
By tremaCA

4.7K 234 155

Teen fiction + Paranormal An interracial romance novel. "Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he nev... More

I. Chats With Ghosts
II. The Shifters
III. Be Prepared
IV. Acting Normal
V. Restroom Incidents
VI. Psychic Immigrants
VII. Homefront Battleground
VIII. Inquisitive Encounters
IX. That Logan Boy
X. Alcohol and Magic Spells (I.)
X. Alcohol and Magic Spells (II.)
(XI.) - Part One
(XI.) - Part Two
(XXVI.) - Part One
(XXVI.) - Part Two
(XXIX.) - Part One
(XXIX.) - Part Two
(XLII.) - Part One
(XLII.) - Part Two
(XLVII.) - Part One
(XLVII.) - Part Two
XLVIII. The Monster Within
(LII.) - Part One
(LII.) - Part Two
(LIII.) - Part One
(LIII.) - Part Two
(LVI.) - Part One
(LVI.) - Part Two
LXI. In Between


49 1 0
By tremaCA

As a girl, having your period shouldn't mean the end of the world. Of course, hormones could be such annoying, pesky things messing with the mind and twisting the emotions.

Jess was up on her feet as early as seven in the morning, showered and dressed, and taking a walk down the street. Her mom had decided to take that weekend off her period of punishment. Again, she wondered if she had to be ill to get her mom's attention.

Roar by Katy Perry played in her ears through her headset. It brought to remembrance her conversation with Doudall the previous day. An unconscious smile stretched her lips. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had this kind of feelings for someone.

Oh... yeah. She remembered. It had been Espen Halvorsen, a cute, Norwegian heartthrob in her eighth grade days. He was the last son and only child of Ingrid Halvorsen, a member of the board of directors in Microsoft. He wasn't one of the top clique in school, but he was still very popular, though.

Jess had watched him for three terms as he went on with his life and savoured the love of Michelle Dubois. There had been so many times when Jess had wanted to roast the girl alive, then claim Espen for herself.

She wouldn't blame herself. He had compelling sea-coloured eyes, and curly brown hair which Jess didn't doubt was soft enough to run fingers through. She bet there were times when Michelle had done that.

Unfortunately for her, being the "fat kid" meant that she had no place to be any guy's love interest in school. At first, she'd appreciated that spot, until she realised that she'd always have to watch Espen from the sidelines, and lose him forever.

After him, she didn't think she'd develop a crush on anyone again. Until Doudall came. And charmed her away with his sharp eyes and amazing wits. A part of her felt that he had feelings for her, too. Especially with what happened yesterday. The way he'd looked into her eyes with so much concern, brought more than chocolates to make her feel better. The gesture alone was enough to make her heart warm up so much and even melt.

She closed her eyes, still smiling, and thinking about him.


The person she'd collided with held her shoulders before she could fall. She opened her eyes and started an apology. "I'm so-" But her words died off on seeing the person.

Suddenly, her feet became weak. The sky darkened in her imagination. She couldn't feel the air entering and leaving her lungs. The only audible sounds in her ears were her fast heartbeats.

"I thought that I would find you here," the person said.

Jess wanted to talk, but her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth.

"I see you got my message. That girl I sent-Amanda-she gave it to you, right?"

Still, she said nothing.

"Let's go sit somewhere." He looked around and spotted a small café opening up for early customers. "We might get breakfast while we're at it."

Jess stared at him, frozen to the ground. It was him! The ash-blond hair, the pale blue eyes, the thick, foreign accent. He even wore simple, normal clothes. T shirt and tracksuit bottoms. With Converse trainers. There was a towel in one hand and a water bottle in another. As if he'd been doing some jogging before meeting her.

No matter how simple he appeared, Jess could tell by his dense, dark aura that he was no ordinary man.

"Come, Jessica."

Crap! He knew her name. He knew her freaking name! This was bad. She reached into the pocket of her leggings, and turned up the volume of the song on her phone. Then, she stepped aside and walked past him.

She didn't make it far, though. He held her arm before she could take a third step.

"Not so fast, Jessica. We have things to discuss before you continue your morning walk." Though spoken calmly, there was an edge in his tone.

Jess gulped silently, and decided to comply. At least, to prevent him from touching her skin and dragging her to the café. Why had she worn a short-sleeved top today?

The owner of the shop greeted them with so much fervour. Well, it looked like they were her first customers. How lucky for her, Jess thought glumly.

They took seats facing each other at a table, inside. Jess had to fight off her discomfort from showing. She'd have preferred outside. If they talked in public and things happened to go awry, someone could come to her rescue. But inside, every other customer would be minding their business and wouldn't pay attention to her plight until things got worse.

Jess' tongue loosened when she had to give her order to the lady. There was no way in hell she'd let him order for her. "Why didn't you show up then?" she asked him.

"I did. You just didn't find me." He stared right into her eyes as he spoke.

Jess blinked rapidly. Since he had the same mind control abilities as Eric, she had to be careful about keeping eye contact with him. "Really? 'Cause I searched for you-"

"By aura reading." He saw her baffled expression. "I know what you are, Jessica. If I didn't, I wouldn't have sought you out."

"Where were you in the library that day?"

"Not really far, but close enough to see you argue with someone else."

She toyed with her headset that hung around her neck. It had come off after they'd entered the café. "Why didn't you at least show yourself when you saw me walk in?"

"I wanted you to find me yourself, but I learnt that you still judge things wrongly though you see beyond the surface." He draped an arm over the back of his chair, his other arm resting on the table with their fingers tapping the surface silently. "You have a gift that you use unwisely."

She folded her arms. Her face twisted into a frown. "You know nothing about my gift."

The arm on the chair moved forward and joined the other on the table, so he leaned towards her. "Not gift... gifts. You are a walking ball of untameable energy, do you know that?"

Her frown eased a little. "Have you been spying on me? Stalking me?"

He snorted. "You wish. I've been studying you."

"That's almost the same thing."

"And here I thought you're smart," he murmured.

Their breakfast arrived just as she was about to reach forward and slap his hand.

"Croissants and French toast with black coffee for the lady." The tray was set in front of Jess. "Pancakes and maple syrup with Earl Grey tea for the mister," the woman chirped, dropping the stranger's food. She beamed at each person's face. None smiled back. She whirled and hurried away like the breeze.

"As I was saying-"

"You weren't saying anything reasonable." She picked up her mug and sipped. The coffee was hot, thank goodness.

"I was, Jessica, even if you don't agree." He neglected his food, and kept on talking. "You have a lot of potential that needs to harnessed, a lot of gifts that cry to be used. Why don't you see what's right in front of you?"

"I'm seeing right now, and what I see is a nosy nutcase I need as firewood to practise my pyrotechnics on." She slurped her coffee long and hard.

His fingers curled up tight, but there was a smile on his face. "That'd be unfortunate for the both of us."

"I don't see how I can get bad luck from doing that. I'm ridding myself of a pest. At least, that's what pesticides are for." She cut a piece of fried bread with her table knife, pierced it through with her fork, and lifted it to her mouth. She held his gaze while chewing slowly.

He said nothing for a while. Then, he seemed to remember his food. He sipped the lukewarm tea and winced.

"I've seen you multiple times, glimpses though. And most times, you were a douche."

"I did save your brother."

She wanted to correct him and say "half-brother", but left it at that. "So what? I should see you as some knight in shining armour? This ain't the movies. And, besides, I was going to save him before you showed up and stole my thunder."

"Whatever. But if I remember, you weren't nice at all, too. The first time, I asked you a question, you treated me like a stalkerish hobo."

"You deserved that," she shot at him.

His thin lips pressed together. "And the other day you bumped into me. I saved your cake, but you didn't utter a word of thanks."

"You didn't save my cake. You crushed it. It was smashed in the carton after that." She sipped her coffee again. Gosh, it was cooling down. "Waitress! Ma'am! Woman! Whatever! My coffee needs to be heated."

The young man shook his head, and bent it to continue eating.

The woman hurried up to attend to Jess. She took the cup and left.

"How did you get into my school that day? If you were really there." She laced her fingers on the table.

He shrugged. "It wasn't that hard."

"I guess, considering the fact that one can't tell your exact age when one looks at you." She cocked her head, studying his facial features. "Are you a boy or a man? The first time, I thought you were a boy. That day I saw you with... my brother, you looked like a man. How old are you? What's your name?"

He smirked. "It's inappropriate to question a man's age."

She snorted. "It's 'woman' not 'man'. It's inappropriate to question a woman's age. But how old are you, really?"

"None of your business, Jessica." He pushed his cold tea aside and finished his pancakes.

"Well, maybe it isn't. But one thing is." Her coffee returned, steaming hot. She nodded at the woman, and took a big gulp of the hot liquid. "When Amanda gave me the message, her pupils were dilated, as if she was dazed. Afterwards, I asked her about the note, and she said strongly that she couldn't recall giving or telling me anything. She doesn't even recall meeting and taking a note from anyone."

He set down his fork slowly. "Why is that your business?"

Jess tried to ignore the way his voice had turned cold. "Because you don't just go around hypnotising students to get what you want."

"So, I should abide to your rules of proper behaviour." His light eyes became a shade darker.

Jess fought the urge to gulp. "Why did you do that?"

"Why inquisitive about that?"

She hesitated. "Because I want to be sure of the kind of person I'm talking to who's been stalking me."

He shut his eyes briefly, and took a deep breath. When he reopened them, they were back to their normal shade. "I don't mean to scare you, Jessica."

"Well, you're doing a poor job of not trying to, dummy."

His forehead creased. "Dummy?"

"I don't know your name, so anything goes."

A corner of his lips quirked up. "It's Holt."

One brow arched. "Really."

"Never mind. It's Tristan."

"Tristan what?"

"Tristan Doherty."

"Those two don't go well at all."

He smirked fully. "So, you're really smart after all."

She rolled her eyes. "You're giving me your fake name when you already know my real name. Totally unfair."

"You'll get to know me better with time, as we work together."

She nearly choked on her beverage. "What?!"

"That's why I've been looking for you. To help you realise your full potential." He frowned. "What did you think?"

At that moment, what came into her mind was that vision she'd had when she'd tried to trace the writer of the note. The one where he was standing in the midst of chaos. People running, houses burning, grief and confusion thick in the air. How could she work with somebody that might have caused first world problems?

"Hell no!" she said to his face.

He didn't seem surprised. Instead, his shoulders fell in a sigh, and he looked away. "You don't trust me. I get it."

"Good. Now, fuck off. I don't want to have anything to do with you." She dropped her coffee, along with a fifty-dollar bill, and shot to her feet.

Tristan watched her leave without calling her back. He ran a hand through his fair locks and let out another deep sigh. He hadn't expected her to accept his proposal immediately. If she had, she wouldn't be Jessica. There was a reason he'd sought her out. And that reason was going to make her come running-not away-but towards him.

The only problem was, he'd have to do what he hated doing. Wait.


When Connor meant "field work", it wasn't a casual day on a farm with pickets and rakes. If only it were. Those two words translated to intense training that always led to Eric having his butt kicked. Not literally, though.

This time, he was stuck in the basement reading old books that dated back to the fourteenth century. Some he couldn't understand; others, he tried to. His only saving grace was that his father was leaving for Haverhill that day.

He missed lunch and dinner. Immediately Connor left, he dashed out of the underground chamber to take a breath of fresh air.

"What did you learn?" Chelsea demanded the moment he entered the kitchen to get his own food.

"Too much bullshit." He heaped assorted meats on a very wide plate, and took out two full blood bags from the fridge. He examined the blood. "Where did you get these?"

"Don't ask."

He gave her a look. "Hmph. You always tell me your sources." He frowned in thought. "Or you think I'll go there?"

She shrugged.

He huffed out a short laugh. "I'm not that crazy."

"That's what you think." She turned and walked away. "Your father said I should remind you to go to his office tomorrow at ten. Jeffries and Simpson will be there to collect their draughts. Hope you've finished them."

He didn't reply.

She blew out an exasperated breath. "I don't know what the hell is going on with you, but you better get your act together. Things do not go well when you are cranky." Translation: get laid if you have to.

But Eric knew having a casual roll in the hay wasn't going to fix what he was worked up over. He sat down to eat. "You're upset about something else, Mother. What is it?"

She sighed again. "Don't worry, dear. Just... do what you have to do. You're no longer a baby."

He groaned deeply.

"And as for the Starling project, your father and I want you to win."

This surprised him. He stopped chewing. "Since when do you two care so much about what I do in school?"

"When you win the project, you'll know why we're concerned about it."

"Whatever." He delved into his beef steak. What his parents required would've been easier if he was working alone. Unfortunately, he had to work with someone he loathed. Things would definitely not go as planned.


The weekend off meant that Jess could spend time in other people's company. Most especially, Doudall, Karen and John. The latter came because of the other two, though.

Anyway, she enjoyed the jokes, loud talking, video game competitions and all that came with it. For someone who was so apprehensive about friendship, she was starting to enjoy these three's warm company.

That Sunday afternoon, they made so much noise that Guy had to check up on them frequently to know if they were alright. The man still hovered. Although, she'd managed to escape him when she'd gone out the previous day to take her morning stroll, and converse with Tristan. Thinking about the strange blond man caused shivers to run through her.


She snapped out of her thoughts and back to reality. Doudall was watching her closely with concern.

He touched her face. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she whispered.

He nodded at her. They returned to their chess game.

Unknown to them, Karen and John had been staring at them with wide eyes. They looked at each other, then at their friends.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" John whispered to Karen.

"I guess so," she murmured back.

"I've been watching him for some time. Then, it had seemed surreal. Now, I know it's not a joke."

"They both like each other."

He quirked an eyebrow at the blonde. "Well, I'll say crush. It's still on level one."

She cocked her head at him. "What do you know about feelings, Mr Love Expert?"

"I didn't call myself a love expert, Karen. I just mentioned the level of their... feelings." He cast his eyes down at the game console in his hands. "Things would have to go deep before we can say they like each other, and deeper for us to call it love."

"So, basically, it's crush, then like, and then love." She bit the inside of her cheek, nodding in thought.

He shrugged. "Something like that."

"What? Something like that? But you just explained it that way."

John took a shallow breath. "It's not all the time your crush ends up liking you. The crush could become bitterness, then hate. Or it could just go poof."

"Well then." Karen picked up her own console that she'd left lying somewhere on the floor. She opened another game.

"And a few relationships are more complicated than most."

She stared into his eyes firmly. "Hmm. So, if you're not a love expert, what are you?"

He breathed in deeply. "Someone who's seen the world in a whole different picture." He focused on the screen, and joined her to start the new game.

She snorted. "You're only seventeen. What do you know about the world?"

"Age doesn't matter when it comes to exposure and expanding intellect." He glanced at her. "Don't let age restrict you from opening up your mind to certain things, Karen."

She paused her game and held his gaze a moment longer. Instead of replying, she returned to their PS game.

Karen and John left before Doudall. He stayed back to "help arrange the games room". But his friends knew better. They waved him off with bright, wide smiles. Knowing smiles.

The silence that took over seemed to be heavy and awkward. Jess tried to keep herself busy by arranging and rearranging the chess pieces.

Doudall brought the carton to her for them to put everything back inside. Sometimes, their hands brushed against each other, making them pause very briefly before continuing.

Jess ignored all the funny, buzzy feelings she got in her fingertips each time they accidentally touched Doudall's hand.

"You aren't going to Sophia's party?"

She shrugged. "Why should I? After all, I already told her she shouldn't expect me there. Though, I wanted to be there since Eric wasn't going."




She gave him a pointed look. "It's not nothing, if you just snorted like that at what I said."

He sighed. "It's just that you're almost making your life centre around this guy."

"I'm not."

"You are," he quickly retorted. "I mean, you just practically said you would go to Sophia's party just because he's not going. Does his lifestyle determine your choices?"

She paused, and stared at him. "No."

"You're your own person, Jess. Don't let the feelings you have for someone control your attitude."

She hung her head, feeling abashed. "I was only trying to avoid him. I've been avoiding him all week."

"Now, you two are project partners. Well," he sighed out, "all I gotta say is, make the most of it. You're a very smart girl, and I'm sure you'll create a terrific thing that will blow our minds off."

She smiled at the compliment. "To do that, I might make an explosive."

"No, no." He shook his head, chuckling. "I didn't mean literal blowing."

She laughed.

"I hardly hear that sound."

Her head jerked up to look at him. The awe in his eyes made her suddenly shy.

"You have a beautiful laugh."

"Thank you." She lowered her eyes.

He put his fingers under her chin and lifted her head slightly. Again, they made eye contact. "Why don't you always laugh? Or even smile?"

She squeezed her lips together. "There isn't much to smile for or laugh about."

"There is. You just have to cleanse your sight, focus on the good things around you." He cocked his head at her. His fingers still held her chin. "You have happy memories, don't you?"

"Yeah," she whispered.

"Think about them. Close your eyes."

The softness of his voice made her obey. After a few seconds, she peeled them open. And saw that his head had moved closer. While staring into his eyes, she moved closer. He flicked a glance at her lips. That was all the invitation she needed. The next time she closed her eyes, it wasn't to reminisce about the good things. It was for something else.

Their lips met in a slow, soft kiss. Jess gasped at the light contact. She pushed her head forward. He grasped her head with both of his hands, and deepened the kiss.

The exposed skin of her arms felt tingly. A part of her brain buzzed. She had this funny feeling somewhere in her chest. It was weird, but she didn't mind the weirdness.

Soon, he broke off from the kiss. He touched his forehead to hers, brushed his lips lightly against her nose. His heart was still racing in his chest. He could barely breathe normally. His hands felt warm, very warm.

Finally, they pulled apart.

Jess was the first to speak. "I was so not expecting that."

"Neither was I," he said in an off-tone voice.

"Um..." She worried her lower lip between her teeth. "I hope things won't be awkward from now on."

He quickly shook his head. "No, no. Of course not."

"But... this changes everything." Her own words echoed in her head.

"Yeah." His throat worked a swallow. "So, I guess we should make it official."

Her brows rose higher. "How?"

Doudall smiled, and tried a gentlemanly pose. "I would like you to go out with me. Maybe, dinner. Movies. Picnic." He rolled his shoulders. "Anything people do on first dates."

Jess laughed. "Whatever you say, Doudall Ton. But no football, please."

"Of course. I noted that."

"I bet you did."

They finished up with arranging the games room, grinning like idiots, and basking in the new turn of their relationship. Before he left, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek that had her melting on the inside and anticipating their first date.

Jess hurried to her room. She took off her leggings and tank top, and dashed into her dressing room to pick an outfit. After what Doudall had told her, she decided to go for the party. Perhaps, she might have some fun.

She put on a soft tank top sewn with gold threads that shimmered under light. And black jean shorts, held at her waist with a gold chain belt. She put her feet into high ankle boots with four-inch heels. On one ear, she fixed a hoop earring; on the other, she put a dangling one. She slipped many bracelets on her left hand, and only three on her right. As for her makeup, she didn't have to bother Phyllis. She did the little she could with eyeliner and black lipstick.

The finishing touch was tying up her hair in the usual, classic ponytail. Then, she was good to go.

Guy gave her a questioning look when she stepped out of her room, with a purse having a long chain strap slung over her shoulder.

"Don't tell anyone. I'm going out. Call Chris." She marched down to the staircase. Guy followed behind immediately. She walked down the stairs without looking left or right.

It was almost dinner time, and Phyllis would be busy helping to get the food and table ready. Zoe wasn't home yet. She'd been busier lately. Same with Mike. She couldn't say the same about Cody. The kid was mostly holed up in his room.

Chris was already waiting in the garage beside the Bugatti. He held the back door open when Jess got closer. She went in. Guy sat beside her. She gave Chris the address after he'd entered the car. He entered it in the GPS, and drove off.

The party was already in full session when they arrived. The man at the door saw her red card, and let her through.

It was the kind of party Jess expected. Loud music, careless drinking, wild dancing, crazy talking. She couldn't recognise anyone here. Rich kids from different families dressed in various outfits from skimpy to modest.

"Looking hot, babe. Wanna dance?"

Jess scrunched up her nose at the boy grinning at her wolfishly. His dyed hair alone was enough to make her cringe away, besides his bad breath and ugly face.

She meandered her way through the crowd of bodies to where the drinks were. Guy was somewhere around, watching, she didn't care where.

The only drinks they had were punch and cocktails. The man at the bar gave her his attention. He placed his ringed fingers on the table, waiting for her to order. He had a nose ring and other piercings. He wasn't gorgeous, but he wasn't bad looking either.

"What's your order?"

"Orange juice, Sprite, and a dash of rum with a slice of lemon."

His pierced eyebrow rose. "Really? You drink that?"

"Do what you were paid for, and don't ask questions."

He went to work.

Someone sat beside her. She didn't pay attention to the person, until they said, "Hey. I know you. Jessica, right?"

She eyed the boy from the top of his head to the tips of his shoes. Oh. "Huseyn."

"Yeah. Didn't expect you to be here." He dropped an elbow on the table, and twisted his body towards her. "I've never seen you hang around Sophia before."

"I don't. She just invited me."

"Hmm." His own light brown eyes were doing an appreciative study of her appearance.

She felt irritated under his intense gaze. "Are you one of her lapdogs?"

"Huh? Uh... No. I'm her friend."

"Oh." Then, she muttered to herself, "Birds of a feather..."


"Nothing." She took her drink from the bartender. And took a big sip from it. "Nice."

Huseyn faced the man. "I'd have a mimosa." The man nodded, and took out a bottle of champagne.


She turned to see Sophia's redhead friend. "Nice dress."

The girl was taken aback by the compliment. She blinked several times, and glanced down at what she wore. "Thanks."

Jess was surprised at the pink colour on her cheeks. Did she just blush over that? "What does your queen want?"

"Sophia wants to see you. She wanted you to meet her the moment you arrived." She flipped her blazing locks back. Under the dim lights, they had the colour of blood. As if her head was continuously bleeding.

Jess took her drink and followed her through the partying throng, and into a dimmer room. It was large. There were cushioned chairs and glass stools everywhere. At the end of the room, Sophia sat on a chaise longue, with her dark-haired male friend beside her.

There was a big armchair opposite the chaise longue. Jess sat on it.

Sophia ran her eyes over her. Her tongue made a clicking sound in her mouth. "You didn't bother with makeup?"

Jess blinked. "I come here, and that is your major concern. My makeup. Could you be any shallower than you already are?"

Her red lips pressed together tightly. On the other hand, she had made herself up so well. She also wore a dress, one more beautiful than her friend's. It was very short and clingy. Her hair was styled in curls and braids. Again, Jess had to give credit to whoever was Sophia's hairstylist.

"I hope we don't become enemies, Jessica."

She rolled her eyes. "And we won't be friends either."

"It'd be a shame if we don't click well."

"Why is that?"

She took a deep breath. "Because you're somebody important. Very important."

"Really." One of her legs crossed over the other. She relaxed back in the chair. "Are you running background checks on random students now?"

"Not really. I don't just talk to random students."


Her fingers reached up and tucked a curl behind her ear. "You and your family went off the radar four years ago. When you came to Einstein High, I realised why. Jessica Snowden. Your mother married Borgata's CEO."

"So?" She wondered where this was heading to. But, right before Sophia spoke, it instantly clicked in her brain.

There was a dramatic pause. "Jessica Curtis, you're the heir to Zarac Unlimited, partner to Dolin Corp for ten years."

Her fingers curled up around the edge of her purse. "My elder sister is the heir."

"So are you. You're both inheriting your father's company."

Jess frowned. "How do you know all this?"

"I have my sources," she simply said.

"Huh. So, what does this have to do with me?"

"Everything. I want us to be partners."

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she screamed, Not again. "Why?"

"I want you to help me get rid of my father."

The earth tilted. "What?!"

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