See You Again

By blasianhippyy

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One summer changes sixteen-year-old Anayla's life. More



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By blasianhippyy

Anayla smith
August 29,2009.

I sat on my bed, finishing up the last page of my book. I'd stopped painting as much and resorted to reading. The rest of the summer had flew by. It was now August and I was returning back to Georgia.

I spent these last few weeks couped in my room. It was a daily routine. Sleep, eat, read and repeat.

For the first time, I was actually ready to go home. I couldn't stand being in Virginia any longer, especially with all these bad memories.

I tossed Thirteen Reasons Why, the book I just finished, into my suitcase before zipping it up. Jay Asher had become my favorite author. His content was well thought out and original, plus I shared a lot in common with most of his characters. More specifically, Hannah Baker from the book I'd just finished. She was a teenager in high school who was being bullied which eventually lead to her killing herself.

I was never severely bullied or anything like that but we shared similarities. We thought alike, we were outcast and we were both raped.

"Ready to go?" Paige entered the bedroom and plopped besides me. She was dressed in a skintight dressing, looking like a damn super model.


"You know you can talk to me about anything Nay." She reached out to push a strand of hair behind my ear. I'd been super quiet since the incident, you would've thought I was mute. Of course this raised some speculation for Paige but I really didn't want to talk about it. I was trying to put it behind me.

"Mhmm." Sliding my jacket on, I picked up my suitcase and started down the stairs leaving her sitting on the bed.

"I got it." Christian rushed up the stairs to help with my belongings. I shot him a small, closed-mouth smile in return.

While he carried my things to his car, I hugged my aunt goodbye. She kissed me and told me she'd see me next summer, which I doubted.

Next was Chris. I was still a little embarrassed of how he'd seen me a few weeks ago. I was a mess, leaving the clinic. He'd taken me out to this painting joint. He tried to convince me to paint but I wasn't in the mood so I just watched him, which was really soothing.

"See you lil bit." He wrapped his long arms around my fragile body.

"Bye Chris."

His lips moved closer to my ear and he whispered, "You'll be alright okay?"

I nodded before mumbling another goodbye and rushing outside. All I could think about was how wrong he was. I wouldn't be alright.


June 26,2010.

"Thank you." I handed the taxi driver a twenty dollar bill and hopped out. He popped the trunk and I quickly grabbed my Louis Vuitton suitcase.

The driver pulled off and I stood in the middle of the street for a second, staring at the familiar house. The house I come to every summer. My second home.

I promised myself I wouldn't come back here but, here I was. And to my surprise, I was happy to be back. I was going to make sure this was the best summer ever to make up for last years.

My aunt Kahn's car wasn't in the driveway so I assumed she was working. I'd gotten to VA a day earlier than planned so I was hoping someone was home to let me inside.

Sighing, I walked up the walkway, only to see that the door was unlocked. Which was weird because my aunt definitely didn't play that, especially with the neighborhood they lived in.

I stepped inside and dropped my bags at the door. The sound of a headboard smacking the wall echoed throughout the house. Slowly, I proceeded up the stairwell. Of course, the sound was coming from my cousins room. As I approached, I could hear her whining.

I crept up to the door, pushing it open. My cousin laid face flat on her mattress while Ramon penetrated inside of her. I'd never seen something so disgusting. Not just because my cousin was having sex, but she was having sex with someone other than Chris. His bestfriend on top of that.

"What the fuck!" Ray spat, falling back against the mattress. They both scrambled to cover their naked bodies.

"Anayla, w-what are you d-doing here?"

"W-w-what a-a-" I mocked her stuttering."What the hell are you doing is the question?"

"Its not what it looks like."

I pursed my lips in disbelief. Just when I thought I was wrong. Just when I thought she'd changed and she was going to do right be Chris. But no, she was the same ole' cheating, scamming, betraying ass girl she'd been since she was a kid.

"This the same cousin that come every summer? Gah' damn, she ain't bony no' more. How old are you? Bout' seventeen."

I just stared at him, my lip curled in disgust and anger.

"Wanna join?"

"Fuck you, perv. I'm sixteen and even if I was of age, I'll be damned if I ever lay down with you."

I dashed down the stairs, ignoring Paige's calls for me. I grabbed my purse and shot out the door, gasping for air. My heart was beating so fast as if I was the one who'd just gotten caught committing treason.

"Lil' bit?"

He was dressed in a Nike jogging suit with Jordan's, his keys dangling from his hands. He looked like he matured a lil over the summer. His face was a little more structured and his jawline poked out a bit.

"Chris?" I jumped up in surprise, pouncing onto him without thinking.

"Whoa." He chuckled, holding my legs to support my weight. I'd definitely gained some pounds and started to "fill out". My friends back home assumed it was because I was having sex out here.

"She been getting some bomb d out there in the white mans land."

"Stop calling it that." I rolled my eyes at my new close friend Sky. She assumed there was nothing but land and white folks out in Virginia.

"Girl whatever. But, you went from a toothpick to thick in three months. How that work? Be honest, were you having sex?"

I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from crying. If only she knew. I just stared into her hazel eyes, not answering. What was I supposed to say?

"You were! Bitch how did you loose your virginity before me?"

It's not like I wanted to.

"You missed me huh?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and giggled nervously, planting my feet back onto the cement."Whatever. Is it me or did you get a bit taller? And you dyed your hair!"

"Nah, I think you got a lil shorter. And yeah, I wanted to try something different." He ran his hands through his blonde curls. His bushy brows furrowed as he eyed me. "You done grew up on me lil bit. Your not skinny as hell anymore, and you wearing makeup now?"

"A lot has happened in a year." I shrugged. Which was the truth. Last summer had a big impact on me, which caused me to change a lot.

I'd become more outgoing, making new friends, ditched the painting and reading and was now into hair, makeup and raunchy clothes. I didn't like the old me so I was trying to turn myself into someone I'm not.

"I see." He rubbed at his goatee before glancing behind me."Paige here?"

"No." I answered almost too quickly."I don't know where she went."

"Well tell her I came over, I was tryna take her out."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I felt really bad. Was I supposed to tell him what I'd just witnessed? Was it my place?

"Hang with me." I blurted, shutting the front door behind me. I didn't want to be around my cousin at the moment. He squinted at me for a second.

"I mean, I guess I could hang with you. It ain't shit else to do." He smiled smugly, heading towards his car.

Laughing, I rolled my eyes."Whatever, I'm more fun than you think."

He chuckled, side eyeing me."Where this little voice and attitude come from? Last summer you were damn near mute."

I shrugged, leaning onto his vehicle."I've changed. Now, give me your car keys."


"Cause' your about to teach me how to drive."

These chapters have been boring as hell, I know. We're slowly but surely getting to the good part. Bear with me lol

I need more comments & feedback!


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