. "I've been shot before."

"You have?"

"Craig shot my mother in the head." She fought to keep her eyes opened and when she did, she looked at Clary, dead in the eye. "He was going to shoot Teddy. Me being the idiot, I jumped in front of him."

"What does he want with you Ara?"

"Revenge. Revenge for putting him in jail, revenge for taking his son away from him. I know he wants Teddy. Wants him back. He's using me, hoping Teddy will do something stupid. But he won't. Teddy's smart enough to know not to go searching for me alone."


The door upstairs opened, and slammed shut as two male voices filled the air. Clary sighed.

"I have to put the tap back on. I need you to try and not fall asleep." Ara nodded. Clary ripped a piece of tape of and placed it back on her. She then moved away from Ara and sat in the chair far off in the corner. The door to the basement opened, and Chuck came stumbling down the stairs. He motioned for Clary to come forward.

"Craig says you can see him." He said. Clary smiled. "Go on now." Clary cast Ara a second glance before hurrying up the stairs. Chuck turned to Ara and smiled.

"Let's have some fun sweetheart."

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