Book 1: Awakening (The VIth E...

By AdeleRoseAuthor

39.1K 1.9K 702

'One person on their own may be able to save the world. But a team of friends, all working together, have a m... More

Chapter 1: Alex
Chapter 2: Alex
Chapter 3: Alex
Chapter 4: Alex
Chapter 5: Alex
Chapter 6: Alex
Chapter 7: Alex
Chapter 8: Alex
Chapter 9: Alex
Chapter 10: Alex
Chapter 11: Alex
Chapter 12: Alex
Chapter 13: Alex
Chapter 14: Alex
Chapter 15: Alex
Chapter 16: Alex
Chapter 17: Hecate
Chapter 18: Alex
Chapter 19: Alex
Chapter 21: Alex
Chapter 22: Hecate
Chapter 23: Alex
Chapter 24: Alex
Chapter 25: Alex
Chapter 26: Alex
Chapter 27: Alex
Chapter 28: Alex
Chapter 29: Alex
Chapter 30: Alex
Chapter 31: Alex
Chapter 32: Alex
Chapter 33: Alex
Chapter 34: Alex
Chapter 35: Alex
Chapter 36: Alex
Chapter 37: Hecate
Chapter 38: Alex
Chapter 39: Alex
Chapter 40: Alex
Chapter 41: Alex
Chapter 42: Alex
Chapter 43: Alex
A Message From The Author
X A Short Acknowledgement X

Chapter 20: Alex

627 39 17
By AdeleRoseAuthor

The nurse was lovely, although she was spoken to rather gruffly by Miss Beast, as she entered the room. However, I realised that Miss Beast seemed to be someone who was always talking to people in an unfriendly way. Consequently, as if it were nothing new, the nurse met her arrival with nonchalance.

"Got a pupil for you Mrs Frost," Miss Beast said curtly, placing me down on one of the medical tables rather harshly. "She's got a nasty injury to the side of her head."

As soon as her name was called, Mrs Frost was by my side in a flash. She had greyish hair, a petite form and bright, kind blue eyes.

"Oh dear, you poor thing," she said, wincing as she saw my bruise. "That looks very unpleasant."

She turned to Miss Beast.

"Thank you Louise for bringing her here. She needs urgent medical attention, as head wounds can be serious."

The instant Mrs Frost had said Miss Beast's first name, I was taken aback by how soft it sounded. Miss Beast was a woman with such a strong, powerful build and dominant personality that her first name didn't sound right. All the same, Miss Beast nodded sharply, before she turned to leave.

Mrs Frost wasn't done talking.

"Oh and Louise," she continued, smiling softly. "I've got your special medicine with me - you know the one that helps you control your temper, if you would like to collect it? I finished making it last night."

After Mrs Frost had finished, I noticed how Miss Beast looked as if she wanted to crush the nurse with her little finger. Eventually, she muttered a gruff thanks under her breath, nodding. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from meeting my eyes with a gaze that said: "If you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll hunt you down and smash you into pieces."

I stayed silent whilst Mrs Frost dealt with her fellow staff member, before Miss Beast really did leave, much to my relief. Subsequently, I was left to be attended by the delicate hands of Mrs Frost.

As soon as Miss Beast was gone, Mrs Frost set about inspecting my bruise.

"Quite a bump that is," she muttered before she hurried away and came back with a small, empty, plastic bag. "Let me deal with it immediately."

As if on cue, the magic began.

Once she had the bag clutched tightly in her hand, I watched how it suddenly became very cold within the room until, to my amazement, the bag began to fill with ice.

I let out a small cry of wonder.

"Wow," I breathed out slowly. "You have ice powers!"

After she had finished making the ice pack, she motioned to me to put in on my head.

"And there was me thinking that you would have healing powers, being the academy's nurse?"

Slowly, Mrs Frost smiled at my clear astonishment.

"I often get that reaction," she grinned, her blue eyes flashing in delight and amusement. "And I suppose it would make more sense," she continued. "After all, people would be healed at a quicker rate if it were so. However," she added, "in my opinion, my powers being what they are keeps things more interesting, in addition to the fact that I'm pretty hot on my medicines and remedies."

I couldn't help but laugh as I heard Mrs Frost's argument as to why she should be allowed to keep her job. Clearly, Vladimir didn't have any objections with her work, as I was sure that she had been at the academy for quite a long time.

After I had finished laughing, I decided to reveal my own talent.

"I suppose your power's similar to mine," I told Mrs Frost, "as I can control the element of water."

At hearing this snippet of information, Mrs Frost's eyebrows raised in intrigue.

"Well...that's an interesting talent. We've had air, fire and earth benders at this academy, but we've never had a water bender. I don't know why that is."

As soon as I heard this revelation, my stomach tightened in excitement and surprise. This was an amazing fact and it shocked me to think that I was presently one of a rare kind. Still, I was pleased to hear that there were fellow students, at this academy, who could control an element like me. Mrs Frost brought me back to reality, as she handed me my medication.

"This bottle and small bag contains paracetamol, a special medicine that was made by my own two hands and ice packs," she explained. "In a few days, if you take the medicine regularly, the bruise should be gone. However," she finalised, "for now, if you would like to have a sleep in the medical beds over in the other room, up until lunchtime, you're more than welcome."

I thanked her profusely, which she waved off with her hand. After deciding to try and have a nap, as I came over feeling somewhat nauseous, I was just about to fall asleep when I heard the rustling of clothes. Instantly, the temperature in the room dropped and I knew that it wasn't Mrs Frost's doing.


Instead, it was the fault of someone else.

Turning over as if to make it look like I was sleeping, I kept my eyes closed, although I ensured that I could still see what was going on through the gap in my eyelashes.

My heart dropped.

Standing a few feet away from my table was the mysterious woman with the cold eyes. I felt her icy stare searching mine out, even though she assumed I was asleep. I found it hard not to open my eyes. Soon, the mysterious woman pulled her attention away from me and set about talking to Mrs Frost, who clearly was as unnerved as I was.

"H...H...Hecate," Mrs Frost stammered and immediately, my blood ran cold.

I realised that the mystifying woman's name couldn't have suited her more. It was another name to add to the growing list titled: 'Fitting first names', which included Miss Beast.

"I...I didn't expect to see you here. Is there a particular reason as to why you've visited my ward?"

Slowly, Hecate once more flicked her gaze onto me before she spoke, her voice as freezing as her eyes.

"As a matter of fact there is Linda," Hecate said, every word emphasised. "I've come here with regards to a particular subject of interest and, rather conveniently, it's to do with the girl you've just been dealing with."

At hearing this comment, my heart rate increased and I became fearful that I would give myself away. However, managing to stay as calm and collected as I could, I pushed down my mounting terror and concentrated on listening to what Hecate had to say. After listening to Hecate, Mrs Frost made a strange noise in the back of her throat - a similar noise to the one Vanessa had made previously. Nevertheless, knowing what Hecate was capable of, she answered her.

"What is it that you want to know?" Mrs Frost asked, frowning slightly in confusion and concern on my behalf.

Hecate merely ignored her.

"Firstly, what's the girl's name?" she asked, looking around for a medical record.

Mrs Frost didn't need to get mine out, for she already knew the details after dealing with my injuries.

"Alexandra," Mrs Frost replied, a little too quickly for her liking, although she put it down to Hecate's presence. "Her name's Alexandra Raven."

At hearing this clarification, Hecate let out a sigh. It was almost as if this news had released her of a troublesome thought.

"And what's the nature of her powers?" Hecate further enquired.

At hearing this question, Mrs Frost paused, now becoming unsettled by this interrogation. All the same, it was as if Hecate had an unspoken power over her and, against any doubts, she revealed all.

"She's an elemental controller," Mrs Frost explained, swallowing uncomfortably. "More specifically, she can control the element of water."

Once again, Hecate seemed to emit sentiments of relief and even some surprise at this answer. Thankfully though, the questioning was over...for now.

"See to it that Alexandra gets the maximum rest," Hecate abruptly demanded, making Mrs Frost jump, as she directed her pale hand towards the "sleeping" me. "And the best medical care. After all, that bruise she's received looks positively awful." She turned to go. Realising that she had forgotten something, she added in a final comment. "Oh and lastly Linda, when Alexandra awakens, tell her that all of her clothes, books and belongings are back in her dorm room. I sent a few members of staff to collect them when I found out what had happened to her." Then, without another word and with one last look at me, Hecate was gone in a swirl of black lace. The temperature of the room resumed its previous level.

After she was gone, I heard Mrs Frost breathe out. Clearly, she had been worried that she was about to experience more of Hecate's unusual behaviour and questioning. As my mind raced with a thousand thoughts, I noticed the concern in her eyes. She gazed at me in a way that unnerved me. After all, it was a well-known fact that anyone who interested Hecate would end up experiencing a dark fate. It was also common knowledge, on an even more sinister note, that the person of interest could more or less, one day, in whatever shape, way or form, end up as good as dead.


So we've met Mrs Frost now and yes, if you were wondering, it was intentional to have her control ice rather than have healing powers. I wanted her powers to be different as she explained. We also find out more about Hecate's mysterious past. What does this mean for Alex?

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