But You Already Know That (Bi...

By DeathToLurkers

81K 2.7K 1.6K

I never really published one of my billdip stories... Idk why I just didn't. So here. Take it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chatper 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Or what would have been)

Chapter 19

2.1K 90 73
By DeathToLurkers


Dipper's POV

I cover my head with a pillow growling in frustration. I can hear the muffled conversation of Bill and Mabel.

"Oh my god. Seriously?! She just admitted that she liked you! Not in a friend way you idiot! Her best friend is more of a boyfriend then you'll ever be!" I hear Bill angrily yell.

"Ehehe, you'll be happy how it ends then..." Mabel whispers.

"They get together?! Thank Axolotl!"

"I think we should watch something else, you are getting wayyyy to worked up on this anime."

"W-Wha?! You can't just cut me off now!"

"No no! This one you will love! It's called, Assassination Classroom! It is soooo good! I think you will like it a lot!"

I slowly remove my head from the pillow, I can't sleep if Bill and Mabel keep talking all night.

"That one sounds right up my alley! Are their any triangle demons?!"

"Well... No, but their is a yellow octopus!"

"Ohhh! I'm intrigued shooting star... Go on, go on..."

I scream in frustration and slam my face into my pillow, of course Bill runs into my room and kicks the door open.

"What's wrong?!" He yells, I glare at him.

"You are! Could you too just be quiet for one night?!" I shout, tiredness consuming me.

Bill flinches at my words and nods, he shuts my door. I listen to his footsteps and try to ignore the quiet whispering between Mabel and Bill.


Rubbing my eyes sleepily, I wake up to see Bill asleep next to me. Snoring.

I jump away and let out a yelp. Mabel looks in and laughs.

"Oh yeah, he said he couldn't go to sleep when you were asleep, then he went to check on you and didn't come back. Guess he fell asleep."

I groan rubbing my eyes. "That's why I had a dream about Japanese school girls..." I groan.
Mabel laughs "yeah that would be right." She looks at him, and smiles up at me. "I... I think you're right Dipper. He really seems... More human then ever."

Bill suddenly shoots up and we both scream.

"Don't you fucking DARE WISHHhhhh-" He stops mid sentence and turns slowly to face us, he smiles sheepishly "hhhhhhhhhhhhaahahaha good morning."

My eyes narrow. "Wish? What did Wish say? Can he talk to you through dreams?" I ask quickly.

Bill keeps nervously chuckling "Hahaha no! I literally just had a dream, justttt a dream." Bill sighs tiredly. He rubs his eyes and groans.

"You really need to sleep, or at least control your dream powers or whatever." I suggest.

"Yeah I'm getting better, I didn't stay too long in your head I think!" Bill chuckles.

"Long enough." I growl, reminding myself of all the annoying girls yelling "SENPAI"

"Eheh.." Bill says, the bags under his eyes have barely decreased. Mabel takes note of this and goes to grab him some coffee.

"Bill..." I growl once Mabel is out.

"Just a dream I swear!" Bill interrupts knowing what I will say.

"You don't just 'dream' Bill. What did Wish say?" I ask.

He looks at my bed sheets and starts playing with some loose thread. "It was so just a dream..." He mutters.

"Oh come on you're acting like a child!" I snap, he jumps back.

"We just... Need to leave soon. I have a feeling..."

I narrow my eyes, "Is Mabels body hurt?" I ask sternly.

"No! Your Grunkles have tied her down, they feed her and stuff just... Wish has given up pretending." He explains.

Mabel bursts back in and gives Bill a coffee.

"Thanks.... Umm what is this?" He asks curiously.

"Coffee." Mabel and I say at the same time. He looks at the liquid and takes a slow sip, before shooting up and grinning.

"DAMNN THIS STUFF TASTES GOOD!" He chugs the rest down delightfully.

"So Mabel, pack your things. Tonight we are going back." I tell her.

"Back?" She says her eyes hopeful, we hadn't been back in many, many years.

"Yeah." I say, looking out my window as the light starts to shine down on us. "Back to Gravity Falls."

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